20240606 City Council Finance and Property Committee Meeting Minutes Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair Julie R. Flowers Brendan S. Sweeney Finance and Property/ City Council Committee of the Whole Budget Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 6, 2024, 6:30pm City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Matthew St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Committee Members Present: Julie Flowers, Brendan Sweeney, Matthew St. Hilaire Councilors Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Danielle Spang Absent: Scott Houseman, Todd Rotondo Order#161-Mayor's FY2025 Budget- Department Budget Sessions Planning-Darlene Wynne St. Hilaire and Sweeney asked what the consulting line is being used for this year. Wynne stated that it includes membership in the North Shore Alliance for Economic Development, some of it is expected to be used as a match for the sign ordinance update grant, and some is being held to use as a potential match for other grants that have been applied for. There will also be work with a consultant to make edits to the design standards packet before it gets submitted. Bowen asked if the consulting line includes the MBTA Communities project. Wynne said the state provided a lot of assistance for that at no charge. Feldman asked about the shuttle bus line and Salem Skipper. Wynne stated the shuttle bus line goes towards the CATA bus and ARPA money is being used for the Salem Skipper. As that program is piloted and data comes in,there will be conversations about the efficiencies and the best kind of transit. Library—Allison Babin Babin stated this is a level-services budget and gave some statistics on library usage and services for the year. Flowers asked if there are any concerns about this budget and about the funding for the Bookmobile. Babin stated one area that is difficult is building repairs. The buildings are aging and have a lot of issues. Babin stated the Bookmobile does have its own maintenance and fuel line which allows for patching small issues that come up. There have been challenges with the generator on the Bookmobile that are still being evaluated. Bowen asked what negative impacts might be expected for having not moved forward with the HVAC at this time and if there are any plans in this budget or outside of this budget to help address some of the bigger issues. Babin stated it is definitely a concern. There may be some days in the summer or winter where the library will have to close because it cannot be cooled or heated sufficiently. This budget does not begin to address that. Babin spoke about the requirements for the state aid program. Community Services, Parks & Recreation, Enterprise Funds—Bruce Doig Doig gave an update on some of the improvements being made at city parks. Feldman asked about the need for seawall repairs at Lynch Park and Obear Park and asked if that is through other funding sources. Mayor Michael Cahill stated there are some minor repairs that need to be made sooner. The bigger work that needs to be done may be comparable to something like the Bridge Street road reconstruction. Cahill spoke about some of the grants available. Largely, the big chunks of money will need to come from state and federal grant funding. The consulting line includes money that can go as a match towards these kinds of grants. Spang asked about the CPC funding for the carriage house. Cahill stated that money is being let go to allow for more time to better define the project. There was a brief discussion of the park of the year line and upcoming park improvements. Health Director Laura DelleChiaie spoke to the increase in the consulting line for inspecting biotech facilities, since it requires a very specific background. DelleChiaie spoke of the benefits in the last year from the additional sanitarian position. Solicitor—Stephanie Williams Williams gave an overview of the services the department provides. Public Services,Engineering & Public Works and Airport, Golf& Tennis,Water/Sewer Enterprise Funds—Mike Collins Collins stated over the last two years there have been almost 15 new employees and 18 departures. There was discussion about some reorganization of positions which changed where they appear in the budget, not the amount of positions. There was discussion about the highway and maintenance line 58757 (purchase equipment under capital outlay). Collins stated $350,000 is about the price of a single truck, so the hope would be to buy a truck this year. Ayles stated generally the types of capital that are rolled into the operating budget are when there is a department that has an annual recurring need for capital investment like DPW or the police department. There was discussion about the sanitation contract, staff training, equipment repairs and purchases, an equipment plan, enterprise funds, cemeteries, internships to fill staffing needs, and work on roads and sidewalks. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:32pm. Beverly City Council Committee on Finance and Property Meeting Minutes—June 6,2024 page 2 of 2