Library Trustees Minutes Oct 22 2024.docx City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: October 22, 2024, 5:00 P.M. Place: 32 Essex St. Board members present: Margaret Altman, Mary Behrle, Dominic Copeland, Ivy Mahan, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio Board members absent: Marshall Handly, Cathryn Keefe O'Hare, Colleen Michaels, Others present: Allison Babin, Meghan Karasin Recorder: Meghan Karasin Kevin O'Reilly presided. Meghan Karasin stated that the meeting was being recorded. Mary Behrle made a motion, seconded by Joanne Panunzio, to accept the minutes of the meeting of September 24, 2024. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: No report. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: No report. Report of the Library Director 1. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget: Overall everything is on track. The buy-back sick time line is 214% spent due to a payout from a retirement. It's a relatively small overage, and because this position is currently vacant, we will be able to make a transfer from the full time line to this line to cover it. Some money has been transferred from the repairs line to the bookmobile maintenance line. 2. Building/Vehicle Issues: The main library needed new motors in two of the air handler units. Those repairs have been made, but invoices haven't come in yet. There are no updates on the larger HVAC project. The last meeting with the Mayor on this topic was on September 6. Hopefully there will be more information for the next meeting. The bookmobile air conditioning unit has arrived, but still needs to be installed. The generator is working well at the moment. We did receive a quote ($15,000)to replace the generator, but there are no plans to replace it at this time. Ivy Mahan asked how many miles get put on the bookmobile each year. Allison Babin will have that information and the total odometer reading at the next meeting. Joanne Panunzio asked how much is spent a year on repairs for the bookmobile. Allison Babin stated that it is around $3,000, but this year is an anomaly. Dominic Copeland joined the meeting at 5:15PM A bench has been installed at the Farms branch, on the Vine St. side of the building, in honor of Jerry Guilebbe. The library union has been in contract negotiations with the city. They have settled, with a contract covering July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027. One of the agreements was that the library will be closed on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Most public libraries are closed on this day. The union staff did always have a second day off- either Wednesday or Friday, but as most staff requested Friday off this made scheduling very difficult. The library will be open Saturday and Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend 3. Community Engagement. The Friends book sale is Saturday November 16 through Saturday November 23, with a preview night Friday November 15 for members of the Friends. The friends are actively seeking new-ish donations. This Thursday is downtown trick or treat. Allison Babin and Katie Marsh will be dressed as Bluey and Bingo and handing out candy in front of the bookmobile. 4. Collections/Services: The library has a new 3D printer, funded by the Friends, which will launch next month. The library is developing a decodable readers collection for the children's room. These are resources for grades K-2 to help teach kids to read. Margie McClory, Head of Childrens, and Meghan Karasin, Assistant Library Director, attended a Massachusetts Library System (MLS)webinar where the Goodnow Library in Sudbury described their process in creating this collection and provided a huge amount of resources for other libraries to get started. This will fill a need we have in the children's room, with families asking for assistance and resources on how to help their children learn to read. We see this as complementing the work of the schools and will reach out to staff there to collaborate. In order to fund the collection, Meghan Karasin reached out to Sandra Reinecke, who had donated previous funds to support the adult collection. She generously agreed to allow us to use $5000 of these funds to build these literacy resources, and contributed an additional $500 to the project. Dominic Copeland commented that as a teacher, he is seeing literacy gaps at the high school level, particularly after COVID. Students in the 9th grade are often lacking the decoding skills they should have developed earlier in their education. 5. Personnel: We are conducting interviews for the Assistant Circulation Librarian position. Head of Teen Services Katie Nelson was chosen to be a part of the cohort of PLIX Library Ambassadors, which is composed of library professionals from 14 libraries across the US. PLIX stands for Public Library Innovation Exchange and is a project at MIT Open Learning. The ambassadors will share STEAM programming ideas and support each other in offering more of this type of programming for their communities. 6. Programs: Upcoming adult programs include Beverly Bird Walks, Living Room Conversations on navigating political differences, and a program on Bigfoot. Teens have Dungeons and Dragons, Downtown Cleanup, and a Murder Mystery Party. Children's programming includes story times, Lego Club, and Music with Dara. Communications None at this time. Unfinished Business None at this time. New Business Trustee Terms. The trustee terms of Cathryn Keefe-O'Hare, Marshal Handly, and Ivy Mahan will expire on January 31, 2025. Ivy Mahan wishes to renew her term. Allison Babin will follow up with Marshall Handly and Cathryn Keefe-O'Hare. List of Documents/Exhibits • Draft minutes of the September 24, 2024 meeting • FY 2025 Budget report as of 10/21/24 The next regular meeting of the board is November 14, 2024 at 6PM in person at the main library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50PM