20240122 Legal Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes (1) Scott D. Houseman-Chair C i 1
Todd C. Rotondo
Kathleen M. Feldman C I T'i
Legal Affairs/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting MJ�44ejEB 15 A s• 52
Monday,January 22,2024, 7:OOPM
City Council Chambers,3rd Floor,Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Houseman called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Members present: Todd Rotondo,Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman
Also present: City Solicitor Stephanie Williams
Order Date to Description Action
Number Committee Taken
#022 1/16/2024 Appointment-Ms. Carole Rein,27 Pratt Ave to serve on the Approved
Human Rights Commission (3-0)
Appointment-Mr. Mario Tricomi,25 Whitney Avenue to serve
#025 1/16/2024 as the Parks and Recreation Commission representative on the Approved
Open Space and Recreation Committee (3-0)
Councilors Rotondo and Sweeney-A letter regarding the 2023
#032 1/16/2024 Committee on Legal Affairs ordinance review process Held
President Flowers-An Appointment for David Ershun, 50
#033 1/16/2024 Rantoul Street to serve on the Community Preservation Held
Committee in one of the At-Large seats on that body
#034 1/16/2024 Councilor Houseman-A letter regarding the Subcommittee on Held
Legal Affairs initiatives in the new term
#016 1/16/2024 Sergeant Nicholson-A request to add a Handicapped Parking
Sign at 3 Columbus Avenue
Broad discussion of priorities members of the Legal Affairs subcommittee may wish to
take up this year within its scope for policy review and oversight,including new
ordinances or amendments to all existing ordinances,particularly but not limited to
zoning ordinances and the city's land use boards and commission(Planning Board, Held
Zoning Board of Appeals, Historic Districts Commission, Conservation Commission),
the Licensing Board,the Law Department, (including the status of claims and actions
involving the city), and the Department of Planning and Development.
It was clarified that Mario Tricomi is not a Parks and Recreation Commission member,but they have selected
him to represent them on the Open Space and Recreation Committee and the mayor is appointing him. Tricomi
attends Parks and Recreation Commission meetings but is not a voting member because all seats are filled.
Houseman stated he heard the neighbors have given approval for this and proposed going ahead with it and
Sergeant Nicholson will provide amended language.
The motion to amend Order#016 to read that the handicap parking sign will be located on the north side of
Columbus Avenue at a location to be specified in further detail by Sgt.Nicholson was made and seconded.
A vote was taken, and the motion to amend carried. The motion to recommend the Council approve the order as
amended was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:19pm.