City Council Meeting Minutes 10-21-2024 City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday, October 21,2024,7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot Street 21 Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:02PM. City Clerk,Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Julie Flowers, Hannah Bowen,Brendan Sweeney,Todd Rotondo,Danielle Spang, Steven Crowley, Scott Houseman Kathleen Feldman, Matthew St. Hilaire Members Absent:None Also Present: Mayor Cahill,Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Assistant City Solicitor Beth Oldmixon, City Engineer Lisa Chandler, Director of Grants Catherine Barrett,Budget Analyst Gerry Perry Councilor Spang led the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence was held for Dan Driscoll. Moment of Silence: Dan Driscoll, Volunteer at the City Clerk Office for over 30 years. President Flowers mentioned Driscoll worked to help people piece together their genealogy for Beverly residents and others around the world. Resolutions: Order#289-Resolution for Leanne Smith Leanne Smith is a Beverly resident and graduate from Beverly High School and coaches at the YMCA. She competed in the 2021 Paralympic Games in Tokyo where she won a silver medal, and the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris, France in six events. She earned two silver medals and two gold medals. Mayor Cahill proclaimed October 18, 2024, as Leanne Smith Day in the City of Beverly. A motion to receive and place on file was made. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#290-Resolution for Dave Modzelewski Dave Modzelewski is a Beverly resident originally from Newtown, Connecticut,and is the current head coach at the YMCA of the North Shore and is in charge of the Competitive Aquatics Program. He has coached future Olympic and Paralympic medalists, Olympic Trial Qualifiers,YMCA National Champions and High School Station Championships. He is a Level 3 U.S. Paralympic Certified Coach and a member of the Team USA National Coaching Staff for U.S. Paralympic Leanne Smith. Dave was named one of the eight coaches to travel with Team USA for the 2024 Paralympics. A motion to receive and place on file was made. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). A motion for a ten-minute recess at 7:15PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Public Hearings: 7:30 PM-Order#256-A fund transfer of$2,850,000 from the Road Resurfacing account(fund 056) into the road and sidewalk capital account. (fund 581). President Flowers opened the public hearing at 7:31PM. Bryant Ayles addressed the Council and explained the reason for this request being when money is brought into the city's treasury,they are unable to expend it without Council approval. This request is comprised of two components;the remaining road resurfacing funding contained in the National Grid memorandum agreement related to the 115-KB work, and$600,000 in the account was received from utility companies or private property owners who were charged for a surcharge after cutting into a street for water or utility work. The money from this account would be transferred to the road and sidewalks capital fund and be used to meet the needs of the roadwork laid out for the current fiscal year.No members of the public came to speak on this matter and President Flowers closed the public hearing at 7:54PM. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Regular City Council Meeting—October 7, 2024, A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor: Order#268-Grant-A $24,600 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support Beverly's Local Cultural Council. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#269-An order to declare a portion of McPherson Drive available for disposition. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#269A-An Order authorizing grant of utility easement to Massachusetts Electric Company at 4 McPherson Drive. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#270-A loan Authorization in the amount of$24,600,000 to fund the City Hall rehabilitation project. (set a public hearing) Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#271-Grant-A $85,000 Housing Choice Grant from the Healey-Driscoll Administration's Executive Office of Housing& Livable Communities to support the development of an economic development plan. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#272-Appointment Marcus Glynn to serve on the planning board. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs, Order 9283-A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to authorize the city to order eight electric school buses and charging infrastructures. (set a public hearing) Referred to Committee on Finance and Property, Order#284-A$95,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support coastal resiliency projects. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#285-A$200,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to renovate Gills Park in Ward 2. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes--October 21,1024,page 2 of 7 I Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#286-A$100,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support planning and engineering costs associated with Phase II of the route 128/Exit 19 interchange improvement project. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Communications,from other City Officers and Boards: Order#273-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Generation 2000 Auto Sales LLC. d/b/a Marshall Motors North,94 Cabot Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#274-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Beverly Gas and Tire Inc., 3 83 Cabot Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#275-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Taxi/Livery License for Logistics Transportation Services Inc., 8 Munroe Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#276-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for All Wheels, Inc., 97 Park Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#277-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class III license for All Wheels,Inc.,97 Park Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#278-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Alba Auto,449 Cabot Street. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#279-President Flowers-A letter for Council to recommend the safety concerns of the.Northshore Education Consortium to Parking and Traffic. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#280-Budget Analyst Gerry Perry-A report regarding an Elected Salary Evaluation relating to the Mayor,City Council and School committee. (set public hearing) Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#28 1-Planning Director,Darlene Wynne-Request to waive the city's right of first refusal on resale of an affordable housing unit(new buyer). Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#282-Finance Director, Bryant Ayles-A request for approval to use FY2025 appropriated funds toward 6 prior year invoices totaling$3,442.92. Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 21,2024,page 3 of 7 Order#287-City Engineer Lisa A. Chandler-Request for ordinance change-Section 270-25 (B) Stop Intersections. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs, Communications,Application and Petitions: Order#288-National Grid-WR#30992374 to install underground facilities on Margin Street. Referred to Committee on Public Services Motions and Orders: Order#266-Proposed order amending Section 58-2(Officers and Employees-City Clerk)of City Ordinances. (final passage) A motion to approve was made and seconded.A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Reports of Committees: Public Services: Order#226-Constituent Inquiries relating to Public Services Committee Work. A motion accept the proposal and make the referral to the Waste Reduction Committee was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (9-0). Order#242 -Appointment-John Hersey to serve on the Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#288 -Order#288-National Grid-WR#30992374 to install underground facilities on Margin Street. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended on November 12,2024, at 7:45PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Finance and Property: Order#256 -A fund transfer of$2,850,000 from the Road Resurfacing account(fund 056)into the road and sidewalks capital account. (fund 581). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#268-Grant-A $24,600 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council to support Beverly's Local Cultural Council. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 21,2024,page 4 of 7 A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order 9270-A loan Authorization in the amount of$24,600,000 to fund the City Hall rehabilitation project. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended on November 12,2024,at 8:15PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0) Order#271-Grant-A$85,000 Housing Choice Grant from the Healey-Driscoll Administration's Executive Office of Housing& Livable Communities to support the development of an economic development plan. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#280-Budget Analyst Gerry Perry-A report regarding an Elected Salary Evaluation relating to the Mayor,City Council and School committee. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended on December 2, 2024, at 7:30PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0) Order#282-Finance Director,Bryant Ayles-A request for approval to use FY2025 appropriated funds toward 6 prior year invoices totaling$3,442.92. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#283-A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to authorize the city to order eight electric school buses and charging infrastructures. A motion to set a public hearing as recommended on November 12,2024,at 7:55PM was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order 4284-A$95,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support coastal resiliency projects. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#285-A$200,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to renovate Gills Park in Ward 2. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#286-A$100,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support planning and engineering costs associated with Phase 11 of the route 128/Exit 19 interchange improvement project. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Beverly City Council,Meeting Minutes—October 21,2021 page 5 of 7 Legal Affairs: Order 9236—Joint Public Hearing with Planning Board-to review amendments to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance to comply with M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 3A (MBTA) Communities Act. A motion to approve on first vote was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Spang mentioned in the future she hopes that multifamily zoning will expand downtown outside of Ward 2. Order#265 -City Clerk-Application for a License to sell Christmas Trees,Liberty Lodge Masons, 10 Chamock Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#269-An order to declare a portion of McPherson Drive available for disposition. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#269A-An Order authorizing grant of utility easement to Massachusetts Electric Company at 4 McPherson Drive. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#273-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Generation 2000 Auto Sales LLC. d/b/a Marshall Motors North, 94 Cabot Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#274-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class Il license for Beverly Gas and Tire Inc.,383 Cabot Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#275-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Taxi/Livery License for Logistics Transportation Services Inc., 8 Munroe Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Order#276-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 license for All Wheels,Inc.,97 Park Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order#277-City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class Ili license for All Wheels,Inc., 97 Park Street. A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 21,2024,page 6 of 7 Order#281-Planning Director, Darlene Wynne-Request to waive the city's right of first refusal on resale of an affordable housing unit(new buyer). A motion to accept the proposal and adopt the order was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(9-0). Order 9287-City Engineer Lisa A. Chandler-Request for ordinance change-Section 270-25 (B) Stop Intersections. A motion to suspend Council Rule#26 (to allow proposed ordinance revisions to be voted on in the first meeting that they appear)was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(9-0). Crowley mentioned Saturday, October 26,2024,there will be a pumpkins and pizza event at Holcroft Park from 12:00PM—4:OOPM. Spang brought up the Downtown Trick-or-Treat which is October 24, 2024,from 4:00PM-6:OOPM and Cabot Street from Pond Street to Railroad Avenue from 3:30PM— 6:3OPM. Citizens Advisory Committee for the National Grid project will meet at 5:OOPM at the Council on Aging on November 7,2024. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:37PM Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 21,2024,page 7 of 7 Matthew J. St.Hilaire-Chair Julie R. Flowers Brendan S. Sweeney C;t[Y O Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole Meeting? Mriuf6 E Monday, October 21,2024,7:00 PM CITY I Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Beverly City Hail,3"Floor, 191 Cabot St. ����� (G`t 21 P 2�! St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 7:59 PM. Members present: St. Hilaire, Sweeney,Flowers Members absent: None Also present: Director of Grants Catherine Barrett,Budget Analyst Gerry Perry Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #116 04/0812024 2024 Capital Expenditure Plan pursuant to the City Charter. Hold #177 06/03/2024 A letter regarding second water meters, Hold Grant-A$24,600 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Recommend the #268 10/21/2024 Council to support Beverly's Local Cultural Council. council to approve (3-0). Recommend the A loan Authorization in the amount of$24,600,000 to fund the Council set a P/H #270 10/21/2024 for November 12, City Hall rehabilitation project 2024, at 8:15PM 3-0 Grant-A $85,000 Housing Choice Grant from the Healey- Recommend the #271 10/21/2024 Driscoll Administration's Executive Office of Housing& council to approve Livable Communities to support the development of an economic development plan (3-0). Budget Analyst Gerry Perry-A report regarding an Elected #280 10/21/2024 Salary Evaluation relating to the Mayor,City Council and Hold School committee. Recommend the A loan authorization in the amount of$3,516,000 to authorize Council set a P/H #283 10/21/2024 the city to order eight electric school buses and charging for November 12, infrastructures. 2024, at 7:55PM (3-0). A $95,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support coastal Recommend the #284 10/21/2024 resiliency projects. council to approve (3-0). #285 10/2112024 A$200,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to renovate Gills Hold Park in Ward 2. A $100,000 earmark in the FY25 state budget to support Recommend the #286 10/21/2024 planning and engineering costs associated with Phase 11 of the council to approve route 128/Exit 19 interchange improvement project. (3-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken,and motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned 8:12 PM. Hannah L. Bowen-Chair Steven M. Crowley Danielle M. Spang ; Public Services/Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday,October 21,2024,7:00 PM' Within the Confines of the City Council Mee'ing- Beverly City Hall,Yd Floor, 191 Cabot St. 21 Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Members present: Bowen, Spang, Crowley Members absent:None Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee Constituent Inquiries relating to Public Services Committee #226 08/19/2024 See below Work. Appointment-John Hersey to serve on the Bike and Pedestrian #242 09/23/2024 Advisory Committee See below A petition to install a new Regular Station on Livingstone Ave #252 09/23/2024 to replace the existing on Mold Recommend the Order#288-National Grid-WR# 30992374 to install Council set a P/H 9288 10/21/2024 for November 12, underground facilities on Margin Street. 2024, at 7:45PM 3-0 . Order#226--A motion to recommend the Council refer the question about seven-unit buildings joining the city's trash and recycling to the Waste Reduction Committee for discussion was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Bowen mentioned Order 9242 had already been voted out of Committee on October 7,2024. Diana Cuddy reported that National Grid cannot place the regulator in front of the park because of a gas main line. The location across from the current regulator station is not preferred because it would be in front of a gate,or right up against the house. The side yard of 62 Bridge Street is preferred but given the safety concerns National Grid could move the new location down to 63 Livingstone Avenue, or on 43 Rowell Avenue where the regulator would be in front of a house. Evan Perkins, 62 Bridge Street, reiterated his concerns for safety and sidewalk traffic for the original proposed location. Bowen called Committee of the Whole when Kathleen Feldman and Matthew St.Hilaire joined the meeting at 8:I5PM. A motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole was made at 8:17PM and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried (5-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned at 8:17PM. Scott D. Houseman, Chair Todd C.Rotondo Kathleen M. Feldman Cl f 1' '' LY �ME cE Legal Affairs/Committee of the Whole Meeting CIT1' 1 Monday, October 21 2024 7:00 PM -t . Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting Z�21� `} 2 4+ Beverly City Hall,3rd Floor, 191 Cabot Street Houseman called the meeting to order at 8:01pm. Members present: Houseman, Feldman, Rotondo Members absent: None Also present: Planning Director Darlene Wynne Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee A request to refer this order to Parking and Traffic #209 07/29/2024 Commission for an amendment to City Ordinance 270-41 Hold regarding"Prohibited parking at all times"at the area of 54 Middlebury Lane and Pete's Park. Councilor St. Hilaire's request Amendment to ordinance #209A 09/09/2024 270-41 to prohibit parking at 54 Middlebury Lane 18' from Hold driveway towards Pete's Park. Joint Public Hearing with Planning Board-to review Recommend the #236 10/07/2024 amendments to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance to comply council to with M.G.L. Chapter 40A Section 3A (MBTA) Communities Act. approve (3-0). Reappointmcnt-Christopher P. Chigas, 5 Tammie Lane to Recommend the #257 10/07/2024 council to serve as constable in the City of Beverly. approve (3-0). City Clerk-Application for a License to sell Christmas Recommend the #265 10/07/2024 Trees, Liberty Lodge Masons, 10 Charnock Street. council to approve(3-0). An order to declare a portion of McPherson Drive available Recommend the #269 10/21/2024 for disposition. council to approve (3-0). 10/21/2024 An Order authorizing grant of utility easement to Recommend the #269A Massachusetts Electric Company at 4 McPherson Drive. council to approve(3-0). #272 10/21/2024 Appointment-Marcus Glynn to serve on the planning Hold board. 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 license for Recommend the #273 Generation 2000 Auto Sales LLC. d/bfa Marshall Motors council to North, 94 Cabot Street. approve(3-0). 10/21f2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class 11 license for Recommend the #274 Beverly Gas and Tire Inc., 383 Cabot Street. council to approve(3-0). 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Taxi/Livery License Recommend the #275 for Logistics Transportation Services Inc., 8 Munroe Street council to approve(3-0). 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class Il license for Recommend the #276 All Wheels, Inc., 97 Park Street. council to approve(3-0). 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class III license for Recommend the #277 All Wheels,Inc., 97 Park Street council to approve(3-0). #278 10/21/2024 City Clerk-Renewal application for a Class II license for Hold Alba Auto,449 Cabot Street. 10/21/2024 Planning Director,Darlene Wynne-Request to waive the Recommend the #281 city's right of first refusal on resale of an affordable council to housing unit(new buyer). approve(3-0). 10/21/2024 City Engineer Lisa A. Chandler-Request for ordinance Recommend the #287 council to change-Section 270-25 (B)Stop Intersections. approve(3-0). Order#287-A motion to suspend Council Rule#26(to allow proposed ordinance revisions to be voted on in the first meeting that they appear)was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and motion carried(3-0). Meeting adjourned 8:12 PM. Legal A fiWrs Committee Meeting Minutes—October 21,2024,page 2 of 2