20240205 City Council Meeting Minutes CIi
City of Beverly D
Regular City Council Meeting CIT`;
Public Meeting Minutes 2024 APR -1I P I: 591
Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:00pm
City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St.
Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk, Lisa
Kent, took attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman,
Danielle Spang, Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney, Todd Rotondo, Julie Flowers
Members Absent: None
Spang led the pledge of allegiance.
Comments by Citizens
Paul Trefry, 43 Glidden St., spoke about Building 45 at the airport.
Paul Hansen-Mitev, 25 Vine St., spoke in support of a ceasefire resolution regarding the war in
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting, January 16, 2024
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order#039-Home Rule Petition regarding Group 2 retirement group classification of certain
Fire Alarm Operators/Public Safety Telecommunicators
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#040-Grant-A $10,000 grant from the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association to
provide facilities management predictive losses of service and to purchase a thermographic
camera for use by the public services and engineering departments
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#041-Grant-A $8,500 grant from the Department of Fish& Game to support the free
seasonal pump out boat services
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#042-A request to appropriate $107,019.86 into a new opioid special revenue fund from
the available Certified Free Cash(set a public hearing)
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#043-Grant-A $26,500 grant from the National Environmental Health Association grant
program to enable the Beverly Health Department to design a food safety program that best suits
our needs to achieve conformance with the Retail Program Standards
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#044-Appointment-Christian Rivera to serve as constable in the City of Beverly
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
Order#045-Councilor Rotondo-Appointment letter for Carl Kooyoomjian to serve on the City
of Beverly Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#046-Order Proposing Amendments to City Ordinances, Chapters 1,7,
15,26,33,58,69,105,113,124,136,155,192,210,215,227,232,249,253,274,282 striking or
amending provisions to: modernize and clarify language; remove obsolete language; correct
typos; recognize use of technology; ensure gender neutrality; achieve consistency with city
charter provisions and state law or policy; and address constitutionality concerns
A motion to suspend Council Rule 21-3 was made and seconded.
There was a brief discussion on the categories of the changes that are being proposed.
A vote on the motion to suspend Rule 21(3)was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Flowers stated this will be held in Committee of the Whole rather than go to Committee on Legal
Affairs. A presentation from the Solicitor's Office will be scheduled.
Communications,Application and Petitions
Order#047-National Grid-Petition#30294623-to install electric conduits on Rantoul and Lenox
Street and a new 2 Way Manhole 935 on Lenox Street
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#048-National Grid-Petition#30665817-to install 1 SO pole on Lothrop Street
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#049-National Grid-Petition#30867397-to install electric conduits on Cabot Street
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#050-National Grid-Petition#29361213-to install 1 JO Pole on Balch Street
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#051-National Grid-Petition#30294624-to install 1 JO pole on Lenox Street
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#052-Notice of Availability-Responses to Public Comments on Partial Phase IV Remedy
Implementation Plan, Parts 2 and 3-150 Sohier Road
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
Order#053-Department of Environmental Protection Waterways Regulation Program Notice of
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (9-0).
Order#054-Beverly Farmers Market, Board of Directors-Request permission to hold the
Beverly Farmer's Market on lower Railroad Avenue and Park Street June 1 Oth through October
7th, 2024
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February S,2024 page 2 of 6
Motions and Orders
Order#016-Sergeant Nicholson-A request to add a Handicapped Parking Sign at 3 Columbus
Avenue (first reading)
Houseman motioned to amend Order#016 to read, "add a handicapped parking space at
Columbus Avenue,North Side, opposite approximately 1 Columbus Avenue" in place of the
current location listed.
A vote was taken, and the motion to amend carried(9-0).
A motion to approve as amended was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed at 7:33pm. The meeting was called back to order at
Reports of Committees
Legal Affairs
Order#025-Appointment-Mr. Mario Tricomi, 25 Whitney Avenue to serve as the Parks and
Recreation Commission representative on the Open Space and Recreation Committee
City Solicitor Stephanie Williams clarified that this appointment is being made under Section 15-
41 of the city ordinances which states, "If a member of a particular board is not available, the
Mayor shall appoint a person with similar expertise."This individual is not on the Parks and
Recreation Committee.
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#022-Appointment-Ms. Carole Rein, 27 Pratt Ave to serve on the Human Rights
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#033-President Flowers-An Appointment for David Ershun, 50 Rantoul Street to serve on
the Community Preservation Committee in one of the At-Large seats on that body
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#039-Home Rule Petition regarding Group 2 retirement group classification of certain
Fire Alarm Operators/Public Safety Telecommunicators
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order 9045-Councilor Rotondo-Appointment letter for Carl Kooyoomjian to serve on the City
of Beverly Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
A motion to approve waiving the residency requirement was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
A motion to approve the appointment was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (9-0).
Order 9054-Beverly Farmers Market, Board of Directors-Request permission to hold the
Beverly Farmer's Market on lower Railroad Avenue and Park Street June 1 Oth through October
7th, 2024
Beverly City Co:mcil Meeting Minutes—February S,2024 page 3 of 6
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Finance and Property
Order#040-Grant-A $10,000 grant from the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association to
provide facilities management predictive losses of service and to purchase a thermographic
camera for use by the public services and engineering departments
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#041-Grant-A $8,500 grant from the Department of Fish& Game to support the free
seasonal pump out boat services
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#042-A request to appropriate $107,019.86 into a new opioid special revenue fund from
the available Certified Free Cash
A motion to set a public hearing on February 20 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Public Services
Order#023-Reappointment-Mr. William Lowd, 18 Pearson Street to serve on the Beverly Golf
and Tennis Commission
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Reports of Committees was paused for 8:00pm public hearing.
Public Hearing
Order#036-8:00pm-National Grid-Petition to install a gas main in Carver Street from an
existing main in Carver Street to the main replacement in Gregg Street as well as a gas main in
Kernwood Heights connecting two mains
Diana Cuddy from National Grid stated some questions came in this morning and she would like
to listen to questions tonight and be able to come back with more information.
Dana Trudeau, 12 Gregg St., read a letter that was emailed to councilors with questions and
suggestions. Trudeau asked about the project timeline and work hours, if this project could be
coordinated with the Bridge Street project, and if school drop-offs and pick-ups could be taken
into consideration. The letter included requests for consideration of medical needs of residents on
the street, for communication ahead of time when driveways and access will be blocked, and for
a curb to curb repaving of the street.
Nancy Gillis, 8 Gregg St., also expressed concern about the length of time of the project and
possible overlap with the Bridge Street project.
Amy Szarkowski, 28 Gregg St., stated she was worried about the lack of responsiveness of
National Grid to other issues and what that meant for this project.
Lorinda Visnick, 39 Middlebury Ln., reiterated concerns around school pick-up and drop-off and
asked about the duration of the project.
John Powers, 32 Carver St., stated his house is located where National Grid has visited at the
Beverly City Council Meeting 1Llinutes—February 5,2024 page 4 of 6
junction where fellow neighbors are smelling gas. Powers asked about the possible timeline.
Meghan Digangi, 6 Gregg St., stated she works from home and asked for more details and
information on power outages and noise.
Cuddy confirmed there would be no electric service disconnected. There would be
approximately 30-45 minutes of gas service interruption for each building to connect to the new
line. Someone from National Grid would be present and also can relight pilots, which would be
scheduled after the project is done. Cuddy estimated the project would have a four to six week
duration depending on conditions.
A motion to continue the public hearing to February 20 at 7:45pm was made and seconded. A
vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Reports of Committees
Finance and Property
Order#017-A request for approval of a loan authorization to borrow Fourteen Million Four
Hundred Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars ($14,416,710)to pay costs of building
and systems construction, renovations, or improvements at the Beverly Public Library main
A motion to set a public hearing on February 26 at 7:45pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Order#021-Reappointment-Pauline Teixeira,to serve as Beverly's Director of Human
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#043-Grant-A $26,500 grant from the National Environmental Health Association grant
program to enable the Beverly Health Department to design a food safety program that best suits
our needs to achieve conformance with the Retail Program Standards
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Public Services
Order#024-Reappointment-Mr. Aaron Henry, Director of Land and Use and Community
Services, One Sylvan Street, Danvers to serve as the Town of Danvers Representative on the
Beverly Airport Commission
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#047-National Grid-Petition#30294623-to install electric conduits on Rantoul and Lenox
Street and a new 2 Way Manhole 935 on Lenox St.
A motion to set a public hearing on March 11 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#048-National Grid-Petition#30665817-to install 1 SO pole on Lothrop Street
A motion to set a public hearing on March 11 at 7:40pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Order#049-National Grid-Petition#30867397-to install electric conduits on Cabot Street
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 5,2024 page 5 of 6
A motion to set a public hearing on March 11 at 7:45pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Order#050-National Grid-Petition-#29361213-to install 1 JO Pole on Balch Street
A motion to set a public hearing on March 11 at 7:50pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
Order#051-National Grid-Petition-#30294624-to install 1 JO pole on Lenox Street
A motion to set a public hearing on March 11 at 7:55pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (9-0).
Order#035-Councilor Bowen-A letter regarding the Public Services committee upcoming
topics for discussion
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (9-0).
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0).
The meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 5,2024 page 6 of 6
Matthew J. St. Hilaire-Chair
Julie R. Flowers
Brendan S. Sweeney
Finance and Property/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, Yd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 7:36pm.
Members present: Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire
Members absent: None
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
A request for approval of a loan authorization to borrow Fourteen Set public
Million Four Hundred Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred Ten hearing for
#017 1/16/2024 Dollars ($14,416,710)to pay costs of building and systems February 26 at
construction,renovations, or improvements at the Beverly Public 7:45pm(3-0)
Library main branch
Reappointment-Pauline Teixeira, to serve as Beverly's Director of
#021 1/16/2024 Human Resources Approved(3-0)
Grant-A$10,000 grant from the Massachusetts Interlocal
Insurance Association to provide facilities management predictive
#040 2/5/2024 losses of service and to purchase a thermographic camera for use Approved(3-0)
by the public services and engineering departments
Grant-A$8,500 grant from the Department of Fish& Game to
#041 2/5/2024 support the free seasonal pump out boat services Approved (3-0)
Set public
#042 2/5/2024 A request to appropriate $107,019.86 into a new opioid special hearing for
revenue fund from the available Certified Free Cash February 20 at
Grant-A$26,500 grant from the National Environmental Health
Association grant program to enable the Beverly Health
#043 2/5/2024 Department to design a food safety program that best suits our Approved(3-0)
needs to achieve conformance with the Retail Program Standards
The meeting adjourned at 7:44pm.
Scott D. Houseman-Chair
Todd C. Rotondo
Kathleen M. Feldman
Legal Affairs/ City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 5,2024, 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Houseman called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.
Members present: Todd Rotondo, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
Councilors Rotondo and Sweeney-A letter regarding the
#032 1/16/2024 2023 Committee on Legal Affairs ordinance review process Held
President Flowers-An Appointment for David Ershun, 50
#033 1/16/2024 Rantoul Street to serve on the Community Preservation Approved (3-0)
Committee in one of the At-Large seats on that body
Councilor Houseman-A letter regarding the Subcommittee
#034 1/16/2024 on Legal Affairs initiatives in the new term Held
Home Rule Petition regarding Group 2 retirement group
#039 2/5/2024 classification of certain Fire Alarm Operators/Public Safety Approved (3-0)
Appointment-Christian Rivera to serve as constable in the
#044 2/5/2024 City of Beverly Held
Councilor Rotondo-Appointment letter for Carl
Kooyoomjian to serve on the City of Beverly Bicycle and
#045 2/5/2024 Pedestrian Advisory Committee as one of the two City Approved (3-0)
Council appointments
Beverly Farmers Market, Board of Directors-Request
permission to hold the Beverly Farmer's Market on lower
#054 2/5/2024 Railroad Avenue and Park Street June 1 Oth through October Approved (3-0)
7th, 2024
Broad discussion of priorities members of the Legal Affairs
subcommittee may wish to take up this year within its scope
for policy review and oversight, including new ordinances or
amendments to all existing ordinances, particularly but not
limited to zoning ordinances and the city's land use boards
and commission (Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Held
Historic Districts Commission, Conservation Commission),
the Licensing Board,the Law Department, (including the
status of claims and actions involving the city), and the
Department of Planning and Development.
The meeting adjourned at 7:47pm.
Hannah L. Bowen-Chair
Steven M. Crowley
Danielle M. Spang
Public Services/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 5, 2024, 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers,3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Bowen called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.
Members present: Danielle Spang, Steven Crowley, Hannah Bowen
Members absent: None
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
Reappointment-Mr. William Lowd 18 Pearson Street to
#023 1/16/2024 serve on the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission Approved(3-0)
Reappointment-Mr. Aaron Henry, Director of Land and
Use and Community Services, One Sylvan Street,
#024 1/16/2024 Danvers to serve as the Town of Danvers Representative Approved(3-0)
on the Beverly Airport Commission
#035 1/16/2024 Councilor Bowen-A letter regarding the Public Services Received and
committee upcoming topics for discussion placed on file (3-0)
National Grid-Petition#30294623-to install electric Set public hearings
#047 2/5/2024 conduits on Rantoul and Lenox Street and a new 2 Way for March 11 at
Manhole 935 on Lenox Street 7:30pm (3-0)
National Grid-Petition#30665817-to install 1 SO pole Set public hearings
#048 2/5/2024 on Lothrop Street for March 11 at
National Grid-Petition#30867397-to install electric Set public hearings
#049 2/5/2024 conduits on Cabot Street for March 11 at
National Grid-Petition#29361213-to install 1 JO Pole Set public hearings
#050 2/5/2024 on Balch Street for March 11 at
National Grid-Petition#30294624-to install 1 JO pole Set public hearings
#051 2/5/2024 on Lenox Street for March 11 at
The meeting adjourned at 7:42pm.