20241205153604323 City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday,September 23,2024,7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street Steven Crowley,City Council Vice President,called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM. City Clerk,Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Brendan Sweeney,Todd Rotondo,Danielle Spang, Steven Crowley, Scott Houseman Kathleen Feldman,Matthew St. Hilaire Members Absent: Julie Flowers Also Present: City Solicitor Stephanie Williams, and Derek Beckwith, Chair of the CPC. Councilor St. Hilaire led the pledge of allegiance. Resolutions: Order#244-Councilor Rotondo and Spang-The Saetengs of Kame Restaurant. Rotondo and Spang spoke about Bo and Lily Saeteng.They immigrated from Cambodia in the 1980's and upon their arrival in Massachusetts they began their journey in the food industry. In June 2000,Kame restaurant opened here in Beverly. For the past 34 years,they have built a loyal following from customers in North Shore area. A motion to approve the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). At 7:04PM. a motion to recess for five minutes was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Vice President Crowley called the meeting back to order at 7:09PM. Comments bX Citizens: Julia Long, 17 Pine Road. Julia Long,Community Engagement Director of Green Beverly, addressed the Council regarding a project called North Shore Farm and Food Coalition(NSFFC) and explained their goal to connect and incorporate municipal leaders into their project. Long mentioned a website for their organization, ways to consider how NSFFC may benefit constituents,online meetings, and a specific meeting scheduled to discuss and educate the community(an invitation will be sent to the Council). Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Regular City Council Meeting, September 9, 2024. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and the motion carried(8-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor: Order#242—Appointment—John Hersey to serve on the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Referred to committee on Public services. Order#243—Reappointment—David Gannon to serve on the Commission on Disabilities. Referred to committee on Public Services. Communications,from other City Officers and Boards: Order#245--President Flowers—Reappointment—David Ershun to serve on the Community Preservation Committee in one of the At-Large seats. Referred to committee on Legal Affairs. Order#246—President Flowers—Temporary Appointment for City Clerk Lisa Kent as acting Clerk of Committees. A motion to approve on the floor was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#247—President Flowers—A correction to order for the terra of the reappointment of the City Clerk. (Original order#131-2024) A motion to approve on the floor was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). Order#248—City Clerk—Renewal application for a Class I Motor Vehicle Dealers License for North Shore Motor Sports Inc./dba Cycles 128, 107 Brimbal Avenue. Referred to committee on Legal Affairs. Order#249—City Clerk—Renewal application for a Class Il Motor Vehicle Dealer's License for Ryal Side Automotive, 126 Park Street. Referred to committee on Legal Affairs. Order#250—City Clerk—Renewal application for Taxi/Livery License for Bass River Day Activity Program d/b/a Bass River Inc.,437 Essex Street. Referred to committee on Legal Affairs. Order#251—City Clerk—Renewal application for a Class 11 Motor Vehicle License for Beverly Auto Sales,43 Cabot Street. Referred to committee on Legal Affairs. Communications,Application and Petitions: Order#252—National Grid—A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave to replace the existing one. Referred to committee on Public Services to set public hearing. Rotondo stated the next order of business, two late flies, are in coordination with current Bridge Street projects and spoke in favor of acceptance of the late files. A motion to accept the late file, order#253, was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—September 23,2024,page 2 of 6 LATE FILE - Order#253—National Grid—A petition to install SO pole on Bridge Street. Referred to committee on Public Services to set public hearing. A motion to accept the late file, order#254, was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). LATE FILE- Order#254--National Grid.—A petition to install a 7o pole on Bridge Street. Referred to committee on Public Services to set public hearing. Unfinished Business from a grevious meeting: Order#236—PIanning Director Darlene Wynne—Request to set a public hearing to review amendments to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance to comply with M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 3A(MBTA)Communities Act. (public hearing scheduled 10/7/2024). Crowley stated that reason for adding this order to the agenda was to mention that more information has been added to this order and will be posted on the website under the October 7, 2024 meeting. A motion to break for committee work at 7:18PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). Vice President Crowley called the meeting back to order at 7:40PM for the public hearing concerning Order#238. Public Hearines: 7:40 PM—Order#238—National Grid—Petition#30996478 to install underground facilities on Balch Street. Vice President Crowley opened the public hearing at 7:40PM.National Grid representative, Sabhita Mahabier-Sheehy,spoke about an existing conduit that has to be relocated due to a building there. Spang inquired regarding the timeline for this project and the representative explained the work should take about a day,No members of the public spoke on this matter, Vice President Crowley closed the public hearing at 7:43PM. and the Council referred this order to the Public Services Committee. 7.50 PM—Order#234- CPC—Community Preservation Committee Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed CPA Budget. Vice President Crowley opened the public hearing at 7:50PM. Bowen and St. Hilaire briefly spoke with Beckwith regarding the previous budget adjustment,new applicants, and the decrease of state funding. Spang mentioned there is a link on the City website to watch the CPC public hearing.No members of the public spoke on this matter. Vice President Crowley closed public hearing at 7:56PM and the Council referred this order to the Finance and Property Committee. A motion to break for Committee work was made and seconded. A vote;was taken,and motion carried (8-0). The Council recessed at 7:57pm. Vice President Crowley called the meeting back to order at 8:08pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—September 23,2024,page 3 of 6 Re orts of Committees: Finance and Property: Order#234-CPC - Community Preservation Committee Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed CPA Budget. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). Legal Affairs: Order#034—A letter regarding the subcommittee on Legal Affairs initiatives in the new term. (reported out of committee 9/9/24). A motion to receive and place on file as recommended was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#101-(IO1B)Proposed Amendments to City Ordinance Section 15-37 Human Rights Committee: Amendments to Modify Committee Member Qualifications. (reported out of committee 9/16/24). Recommend the Council to renumber order#101 to 101B. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to approve proposed strikeout of language in sentence 2 of section 1. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to reject redline change to make DEIB Director member of committee. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to reject proposed addition, beginning with"Committee Members"in sentence 4 section 1 and reject striking of"and". A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to approve proposed addition(6-year service 1 year break) in sentence 4 section 1. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to strike language in last 2 sentences of I"paragraph. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—September 23,2024,page 4 of 6 Recommend the Council to approve proposed changes in A(2). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to approve proposed changes in Section B (2). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Recommend the Council to approve change in Section B(4),grammatical change to add word anti. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). Order#222--City Clerk—Change of company name for existing Petroleum Storage Registration. (reported out of committee 9/16/24). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#23I—Approval of Leases with Multi Wing Aviation. (reported out of committee 9/16/24).New leases will be renumbered to 231 A. Bowen inquired about the comments and concerns mentioned during the Legal Affairs Committee meeting. Houseman spoke about new information received which answered questions expressed by Councilors,and the Committees inquiry regarding termination of existing leases upon execution of new leases. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#245 -President Flowers—Reappointment—David Ershun to serve on the Community Preservation Committee in one of the At-Large seats. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Public Services: Order#228—Reappointment—Mark Casey to serve on Trustees of David S. Lynch Public Park. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#229—Reappointment—Scott Dullea to serve on the Permanent Building Commission. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#230—Reappointment—Robin Luna Whitman to serve on the Permanent Building Commission. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—September 23,2024,page 5 of 6 A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). Order#252 -National Grid—A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave to replace the existing one. A motion to set the public hearing as recommended on October 7,2024, at 8: 30PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(8-0). LATE FILE - Order#253—National Grid—A petition to install SO pole on Bridge Street. A motion to set the public hearing as recommended on October 7,2024, at 8:15PM. was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (8-0). LATE FILE-Order#254—National Grid—A petition to install a Jo pole on Bridge Street. A motion to set the public hearing as recommended on October 7,2024, at 8:20pm. was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(8-0). St. Hilaire mentioned the Finance&Property Committee will meet Monday,October 28 h 6:30PM, at City Hall to speak about order#177 regarding 2°1 water meters. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:12PM. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—Seplember 23,2024,page 6 of 6 Scott D. Houseman, Chair Todd C. Rotondo Kathleen M. Feldman Legal Affairs/Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, September 23,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,3'Floor, 191 Cabot Street Houseman called the meeting to order at 7:20PM. Members present: Houseman,Feldman, Rotondo Members absent:None Also present: City Solicitor Stephanie Williams, Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee A request to refer this order to Parking and Traffic Commission for an amendment to City Ordinance 270-41 #209 07/29/2024 regarding"Prohibited parking at all times"at Hold the area of 54 Middlebury Lane and Pete's Park. Councilor St. Hilaire's request Amendment to ordinance #209A 09/09/2024 270-41 to prohibit parking at 54 Middlebury Lane 18' from Hold driveway towards Pete's Park. Reappointment-David Ershun to serve on the Community Recommend the #245 09/23/2024 Preservation Committee in one of the At-Large seats. council to approve(3-0). A discontinuance for Bridge Street Automotive/MTB #224 08/19/2024 Enterprise 83-85 Bridge Street if the new application for Hold new ownership(order#223-2024) is approved. Renewal application for a Class I Motor Vehicle Dealers #248 09/23/2024 License for North Shore Motor Sports Inc./dba Cycles 128, Hold 107 Brimbal Avenue. #249 09/23/2024 Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle Dealer's Hold License for Ryal Side Automotive, 126 Park Street. Renewal application for a Taxi/Livery License for Bass River #250 09/23/2024 Day Activity Program d/b/a Bass River Inc,,437 Essex Hold Street. #251 09/23/2024 Renewal application for a Class II Motor Vehicle License Hold for Beverly Auto Sales,43 Cabot Street. Houseman called Committee of the Whole at 7:21 PM. St. Hilaire addressed the Committee regarding orders #209 and #209A. He expressed his strong support for this proposed amendment and briefly explained the background behind this matter.The Committee asked if a site visit had been conducted and the answer was unknown. A photo of the area was shown to the Committee,and it was mentioned that the Parking and Traffic Commission voted unanimously in opposition of this request. Rotondo asked that orders#248,#249,#250,#251 be held for procedural review. At 7:39PM,a motion to recess Committee of the Whole was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (5-0). At 7:40PM, a motion to recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0). Houseman called the meeting back to order at 7:58PM and called Committee of the Whole at 7:59PM. Order#209 and#209A - Committee members asked clarifying questions in relation to support or objections by residents, specifics of the area, and possible solutions. St. Hilaire asked that these orders be held. At 7:58PM,a motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and the motion carried (5-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned at 7:58PM Hannah L. Bowen-Chair Steven M. Crowley Danielle M. Spang Public Services/Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday,September 23,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,3`d Floor, 191 Cabot St. Bowen called the meeting to order at 7:19 PM. Members present: Bowen, Spang,Crowley Members absent:None Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #226 08/19/2024 Constituent Inquiries relating to Public Services Committee Hold Work. A reappointment for Mark Casey, 16 Chapman Street to Recommend the #22$ 09/09/2024 serve on Trustees of David S. Lynch Public Park. council to approve 3-0 . A reappointment for Scott Dullea, 36 Dane Street to serve Recommend the #229 09/09/2024 on the Permanent Building Commission. council to approve 3-0 . A reappointment for Robin Luna Whitman, 12 Lothrop Recommend the #230 09/09/2024 Street to serve on the Permanent Building Commission. council to approve 3-0 . National Grid-Petition#30996478 to install underground Recommend the #23 8 09/23/2024 facilities on Balch Street. council to approve 3-0 . Recommend the #252 09/23/2024 A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave Council to set a P/H to replace the existing one. on October 7,2024, at 8:30 PM 3-0 Recommend the #253 09/23/2024 A petition to Install SO pole on Bridge Street. Council to set a P/H on October 7,2024, at 8:15PM 3-0 Recommend the #254 09/23/2024 A petition to install a 7o pole on Bridge Street. Council to set a P/H on October 7,2024, at 8:20PM 3-0 A motion to recess at 7:23 PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Bowen called the meeting back to order at 7:58 PM to vote on Order#23 8. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (3-0). Meeting adjourned at 8:OOPM. Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair Julie R. Flowers Brendan S. Sweeney Finance and Property 1 Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday,September 23,2024,7:00 PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hall,V Floor, 191 Cabot St. St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 7:57 PM. Members present: St. Hilaire and Sweeney Members absent: Flowers Also present: Derek Beckwith, Chair of the CPC Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #116 04/08/2024 2024 Capital Expenditure Plan pursuant to the City Charter. Hold #177 06/03/2024 A letter regarding second water meters. Hold CPC-Community Preservation Committee Fiscal Year 2025 Recommend #234 09/2312024 proposed CPA Budget. the council to approve(2-0). Hilaire asked Beckwith in regards to order#234- if it is a strategy to carry money over from the prior year? Beckwith replied that it is not a strategy but because there were not a lot of applications. In the past there were always large jobs and this year was different. Hilaire asked if the CPC keeps track of ongoing projects and Beckwith stated they do make that a priority. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(2-0). Meeting adjourned at 8:OOPM,