20240604 City Council Finance and Property Committee Meeting Minutes Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair
Julie R. Flowers
Brendan S. Sweeney
Finance and Property/ City Council Committee of the Whole
Budget Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6:30pm
City Council Chambers, Yd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Matthew St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
Committee Members Present: Julie Flowers, Brendan Sweeney, Matthew St. Hilaire
Councilors Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Todd Rotondo,
Danielle Spang
Absent: Scott Houseman
Order#161-Mayor's FY2025 Budget-Department Budget Sessions
City Council Budget Analyst—Gerry Perry
Perry commented that this has been one of the most challenging budgets in years. This budget is
level-services. Perry reviewed some of the narrative from his memo to the City Council.
There was discussion on the maximum shift allowed between commercial and residential tax
Perry stated some unknowns here are the collective bargaining and the increasing costs of the
vocational school.
Mayor—Mayor Michael Cahill
Cahill reminded the Council that the two sustainability positions started with grants which pay a
percentage of those salaries for three years.
Ayles spoke about the reserves for collective bargaining, separation of service and unforeseen.
Cahill highlighted some grants and new opportunities such as municipal aggregation and some of
the goals for the upcoming year which are summarized in the FY25 goals on the C1earGov
Flowers asked about other places in the budget where diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging
work is reflected as it becomes part of each department's work.
Cahill stated the goal is that the core team will be able to realize more gains by working together
and noted the $50,000 in line 11211 55000.
There was conversation regarding the homeless shelter purchase of service line [11212 53010]
and Lifebridge providing some services in the city.
Rotondo asked about line 57301 for association dues.
Cahill stated this is membership fees for the city's participation in numerous organizations and
Bowen stated she appreciates the goals that have been filled out in C1earGov and asked if the
expectation is that goals for next year are similar. Bowen asked if, given that the budget is
described as level-service, this all can still be supported by staff or if there are concerns that
people are spread too thin.
There was discussion on if there is still enough support for initiatives.
Sweeney asked about sustainability work.
Cahill stated it has been a big benefit to have project management for sustainability initiatives.
Director of Sustainability Erina Keefe stated Salem has five staff members in their sustainability
Assessors, Treasurer-Collector,Accounting,Procurement, Information Technology,
Enterprise Funds, Revenues—Bryant Ayles '
Ayles gave an overview of departments under the Finance Department and noted the increase in
BMEA salaries, insurance costs, and OpenGov costs.
There was a brief discussion of the"FY2024 Budget" column on ClearGov reflecting the
originally presented FY2024 budget numbers. There was also discussion on the strategy of
carrying a consistent debt budget, expectations for revenue and new growth, and water/sewer
funds and rates.
Fire—Chief Peter O'Connor
O'Connor distributed a handout on the proposed FY25 Fire Department budget. There was a
brief discussion of the shift in dispatch, sick time buyback, and shift coverage.
Ayles stated the funds for buyback are centralized into the reserve for separation of service then
are transferred into that department's budget as needed.
Police—Chief John LeLacheur
There was discussion regarding overtime,the accreditation process, dispatch and solar.
A motion to set the public hearing for Order#161 for Thursday, June 13 at 6:30pm was made
and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0).
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0).
The meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.
Beverly City Council Committee on Finance and Property Meeting Minutes—June 4,2024 page 2 of 2