2024-1-3 Open Space & Recreation Committee meeting minutes FINAL (2) City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee January 3,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor Council Chambers DATE: January 3, 2024 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre, Vice Chair David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, James Passanisi, Gregory Sharp (late), Charles Mann, Todd Callaghan, Jamie Jamieson, Grace Charles BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Wayne Miller, Alison Dudley STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Habich of 98 Valley Street, Margaret Griffin of 20 Sohier Road, Cheryl Rafuse of 100 Cabot Street, Shelley Lee of Green Beverly RECORDER: Naomi Moca 1. Call to order Chair Alden-St. Pierre calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the members introduce themselves. 7:04 p.m.: Sharp arrives 2. Public Outreach a. Discussion with Cheryl Rafuse of Plant Magic and Shelley Lee of Green Beverly regarding an invasive plant task force Cheryl Rafuse of 100 Cabot Street states that for the past year and a half, she has coordinated volunteer invasive plant task forces and that she is currently working with the Town of Wenham. Rafuse explains that an invasive plant task force is a group of volunteers who work on beating back invasive plant species,with Rafuse's guidance and knowledge. Rafuse states that Green Beverly has offered its support and that she would appreciate the Committee's guidance and/or permission to move forward with this endeavor. Rafuse explains that the task force's objective is to allow the native seed bank to reoccupy the space the invasives have taken over. Callaghan asks what the Mayor is looking for and Rafuse replies that Conservation Agent David Spidaliere expressed concern about work potentially being done in the vicinity of vernal pools. Rafuse clarifies that most of the work is done in the winter and will only benefit the vernal pools if it affects them at all. Clawson states that he has been working on a blanket Notice of Intent(NOI)for the City's trail network and this project will fall under that. Rafuse agrees to give Clawson her contact 1 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee January 3,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 information. The Committee discusses that this volunteer-based work will fall under the trail maintenance portion of the NOL Rafuse asks how far off the trail is permissible to work, and Clawson states that he will pursue the answer. Callaghan asks how the process works, and Rafuse states that the volunteers use a chop-and-drop pile method, with the invasives' roots exposed so they dry up and die, and the cuttings are left to decay in place and contribute to habitat.No herbicides are used, and no trees are removed. Rafuse is taking on the task of continuing the process from year to year, and in the future hopes to set up a program where people may "adopt" an area to maintain. Mann states that he recently observed a sign when hiking in a different town detailing their invasive species mitigation program. The sign listed the licensing required, and Mann asks if there is any qualification required for this work. Rafuse states that while there was a certification in the past, there is no certification in place currently. The Committee discusses the next steps and Rafuse expresses enthusiasm for the impactfulness of the project. b. Unauthorized trail building in Beverly Commons Margaret Griffin of 20 Sohier Road is present and states that she is a volunteer hike leader for the Appalachian Mountain Club. Griffin states that, while on a hike in Beverly Commons recently, she observed large holes in the ground where bikers have been doing unauthorized trail building. Griffin shares photos of the site. The bikers left tools behind and pulled up rocks. Griffin states that the tools were used to pry the rocks and build jumps and ramps. Griffin states that these actions are destructive and disrespectful and that it is not the bikers' land. Griffin suggests that signs be put in place regarding unauthorized trail building, that trail cameras be installed, and that the abandoned tools be removed. Griffin expresses concern that a person could fall into one of the crater-like holes and struggle to climb out. The Committee discusses that they are aware of this problem at Beverly Commons and other trail locations throughout the City. The Committee discusses that the members are volunteers and thus have limited time and resources. The Committee discusses that the funding for trail cameras is limited and perhaps a letter to the Mayor's Office asking for assistance may be helpful. The members agree that different types of land require different approaches, such as Green Belt- owned, private, and City-owned. Mann agrees to write a letter to Dave Rimmer of Green Belt and attach the photos Griffin provided. Griffin states that, in an unrelated site, an area of the 56-57 flags has flooded the trail and she suggests placing signs to alert anyone using the trail. Clawson agrees to follow up with Griffin. 2 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee January 3,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions: a. Planning Board Clawson states that there are five public hearings this month, one of which indirectly applies to this Committee, which is the Folly Hill freeze zoning application. Clawson explains the zoning freeze process,which effectively preserves the value of the land to be potentially used for that purpose in the future. b. Conservation Commission Charles states that there is no update. c. Community Preservation Committee There is no update. d. Harbor Management Authority Callaghan states that he conducted a site visit at Woodberry Street and Ober Street. Callaghan states that he has been working for a year on installing four wayfinding signs that bring attention to public locations that people would otherwise would not know about. Mann recommends using metal signposts and Callaghan clarifies that the posts are aluminum. Charles asks if there is a map of all the blue signs and Callaghan states that the idea of a walkway indicator with a blue line or a fish symbol has been a larger goal of the Harbor Management Authority. Callaghan states that he will reach out to the City GIS staff for guidance in making a map of the blue signs. e. Parks and Recreation Commission There is no update as the position is still vacant. Clawson states that Mayor Cahill and Parks and Recreation Director Bruce Doig are not enthusiastic about installing a bicycle pump track in Beverly. 4. Open Space Conditions/Issues a. Ward 1 There is no update. b. Ward 2 Jamieson asks if greenscape spaces are under the purview of the Committee and Clawson answers that landscaping and greenscaping are typically under the purview of the City Arborist. Jamieson states that in front of 27 Cabot Street, there is a problematic tree and disturbed brickwork. Clawson states that he would need to clarify if the site is maintained by Public Works or State Highway. Jamieson states she is interested in the health and usage of Bartlett Park. c. Ward 3 a. Update on status of Simon Street Park 3 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee January 3,2024 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 There is no update. b. Update on status of Holcroft Park There is no update. d. Ward 4 i. Update and discussion with the Committee about a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a trail easement at Endicott College Alden-St. Pierre summarizes the easement process thus far for the benefit of the new Committee members. Alden-St. Pierre states that the Committee is waiting for information from Endicott College. The Committee clarifies the location of the public entrance for the benefit of the new Committee members. ii. Update and discussion with the Committee about Sally Milligan Trail improvements and map changes for new kiosks Clawson states that the kiosks have been installed and the project is finished. The maps have been replaced on the other kiosks. Clawson shares photos and the map. To complete the grant, the remaining monies are designated for new bike racks and benches. e. Ward 5 i. Update to the Committee on discussion with Iron Tree for tree removal at Norwood Pond Clawson states that he has been unable to reach Iron Tree so there is no update since the last meeting. Alden-St. Pierre summarizes the process thus far for the benefit of the new Committee members. f. Ward 6 i. Update and discussion with the Committee about funding for the survey for a potential easement allowing for access to the Pole Swamp Lane conservation restriction area Clawson states that Mayor Cahill is supposed to set up a meeting with Mann about this matter and is in the process of doing so. Mann summarizes the process thus far for the benefit of the new Committee members. 5. Discussion with Committee members about trail blaze signs Alden-St. Pierre summarizes that trail blaze signs on Beverly Commons have been ripped down repeatedly, and he spoke to Dave McKinnon of Green Belt about this ongoing issue. McKinnon's suggestion was to communicate to the public that the signs are there for public safety. The Committee agrees that it is a challenging issue to resolve and that there was an article about the many disappearing signs in the February 1, 2022 issue of the Salem News. 4 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee January 3, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 6. Staff Updates a. Bundled NOI for trail work There is no update. b. Discussion with the Committee about City website updates and improvement for the Open Space and Recreation Committee page The Committee discusses that much of the information on the website is outdated. Clawson states that while he has administration of the site, he needs the input of the Committee on what to remove, update, or add. c. Election of Chair and Vice Chair at the next meeting The Committee discusses that the current Vice Chair is David Brewster. 7. Approval of minutes a. December 6, 2023 The item is continued to the February 7, 2024 meeting. 8. Adjourn Callaghan: Motion to adjourn. Passanisi seconds. Motion carries (9-0). Meeting adjourns at 8:43 p.m. Next meeting: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. 5