20241217085010502 City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes - _ '1_ 1 Y Monday,December 2,2024,7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street t024 _ , 1 I P I/_ 2 Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. City Clerk, Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Julie Flowers,Hannah Bowen,Brendan Sweeney,Todd Rotondo, Danielle Spang, Steven Crowley, Scott Houseman, Kathleen Feldman,Matthew St. Hilaire Members Absent:None Also Present: Mayor Cahill, City Solicitor Stephanie Willians,Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Budget Management Analyst Gerry Perry, Board of Assessors Chair Francis Golden,Board of Assessors members Richard Scanlon and Nathaniel Cramer,Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee members Paul Gentile, Jared Porter, Jennifer Plowden, Jonathan Salt, and John Hersey, City Engineer Lisa Chandler Councilor Sweeney led the pledge of allegiance. Presentations,Awards and Memorials: Carl Kooyoomjian-Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee update Members of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Committee presented to the Council and summarized what progress they have made so far and their plans for the future. The Committee focuses on bicycle incidents in relation to their frequency, severity, location, and prevention. Additionally,they have been working on a bicycle map which is included in the city master plan. Carl mentioned the Committee will be conducting walk audits in 2025. Comments by Citizens: Samantha Mooney-Harris, 161 Lothrop Street, addressed the Council to speak in support and appreciation of Beverly public schools. Samantha asked the Council to help find ways to make the coming budgetary decisions more digestible to citizens. Meghan Walsh,3 Blake Street,thanked the Council for creating the space for constituents to voice their concerns and opinions. Sarah Bartley, 10 Kittredge Street,thanked the Council,Beverly Children's Youth Center, the Beverly Public Library and their librarians. Public Hearines: Order#296-7:20 PM-A budget transfer request of$36,112 into the Library Department budget to fund costs associated with the recently agreed upon Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Beverly and the Library Employees Chapter of the AFL-CIO union. Postponed until December 16,2024,at 7:20 PM. Order#280A-7:30 PM-Proposed Order Amending Beverly Ordinances Section 26-14 (Salary and expenses of City Council members)and Section 69-12(Unclassified Salaries: Mayor and School Committee). Cancelled. The order was referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#305-8:15 PM-to the allocation of Fiscal Year 2025 tax levy percentages among the four classes of real and personal property and consideration of the adoption of open space,residential and small business exemptions. President Flowers opened the public hearing at 8:16 PM. and Francis Golden,Chair of the Board of Assessors,presented to the Council.Chair Golden and Finance Director Bryant Ayles answered questions from Councilors. Budget Management Analyst Gerry Perry expressed his support for the proposals suggested by the Assessors.No members of the public were in attendance to speak on this matter.President Flowers closed the public hearing and referred the order back to the full Council. A motion to approve and set the residential factor of 89.6984 was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-1), A motion to not accept an open space exemption was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Meeting: Regular City Council Meeting- October 21, 2024. Finance and Property Committee Meeting-October 28, 2024. A motion to approve Meeting Minutes from October 21,2024,and October 28, 2024, was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and the motion carried(9-0). Special City Council Meeting-November 2.5, 2024. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and the motion carried(7-0)with two abstentions(Rotondo and Spang). Communications from His Honor the Mayor: Order#327-Appointment-Emily Hutchings to serve on the Historic District Commission. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#328-Appointment-Maria Tricomi to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#329-Reappointment-Jon Ouellette to serve on the Design Review Board. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#330-Reappointment-William Lowd to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#331-Reappointment-Justin Repp to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#332-Reappoinment-Nancy Marino to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#333-Reappointment-Justin Jordan,MD, MPH,FAAN to serve on the Board of Health. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#334-Reappointment-Richard Scanlon to serve on the Board of Assessors. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#335-Reappointment-J. David Suminsky to serve on the Harbor Management Authority. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—December 2,2024,page 2 of S Order#336-Reappointment-Emily Flaherty to serve on the Harbor Management Authority. Has been withdrawn. Order 4337-Reappointment-Todd Callaghan to serve on the Harbor Management Authority. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#338-Reappointment-Joshua Doxsee to serve on the Beverly Airport Commission. Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#339-Reappointment-George Gomes to serve on the Beverly Planning Board. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#340-Reappointment-Sarah Bartley to serve on the Beverly Planning Department. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#341-Reappointment-Derek Beckwith to serve on the Beverly Planning Board. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#342-Budget Transfer of$98,600 into the Department of Public Services General Fund budget to fund costs associated with the recently settled contracts between the City of Beverly and the DPS Workers and Foreman Unions. (set public hearing) Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Communications from other Cily Officers and Boards: Order#343-CPC-Out of Cycle Funding Recommendation request for additional CPA funding for: Independence Park 400+;Lynch Park;and Girdler House. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#344-Councilor Bowen-South Essex Sewerage District Presentation. A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#346-Colleen Loughlin,Executive Director-Beverly Contributory Retirement System Annual Expense Budget. A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Communications,Application and Petitions: Order#345-Department of Environmental Protection-Notice of License A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Unfinished Business from a previous meeting_ Order#297-Appointment-Christian Heath,5 South Hardy Street to the Historic District Commission, (Voted last meeting within the 7-day rule need to vote again). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). At 7:53 PM. a motion to break for Committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). President Flowers called the meeting back to order at 8:08 PM. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes---December 2,2024 page 3 of 5 Mayor Cahill addressed the Council and spoke briefly in support about the recent contract settlement for teachers. A motion to take a recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). The Council recessed at 8:12 PM. and was called back to order by President Flowers at 8:16 PM. Reports of Committees: Legal Affairs: Order#299-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for H&H Holdings, LLCBeveriy Auto Top&Upholstery,78 Cabot Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (9-0). Order#302-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle License for Lion Gas and Auto Service,Inc.,44 Enon Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#303-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License for Michaels Auto,2 School Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#317-Appointment-Kenneth Clawson,Assistant Planning Director to serve on the Design Review Board. A motion to accept the proposal and-adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion.carried(9-0). Order#319-Appointment-Eilidh Hall, 310 Broughton Drive to serve on the Conservation Commission. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Public Services: Order#318-Appointment-Lisa Chandler, City Engineer to serve on the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Finance and Property: Order#280A-Proposed Order Amending Beverly Ordinances Section 26-14 (Salary and expenses of City Council members)and Section 69-12 (Unclassified Salaries: Mayor and School Committee). A motion to receive and place on file as recommended by the subcommittee was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion failed(2-7). A motion to schedule a special meeting to hold a public hearing was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(7-2). A special meeting/public hearing will be held for this order on December 16, 2024,at 6:00 PM. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—December 2,2024,page 4 of S Order#342 -Budget Transfer of$98,600 into the Department of Public Services General Fund budget to fund costs associated with the recently settled contracts between the City of Beverly and the DPS Workers and Foreman Unions. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended for December 16,2024, at 7:40 PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#343-CPC-Out of Cycle Funding Recommendation request for additional CPA funding for: Independence Park 400+-;Lynch Park;and Girdler House. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended for December 16, 2024,at 8:00 PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (9-0). Feldman mentioned the Financial Forecast Committee will meet December 4,2024, 6:30 PM. in Council Chambers. Rotondo noted on December 14°2024,there will be a tree lighting and memorial at Odell Park at 4:00 PM. and the Winter Market on Rantoul Street. Rotondo also mentioned Crowley's work on the Holiday parade and expressed his appreciation for the time and effort Crowley contributed to put together another successful event. President Flowers and Houseman echoed Rotondo's congratulations and appreciation for the parade. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). The meeting adjourned at 9:12 PM. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—December 2,2024,page 5 of 5 Matthew J. St.Hilaire,Chair Julie R.Flowers Brendan. S. Sweeney Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday,December 2,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,3`d Floor, 191 Cabot St. St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 7:56 PM. Members present: St. Hilaire, Sweeney,Flowers Members absent:None Also present: Director of Grants Catherine Barrett Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #116 04/08/2024 2024 Capital Expenditure Plan pursuant to the City Charter. Hold #177 06/03/2024 A letter regarding second water meters. Hold Recommend the Proposed Order Amending Beverly Ordinances Section 26-14 Council set a P/H #280A 12/02/2024 (Salary and expenses of City Council members) and Section for December 16, 69-12 (Unclassified Salaries: Mayor and School Committee). 2024, at 6:00 PM. (2-1). Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt a #306 11/12/2024 local option veteran property tax exemption created through Hold Section 23 of Chapter 178 of the Acts 2024. #314 11/1$/2024 Acceptance of Local Options to Defer Payment of Sewer Hold Charges (M.G.L. ch. 83, Section 16G). #315 11/18/2024 Acceptance of Local Options to Defer Payment of Water Hold Charges(M.G.L. ch. 40,section 42J). #316 11/18/2024 Acceptance of Local Options to Defer Payment of Betterments Hold assessments(M.G.L. ch. 80, section 13B). Budget Transfer of$98,600 into the Department of Recommend the Public Services General Fund budget to fund costs associated Council set a P/H #342 12/02/2024 with the recently settled contracts between the City of Beverly for December 16, and the DPS Workers and Foreman Unions. 2024,at 7:40 PM. (3-0}. Recommend the CPC-Out of Cycle Funding Recommendation request for Council set a P/H #343 12/02/2024 additional CPA funding for:Independence Park 400+;Lynch for December 16, Park; and Girdler House. 2024,at 7:40 PM (3-0). A motion to adjourn the Committee meeting was made at 8:02 PM. and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (3-0). Scott D.Houseman, Chair Todd C. Rotondo Kathleen M. Feldman Legal Affairs/Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday,December 2,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,3rd Floor, 191 Cabot Street Houseman called the meeting to order at 7:56 PM. Members present: Houseman,Feldman,Rotondo Members absent:None Also present: City Solicitor Stephanie Williams Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee A request to refer this order to Parking and Traffic #209 07/29/2024 Commission for an amendment to City Ordinance 270-41 Hold regarding"Prohibited parking at all times"at the area of 54 Middlebury Lane and Pete's Park. Councilor St.Hilaire's request Amendment to ordinance #209A 09/09/2024 270-41 to prohibit parking at 54 Middlebury Lane 18' from Hold driveway towards Pete's Park. #278 10/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 license for Hold Alba Auto, 449 Cabot Street. #298 11/12/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Hold License for Brito Corp d/b/a Auto Dyne, 8-10 Railroad Ave. City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Recommend.the #299 11/12/2024 License for H&H Holdings,LLC/Beverly Auto Top& Council to Upholstery,78 Cabot Street. approve(3-0). City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle #301 11/12/2024 License for Burgess Auto Sales and Service, 18 Lothrop Hold Street. City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Recommend the #302 11/12/2024 Council to License for Lion Gas and Auto Service,Inc.,44 Enon Street approve(3-0). City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class H Motor Vehicle Recommend the #303 11/12/2024 Council to License for Michaels Auto,2 School Street. approve(3-0). Appointment-Kenneth Clawson, Assistant Planning Recommend the #317 11/18/2024 Council to Director to serve on the Design Review Board. approve (3-0). Appointment-Eilidh Hall,310 Broughton Drive to serve on Recommend the #319 11/18/2024 Council to the Conservation Commission. approve(3-0). City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class U Motor Vehicle #320 11/18/2024 License for Todd's Automotive Repair Service Inc.,d/b/a Hold Beverly Farms Auto Service. Appointment-Emily Hutchings to serve on the Historic #327 12/02/2024 District Commission, Hold #329 12/02/2024 Reappointment-Jon Ouellette to serve on the Design Hold Review Board. #339 12/02/2024 Reappointment-George Gomes to serve on the Beverly Hold Planning Board. #340 12/02/2024 Reappointment-Sarah Bartley to serve on the Beverly Hold Planning Department. #341 12/02/2024 Reappointment-Derek Beckwith to serve on the Beverly Hold Planning Board. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned 8:04 PM. Hannah L. Bowen, Chair Steven M. Crowley Danielle M. Spang Public Services 1 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday,December 2,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,3rd Floor, 191 Cabot St. Bowen called the meeting to order at 7:55 PM. Members present: Bowen, Spang, Crowley Members absent:None Also present:None Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #252 09/23/2024 A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave to Hold replace the existing one Appointment-Lisa Chandler,City Engineer to serve on the Bike Recommend the #31 S 11/18/2024 and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Council to approve A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). 1 Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM.