BOH minutes 5-15-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: May 15,2024
Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B
Board members present: Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva
Not present: Dr.Justin Jordan
Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse,Delaney Mansfield,
Assistant Animal Control Officer
Recorder: Lynne DePiero
Dr. Silva called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
The minutes from the April 29th, 2024 meeting were approved.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for Keeping of Animals —23R New Balch—Christina Terry—
request for up to 5 chickens:
Ms. Terry was present for the hearing and explained that her coop would be moveable and that it will
have a phalange around the coop with a pull tray for the chicken waste. Assistant Animal Control Officer
Mansfield inspected the location and found no concerns. Ms. Terry explained that her yard is shared with
two other houses and her neighbors have submitted letters in favor of the chickens. Dr. Silva motioned to
approve the application. Ms. Morse seconded—All in favor.
Ms. DelleChiaie asked the Board what their thoughts were on having a vision statement for the Health
Department. Dr. Silva and Ms. Morse both agreed to start first with the Health Department staff to create
a vision draft and then bring it to the Board.
The City is planning on a Racial Equity Audit for departments which should late May or early June.
Updates on the Opioid Settlement Funds: there were five final candidates for the Social Services
Navigator position,two candidates have dropped out. Second round interviews have been held,which
the Council on Aging Social Worker sat in on. They have narrowed it down to two finalist and are
hoping to make a final decision next week.
Health Director Updates:
Body Art Regulations—the current draft is still with the Salem City Solicitor—waiting to hear back.
Animal Permit Regulations—Ms. DelleChiaie has started to review revising the regulations with Ms.
Oldmixon and Ms. Morse. The Board would like the main concerns to focus on the applicant's square
footage space per animal, free-range chickens and how set-backs would work,restricting roosters,the
size of the animal and what type of outside animals would need permits. The Board added that we should
be mindful of protecting the neighbors' concerns as well. She commented that it would be helpful to get
more information on what other surrounding communities are doing.
The Health Department has created a new strategy to start Biosafety permits. Looking to set up a meeting
with the Cummings Center leasing office for a more comprehensive list of Biotech companies located at
their property.
Beach testing will begin the week of June loth, 2024.
Upcoming topics for next month's Board meeting are a tobacco permit transfer and discussing the animal
permit regulations draft.
Public Health Nurse Updates:
Ms. Kirsch informed the Board that the Diaper Drive that was held in April collected over 6,000 diapers
and were donated to various pantries on the North Shore. All of the diapers and wipes that were collected
in Beverly were donated to Beverly Boot Straps.
Ms. Kirsch conducted a North Shore Mother Visiting Partnership Program home visit. The North Shore
Collaborative Nurses conducted a survey/focus group of new mothers which will hopefully give some
insight as to whether home visits are the best way to support new moms.
She attended the Massachusetts Public Health Nurse Conference in Woburn on May 9th
She continues to investigate infectious diseases as necessary. She is continuing to see low levels of covid
and flu in the community.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Next meeting June 3, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynne DePiero
Administrative Assistant