BOH minutes 4-29-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: April 29,2024
Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B
Board members present: Dr.Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva
Others present: Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse,Delaney Mansfield,
Assistant Animal Control Officer
Recorder: Lynne DePiero
Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
The minutes from the March 25, 2024 meeting were approved with the following two amendments on
page 2 regarding the Biosafety permit fees:
1. Omit"Most likely" and start bullet point with"Since"
2. Add"and pass along the cost of the consultant review fee" and omit"to cover"in the bullet point
about the Board voting to increase the fee of the permit
HEARING REQUEST: Variance for a lifeguard waiver at Gateway Condo Swimming Pool:
Chris Pelletier represented Gateway Condo and attended the hearing. He stated that there are no changes
from previous years. The pool is 4 feet deep at the deepest point. The pool gate is kept locked and
residents can enter with keys that are issued to them. The gate is self-closing and shuts after someone
enters. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the lifeguard waiver. Ms. Morse seconded All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Variance for a lifeguard waiver at Hannah Village Swimming Pool:
A representative was present for the hearing and stated that there are two outside gates at ground level
with working locks. He showed the Board a video of the locks working and submitted a picture of the
lock. Dr. Silva motioned to approve the lifeguard waiver with the condition of a more detailed request
letter from Hannah Village detailing the 2024 pool description. Ms.Morse seconded All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for Keeping of Animals 15 B Folger Avenue Christopher Lane
request for up to 10 chickens:
Mr. Lane was present for the hearing. Assistant Animal Control Officer Mansfield inspected the location
and found no concerns. The Board, as well as, an abutting neighbor had concerns about the location of
the coop up on an incline and the chicken's waste running down the hill. Mr. Lane explained that he will
compost in place and will add a drainage system around the coop. Ms. Morse motioned to approve the
application. Dr. Silva seconded All in favor.
Ms. Morse asked about future animal permits with neighbor concerns. She stated that as of now there is
no guidance on if the Board can deny a permit even if the resident meets the set-backs. Dr. Jordan stated
that this should be an agenda item for discussion.
Body Art Regulations updates:
Ms. Morse and Assistant City Solicitor,Ms. Oldmixon have reviewed the revised regulations. The draft
is now being reviewed by the Salem City Solicitor. Once Salem's City Solicitor has given their input,the
surrounding North Shore collaboration will meet to review and agree on the revisions. Ms. Morse
requested to review it again prior to it being shared with the Board.
Ms. DelleChiaie asked the Board if they had any ideas on how we better communicate with the public
regarding beach closure updates for the summer season. They suggested larger and more permanent
signage that can be modified if a beach closure needs to be posted. The Health Department will
investigate different types of signs. Beach season begins May 27th.
Opioid Settlement Funds—Ms. DelleChiaie updated the Board regarding the Social Services Navigator
interviews. Ms. Kirsch and Ms. DelleChiaie have almost completed round one and have some strong
candidates. Dr. Jordan may sit in on round two if his schedule allows. Ms. DelleChiaie is also trying to
schedule a meeting with the Mayor regarding the Naloxone boxes for the City.
Anti-Racism updates—Dr. Jordan inquired about the City's DEI survey reports,Ms. DelleChiaie said she
would reach out to Ms.Fahari for an update. The Board also asked about what resources we had access
to for translators,Ms. DelleChiaie will also inquire about resources available.
Health Director Updates:
Ms. DelleChiaie informed the Board that the Mayor has approved an increase to the budget line for
rodent control to support the services that A-1 will provide the City.
The iPads have arrived for the inspectional software-relevant systems - and the PHE grant coordinator is
working on scheduling a regional training.
NEHA/FDA Food Safety Grant is in progress. We have started working with our mentors in Fairfax, VA
and virtual meetings have been set up. As part of the grant, the department must conduct an in-person
visit with the mentor which is scheduled for August 22nd—24th
Ms. DelleChiaie discussed with the Board if they would like to pursue a Tobacco Free Generation and
have a public meeting with the community to get their opinion on this topic. Ms. DelleChiaie will check
with Ms. Oldmixon.
The Health Department held their annual Hazardous Household Waste Day on Saturday,April, 20th
They serviced 319 cars which was an increase from last year at 244 cars.
Public Health Nurse Updates:
Ms. Kirsch attended a Narcan training event hosted by Endicott Nursing School with the Beverly Police
An in-person camp training for operators and regulators was held on April 3rd at the Beverly Senior
Center. The Community Sanitation program presented and approximately 40 individuals attended which
included camp inspectors, directors and nurses.
Ms. Kirsch has had 5 requests from the North Shore Mother Visiting Partnership Program.
The Diaper Drive ends on April 30th. All diapers and wipes will be donated to Beverly Bootstraps.
She continues to investigate infectious diseases as necessary.
The Board voted to recess for the months of July and August and will resume in September.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Next meeting May 15, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynne DePiero
Administrative Assistant