2024-2-7 Open Space & Recreation Committee meeting minutes FINAL (1) City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor Council Chambers DATE: February 7, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre, Vice Chair David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, Gregory Sharp, Charles Mann, Todd Callaghan, Jamie Jamieson, Grace Charles, Wayne Miller, Alison Dudley, Mario Tricome BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: James Passanisi STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Habich of 98 Valley Street RECORDER: Naomi Moca 1. Call to order Chair Alden-St. Pierre calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomes new member Mario Tricome, representing the Parks and Recreation Committee. The Committee discusses that with all positions now Filled, it may be beneficial to investigate a larger meeting space. Clawson agrees to research potential spaces that may accommodate the Committee's meetings. Clawson states that Margaret Griffin of 20 Sohier Road visited City Hall with concerns about unauthorized bicycle jumps being built on the GreenBelt property at Beverly Commons. Mann agrees to reach out to David Rimmer of Essex County GreenBelt about the matter. 2. Public Outreach There is no one present. 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions: a. Planning Board Clawson states that Folly Hill is the only project that may potentially affect Open Space in the future once a subdivision plan is submitted. There is no plan for the Committee to review at this early stage in the process. Charles states that the Conservation Commission will conduct a site review to determine which resource areas need to be delineated. The Committee discusses that Corcoran is the developer working on the project. The Committee discusses that the North Shore Music Theatre is investigating building movie lots on its property. b. Conservation Commission 1 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Charles states that the City submitted its Beach Management Plan for the Conservation Commission's review, and the Conservation Commission requested details such as how the City will handle the repairing or maintenance of sea walls, beach raking of seaweed, and moving sand prior to storms. Charles states that there is no official City Beach Management Plan at this time and Callaghan states that Coastal Zone Management would also be interested in reviewing the plan. Charles states that in his capacity as a neighbor to the YMCA,Alden-St. Pierre will be replacing the property's bridges in-kind with new bog bridges. Charles states that the pier at 140 Livingstone Avenue was reviewed by the Conservation Commission. Callaghan states that the Harbor Management Authority has also reviewed the project and that a boat pilot stated that the lights along the pier are helpful. The Commission discusses that the Army Corps of Engineers guidelines are not regulations. Charles states that the Common Lane gas line project was reviewed by the Conservation Commission. Callaghan states that he has been able to smell the gas coming out of the street at times. The Committee discusses the salamander crossing's preservation being a condition of the proj ect. Charles introduces herself to the members who were not in attendance at the last meeting. c. Community Preservation Committee Jamieson introduces herself to the members who were not in attendance at the last meeting and expresses her willingness to join the Community Preservation Committee. d. Harbor Management Authority Callaghan states that kayak racks will be installed soon and that blue wayfinding signs will be placed on Prince Street, at the end of Brackenbury Beach, at the end of Rice's Beach, and on Ober Street. The Committee discusses the impacts of the recent storms on the sea walls. Callaghan states that the Harbor Management Authority has hired Foth Engineering to collect data on what can be done to create more dock space such as downstream of the Veterans Memorial Bridge and upstream of the bridge. e. Parks and Recreation Commission Tricome states he will attend the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for February 8, 2024. 4. Open Space Conditions/Issues a. Ward 1 Mann states that a tree on the trail behind Ayers School has collapsed. Clawson states that the City is aware of the issue,thanks to Mann, and it will be cleared. 2 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 b. Ward 2 Jamieson states that Ward City Councilor Danielle Spang brought her to Gillis Park to acquaint her with the area. Jamieson states that she visited Ahearn Park on her own and felt saddened by its condition. Jamieson states she joined the Ward 2 Civic Association and the many residents she spoke to stated that young people of the area need a space to gather without getting into trouble. The Committee discusses the planned renovation for the McPherson Youth Center. c. Ward 3 a. Update on status of Holcroft Park Dudley states that Director of Parks and Recreation Bruce Doig applied for $250,000 in Community Preservation funds to supplement the PARC grant and other grants for improvements to Holcroft Park. b. Update on status of Simon Street Park Dudley states that Simon Street Park work has been happening as scheduled, such as turf installation, and that it would be beneficial to engage the community once the weather starts to get warmer. d. Ward 4 i. Update and discussion with the Committee about a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a trail easement at Endicott College Alden-St. Pierre states that he has ongoing email correspondence with Endicott College,who is waiting for comments from their attorneys, so he is still waiting for a resolution. ii. Update and discussion with the Committee about Sally Milligan Trail improvements and map changes for new kiosks Clawson states that the new kiosk has been installed and the maps on the old kiosks are all updated. The final items remaining to close out the grant are the installation of benches and bike racks. Clawson states that he is researching how much funding is left for those items. Mann states that when he walks in the area, the benches are covered in trash. e. Ward 5 i. Update to the Committee on discussion with Iron Tree for tree removal at Norwood Pond Clawson states that the tree removal is scheduled for March 7, 2024. At that time the Committee will discuss what to do with the longer bridge once the tree is down. f. Ward 6 3 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 i. Update and discussion with the Committee about funding for the survey for a potential easement allowing for access to the Pole Swamp Lane conservation restriction area Clawson states that Mann should arrange to talk to Mayor Michael Cahill directly on this matter. The Committee discusses obtaining bids for the work and that it is prudent to wait to obtain bids until after discussing it with Cahill. Alden-St. Pierre expresses his willingness to work with Mann on the matter. Mann states that he observed the trail markers have been ripped down on part of Pole Swamp Lane. Mann states that Manchester-by-the-Sea uses Knox box emergency key boxes. Habich states that he is willing to help in the matter if needed. 5. Speaker invitation for Massachusetts Open Space Conference Clawson shares the invitation from Maeve Ahern of TerraCorps at Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust to have a member of the Committee speak at the Massachusetts Open Space Conference. There is a$50 honorarium and the conference will be held virtually. Materials added to the record: • Email from Maeve Ahern to Clawson dated January 30, 2024 Alden-St. Pierre agrees to speak on the Sally Milligan and Green's Hill projects. Mann states that for Sally Milligan as much money was spent on the permitting as on the project. Dunne states that the Green Hill project was a good example of how to work with disgruntled neighbors. 6. Staff Updates a. Bundled NOI for trail work Clawson states that there is no update on the matter. b. Discussion with the Committee about City website updates and improvement for the Open Space and Recreation Committee page Jamieson asks if there is data on how much traffic the site gets, and Clawson says no. The Committee reviews and offers edits to the website. 7. Potential Middle and High School volunteer opportunities Clawson states that he received an email from Ward 1 City Councilor Todd Rotondo requesting information about volunteer opportunities for middle school and high school students.Naomi Moca of 4 Central Court states that she has collected information on volunteer opportunities that she will share with Clawson. The Committee discusses cleanup opportunities at Lynch Park, Beverly Commons, and Sally Milligan. 8. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair 4 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee February 7,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 a. Election of Chairperson Mann: Motion to elect Alden-St. Pierre as Chair. Seconded by Callaghan. The motion carries (9-0). Alden-St. Pierre and Tricome abstain. b. Election of Vice Chairperson Sharp: Motion to elect Brewster as Vice Chair. Seconded by Alden-St. Pierre. The motion carries (9-0). Brewster and Tricome abstain. 9. Approval of minutes a. December 6,2023 The item is continued to the March 6, 2024 meeting. b. January 3,2024 The item is continued to the March 6, 2024 meeting. 10.Adjourn Alden-St. Pierre: Motion to adjourn. Callaghan seconds. Motion carries (9-0). Meeting adjourns at 8:38 p.m. Next meeting: Wednesday,March 6,2024 at 7:00 p.m. 5