BOH minutes 1-17-24 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Board of Health Date: January 17,2024 Place: Beverly Council on Aging Building Suites A& B Board members present: Dr.Justin Jordan,Rachel Morse,Esq.,Dr. Sheryl Silva Others present:Laura DelleChiaie,Director, Teresa Kirsch,Public Health Nurse Recorder: Lynne DePiero,Administrative Assistant Dr. Jordan called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. The minutes from the December 11, 2023 meeting were approved with one amendment to change malpractice"license" to malpractice"insurance" in the Medical Director job description. Ms. Debra Randall, the daughter of the owner of 54 Matthies Street,was present for the administrative hearing request. The abandoned property has been sent to the Attorney General's Office—Neighborhood Renewal Division. Flora Chang has been the contact person from that office. Ms. Randall explained that her mom is the owner of the property but is not doing well so she is the representative for the family's property. She is requesting more time for her correction order violations due to the costs and she is having surgery next week. Ms. Randall has made a good faith effort and has made some progress on the original correction order violations. The Board agreed to make some adjustments to the timeline for corrections but also acknowledged their responsibility to uphold the order and enforce the housing code for the City of Beverly. Dr. Jordan motioned to have bulk debris moved by the end of next week(January 26, 2024)with the stipulation that if it cannot be done by then for Ms. Randall to contact Ms. DelleChiaie. Dr. Silva seconded—All in favor. Ms. DelleChiaie recommended an extension of 6 months to have structural and siding repairs to the exterior of the home completed. During Ms. Randall's surgery recovery time of 3 months, she must be gathering quotes from contractors. The Board recommended Ms. Randall look into filing a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) application to assist with financial support. Dr. Jordan motioned to Ms. DelleChiaie's recommendation that the extension be granted. Ms. Morse seconded —All in favor. Ms. DelleChiaie and Ms. Kirsch presented a draft of the revised Body Art Regulations. Ms. Morse reviewed her edits throughout the document. Board discussed piercing gun options, standards on ultrasonic cleaning units and the differences between traditional tattooing and cosmetic tattooing. The Board has decided that there should be two sets of Regulations for Body Art, one for Tattooing and Piercing and the second one for Permanent Makeup. Ms. DelleChiaie and Ms. Kirsch agreed and plan on having the final revised Regulations ready for the February 28, 2024 Board meeting. The revised Medical Director job description was reviewed by the Board. A few amendments were discussed, to take out the last sentence and a half from the first paragraph—ending the sentence with "a two-year term." Under"Primary Duties," add"testing" back in on the first bullet. Remove the third bullet under the"Requirements" section that says "No history of infractions" and add"active" malpractice insurance to the last bullet. Omit the "Physical Demands and Work Environment" sections. Ms. Morse motioned to approve the job description incorporating the above corrections. Dr. Silva seconded—All in favor. Dr. Silva motioned to appoint Dr. Rizos to be the Board of Health Medical Director,Ms. Morse seconded—All in favor. The discussion of promoting healthy, accessible food sources will be tabled to a later date. Laura DelleChiaie, Director, Updates for the Board: The Health Department has hired a new Principal Clerk for the Dental Clinic, Katherine Casiglia. Ms. DelleChiaie has asked the Board if we should explore creating a new partnership with another dentist to come and provide further dental treatments. Dr. Jordan and Dr. Silva were going to reach out to their networks. Opioid Settlement Funds: Ms. DelleChiaie reached out to ONESTOP and then said they have been having some staffing issues and will hopefully have a new hire to cover Beverly. The Mayor has the job description for the Social Services Navigator position and will be bringing it in front of City Council. Ms. DelleChiaie showed the new educational materials created for rodent education. She is still working on a potential new contract with A-1 Exterminators. Ms. DelleChiaie is working on the Body Art Regulation revisions. She will continue to work on the revised drafts for Keeping of Animals and Dumpster Regulations, as well as, a revised fee schedule in the upcoming months. The Department is still learning the OpenGov permitting software. The inspectional software, from Relevant Systems, is in the works. The Health Department was awarded the NEHA/FDA Food Safety Grant which will be used to send two inspectors to a Self-Assessment Verification Audit (SAVA)workshop. Ms. DelleChiaie is also working with Todd Dresser from CHUBB to schedule biosafety inspections. Teresa Kirsch, Public Health Nurse, Updates for the Board: Early January there was an uptick in flu and covid cases. She is working on two body art establishment and practitioner annual inspections and permits. She continues to work with Ms. DelleChiaie on body art revisions to the Regulations. The North Shore Public Health Nurses are planning a late season flu clinic. Ms. Kirsch continues to monitor the infectious disease network(MAVEN). The meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m. The next meeting will be scheduled for February 28, 2024 at 6:30p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lynne DePiero Administrative Assistant