BOH minutes 2-28-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: February 28,2024
Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B
Board members present: Dr.Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva
Others present:Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse,Matt Lipinski,
Animal Control Officer,Delaney Mansfield,Assistant Animal Control Officer
Recorder: Teresa Kirsch
Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:30pm
The minutes from the January 17, 2024 meeting were approved.
HEARING REQUEST: Variance for a lifeguard waiver at Tuck Point Swimming Pool:
Dr. Jordan reviewed the minutes from last year's request and found no issues then or now.
Dr. Silva motioned to approve the lifeguard waiver. Ms. Morse seconded—All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for Keeping of Animals — 11 Sylvester Avenue - Alexandria
DeRosa—request for 4 chickens:
The resident was not present for the hearing. Officer Mansfield inspected the location and found no
concerns. The coop is not built yet but all set backs are met. Ms. Morse motioned to approve the
application. Dr. Silva seconded—All in favor.
HEARING REQUEST: Application for Keeping of Animals — 112 Bridge Street-Maria Munroe—
request for 4 chickens:
The resident was present for the hearing. Officer Mansfield inspected the location and had no
concerns and found everything to be sufficient. Ms. Morse motioned to approve—Dr. Silva
seconded—All in favor.
Open discussion on an administrative process for Citizen's speak agenda item:
Ms. DelleChiaie and Dr. Jordan discussed having time slots for citizens to speak at the Board
meetings as they do at City Council. Some suggestions were to have citizens sign-up in advance of
the meeting or send a letter. Also have a time limit for each applicant. Ms. DelleChiaie has spoken
with other Directors on this topic and they mentioned that there could be issues with limiting
comment time. Ms. DelleChiaie will check with Ms. Oldmixon.
Ms. DelleChiaie's Updates:
Ms. DelleChiaie apologized for not having the Body Art revised regulations ready. Ms. Kirsch and
Ms. DelleChiaie are continuing to work with the Northshore Public Health Collaborative on
reviewing the revisions to the regulations, they are meeting February 29t'. Some of the Directors
have concerns that the format of regulations should be the same across the region. Looking to have
revised regulations ready for April.
The Keeping of Animals and Dumpster revised regulations will be revisited once the Body Art
regulations have passed.Next month we will look at the fee schedule for Biological Agent permits.
Ms. DelleChiaie did a site visit with A-1 Pest Control and they supplied an estimate for a 3-day
assessment of the downtown area for a new integrated pest management program. She proposed a
rodent control fee for our permit holders in Beverly which could be used to create a revolving
account which would fund the rodent control program for the City.
OpenGov permitting software is moving along, trying to figure out how we can use this software to
digitize all files. The Inspectional Software contract, for Food Code Pro and Housing Code Pro by
Relevant Systems, Inc., has been approved,hoping to implement it next month.
NEHA/FDA Food Safety Grant has begun. We have started working with our mentors in Fairfax,
VA and virtual meetings have been set up. As part of the grant deliverables, the department must
have an in-person site visit with the mentor which is scheduled for August 21st—23rd
Opioid Settlement Funds —We are looking to place Naloxone boxes throughout the community. Our
surrounding communities are doing the same.
Ms. Kirsch has been assisting Ms. DelleChiaie with the Biosafety permit renewals. Ms. Kirsch and
consultant, Todd Dresser, from CHUBB have been scheduling Biosafety inspections for this month
and next.
Updates on available dentists to provide services at the Health Department Dental Clinic - Dr.
Jordan checked with a local dentist and they are currently inundated with patients but said they do
see a lot of kids who were referred by the Dental Clinic.
Ms. Kirsch Updates:
She is working with the state to hold a regional training for camp directors and inspectors, tentative
date is April 3rd. A final draft of the amended camp regulations are expected in late March. The
annual camp director letter regarding regulations and online registration information was mailed out
Ms. Kirsch is working with the state to finalize annual re-enrollment in the state vaccine program.
Covid and influenza are still being reported in the community.
She continues to investigate infectious diseases as necessary.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm
Next meeting March 25, 2024 at 6:30pm
Respectfully submitted by,
Lynne DePiero
Administrative Assistant