20241217084936607 City of Beverly
Regular City Council Meeting
Public Meeting Minutes C 11,
Monday,November 12,2024,7:00pm PECEi`='
City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Ca I
2U24 rjFC I I P 12: 2U
Julie Flowers, City Council President,called the meeting to order at 7:01PM. City Clerk,Lisa Kent, took
attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Julie Flowers, Hannah Bowen, Brendan Sweeney,Todd Rotondo, Danielle Spang,
Steven Crowley, Scott Houseman, Kathleen Feldman, Matthew St. Hilaire
Members Absent.None
Also Present: Mayor Cahill,Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Assistant Finance Director Amit Chhayani,
Assistant City Solicitor Beth Oldmixon, Director of Grants Catherine Barrett, Budget Management
Analyst Gerry Perry, Director of Public Services Michael Collins, Purchasing Agent David Gelineau,
Airport Manager Gabriel Hanafin, Director of Sustainability Erina Keefe.
Councilor Crowley led the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence was held for Mark Foster.
Moment of Silence:
Mark Foster, founding member of Massachusetts Task Force 1.
President Flowers commended Mark's dedication to his community and helping others.
Order#310-Beverly Fire Department.
A motion to approve was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). At 7:11 PM a
motion to take a five-minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). The
meeting was called back to order at 7:16 PM.
Presentations,Awards and Memorials:
Beverly 400 group-Julie DaSilva Secretary of the Executive Board presented to the Council an update on
the organization's progress.Board of Directors member Sydney Sweeney and Vice President of Beverly
400+Medley Long III spoke about future fundraising events and sponsors.
David Alden St.Pierre,Open Space and Recreation—David addressed the Council regarding the Open
Space and Recreation Committee's ongoing and completed work.
Public Hearings:
Order#288—7:45 PM-National Grid-WR#30992374 to install underground facilities on Margin Street.
The public hearing was opened at 7:45 PM. A representative from National Grid was not present and no
members of the public came to speak on this matter. A motion to continue the public hearing to the
November 18'',2024,Council meeting at 7:45 PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion
Order#283—7:55 PM-A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to authorize the city to order eight
electric school buses and charging infrastructures.
President Flowers opened the public hearing at 8:00 PM. A motion for a five-minute recess was made at 8:03
PM. and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).President Flowers called the meeting back to
order at 8:08 PM.
Mayor Cahill,Assistant Finance Director Amit Chhayani,Director of Sustainability Erina Keefe,Director of
Public Services Michael Collins,and City Council Budget Analyst Gerry Perry provided a summary and
answered questions regarding the purchase process and future usage of the electric school busses. Citizens
who signed up to speak in this public hearing addressed the Council for two minutes each,their names and
addresses are as follows:
Paul Drake,8 Bartlett Street
Kris Melanson,24 West Dane Street
Meghan Walsh,3 Blake Street
Stefany Shrayer,2 Duck Pond Road
Jan MacDonald,48 Water Street
Caleb MacCaulay,3 Henderson Road
Kate Cannon, 182 Bridge Street
Travis Shultz,65 Boyle Street
Michele Barber,28 Bosworth Street
Laura Newton,9 Gardner Street
Samantha Harris, 161 Lothrop Street
Maeve Harris, 161 Lothrop Street
Christine Mezza,40 New Balch Street
Mike Collins,67 Lovett Street
President Flowers closed the public hearing at 9:15 PM. and referred the matter to the Committee on Finance
and Property for further action.
A motion was made for a recess at 9:15 PM. and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
President Flowers called the meeting back to order at 9:19 PM.
A motion to break for subcommittee work was made at 9:19 PM. and was seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).The meeting was called back to order at 9:37 PM.
Order#270--8:15PM-A loan Authorization in the amount of$24,600,000 to fund the City Hall
rehabilitation project.
President Flowers read a letter from Mayor Cahill requesting to withdraw the request included in order#270
to yield more refined cost estimates and project scope.President Flowers clarified that since the order has
been withdrawn,it no longer exists.Therefor the public hearing for this order is cancelled.
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
Order#291-Donation-A$500 donation from Mr.James H.Modugno to purchase uniforms for the Beverly
Police department.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#292-Grant-A$1,459,000 grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Accelerating Clean
Transportation School Bus Fleet Deployment Program to support Beverly Public Schools fleet electrification.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#293-Grant A$15,000 Cultural District Incentive grant from the Mass Cultural Council to support the
Beverly Arts District.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Beverly 00 Council Meeting Minutes—November 12,2024,page 2 of 6
Order#294-Grant-A$15,000 grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts in partnership with the
Metropolitan Area Planning Council to support more equitable public art.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property,
Order#295-Grant-A$11,750 Title III B grant from SeniorCare to support the Council on Aging's Outreach
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#296-A budget transfer request of$36,112 into the Library Department budget to fund costs
associated with the recently agreed upon Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Beverly and the
Library Employees Chapter of the AFL-CIO union. (set public hearing)
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#297-Appointment Christian Heath, 5 South Hardy Street to the Historic District Commission.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#311-Approval of a Leases with Air Bear Aviation.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Communications,from other City Officers and Boards:
Order#298-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for Brito Corp d/b/a Auto
Dyne, 8-10 Railroad Ave.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#299-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for H&H Holdings,
LLC/Beverly Auto Top&Upholstery,78 Cabot Street.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#300-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for BM Best Auto Sales,
42 Park Street.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#301-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for Burgess Auto Sales
and Service, 18 Lothrop Street.
This order was held at the request of Spang.
Order#302-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for Lion Gas and Auto
Service,Inc.,44 Enon Street
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#303-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 Motor Vehicle License for Michaels Auto,2
School Street.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#304-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle License for CJ Motors Inc,,360
Rantoul Street.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
.Beverly City Council Meeting,Minutes—November 12,2024,page 3 of 6
Order#305-Francis Golden,Chief Assessor-Request to set a public hearing relative to the allocation of
Fiscal Year 2025 tax levy percentages.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#306-Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt a local option veteran property tax
exemption created through Section 23 of Chapter 178 of the Acts 2024.
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#307-President Flowers-An appointment letter for David Dines to serve on the Parking and Traffic
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs,
Communications,Application and Petitions:
Order#308-Summary of September 18,2024,meeting for 150 Sohier Road,Former Varian Facility Site.
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
Order#309-Alan Taubert Jr.,Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board Annual Report.
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
At 7:51 PM a motion to take a five-minute recess was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion
carried(9-0). President Flowers called the meeting back to order at 7:56PM.
Motions and Orders:
Order#236-Amendments to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance to comply with M.G.L Chapter 40A Section
3A(MBTA)Communities Act.
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0).
Order#287-Request for ordinance change-Section 270-25 (B) Stop Intersections.
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
Reports of Committees:
Legal Affairs:
Order#272-Appointment-Marcus Glynn to serve on the planning board.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#300-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle License for BM Best Auto Sales,
42 Park Street.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#304-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for CJ Motors Inc.,360
Rantoul Street.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#307-President Flowers-An appointment letter for David Dines to serve on the Parking and Traffic
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—November 12,2024,page 4 of 6
Order#311-Approval of a Leases with Air Bear Aviation.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Public Services:
Order#226-Councilor Spang-Constituent Inquiries relating to Public Services Committee Work
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
Finance and Property:
Order#283-A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to authorize the city to order eight electric
school buses and charging infrastructures.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and
motion carried(9-0).
Order 029I-Donation-A$500 donation from Mr.James H. Modugno to purchase uniforms for the Beverly
Police department.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#292-Grant-A$1,459,000 grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Accelerating Clean
Transportation School Bus Fleet Deployment Program to support Beverly Public Schools fleet electrification.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#293-Grant-A$15,000 Cultural District Incentive grant from the Mass Cultural Council to support the
Beverly Arts District.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#294-Grant-A$15,000 grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts in partnership with the
Metropolitan Area Planning Council to support more equitable public art.
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#295-Grant-A$11,750 Title III B grant from SeniorCare to support the Council on Aging's Outreach
A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#296-A budget transfer request of$36,112 into the Library Department budget to fund costs
associated with the recently agreed upon Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Beverly and the
Library Employees Chapter of the AFL-CIO union.
A motion to set a public hearing as recommended for December 2,2024, at 7:20 PM. was made and
seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
Order#305-Francis Golden, Chief Assessor-Request to set a public hearing relative to the allocation of
Fiscal Year 2025 tax levy percentages.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—November 12,2024,page 5 of
A motion to set a public hearing as recommended for December 2,2024,at 8:15 PM. was made and
seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0),
Committee on Finance&Property met on October 28,2024,and the following items were reported
back to the Committee of the Whole
Order#280-Budget Analyst Gerry Perry-A report regarding an Elected Salary Evaluation relating to the
Mayor,City Council and School committee.
President Flowers clarified that the Committee recommended that the order be bifurcated(#280A)to hold a
public hearing on the matter, A motion to bifurcate the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and
motion carried(9-0).
Order#280A-Proposed Order Amending Beverly Ordinances Section 26-14(Salary and expenses of City
Council members) and Section 69-12 (Unclassified Salaries: Mayor and School Committee).
A motion to set a public hearing as recommended for December 2,2024,at 7:30 PM. was made and
seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0).
Spang mentioned the Veterans Council is looking for volunteers to assist with flag clean up at the
cemeteries. President Flowers echoed appreciation from the Council to the Veterans Council and the
Veterans Agent for the Veterans Day ceremonies.
Feldman noted the Financial Forecast Committee will meet in Council Chambers on November 13,2024,
at 5:15 PM.
President Flowers shared an invitation from the Holiday Parade Committee to Councilors to walk in the
parade on December 1, 2024.
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
The meeting adjourned at 10:03 PM.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—November 12,2024,page 6 of 6
Matthew J. St.Hilaire,Chair
Julie R. Flowers
Brendan S. Sweeney
Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday,November 12,ZOZ4,7:00 PM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
Beverly City Hall,3`a Floor, 191 Cabot St.
St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 9:22 PM.
Members present: St. Hilaire, Sweeney,Flowers
Members absent:None
Also present: Mayor Cahill, Director of Grants Catherine Barrett, Budget Analyst Gerry Perry, Finance Director Bryant
Ayles,Assistant Director of Finance Amit Chhayani, Purchasing Agent David Gelineau, and Director of Sustainability
Erina Keefe
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
#116 04/08/2024 2024 Capital Expenditure Plan pursuant to the City Charter. Hold
#177 06/03/2024 A letter regarding second water meters. Hold
A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to Recommend the
#283 10/21/2024 authorize the city to order eight electric school buses and Council to
charging infrastructures. approve (2-1).
Donation-A$500 donation from Mr. James H. Modugno to Recommend the
#291 11/12/2024 Council to
purchase uniforms for the Beverly Police department.
Grant-A$1,459,000 grant from the Massachusetts Clean
Energy Center Accelerating Clean Transportation School Recommend the
#292 11/12/2424 Bus Fleet Deployment Program to support Beverly Public Council to
Schools fleet electrification
Grant-A$15 000 Cultural District Incentive grant from the Recommend the
#293 11/12/2024 Mass Cultural Council to support the Beverly Arts District. Council to
Grant-A$15,000 grant from the New England Foundation Recommend the
#294 11/12/2024 for the Arts in partnership with the Metropolitan Area Council to
Planning Council to support more equitable public art. approve (3-0).
Grant-A$11 750 Title III B grant from SeniorCare to Recommend the
#295 11/12/2024 Council to
support the Council on Aging's Outreach program.
A budget transfer request of$36,112 into the Library
Department budget to fund costs associated with the Recommend the
#296 11/12/2024 recently agreed upon Memorandum of Agreement between Council set a P/H
the City of Beverly and the Library Employees Chapter of for 12/2/2024 at
7:20 PM(3-0).
the AFL-CIO union.
Francis Golden, Chief Assessor-Request to set a public Recommend the
#305 11/12/2024 hearing relative to the allocation of Fiscal Year 2025 tax Council set a P/H
for 12/2/2024 at
levy percentages.
8:15 PM(3-0).
Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt
#306 11/12/2024 a local option veteran property tax exemption created Hold
through Section 23 of Chapter 178 of the Acts 2024.
Chair St. Hilaire called Committee of the Whole at 9:25 PM. when Bowen, Crowley, and Spang joined the meeting.
A motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole at 9:46 PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried
(6-0). A motion to adjourn the Committee meeting was made at 9:46 PM. and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion
Scott D.Houseman, Chair
Todd C. Rotondo
Kathleen M. Feldman
Legal Affairs/Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday,November 12,2024,7:00 PM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
Beverly City Hall,3'Floor, 191 Cabot Street
Houseman called the meeting to order at 9:23 PM.
Members present: Houseman,Feldman, Rotondo
Members absent:None
Also present: Director of Public Services Michael Collins,Assistant City Solicitor Beth Oldmixon,Airport Manager
Gabriel Hanafin.
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
A request to refer this order to Parking and Traffic
#209 07/29/2024 Commission for an amendment to City Ordinance 270-41 Hold
regarding"Prohibited parking at all times"at the area of 54
Middlebury Lane and Pete's Park.
Councilor St.Hilaire's request Amendment to ordinance
#209A 09/09/2024 270-41 to prohibit parking at 54 Middlebury Lane 18' from Hold
driveway towards Pete's Park.
Appointment-Marcus Glynn to serve on the planning Recommend the
4272 10/21/2024 board Council to
approve (3-0).
#278 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Hold
Alba Auto,449 Cabot Street.
Appointment-Christian Heath,5 South Hardy Street to the
#297 11/12/2024 Historic District Commission. Hold
#298 11/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 Motor Vehicle Hold
License for Brito Corp d/b/a Auto Dyne, 8-1 0 Railroad Ave.
11/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle
#299 License for H&H Holdings,LLC/Beverly Auto Top& Hold
Upholstery,78 Cabot Street.
Planning Director,Darlene Wynne-Request to waive the Recommend the
#300 11/12/2024 city's right of first refusal on resale of an affordable Council to
housing unit(new buyer). approve (3-0).
#302 11/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Hold
License for Lion Gas and Auto Service,Inc.,44 Enon Street
#303 11/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Hold
License for Michaels Auto,2 School Street.
City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 Motor Recommend the
#304 11/12/2024 Vehicle License for CJ Motors Inc.,360 Rantoul Street. Council to
approve (3-0).
Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt a
#306 11/12/2024 local option veteran property tax exemption created through Hold
Section 23 of Chapter 178 of the Acts 2024.
Order#307-President FIowers-An appointment letter for Recommend the
#307 11/12/2024 David Dines to serve on the Parking and Traffic Council to
Commission. approve(3-0).
Recommend the
#311 11/12/2024 Approval of a Leases with Air Bear Aviation. Council to
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned 9:46 PM.
Hannah L. Bowen, Chair
Steven M. Crowley
Danielle M. Spang
Public Services/Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday,November 12,2024,7:00 PM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
Beverly City Hall,Y'Ploor, 191 Cabot St.
Bowen called the meeting to order at 9:22 PM.
Members present: Bowen, Spang, Crowley
Members absent:None
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
Recommend the
#226 08/19/2024 Constituent Inquiries relating to Public Services Committee Council to receive
Work. and place on file
#252 09/23/2024 A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave Hold
to replace the existing one
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0).
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 PM.