2024-06-20 CPC Minutes City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee June 20,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Meeting Room A, 3rd Fl. DATE: June 20, 2024 at 7pm BOARD MEMBERS Chair Derek Beckwith, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum, PRESENT: Suzanne LaMont, Heather Richter, David Ershun, Christy Edwards, Nancy Marino, Jamie Jamieson OTHERS PRESENT: Jean Delios RECORDER: Kathryn Horrigan 1) Derek Beckwith Chair, calls the meeting to order at 7pm. 2) Consultation and Q&A with the CPC No members of the public are in attendance at the meeting. 3) CPA Funding Round 11 a) Updates including City Council Vote Chair Beckwith provides the update that the City Council approved CPC's recommendations to fund six projects (unanimously) on Monday night, June 17, 2024. They are good to move forward with MOUs, Jean is working on those. The City Council was very positive, and Jamie Jamieson was in attendance. They seemed happy and impressed with what was presented. The Girdler House project was something different and questions were expected about the Affordable Housing Trust Allocation but since this was proactively addressed there were no questions raised during the meeting. Richter stated that it was a good idea to include details like the budget in the letter to the City Council. Round 11 grants,plus the $450,00 out of cycle grant to Anchor Point H, brings the total funds granted at just about a million dollars. b) Habitat for Humanity Subcommittee Chair Beckwith summarizes the status the subcommittee: This MOU has unusual or nontraditional work. The Habitat for Humanity grant for the Critical Home Repair (CHR)program was conditioned on requiring a CHR application review process including members of the CPC (subcommittee). They will work with the Habitat for Humanity folks on the process. Robert, Derek, Darlene and Jean met to discuss parameters and legality and the terms will be reviewed by the City Solicitor's Office. The Committee thinks that the subcommittee will be made up of two or three people. The process will be decided upon by the subcommittee, and this is just to act as a check to see if Habitat for Humanity is on target. 1 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee June 20,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 There will be three steps l.) Habitat informs the subcommittee of upcoming projects 2.) Members of the subcommittee will either approve or reject the project based on CPA guidelines 3.) They will then report project status and new projects monthly to the City and to the larger Community Preservation Committee with a formal report once a quarter. Funds will be released after the project is completed. This will all be included in the MOU. The subcommittee will work with Habitat to make sure the process works for both sides. This is a pilot to see how this dynamic would work. There is an affordable housing restriction that will be required. This piece will need to be plugged into this. There will be a deed restriction. If these homes are sold there will be some capture of that revenue made to match CPA requirements. Habitat is responsible for letting the homeowner know this, and all of the properties are privately owned. The legal semantics will break down all of the requirements to this deed restriction. Habitat for Humanity would like the MOU to be signed as quickly as possible, but the legal team will still need to review details. They have clawbacks in the Cabot and Larcom MOUs that can be looked at for reference. The affordable housing restriction will need to be reviewed by the legal team, but Habitat for Humanity will not be taking on any emergency cases. Robert Buchsbaum volunteers to be on the subcommittee as well as Heather Richter, and David Ershun. There will be some vacation time that may impact the subcommittee meeting schedule but Zoom and email (to staff) are still viable options for communication within the subcommittee. These subcommittee members were appointed, and it was decided that a vote was not needed. The previous subcommittee had a chair, and Robert Buchsbaum was appointed as the Chair of the subcommittee. Richter asks if the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Allocation project will require a subcommittee and that she would like to see quarterly reports from the trust. Chair Beckwith entertains a motion to create the subcommittee with the three members (Buchsbaum, Richter, and Ershun) including a Chairperson. So moved by Buchsbaum and seconded by LaMont, Motion passes unanimously (8-0). c) Habitat for Humanity MOU milestones Chair Beckwith states that they are not sure what the individual projects are going to be yet. Jean met with the Habitat folks and they mentioned that they don't foresee emergency projects. They have the project infrastructure already built for home repair projects, which will be the majority of what they are doing. They expect to have five to six projects throughout the year. The goal is for the subcommittee to come up with a process for the MOUs. At tonight's meeting the Committee appointed the subcommittee and they will come up with the process that will be used. They are thinking of having a bracket response team in case there are any emergency projects that do come up. 2 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee June 20,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 4) CPC Project Updates,if any— Summarized by Chair Beckwith a) Carriage House Extension An email was sent from Bruce Doig stating that the City is not seeking an extension on the MOU and recognizes that the stalled project will expire on July 2nd. The City will need to put together a long term plan and then present a funding plan. They need to reevaluate the project and that is why they are letting the current MOU expire. The MOU addresses the Wall at the Carriage House, but not the building itself. Edwards states that Bruce Doig indicates filing an out of cycle application, but, he will need to meet the out of cycle requirements and criteria and now $100,000 dollars will be coming back from the Carriage House grant and will be returned to the General Fund. The Commission thinks that the Carriage House should be put to bid. b) Gillis Park Questions were raised about the cement apron. Buce Doig looked and there was no estimate for a concrete pad but rather just for picnic tables. Bruce does bring up that there will be a larger scale renovation in the works, but that was not presented this funding round. They will need to get a signature from the City to come forward and get funding. They have schematics and proposals, but they do not have a city buy-in yet to seek funding for these potential projects. This does not have an impact on their current project proposal. This will not hold up construction of the new water fountain plans. This will be completed on August 31st of this year. He did not indicate at last month's meeting that there will be any hold ups on their current project. The Commision does mention that getting buy- in from the local neighborhood community would be best practice. Jean will follow up with Bruce to see if he has been able to connect with the neighborhood community in the area, as well as request a project timeline. The Friends of Gillis Park group will need to be contacted, who will be the liaison? When will the bottle filling station be installed? They need confirmation if this will be complete by the August 31st date. They are completing this project in stages. Partnership at times has been challenging when it comes to project completion with Parks and Rec. c) Larcom Theater, HDC approval The Beverly Historic District Commission has signed off that the project is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior's standards. 3 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee June 20,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 5) CPC Project Close Outs,if any(anticipated) a) Balch Street Housing Exterior Door Replacement(6/30/2024) This project was finally completed and was an out of cycle project. Beverly Housing authority received a grant for this project. The tenants are extremely excited about this project. The cost of the doors is reimbursed by CPA. 6) CPC Project MOU Extension Requests,if any One request from the Beverly Farms Cemetery Phase 2 Project. They have requested an extension to February 7th 2025, originally it would have expired this month in June. This is a cemetery fence restoration Edwards: Motion to extend the MOU for the Beverly Farms Cemetery Fence Phase 2 Project to February 7th, 2025 to align with the phase one deadline. Second by LaMont. Motion passes unanimously (8-0). 7)Approval of Minutes a) May 16, 2024 One comment was made in reference to number 5 item c, the Lynch Park Carriage House Preservation. The 4th line down should be referencing a building rather than a wall. Replace "building" for the word "wall". Section 5 a right after the motion and vote, write out Jean Delios rather than just Delios. Section d, should mention that Jean Delios has reached out to the project contact. A motion was made to change the spelling of marquis, to the correct spelling of marquee. On page three number 3 section a, in the final paragraph and final sentence including the words "at" when discussing location. LaMont: Motion to approve May 16, 2024 Meeting Minutes as amended. Second Richter. There is a unanimous vote of approval (8-0). 8) Schedule of Meetings There are no scheduled MOUs for the end of July. The next meeting will take place on Thursday August 15, 2024 at 7pm. 9) Other items not known in advance of the posting of this agenda The topic of the subcommittee comes back up, and what they should begin working on. Will they be involved with the creations of MOUs? Christy and Nancy both introduced themselves. They are still looking for a member from Parks and Recreation. 4 City of Beverly Community Preservation Committee June 20,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 They discuss the ribbon cutting at Moraine Farm where they have a lovely garden space. The trails and grounds are open to the public. Conservation restriction has not been signed off on by the Secretary's Office for Moraine Farm. 10)Adjourn Motion to adjourn by Marino. Second by Jameson. Motion passes unanimously 8-0. Meeting adjourns at 8:15 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee is scheduled for Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. 5