20240304 City Council and School Committee Joint Meeting (1) CITY OF BE14ERL`i RECEIVED OD RECORDED CITY GLER;{ S Cyr FICA BEVERLY SCHOOL COMMITTEE / BEVERLY CITY COUNCIL Joint Council Meeting 2 10� 35 8 A Wednesday, March 4, 2024, 7:00 P.M. Beverly High School 100 Sohier Road, Beverly, MA 01915 A Joint Council meeting of the Beverly School Committee and City Council was held on Monday, March 4, 2024, following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office that public access can be made using technology. Ms. Flowers announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting and broadcasting live on Channel 99. Members Participating: City Councilors: Julie R. Flowers, Council President Hannah L Bowen - Councilor at Large Brendan S. Sweeney-Councilor at Large Todd C. Rotondo, Council Vice President, Ward 1 Danielle Spang -Ward 2 Councilor Steven M. Crowley-Ward 3 Councilor Scott Houseman -Ward 4 Councilor Kathleen M. Feldman Ward 5 Councilor Matt St. Hilaire -Ward 6 Councilor School Committee: Rachael Abell, President Lorinda Visnick, Vice President Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Mayor Michael Cahill Dr. Jeffrey Silva Dr. Kenann McKenzie-DeFranza Absent Members: Kimberley Coelho Also Participating: Superintendent, Dr. Suzanne Charochak; Director of Finance and Operations, Jean Sherburne; Director of Human Resources and Information, Erin Brown; Administrator of Special Education and PPS, Bethany Splansky, Director of Access, Opportunity and Equity, Dr. Andre Morgan; Program Manager City Connects: Megan Sudak; Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee, Donna Bergeron Call to Order: Ms. Flowers and Ms. Abell called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Pledge of Allegiance Councilor St. Hilaire led members assembled in the pledge of allegiance. Reserved for City Council Agenda Items Councilor Flowers brought forward Order#071, #072, #073, and#074. Public hearings were set for#072 on 3/11/24 at 8:OOpm, and#073 on 3/18/24 at 7:30pm. Updates -Senator Joan Lovely and Representative Jerald Parisella Representative Parisella gave an update on the Governor's upcoming steps for her budget. He anticipated this year's budget will be leaner and will prepare all for future cuts next year. He is beginning to review and plan future hearings on the Economic Development Bill which includes a $3.5 billion bond. Senator Lovely shared her insights on the Ways and Means budget, she noted the decline in revenues. She shared Ways and Means is looking to be level-funded. Ms. Visnick asked if there were any legislative changes around admissions to vocational schools. She expressed the need for lottery entry over competitive entries for students. Senator Lovely shared that there has been a lot of discussions about vocational education. A discussion at a vocational school included a lot of opposition to lottery entry. She spoke to Salem's CTE program for vocational education. She shared the high interest for applicants at Essex Tech; 400 students out of 1,400 applicants were accepted. Councilor Bowen asked about housing and education. Are there any updates on transportation with the MBTA and the bridge? Representative Parisella shared the upcoming meeting for the bridge on March 5, 2024. He will continue to pressure the parties involved for faster progress regarding the bridge. In regards to the META, the trains are running almost at pre-pandemic efficiency. He explained that T will be the focus for future spending. Ms. Abell mentioned the Fair Share Amendment, she is interested in what will increase the size of the pie, for economic engines. Representative Parisella said that the focus continues to be on transportation and education. He is hoping for a 50/50 split for the two (2) causes. Mr. Sweeney commented on the State's difficult budget status. He is curious what will happen for minimum aid communities, like Beverly, for Chapter 70 funding. Senator Lovely recalled the budget retreat's Chapter 90 discussion, and she expressed her understanding of Beverly's need for that funding. Senator Lovely will bring this message to Ways and Means. Representative Parisella shared what funds Beverly is currently receiving from tourism and from the state. Mayor Cahill commented about the admission to vocational schools, and his interest to have lottery entry. He shared Beverly and Salem's new program this year. Beverly students are going to Salem for vocational education, in addition to receiving academic education at BHS. He spoke to the lack of transportation investments affecting Beverly's housing, education and employment. He asked the Senator about the level-funded budget. He is asking if this is level-funded from the Governor's budget or level-funded from last year's funding. Senator Lovely explained that she doesn't have intel yet, due to an upcoming meeting. She clarified that the budget is level-funding to FY24. Councilor Houseman asked about Representative Parisella's bill regarding road repair after utility work. He spoke to National Grid's work in replacing cable work to Cape Ann and infrastructure updates for natural gas. Councilor Houseman is asking if utility companies are going to be held to higher standards for road work following their repair work. Representative Parisella was inspired by observing the disrepair of the roads after utility work. He is looking to establish a standard for roads after utility work. Ms. Visnick asked about Whittier Vocational School in Haverhill, and the vote that didn't pass to repair the building. Could the Fair Share funding be used to repair the building. Representative Parisella spoke to conversations with parents wanting more admittance. He spoke to how the majority of students at Whittier are from Haverhill, whereas surrounding districts don't send as many students. He is curious if the distribution of district representative students affected the vote. Representative Parisella commented on whether expanding Essex Tech's footprint would help. He asked if Beverly participated in the After Dark program with Essex Tech. Dr. Charochak answered affirmatively and participation is based on available seats. She continued to further explain the new program with Salem High School, to provide more vocational opportunities, due to the high interest. Ms. Visnick followed up about the potential for a satellite campus for Essex Tech. Senator Lovely added that Essex Tech is adding 350 seats. They will be converting administrative space from the older buildings. Mayor Cahill asked a follow up comment, what are the vocational schools expanding on. Are the expansions going for programs that are college bound? Or are the program expansion based on need. Mayor Cahill expressed the high interest for Electrical in both the full time and After Dark program. Ms. Abell asked about unfunded mandates, like transportation for homeless students. She asked what kind of advocacy procedures Beverly could proceed with to provide for students. Senator Lovely asked for specific numbers regarding transportation costs. Senator Lovely and Representative Parisella would like to bring forth this data to their budget meetings. She would like some specifics including where they are transporting students from. Ms.Visnick spoke to the welcoming of homeless students and values their connection to stay in Beverly schools. She is hopeful to find a closer solution for some of these students. Councillor Houseman asked about the housing need regarding an assisted living facility closing. Why can't the affordable housing formula be used for assisted living for residents on PACE? Representative Parisella agreed that there should be a minimum number. Councilor Houseman asked concerning legislation, how should the council seek out the support of the Representative and Senator. Representative Parisella shared that it is helpful to have the opinions of the council. Senator Lovely welcomes resolutions from city councils to express what is important to them. She encourages the council to share how they feel. Update from BPS Superintendent Charochak on District's Goals & Plans Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Dr. Andre Morgan Dr. Charochak brought forward the previous year's district goal; this is the final year of the three-year district improvement plan.This year the school district is developing new district goals for the next three-year plan. She reviewed some of the successes with these goals throughout the year and district schools. The new District Improvement Plan will be presented in May. Dr. Morgan gave an overview of the first objective of the new district improvement plan, Designing Our Equity Continuum. Dr. Charochak gave an overview of the second and third objectives of the new district improvement plan: High Quality Professional Development and Innovative Practices. Councilor St. Hilaire asked about the curriculum change to Honors Math at the high school. Dr. Charochak explained a closer look is needed to analyze when the best time for acceleration is for students. The goal is to help all students have opportunities for acceleration. All proposals are for FY26, and will come forward to the school committee for consideration and vote. Councilor Bowen asked about any reactions to the budget from Representative and Senator. Dr. Charochak referred back to the minimum aid comment from Councilor Sweeney. She thanked him for his question. Councilor Spang commented on the focus on Civics. She is offering her help to assist Councilor Flowers and Dr. Charochak in creating a student advisory board for the city. Councilor Flowers asked about further conversation about chronic absenteeism and about when families should stay home. Dr. Charochak shared that the health policy is back to fever-free for 24 hours. Dr. Charochak encourages parents to use their best judgment. She is hopeful that parents begin to use the same sense of judgment as prior to the pandemic. Councilor Flowers asked if the data shared referring to absenteeism, was that unexcused or excused absences. Dr. Charochak shared that the data shared was all absences. Dr. Charochak welcomes all feedback on the goals for the district improvement plans. Ms. Abell added the District Improvement Plan drives the budget development plan. Adjournments by School Committee and City Council Presidents Julie Flowers & Rachael Abell The City Council adjourned its meeting. A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the joint meeting of School Committee and seconded by Ms. Robinson at 8:50pm. The motion passed by a vote of 6:0. Respectfully submitted, Kaarin Robinson, Secretary Beverly School Committee