2023June13Lynch Public Parks TrusteesMtg David S. Lynch Public Parks Trustees Mark Casey-Chairman Joan Fairbank Joyce Frisiello Kevin Hobin Kathy Doane Mark Flagg Mike Collins ex-officio Public Meeting Minutes Date: Tuesday,June 13, 2023 at 7:OOPM Location: Carriage House, Lynch Park Trustees Present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Mark Flagg,and Kathy Doane Trustees Absent: Joan Fairbank,Joyce Frisiello Others in attendance: Bruce Doig,John Paddol Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Mark Casey, Chairman. The minutes from the last Trustees meeting on November 9, 2022 were read by those present. Motion to accept minutes was made by Kevin Hobin and seconded by Mark Flagg, all in favor: unanimous. Mark Casey provided a recap of the Open Meeting Law Presentation. Updates on Park Projects by Bruce Doig Renovation of Tennis courts at Cahill and two playgrounds in the Cove Funding: Lynch Trustees providing$40K from 2021 budget and $20K from 2023 budget as recorded in the November 9, 2022 Trustees meeting. $250K CPC grant extension for a year. Summer concert series- Bruce requested that the annual funding amount from the Trustees be increased from $2,400 to $3,000 due to the increased cost of bands. Kevin Hobin made a motion to increase the annual payment for summer concerts be increased to $3,000. Seconded by Mark Flagg, all in favor: unanimous. New Funding Project Requests Simon Street Tot Lots - City purchased 2 empty lots Simon Street,one lot to have 2 benches, 2 picnic tables and play equipment,and the second lot to have 4 picnic tables and play area,replace fencing. Looking at artificial turf for both tot lots. Cost of$40K per lot. Kevin Hobin made a motion to award $10K for each lot for total of$20K. Mark Flagg seconded the motion, all in favor: unanimous. Concrete walkways in Lynch Park- One walk way near the Carriage House (260'x 6",cost$15K) and the second walkway near the sea wall (240'x 4.5',cost$14K). Carriage House Exterior Wall.The $15K awarded on 10/16/2018 for shell repairs was not used so available. Motion made by Kevin Hobin to award $15K for the concrete walkways. Seconded by Mark Flagg, all in favor: unanimous. Carriage House exterior wall- $100K from CPC grant to repair wall 1 Financial Report Summary of fiscal 2023 Fiscal Activity, reviewed $1,200 annual maintenance for the Rose Garden flower beds to be used this summer. Mark Casey requested agenda items to be sent to him for the next meeting. Motion to adjourn made by Kevin Hobin and seconded by Mark Flagg. Meeting adjourned by Mark Casey at 7:50PM. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Doane Recording Secretary 2