BOH minutes 9-18-24.docx City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: September 18,2024
Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A &B
Board members present: Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva
Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director,Joyce Redford,Director at North Shore/Cape Ann
Tobacco Policy Program,Delaney Mansfield,Assistant Animal Control Officer
Not present: Dr. Justin Jordan, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse
Recorder: Lynne DePiero
Ms. Morse called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
The minutes from the June 3rd, 2024 meeting were approved. The minutes from the Executive Session
on August 8th, 2024 were approved with one amendment.
HEARING REQUEST: Tobacco (2nd)violation- Beverly Smoke Shop -445 Rantoul Street- Allowing
entry of a person under 21 years of age into an adult-only tobacco shop. Beverly Smoke Shop had
representatives there and asked the Board to consider dismissing the 7-day suspension of sales and asked
if they could just pay the $2,000. fine. Beverly Smoke Shop explained that they have fired all the
employees involved from the first offense, they have installed a buzzer system to allow access into the
establishment and that they are a small business and it would be a hardship to be shut down for 7 days.
Ms. Redford explained that they allowed the youth access into the establishment and was able to ask for
the product before they even asked to see any identification. She also stated that it is not required to
provide the business with the violation right after the inspection. Dr. Silva stated that the regulations are
clear with the violations and she motioned to uphold the initial fine and suspension, Ms. Morse
seconded- All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Tobacco (1st)violation - Crossing Corner Market- 398 Cabot Street- Sale of a
tobacco product to a person under 21 years of age. The owner was present and stated that by the time he
received notification of the violation he had erased the footage of the sale. Ms. Redford stated that the
youth was asked"Are you 217 and responded with a birthdate that wasn't the legal age for buying
tobacco and was still sold the product-no identification was requested. Ms. Redford added that in 2019,
The Tobacco Control Law mandates that all retailers check the ID of anyone looking under 30 when
purchasing tobacco. Dr. Silva motioned to uphold the initial fine and suspension, Ms. Morse seconded-
All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for a Tobacco transfer permit 242 Elliott Street changing
owners. A representative from Elliott Beer&Wine was present and explained to the Board that there
would be no changes in the tobacco sales of the establishment. The Board informed him to familiarize
himself and his employees with Beverly's tobacco regulations, which he acknowledged and stated that
he also owns a business in Everett and has no previous violations. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the
application. Ms. Morse seconded—All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for an Animal permit- 62 Glidden Street- 5 chickens. Applicant
Mr. Zladivar was present and stated that he already had the chickens -he was waiting to build his run
onto the coop until his permit was approved. Ms. Mansfield commented that everything was within the
setback limits. Two of the abutting neighbors were present and opposed the request stating that there is
already a high population of wildlife in the area due to the woods that are across the street from them.
Ms. DelleChiaie recommended the following conditions to the Board: that a '/4 inch galvanized metal
meshing be dug down 12" below the surface and be put around the coop and run as well as 12" out
from the perimeter. Chicken droppings must be composted within garden beds. Chicken feed must be
stored in a galvanized metal container with a lid that is rodent-proof. The owner must call the Health
Department once the run is completed for a reinspection to ensure it is built in the designated spot
shown on the application. If the department finds evidence of rodents it can suspend the permit and the
owner will be required to hire a licensed pest control company. Ms. Morse motioned to approve the
permit with Ms. DelleChiaie's conditions, Dr. Silva seconded- All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for an Animal permit- 38 Thoreau- 4 chickens. The applicant was
not present at the meeting. Ms. Mansfield stated that everything was within the regulations and it is a
large lot. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the permit, Ms. Morse seconded- All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for an Animal permit- 4 Gateway Lane -4 chickens. The applicant
was not present at the meeting. Ms. Mansfield had no concerns, stating that it is a large lot and they plan
to compost chicken manure in the garden. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the permit, Ms. Morse
seconded- All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for an Animal permit - 4 Ice House Lane - 9 chickens. The
applicant was not present at the meeting. Ms. Mansfield stated that she did not have any concerns with
the property. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the permit, Ms. Morse seconded-All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for a Body Art Practitioner Permit-Daniel Duquette - Garden City
Tattoo. Mr. Duquette was present, as well as Andrew Bixby - Owner of Garden City Tattoo. Mr.
Duquette explained his tattooing experience to the Board and Mr. Bixby stated that he has known Mr.
Duquette for a long time and he only hires people that will help the reputation of his business. Ms.
Kirsch has reviewed the application and Mr. Duquette meets all the requirements. Dr. Silva motioned to
approve his permit, Ms. Morse seconded- All in favor.
The Board agreed to table the vote on the Health Department's written internal policies regarding
administrative food safety procedures until the October meeting.
Ms. Morse suggested that the Health Department work on a tobacco notification violation policy plan so
when violations come into the Health Department from Ms. Redford, the correspondence gets mailed
out in a reasonable timeframe to alert the establishments of their violation. Ms. DelleChiaie will draft a
Health Director Updates:
Body Art revised regulations are in the final draft and will be reviewed with Assistant City Solicitor,
Ms. Oldmixon. Revised regulations will be presented at a public hearing in October.
A-1 Citywide Residential Pest Control Program is underway and already has a few applicants. In order
to be eligible you must be a homeowner and have had no pest control boxes on your property in the last
12 months.
We are still awaiting the Food&Housing Code Pro desktop version to be downloaded. The inspectors
are starting to use the program in the field.
Ms. Melissa Weed, Social Services Navigator will attend October's meeting and discuss what she has
been working on. She has taken over the Narcan Box project for Ms. DelleChiaie.
The racial/health equity core team has met several times over the past few months and have identified
four key areas to work on -Language Access, Racial Equity, Cultural Awareness and Digital Equity.
Each team member is working on an outline of tasks to be completed in FY25.
Northshore Public Health Collaborative is working on a FY25 plan focusing on standardizing processes
across departments. We will be utilizing the regional health inspector more frequently to assist with
inspections due to our Sanitarian, Stephen Casey, leaving the Beverly Health Department to take a
Regional Housing Trainer position.
Ms. DelleChiaie is working on contacting biotech companies that used to be permitted and have not
renewed their permits.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Next meeting October 16, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynne DePiero
Administrative Assistant