20240401 City Council Meeting Minutes CITY OF BEVERLY
Regular City Council Meeting CITY CLERKS OFFICc
Public Meeting Minutes VE4 E AY 15 P 3: 0 9
Monday,April 1, 2024, 7:OOpm
City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St.
Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk, Lisa
Kent, took attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Danielle Spang,
Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers
Members Absent: Hannah Bowen, Todd Rotondo
Houseman led the pledge of allegiance.
Comments by Citizens
Sarah DeLuca, 8 Newbury Street, spoke about the ongoing crisis occurring in Gaza and the role
the government is playing in perpetuating that violence. DeLuca asked that the Council pass a
resolution calling for a ceasefire.
John Fallon, 990 Hale Street, spoke about the Beverly Farms Gardens. Fallon stated this is a
MassDOT property that he acquired eight years ago through a permit to plant and harvest
vegetables to donate to food pantries in the area. Fallon requested a water service line from the
City so drip irrigation can be installed. Fallon stated it would be a$3,000 project if done
privately and would take 1-2 days to complete in an existing trench. The City is the only one that
can request permission from the state to access that trench. It would need to be done before Hale
Street is repaved.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street,played a recording of music and displayed three signs, one
with information about what starvation does to the body, one with a photo of a person in rubble,
and one stating, "Stop Raytheon Arms Sales to Israel" on it. Hansen-Mitev asked if the Council
President knew how many Beverly residents work for Raytheon.
Public Hearings
Order#105-7:20pm-National Grid-Plan#30665817-to install 1 JO pole on Lothrop Street
Michael Kazadi from National Grid stated this is to minimize the powerline span between two
existing poles. '
Spang stated that next to pole 2507 there is a large green National Grid utility box and asked if
that will be affected by the new pole going in.
Kazadi stated he could find out.
Karen Fogarty, 169 Lothrop Street, stated there is also another pole on Bisson Street that is
leaning and asked about the actual need for a third pole. It seems like this area would be very
congested with poles.
Flowers asked Mr. Kazadi if there is another way to solve the sagging without an additional pole.
Kazadi stated he could look into it.
Eric Boeker, 171 Lothrop Street, asked if this is a structural pole or if there will be additional
hardware such as transformers or other things on the pole. Boeker also asked if it will change any
intersections of lines to houses.
Kazadi confirmed it is just a structural pole and will not change any lines.
Order#075-7:30pm-A transfer of$30,000 from a previously authorized capital project fund to
be placed into a new fund for the purchase of a harbormaster vehicle
The motion to recess the hearing to 7:40pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Order#105-7:20pm-National Grid-Plan#30665817-to install 1 JO pole on Lothrop Street
Bob Sette, 173 Lothrop Street, stated he did not receive notification of the work going on here
and wanted to make sure the neighbors' questions and concerns were addressed. Sette stated that
in conjunction with the major National Grid component going through the area he is overall
totally dissatisfied with the way it has gone through and how the City has addressed it with
regards to the residents.
Houseman asked what the required standard length between poles is, noting that the present span
is 150 feet.
Kazadi stated the standard is 50-100 feet, and 100 feet is the maximum. Kazadi stated he is not
sure how long this line has been in place.National Grid tries to fix as many as they can find.
Spang asked if putting a pole there will add a blind spot to the intersection and requested a check
of the sightlines.
Flowers asked that the additional information from National Grid be directed to the City Clerk so
it can be sent to the City Council and discussed further.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Public Services.
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order#106-Grant-A$5,098.80 reimbursement grant from the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle
Incentive Program to be applied toward the purchase of two dual-port Level 2 charging stations
for the fleet vehicles at the Police Stations
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Public Hearings
Order#075-7:30pm/7:40pm-A transfer of$30,000 from a previously authorized capital project
fund to be placed into a new fund for the purchase of a harbormaster vehicle
Finance Director Bryant Ayles stated this is using residual funds in older capital projects now
that the projects have been closed out.
City Council Budget Analyst Gerry Perry stated he is pleased to see this strategy and
recommended adoption.
Harbormaster Peter Dickman stated the harbormaster department has been lacking a work truck
for several years and has been counting on personal vehicles to tow boats.
There was a brief discussion about electric trucks not yet meeting the towing needs.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, asked if the Tesla cybertruck would have enough towing
capacity if they were to wait to make the purchase.
Dickman stated he does not have the stats on the new Tesla truck but he had reached out to the
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 2 of 10
municipal dealership. They did the research, and suggested a nonelectric vehicle as the best
course of action at this time. Dickman reiterated that staff count on personal vehicles and have
tried to borrow Public Services vehicles, which became a scheduling issue. Staff continuing to
use personal vehicles seems to be a liability for the City.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#091-7:45pm-A transfer of$1,135,505 from City's certified free cash balance to be
placed into the City's stabilization fund and a transfer of$227,101 from the free cash balance to
be placed into the City's OPEB trust
Ayles stated the City's financial policies call for certain transfers to ensure the financial stability
of the City in order to keep a consistent level of service through a recession and to be able to pay
long-term liabilities for retiree benefits.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, asked, if the United States were to adopt Medicare for all or
universal health insurance, how that would impact the outlays and responsibilities the City is
planning at this time for health insurance for public officials going forward.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to .Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#095-8:00pm-A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road and sidewalk
work throughout the City. $750,000 of the transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and
the remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital project funds
Ayles stated this request is to add another million dollars beyond what has been budgeted in the
FY24 budget.
There was some discussion on where the sidewalk work would be done.
Order#092-8:15pm-A transfer of$1,000,902.89 from the City's debt stabilization fund to be
placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund
The motion to recess the hearing to 9:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Order#095-8:00pm-A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road and sidewalk
work throughout the City. $750,000 of the transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and
the remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital project funds
There was discussion on the funds coming from closed out capital projects and the City's
financial policies.
Perry stated this approach is not specifically stated in the policies but the theme is there of using
one-time revenues for capital projects and one-time expenditures. This is a best practice. The
City would need$7-8 million a year to do roads and sidewalks properly. Proposition 2%2 does not
allow for that; the City just cannot do it. Beverly does a better job than many other communities.
Perry stated this year's budget will be the biggest challenge since he has been here. Perry stated
the amount may be less next year.
Spang asked if lines 5960 and 690 had funds from the community fundraising that took place for
those projects or if that was just the money from the City.
Ayles stated that is just the City's money for the projects.
St. Hilaire stated he does not feel the City is doing good enough on roads and sidewalks.
Order#094-8:30pm-A transfer of$2,045,000 from the City's certified free cash balance to be
placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund. These funds will be used to partially
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes April 1,2024 page 3 of 10
offset the requested loan order(Order#017) for the building and system improvement work for
the main branch library
The motion to recess the hearing to 9:15pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Order#095-8:00pm-A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road and sidewalk
work throughout the City. $750,000 of the transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and
the remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital project funds
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, asked how large a public congressionally passed
infrastructure bill would have to be to allocate approximately$7-8 million on an annual basis.
Hansen-Mitev spoke about the roads in regard to public safety, quality of life, and potential
damages to automobiles which could lead to someone not being able to go to work because their
vehicle was damaged. Hansen-Mitev asked how much of the funds would go to police detail
work. Hansen-Mitev noted that it is important to be mindful of how taxes go to one thing as
opposed to another and how the choices that are made by federal officials affect infrastructure
and roads.
Ayles stated it would really depend on what an infrastructure bill entailed and that police details
would depend on the project.
Mary Mabey, 7 Foster Street, spoke about the lack of sidewalks and expressed support for
sidewalks to be built along Boyles Street and Cross Lane.
Douglas Baumeol, 67 Boyles Street, stated that from Cole to Hale Street, if the sidewalk goes in
on the wrong side of the street, it will make it less safe, not more safe. Baumeol requested that
some funds be allocated towards traffic safety analysis for that section of Boyles Street.
Donna Wetmore, 77 Boyles Street, said speed is a big issue with people using the street to cut
between 128 and Endicott College and other schools in the area. It is a dangerous road and the ,
big buses are over the lines. Wetmore stated that in 20 years at least three people have hit the
rock wall on her property.
Justin Freedman, 8 Thomas Road, spoke in support of the request for sidewalks on Cross Lane
and Boyles Street. Traffic studies have been done previously, and the issue is not only about
traffic volume and speed. The bigger issue is that when there is a bus or car,there is nowhere for
a pedestrian to go. 250 residents in the area have signed on to a petition requesting sidewalks be
added to this area.
Order#093-8:45pm-A transfer of$2,500,000 from the City's certified free cash balance to be
placed in the capital fund 5391 which was established for the acquisition of the parking lot and
building known as the Dollar Store lot
The motion to recess the hearing to 9:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried (7-0).
Order#095-8:00pm-A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road and sidewalk
work throughout the City. $750,000 of the transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and
the remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital project funds
Jessica Sumner, 5 Village Lane, expressed concern for her children and others in the
neighborhood and spoke in support of improving walkability in the area.
Ben Hardin, 14 Cole Street, also spoke in support of the sidewalks. Hardin asked the Council to
try to prioritize connecting the two neighborhoods of Cole Street and 128 and to invest in bike
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 4 of 10
paths and sidewalks. There are a lot of priorities, but this would be money well spent.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order#107-Appointment Robin Lauranzano Gillette to serve on the Beverly Airport
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#108-Appointment-Peggy S. Conlon to serve on the Beverly Cultural Council
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#109-Appointment and a waiver of residency requirement-Thomas Holland, 12 Eddel
Avenue, Wenham to serve on the Economic and Community Development Council
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
Order#110-City Clerk-Application for a license to move an Essex River Church Bible box to a
new location
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#111-Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt the local option
exemption allowed under MGL c. 59 s. 5C1/2 and set the increased exemption at 100 percent of
the personal exemption offered under MGL c. 59 s. 5
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Communications,Application and Petitions
Order#112-Notice of Availability-A release abatement measure Completion Report-150 Sohier
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0).
Order#113-Notice of Public Involvement Plan Meeting-Notice of Availability 150 Sohier Road
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
Order#114-Keolis Commuter Services 2024 Operational Plan
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0).
Order#115-Coastal Mass Brewing-A request for a waiver of the Ordinance restrictions Section
113-2 possession or consumption on public ways, in public places or on private property and
Section 253-35 Public meetings in streets: temporary stands for selling goods
Flowers stated this request was withdrawn by the applicant shortly before the meeting.
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Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting
Order#046-Order Proposing Amendments to City Ordinances, Chapters 1,7,
15,26,33,58,69,105,113,124,136,155,192,210,215,227,232,249,253,274,282 striking or
amending provisions to: modernize and clarify language; remove obsolete language; correct
typos; recognize use of technology; ensure gender neutrality; achieve consistency with city
charter provisions and state law or policy; and address constitutionality concerns
Flowers stated there will be a presentation on this from the City Solicitor's Office at a future
A motion for a brief recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-
0). The meeting recessed at 8:57pm. The meeting was called back to order at 9:00pm.
Public Hearings
Order#092-8:15pm/9:00pm-A transfer of$1,000,902.89 from the City's debt stabilization fund
to be placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund
Ayles stated these are funds the administration is looking to repurpose.
Sweeney asked if this transfer would still be necessary in the event that the other library order is
not approved.
Ayles said collectively we would need to discuss that alternative. If geothermal is not approved,
there technically is no project. We all agree that something needs to be done at the library; it just
depends on if the Council would feel comfortable approving funds for a capital project that is not
clearly defined yet.
St. Hilaire questioned the timing of approving this before considering the larger project. St.
Hilaire said he thought it would be better to hold this until after the larger discussion.
Spang asked if this amount is the current balance for the debt stabilization and if the City intends
to close that fund out after this.
Ayles stated the previous administration created this fund. Because it was created under statute,
it is specific to debt-related costs. It has not been utilized. This seems like an appropriate use of
that fund,then it will go away, and the City will be left with the general stabilization fund.
Houseman stated he would vote against a project that was undefined.
Perry stated one train of thought would be to do all the earmarks and transfers, then we would
know for certain how much the City would need to borrow. The other way is to do the borrowing
and then do all the other ones after the fact. Perry stated the Council could just refer it to
committee and let it sit there depending on how the vote may go next week. It cannot be put off
much longer. Perry stated he has advocated for using this fund and would recommend it. There is
some new legislation that came out on special stabilization funds in the Acts of 2023 Chapter 77.
This specific order, since it is a transfer from a special stabilization fund, only requires a majority
vote now. It used to require a two-thirds vote. A transfer from the general stabilization fund still
requires a two-thirds vote.
Flowers asked a question from Councilor Bowen, who could not be at the meeting,which
requested that Mr. Perry help the Council understand if there are any risks of using the funds in
this way or at this time.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 6 of 10
Perry stated it can be used for this project. Whether this is used for this project or another, it
makes no difference. The City has to keep its debt capacity at a certain level. For all these
projects, we want to keep the debt capacity at no more than$30-31 million.
Order#094-8:30pm/9:15pm-A transfer of$2,045,000 from the City's certified free cash balance
to be placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund. These funds will be used to
partially offset the requested loan order(Order#017) for the building and system improvement
work for the main branch library
The motion to recess the hearing to 9:20pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0).
Order#092-8:15pm/9:00pm-A transfer of$1,000,902.89 from the City's debt stabilization fund
to be placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, expressed concern that this would initiate a presumption that
the City will follow through regarding this HVAC proposal and asked the City to be careful in
how they get the ball rolling. Hansen-Mitev stated he would be speaking at the next Library
Board of Trustees meeting to express concerns from people who actually work in
thermodynamic installations of heat exchangers and also concerns of former public safety
officers about the City's priorities. For instance,these thermodynamic installation professionals
have expressed grave doubt as to the return on investment and the likelihood of any savings
regarding this project. Secondly,these public safety officers have expressed there are other
budget priorities that the City may have. Hansen-Mitev raised two concerns. First the priority of
body-worn cameras by every law enforcement officer and all that entails in protecting
constitutional rights, and secondly whether the City will provide appropriate incentives and
bonuses that fire safety officers can train as paramedics and be rewarded for that extra training
and expertise. It is important that if someone has a heart attack,they are resuscitated, and if it
happens in the context of a crime,that it is recorded, and then when they are safe and sound they
can use the services of the library that we are so fortunate to have.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#094-8:30pm/9:20pm-A transfer of$2,045,000 from the City's certified free cash balance
to be placed into the City's Library Improvement capital fund. These funds will be used to
partially offset the requested loan order(Order#017) for the building and system improvement
work for the main branch library
Ayles stated the cost to the taxpayer would be roughly$10 million. We are hoping to continue to
infuse cash to hopefully avoid borrowing altogether.
Perry stated that originally he was opposed to the financing of this project. If this is approved,
the mayor said he would commit$2-3 million of free cash next year to the project. This is similar
in nature strategically to how the police station was built. Perry stated he is comfortable with this
transfer and the free cash balance this year if the Council decides they want to do this.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street,referred to his previous remarks. There are reasonable
alternatives where the ends that can be achieved are comparable and that allows some resources
to go to other projects. Once this course of action is committed to,there may be roadblocks to
funding other city services or new technologies, for example, if one is concerned with body-worn
cameras or making sure our fire/public officials have the very best training and are rewarded
accordingly. Hansen-Mitev stated he is concerned and would like to hear about the constraints on
the City's future budget and whether there is a concern the City would need to raise taxes to the
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 7 of 10
point of an override. Hansen-Mitev asked if one city councilor would be willing to attend the
next meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. Hansen-Mitev stated it is possible this is being
viewed by an international news publication that may be interested in the funding of an
unorthodox HVAC system for a public library. Hansen-Mitev asked that if Al Jazeera contacts
councilors about any of the matters before them today that each of the councilors go on the
Ayles stated generally we think we laid out a responsible plan for the financing of this project
along with the other major projects that the City is facing. There are always competing demands.
As a Council and an administration we collectively have to balance that.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#093-8:45pm/9:30pm-A transfer of$2,500,000 from the City's certified free cash balance
to be placed in the capital fund 5391 which was established for the acquisition of the parking lot
and building known as the Dollar Store lot
Ayles stated the administration tries to employ different strategies to make these larger projects
affordable. There was a loan authorization for$8 million,then we immediately began putting
cash into it. At the end of everything,there will be remaining balance for$2 million which will
be carried as a bond anticipation note until the disposition of the commercial frontage on Cabot
Street. That would ultimately pay off the $2 million,meaning this project was completed without
ever having to borrow that$8 million.
Perry added that part of the strategy when buying this property was to move staff from city hall
over there during the renovation.
Spang asked about updates on what the City plans to do with the storefront because people want
to see an active downtown.
Planning Director Darlene Wynne stated the artist has been working from his home as the City
gets the agreement and insurance in place. He should be getting into the space pretty soon, and it
will be six to eight weeks to do the project.
St. Hilaire asked where $2 million for the building sale came from and the timeline for the sale
of the building.
Ayles stated the estimated$2 million is effectively from looking at other buildings that have sold
along Cabot Street. It is a shot in the dark. We are still in the design and feasibility part of the
City hall project and seeing if it is viable to construct some of that property to house staff
temporarily. If we used another location, we would be looking at a million dollars for rent alone
to move out of city hall based on prices at places like the Cummings Center or Cherry Hill. We
are not looking to move out until the project is ready, so there is not a set timeline for the sale.
There was discussion of the scope of what would be needed for library or city hall relocation
which is still being determined.
St. Hilaire stated it seems this request is really just fulfilling the strategy that was put in place.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, asked the Council to not approve this proposal and the
funding requested regarding the HVAC for the library based on reasons supported by evidence
and priorities. Hansen-Mitev asked, if the Council approves this, if this could also serve as a
resource center for those members of the community experiencing homelessness and possibly as
an office for the newly appointed social worker whose income will be from the opioid
settlement. Body-worn cameras are important. Hansen-Mitev said, if this project goes forward,
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 8 of 10
he would not want later for someone to say those funds are not available for police. Hansen-
Mitev gave as an example what if there is a City Council meeting where certain members of the
community chose to use signage in violation of the ad hominem prohibition and City Council
President calls law enforcement. If law enforcement chooses to effect an arrest here in City
Council Chambers, it is to that person's interest,the person who's arrested, that it be done with a
body worn camera functioning at that time to ensure constitutional rights, even if there are
witnesses. Lastly, if there was an emergency, it is appropriate that the fire professionals be
incentivized to have medical training as paramedics and be rewarded for that going forward.
Hansen-Mitev expressed gratitude that he can speak freely and share his heartfelt convictions.
Perry stated the simple answer is yes, the space can be used for other things, but those are policy
decisions. Perry stated his role is to look at it from a financial perspective. In terms of the policy
decisions,that is really between the mayor and city councilors.
Lorinda Visnick, 39 Middlebury Lane, recommended a recent Boston Globe article about
revamping office space into housing. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it is impossible.
The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Motions and Orders
Order#087-Councilor Spang-A Proposed Amendment to Ordinance 270-49, Handicapped
parking on Broadway
A motion to approve the final passage of the ordinance amendments was made and seconded. A
vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0). The meeting recessed at 10:00pm. The meeting was called back to order at
Reports of Committees
Finance and Property
Order#075-A transfer of$30,000 from a previously authorized capital project fund to be placed
into a new fund for the purchase of a harbormaster vehicle
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#091-A transfer of$1,135,505 from City's certified free cash balance to be placed into
the City's stabilization fund and a transfer of$227,101 from the free cash balance to be placed
into the City's OPEB trust
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#093-A transfer of$2,500,000 from the City's certified free cash balance to be placed in
the capital fund 5391 which was established for the acquisition of the parking lot and building
known as the Dollar Store lot
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#095-A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road and sidewalk work
throughout the City. $750,000 of the transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and the
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 9 of 10
remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital project funds
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#106-Grant-A$5,098.80 reimbursement grant from the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle
Incentive Program to be applied toward the purchase of two dual-port Level 2 charging stations
for the fleet vehicles at the Police Stations
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Legal Affairs
Order#067-Planning Director, Darlene Wynne-Proposed Amendments to the City of Beverly
Ordinances Section 113-2 Possession or consumption on public ways, in public places or on
private property; Section 192-61 Sandwich board signs; Section 253-24 Signs, awnings and
displays; Section 253-35 Public meetings in streets;temporary stands for selling goods
A motion to approve the first reading as amended was made and seconded. A vote was taken,
and the motion carried 6-1, St. Hilaire opposed).
Order#098-Appointments-Jason Consalvo, Kevin Grant and Christopher Wrenn to serve on the
Economic and Community Development Council
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#099-Appointment-Donna Musumeci to serve as the Greater Beverly Chamber of
Commerce's representative on the Economic and Community Development Council
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#100-Lease Agreement; City of Beverly and Beverly Airport Commission for 0 LP
Henderson Road(portion of parcel ID 90-4)
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
The meeting adjourned at 10:3 8pm.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 page 10 of 10
Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair
Julie R. Flowers
Brendan S. Sweeney
Finance and Property/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday,April 1,2024,7:00pm
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Committee Room,3"d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 10:02pm.
Members present: Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire
Members absent:None
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
A transfer of$30,000 from a previously authorized capital Recommend the
#075 4/1/2024 project fund to be placed into a new fund for the purchase Council approve
of a harbormaster vehicle (3-0)
Earmark-A $200,000 earmark from the Massachusetts
Marketing Partnership within the Executive Office of Labor
#077 3/11/2024 and Workforce Development to be used for HVAC Hold
improvements and weatherization for the Beverly Public
Earmark-A$100,000 earmark from the Massachusetts
Marketing Partnership within the Executive Office of Labor
#078 3/11/2024 and Workforce Development to be used for HVAC Hold
improvements and weatherization for the Beverly Public
Earmark-A$1,000,000 earmark from the United States
#079 3/11/2024 Department of Housing and Urban Development to support Hold
the main library HVAC system replacement and
A transfer of$1,135,505 from City's certified free cash
balance to be placed into the City's stabilization fund and a Recommend the
#091 4/1/2024 transfer of$227,101 from the free cash balance to be placed Council approve
into the City's OPEB trust (3-0)
A transfer of$1,000,902.89 from the City's debt
#092 4/l/2024 stabilization fund to be placed into the City's Library Hold
Improvement capital fund
A transfer of$2,500,000 from the City's certified free cash
balance to be placed in the capital fund 5391 which was Recommend the
#093 4/1/2024 established for the acquisition of the parking lot and Council approve
building known as the Dollar Store lot (3-0)
A transfer of$2,045,000 from the City's certified free cash
balance to be placed into the City's Library Improvement
#094 4/1/2024 capital fund. These funds will be used to partially offset the Hold
requested loan order (Order#017) for the building and
system improvement work for the main branch library
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
A transfer request for$1,000,000 to fund additional road
and sidewalk work throughout the City. $750,000 of the Recommend the
#095 4/l/2024 transfer be from the City's certified cash balance and the Council approve
remaining $250,000 be transferred from a variety of capital (3-0)
project funds
Grant-A$5,098.80 reimbursement grant from the
Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program to be Recommend the
#106 4/1/2024 applied toward the purchase of two dual-port Level 2 Council approve
charging stations for the fleet vehicles at the Police Stations (3-0)
Councilor Sweeney-A proposal that the City Council adopt
the local option exemption allowed under MGL c. 59 s.
#111 4/1/2024 5C1/2 and set the increased exemption at 100 percent of the Hold
personal exemption offered under MGL c. 59 s. 5
The meeting adjourned at 10:08pm.
Beverly City Council Committee on Finance and Property Meeting Minutes—April 1,2024 Page 2 of 2
Scott D. Houseman-Chair
Todd C. Rotondo
Kathleen M. Feldman
Legal Affairs /City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday,April 1,2024, 7:00pm
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
The meeting was called to order at 10:01pm.
Members present: Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman
Members absent: Todd Rotondo
Order Date to Description Action
Number Committee Taken
Councilor Houseman-A letter regarding the Subcommittee
#034 1/16/2024 on Legal Affairs initiatives in the new term Hold
City Clerk-A Livery License renewal application for BAT
#064 2/20/2024 Enterprises, LLC located at 19 Beckford Street Hold
City Clerk-A Livery License-A new Livery License
#065 3/18/2024 application for Alba Boston Limo, LLC located at 283 Cabot Hold
Proposed Amendments to City Ordinance Section 15-37
#101 3/18/2024 Human Rights Committee; Amendments to Modify Hold
Committee Member Qualifications
City Clerk-Application for a license to move an Essex River
#110 4/1/2024 Church Bible box to a new location Hold
Discussion on Order#110
There was a brief discussion of the process. The previous box was approved in 2017. There was a question as to
where specifically the box would be placed since a general area was listed on the application.
The meeting adj ourned at 10:16pm.
Hannah L. Bowen-Chair
Steven M. Crowley
Danielle M. Spang
Public Services/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday,April 1,2024,7:00pm
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Bowen called the meeting to order at 10:01pm.
Members present: Steven Crowley, Danielle Spang
Members absent: Hannah Bowen
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
National Grid-Plan#30665817-to install 1 JO pole on
#105 4/1/2024 Lothrop Street Hold
Meeting adjourned at 10:07pm.