20240220 City Council Meeting Minutes CIf RECCi''' DES City of Beverly CiT Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes 1014 APR - 9 A 10: U Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk, Lisa Kent,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Danielle Spang, Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers Members Absent: Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Todd Rotondo Crowley led the pledge of allegiance. Presentations, Awards and Memorials Representatives from National Grid gave an update on the ongoing Regional Transmission Reliability Project. The plan is still to energize the cable and place it in service by the end of the year. Removal of the old line will take place throughout 2025. There is some risk that remains to the schedule because of encountering more ledge than expected when the project was started. There is a weekly newsletter for updates on the project that is accessible on the website or people can sign up to be on the email list. Flowers noted that the citizens' advisory group is an open meeting to anyone that wants to come. Spang advocated for Goat Hill being completed as soon as possible. Bowen followed up on concerns regarding the way big construction equipment is left in the streets and asked about the working relationship with the independent consultant the city hired. Public Hearings Order 9042-7:30pm-A request for a transfer of$107,019.86 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be placed into the Opioid Special Revenue Fund The public hearing was opened. Finance Director Bryant Ayles gave an overview of the order. Health Director Laura DelleChiaie spoke about what the city is planning to do with the funds. The hope is to create a new position of a social services navigator. Basically this individual will serve as a type of social worker for the city to help empower residents to know what resources are available and how to navigate those resources themselves. For example, in cases with individuals who hoard, the health department is enforcement but does not currently have any resources to help individuals cope with underlying issues. Sweeney asked how long the fund would be able to sustain the position and what the city's longer term plan would be. Ayles stated there would be an ongoing evaluation of the position. The near-term focus is to fund it for a few years, see what benefits it is producing and then reassess. Certainly there is enough to cover the cost fully for a few years if not beyond. The public hearing was paused to open the 7:45pm public hearing. Order#036-7:45pm-National Grid-Petition to install a gas main in Carver Street from an existing main in Carver Street to the main replacement in Gregg Street as well as a gas main in Kernwood Heights connecting two mains (continued from February 5 meeting) The public hearing was opened, and the motion to recess to 8:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). Order 4042-7:30pm-A request for a transfer of$107,019.86 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be placed into the Opioid Special Revenue Fund St. Hilaire asked Mr. Perry to expand on the memo regarding long term strategic planning. Perry stated that with the library, city hall,the dollar store, and the McPherson Youth Center projects,he recommends the majority of free cash appropriations go to those projects, however in this situation he does recommend appropriation. Crowley asked for thoughts as far as programming goes. DelleChiaie added that this decision for a new position was an effort in collaboration with the police chief and the superintendent, and the coalition Be Healthy Beverly, which is run out of the YMCA by Rebecca Jackson. DelleChiaie stated that part of creating this position is to have them first identify the resources then create a strategic plan for initiatives and programs based on what it seems like is most needed. DelleChiaie stated she has been looking into installing naloxone boxes,which other communities have been starting to take up, so that would be one idea of a program, but the goal is to have someone in this'position who can hit the ground running and come up with a strategy. Spang asked if the navigator will work closely with the police's Community Impact Unit and the school's City Connects program. DelleChiaie confirmed that she would like the individual in this position to have regular meetings with other social services the city provides. Sweeney asked if there would be sufficient funding for programming and initiatives as well as for this position. DelleChiaie stated she anticipated $75,000-$85,000 for the position which would leave funding for programming as well as funding from grants and other sources. Caitlin Tricomi,25 Whitney Avenue, stated harm reduction services are really important and asked for consideration for Beverly's unhoused population. Making Narcan more available to people will help. Tricomi spoke in support of the role. The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred back to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#036-7:45pm/8:00pm-National Grid-Petition to install a gas main in Carver Street from an existing main in Carver Street to the main replacement in Gregg Street as well as a gas main in Kernwood Heights connecting two mains (continued from February 5 meeting) National Grid representative Diana Cuddy was available for questions. Bowen asked about the work hours and longevity of the project. Cuddy stated the project will start in late spring, taking advantage that part of Kernwood is often Beverly City Council Alfeeting Minutes—Febt7tary 20,2024 page 2 of 6 closed to get students to school in a safe manner. There will be minor adjustments to the schedule,but the duration is expected to be two weeks for the work on each street and two weeks to tie services over for each street. Spang stated it can be hard for neighbors to anticipate where the work will be happening next and asked that as much as possible is done to let people know in case they park cars on the street or need to get out of a driveway,whether it be visually marking the next area with sawhorses or actually notify neighbors. Dana Trudeau, 12 Gregg Street, thanked National Grid for meeting with neighbors. Trudeau stated they had discussed concerns about school traffic with the project starting in April/May and going at least two to three months or probably longer because of ledge. Trudeau stated the Gregg Street residents appreciated National Grid's representatives' commitment to communication with abutters and neighbors and ensuring access in and out of the streets while work is being done. The public hearing was closed, and the item was referred back to Committee on Public Services. Comments by Citizens Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine Street, spoke in support of the Council taking up a resolution for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid regarding the war in Gaza. Hansen-Mitev also stated members of a working group will be at the Castle on Friday at 7:00pm are welcome to join. Ruth Bayer, 81 Lovett Street, also spoke in support of a resolution. Paul Trefry, 43 Glidden Street, stated he sent the councilors a link earlier in the day to MGL Chapter 90 regarding the governance of airports. The airport commission may select an airport manager. The manager reports directly to the commission,not to the mayor's office. A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). The meeting was recessed at 8:31pm. Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting Special City Council Meeting Retreat, February 10, 2024 Finance and Property Committee Meeting, January 22, 2024 Legal Affairs Committee Meeting, January 22, 2024 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order#055-Grant-A$21,150 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to be used to purchase equipment for water rescue missions Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#056-Grant-A$25,000 Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant from the EOPSS and the Department of Fire services to purchase coats and gloves turnout gear for the Beverly Fire Department Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#057-Donation-A donation of gift cards in the amount of$500 from Ironhorse Funding LLC to benefit the senior citizens in our community Beverly City Council Alleeting Minutes—February 20,2024 page 3 of 6 Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#058-Grant-A$53,000 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health grant to develop Training and Technical Assistance Center-Crisis Intervention Training Program at the Beverly Police Department Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#059-Appointments-Jonathan Salt, Jennifer Plowden and Jared Porter to serve on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#060-Reappointments-Charles Rehal, Susan Moran, Paul Lantz and Cory Paulette to serve on the Veterans Advisory Council Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#061-Reappointment-Robert Pierce to serve on the Registrars of Voters as the representative of the City Democratic Committee Referred to Committee on Public Services. Order#062-Reappointments-Dayna Morton and Darlene Wynne to serve on the Parking and Traffic Commission Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#063-The launch of the Beverly Community Electric program joining nearly 170 Massachusetts communities with an electricity aggregation program A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). Communications from other City Officers and Boards Order#064-City Clerk-A Livery License renewal application for BAT Enterprises, LLC located at 19 Beckford Street Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#065-City Clerk-A new Livery License application for Alba Boston Limo, LLC located at 283 Cabot Street Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#066-City Clerk-Updates regarding the 2024 Lodging House License for 276 Rantoul Street, 32 Broadway and Kosmos Residences Realty Trust/Garden City Residences, 490 Rantoul Street A motion to discuss and approve these on the floor was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). A motion to approve the licenses for the year was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Order#067-Planning Director, Darlene Wynne-Proposed Amendments to the City of Beverly Ordinances Section 113-2 Possession or consumption on public ways, in public places or on private property; Section 192-61 Sandwich board signs; Section 253-24 Signs, awnings and displays; Section 253-35 Public meetings in streets; temporary stands for selling goods Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—Febniary 20,2024 page 4 of 6 Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#068-Planning Director, Darlene Wynne-A proposed Interlocal Agreement for on- demand rideshare service between the City of Salem, Town of Danvers, and the City of Beverly Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Communications, Application and Petitions Order#069-Department of Environmental Protection waterways regulations program A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). Order#070-Glovsky Counselors at Law-Anchor Point Project 106-108 Sohier Road- A request for a Quitclaim Deed conveying a parcel of land at the intersection of Sohier and Tozer Roads Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Unfinished Business from a previous meeting Order#046-Order Proposing Amendments to City Ordinances, Chapters 1,7, 15,26,33,58,69,105,113,124,136,155,192,210,215,227,232,249,253,274,282 striking or amending provisions to: modernize and clarify language; remove obsolete language; correct typos; recognize use of technology; ensure gender neutrality; achieve consistency with city charter provisions and state law or policy; and address constitutionality concerns Flowers stated this item would be continued in order to schedule a time for the City Solicitor to present to the City Council. Motions and Orders Order#016-Sergeant Nicholson-A request to add a Handicapped Parking Sign at 3 Columbus Avenue as amended (final passage) A motion to approve the final passage was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). The meeting recessed at 8:58pm. The meeting was called back to order at 9:1 1pm. Reports of Committees Finance and Property Order#042-A request for a transfer of$107,019.86 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be placed into the Opioid Special Revenue Fund A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Order#055-Grant-A$21,150 Emergency Management Performance Grant from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA to be used to purchase equipment for water rescue missions A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 20,2024 page 5 of 6 Order#056-Grant-A$25,000 Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant from the EOPSS and the Department of Fire services to purchase coats and gloves turnout gear for the Beverly Fire Department A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). Order#057-Donation-A donation of gift cards in the amount of$500 from Ironhorse Funding LLC to benefit the senior citizens in our community A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Order#058-Grant-A$53,000 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health grant to develop Training and Technical Assistance Center-Crisis Intervention Training Program at the Beverly Police Department A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-0). Public Services Order#036-National Grid-Petition to install a gas main in Carver Street from an existing main in Carver Street to the main replacement in Gregg Street as well as a gas main in Kernwood Heights connecting two mains A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). The meeting adjourned at 9:17pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 20,2024 page 6 of 6 I CL ifl N � �m a�;� Q� u�- I' rO Pal • • Ea) Eca co _ % c • dl Ntv 8a ca OP CO 0 Mn •� c'�'o IF ' ti , • • ' f a i `�,y y • a' • • d Y 9 yl �1' �`, • • • a a ri • ttt 0 �MM: -E L � -��— E a) c� c� a co (I C -- t c p Cl. g) N 3 U O Cc—) �p = Oj U N aE N ° CD N CO N L to ° O CO C � � �' p a 0 N U N N ° 1-.. 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As part of this project, we will also replace the natural gas service piping that connects the main to the customer's gas meters. Approximately 12 premises are within the construction limits. • Mains and services can be worked. Construction is expected to begin on February 5, 2024 and anticipated to last to April 22, 2024 weather permitting. We will work hard to complete this project promptly and with minimal disruption to the community. Visit ngrid.com/mainline to view a YouTube video on this gas main replacement process. A second video explaining the replacement of the service pipe to customer homes is available at ngrid.com/serviceline. Enclosed is a notification that will be distributed to all affected constituents. We're here for you if you have any questions about this project. Please contact me at 1-781-388-5011. We look forward to working with you as we upgrade our community's infrastructure. Sincerely, Faith Hassell Community Affairs National Grid 170 Medford ST Malden, MA 02148 faith.hasselI@nationaIgrid.com Smell Gas.Act Fast. Leave immediately taking everyone with you, including pets. From a safe location call 1-800-233-5325 or 911. nationalgrid We will be working in your neighborhood. Everything you need to know about upgrading the natural gas main on your street. PROJECT DETAILS What can I expect during this project? (Phases listed are typical, but may vary depending on the job). • PHASE 1: includes mark outs of utilities within the street and properties within the project scope. National Grid and/or our qualified contractor crew will review existing meter location and if meter currently located inside, propose new outside meter location. • PHASE 2: National Grid and/or our qualified contractor crew will conduct the necessary work on the gas main within the street. • PHASE 3: Once the main work is complete,crews will begin coordinating the service line work. Affected residents and business owners will be contacted by a member of the crew at least 24-48 hours in advanced so that the work on their service line can be coordinated. This work typically takes one day to complete, and the owner may be asked to provide National grid access during construction. A trained technician of National Grid will perform any necessary meter work and relight your gas appliances once the work on the service line is complete. Every National Grid employee carries a photo ID card and any contractor doing work for us is also required to carry ID. • PHASE 4:The crew will begin closing out the project and will restore the area to in accordance with all regulations and permits. Note:If you are not a customer and do not have a natural gas service line, Phase 3 is for notification only. GAS SAFETY Who should I contact if I smell gas on the street or in my home during the project? Please call 1-800-233-5325 immediately from a safe location outside your home or from a neighbor's home. METERS Will my meter be affected by the project? If your meter is currently located inside, National Grid will make every effort to relocate your meter to the outside. A representative from National Grid will assess the work that is needed at your location. If it's part of this project,why will my meter have to be moved outside? Moving the meter outside helps to improve safety and also allows easier access for National Grid to access the meter in the future. What if my meter is already outside? If your meter is already outside your service may still be interrupted for a brief period of time. SCHEDULE If I cannot be home during the proposed construction dates, may I make alternative arrangements for the crews to access my home? You can coordinate a time with the crew foreman. Why are there no crews working when construction is scheduled to begin today? Last minute schedule changes are sometimes possible. If there is a long-term schedule change, National Grid will notify your local Department of Public Works and will also send you additional communications. CONSTRUCTION If questions arise while the crew is working on the street,who can I contact? You may ask to speak with the crew foreman or you can call the National Grid representatives number provided on the project notification letter. Will I be able to park on the street during construction? Restriction notifications posted throughout the designated work zone and crews will notify residents if temporary parking restrictions will be required. There are road closure signs on my street.Will I be able to get to my house? At times there may be restricted access but every effort will be made to allow residences access to their homes during construction. You may approach the crew foreman Ir nationalgrid A IMPROVING HERE WITH YOU.HERE FOR YOU. OUR COMMUNITY 4 _ AHEAD We're upgrading the natur. gas main on • Date: February 12, 2024 Subject: Boston Gas dba National Grid is replacing 2 gas mains on Gregg Street and Kernwood Heights. This memo addresses questions/concerns that were raised at the Beverly City Council Public Hearing on February 5, 2024. • Q1. What will the timeline be for the project? When is the project hoping to start and what is the possible duration? o Al. The timeline is dependent upon when the Beverly City Engineering Department issues the Street Opening Permit, but National Grid is prepared to start this project as early as late Spring 2024. • Q2. What are the proposed work hours for this project? o A2. The Work Hours will be stipulated in the permit and will most likely be dependent on the time of year the permit is issued. If issued in the Spring, the expectation is that the starting hours will be after 8:00 when school begins. If the permit is issued in the summer, the hours of operation are expected to be standard working hours. Note: reducing the daily duration of the job will extend the longevity of the work. • Q3. Could the project planners and managers coordinate the project with the Bridge Street paving project so as to avoid an impasse situation on Gregg Street? o A3. The Bridge Street paving work is reportedly going to be done my MASSDOT. Wherever possible, National Grid ties to coordinate paving projects but it is expected that our project will be completed well ahead of the Bridge Street paving by MASSDOT. • Q4. Could the project planners and managers coordinate the project with the repaving of Bridge Street so that as Bridge Street is being paved this area could be looped-in and repaved up and over Kernwood Heights, down Carver Street, and Gregg Street end to end, from curb to curb? o A4. See notes above regarding paving coordination. Pavement restoration will be the standard 6-8 foot width of the trench. • Q5. There are 22 children aged 13 and under who live on our street and attend school. We propose that consideration be given for drop off times for school as the Ayer Ryal Side School is just around the corner and many residents walk to school and many others walk using these streets to get to school. We ask that work begin at 8:30am to allow for parents to drop students off at elementary and middle school. o A5. Refer to the answer to Q2 above. • Q6. One of our residents is a person with heightened medical needs and needs to have access in and out of their house at all times in case of a medical emergency. We request that the DeRobertis Residence at 22 Gregg Street be kept able to have access for this reason. o A6. Access will be available for all residents of Gregg Street and Kernwood Heights. When work is scheduled to be done in front of a resident's driveway, ample notice will be given so vehicles can be parked in the street. There will be 1-2 police officers on site during the hours of construction as well as the job supervisors to facilitate any emergencies. • Q7. Other residents on the street have jobs that require them to commute at alternative times in the day. Our residents would like clear and previous communication to let us know when our driveways and parking spots will be blocked so that we can make arrangements for our vehicles so we are still able to get to work. o A7. A packet with information and notifications will be sent to each resident as well as City Hall ahead of the project commencement. In addition, the job will be walked by the National Grid Construction Supervisor and a Customer Meter Supervisor to discuss the scope of the project and meet individually with residents to go over the schedule of the work and meter replacement. They will go door-to-door in the beginning of the project and again prior to when the work will be directly impacting someone's access. • Q8. Our residents would like the repaving of the street to not be patchwork, but to, in the end, be a full repave of the street from curb to curb when the project is complete. We request that sidewalk trenches be replaced with a full panel of concrete or asphalt as historically trenches and patches have sunk quickly over time. o A8. The paving restoration will be the standard 6-8-foot width over the trench. The patch will be inspected after 60 days following completion of the work but before 90 days. An additional inspection will be done at 1 year. All defects will be remedied. Sidewalks that are damaged will be replaced with full panels. • Q9. Our residents request that personal property be respected. For example, a neighbor parked downtown during street construction not long ago and found their car splattered with cement when they returned. Our street is relatively narrow and we request that the workers be mindful when parking equipment, and when doing potentially "messy" work (such as when cutting and ripping pavement, and when pouring asphalt and concrete). Thank you! o A9. Safety is paramount at National Grid as well as care for our customers. All efforts will be made to not cause any damage to personal property. • Q10. Once again, the residents are concerned and request that there is coordination between the Bridge Street repaving project and this gas pipe project so that there is efficiency in the work, and so that there is not created a situation in which some residents find that they are unable to exit from either direction due to construction. o A10. These two projects are not expected to overlap. As a result, inability to exit from either direction should not be an issue. In addition, both streets will be open to residents and there will be 1-2 police officers on site during construction. • Q11. Residents request efficiency in the work and timeline of the project so that the street is not blocked for longer than necessary and so that the work on the street does not have to happen multiple times over again. o A11. The timeline and duration are dependent of a few factors. First is the allowed hours of operation. Shorter working hours will impact the duration. In addition, the weather may play a part as well as the composition of the earth under the street. We do expect to encounter ledge on Kernwood Heights, and have factored extra time which has been added into the construction schedule for that work. • Q12. Will resident lose electric power? o Al2. No, this is a gas project only. There will not be a disruption to the electric services. • Q13. What is the expected responsiveness of National Grid. Who can residents reach out to with questions/concerns? o A13. In addition to getting the mailed packet and the Supervisors going door to door, the cell phone number and Supervisor's contact information will be distributed and the City Clerk has additional contact information regarding this specific project that they can furnish upon request. • Q14. Will there be a delay in the start of duration of the work due to not being able to secure police details. o A14. The Construction Supervisor does not expect this to be an issue. There is currently a gas job in Beverly that, once complete, will free up 7 police details. Two of which will follow this crew to this project. • Q15. When the individual services need to be transferred from the old gas main to the new one, will a resident need to be home. o A15. Residents will receive ample advance notice when their service will be switched over. It is best to be home that day but if that is not possible, the gas service will be turned off at a valve and a notice left on the door for the resident to call to have the service restored. Someone will then come out after hours and reconnect the service then check that all the pilots (if they exist) are relit and the gas service is back online. • Q16. Will some meters be swapped. o A16. Yes. For safety reasons, it is a DPU requirement to move inside meters to outside. If a meter is inside, it will be moved outside and a new meter will be installed. All work to do this will be done by National Grid personnel at no expense to the customer. • Q17. Is the Grant of Location for the entire project? o A17. No. the Grant of Location is only for 2 new short sections of gas main that are needed to connect Gregg Street and Kernwood Heights gas mains to a newer gas main in Carver Street that will feed these two streets. • Q18. Will test holes be done to classify the soil conditions? o Test holes may be done ahead of construction on an as needed basis to locate other infrastructure depth but not to classify the soil. There is a history of leaks in this area so the soil conditions are well known as a result of these repairs. Ledge is expected to be encountered. Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair Julie R. Flowers Brendan S. Sweeney Finance and Property/ City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Tuesday,February 20, 2024, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Committee Room, 3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 9:OOpm. Members present: Julie Flowers, Brendan Sweeney, Matthew St. Hilaire Others present: Grant Director Catherine Barrett Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken Grant-A$21,150 Emergency Management Performance #055 2/20/2024 Grant from the Department of Homeland Security and Approved (3-0) FEMA to be used to purchase equipment for water rescue missions Grant-A$25,000 Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant from the EOPSS and the Department of Fire services to purchase #056 2/20/2024 coats and gloves turnout gear for the Beverly Fire Approved (3-0) Department Donation-A donation of gift cards in the amount of$500 #057 2/20/2024 from Ironhorse Funding LLC to benefit the senior citizens Approved(3-0) in our community Grant-A $53,000 Massachusetts Department of Mental Health grant to develop Training and Technical Assistance #058 2/20/2024 Center-Crisis Intervention Training Program at the Beverly Approved (3-0) Police Department A request for a transfer of$107,019.86 from the City's #042 2/20/2024 Certified Free Cash balance to be placed into the Opioid Approved (3-0) Special Revenue Fund The meeting adjourned at 9:1Opm. Hannah L. Bowen-Chair Steven M. Crowley Danielle M. Spang Public Services/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Tuesday,February 20, 2024, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Bowen called the meeting to order at 8:59pm. Members present: Steven Crowley, Danielle Spang, Hannah Bowen Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken National Grid-Petition to install a gas main in Carver Street from an existing main in Carver Street to the #036 2/20/2024 main replacement in Gregg Street as well as a gas main Approved (3-0) in Kernwood Heights connecting two mains Meeting adjourned at 9:O1pm.