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OSRC minutes_11.01.23 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor Council Chambers DATE: November 1, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair David Alden-St. Pierre, Vice Chair David Brewster, Todd Callaghan, Alison Dudley (late), Elizabeth Dunne, Charles Mann, Wayne Miller, James Passanisi, Gregory Sharp (late) BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Amber Redmond STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson OTHERS PRESENT: Mario Tricome of 25 Whitney Avenue RECORDER: Naomi Moca 1. Call to order Chair Alden-St. Pierre calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. Public Outreach Alden-St. Pierre states that he posts on social media intermittently. 3. Updates from Boards and Commissions: a. Planning Board Miller states that the Definitive Subdivision Plan for 63 Sturtevant Street was approved. The Planning Board approved a waiver to not measure the trees at the site due to the need to remove all trees to allow for the construction in the site's compact area. It is customary to measure all trees of at least six-inch caliber at a four-foot height. Miller states that despite Griffin stating that there were no trees worth saving, there were in fact valuable trees on the site. Assistant Director Clawson describes the location of the subdivision's 1.2-acre site and states that the City is working to write a tree conservation ordinance. The Committee discusses that trees provide habitats for many species and serve to cool the City. b. Conservation Commission The Committee discusses that Green Belt submitted an NOI in for the bridge at Alt Reservation. c. Community Preservation Committee Clawson states that a pre-application was submitted for Gillis Park improvements. While the entire project is larger in scope, the pre-application is for funding for work on the park entrance only. 1 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 d. Harbor Management Authority Callaghan states that he sent a quote to Director of Planning and Development Darlene Wynne for the four public wayfinding signs and two additional directional signs. The approval process has begun. 7:09 p.m.: Dudley arrives Callaghan states that the repairs and restoration have been completed at the public access at the end of Woodbury Street, where there was a lot of erosion and missing railings. The Committee discusses the public way on Lothrop Street that needed repair. The benches were removed and the sea wall was re-pointed. A person fell and was injured. Callaghan states that the City requested that Harbor Management pull back on work on the site due to safety and erosion concerns taking precedence. Callaghan states that Harbor Management is in the conceptual stage of establishing a harbor walk, identified with some type of symbol or line that leads pedestrians around the harbor. e. Parks and Recreation Commission There is no update. 4. Open Space Conditions /Issues a. Ward 1 There is no update. b. Ward 2 i. Update to the Committee on Gillis Park potential improvements: Discussed already c. Ward 3 Dudley summarizes the progress on the Simon Street lots. According to Director of Parks and Recreation, Bruce Doig, and Mayoral Chief of Staff, Jocelyn Ruelle-Kersker,the work at 14 Simon Street will start in November 2023. Picnic tables and benches have arrived, and the fencing and turf bids have been awarded. Due to the shading in the area, the decision was made not to plant grass. The project is anticipated to be finished by December 2023. The bulk of the playground equipment will be delivered in December to be installed in the Spring of 2024. Green Beverly attended the most recent park event. The Committee discusses that there are no firm plans for a community garden at the sites. d. Ward 6 Miller states that there is no update on the unauthorized trail building in the Beverly Commons area as it is believed to be on private land. Alden-St. Pierre states that nothing can be done. The 2 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 site does not yet encroach on City or Green Belt land. Mann suggests identifying and speaking to the property owner. The Committee discusses that it is hesitant to bring the trail to the property owner's attention. Dunne points out that there is a second area where unauthorized trail building is taking place that appears to be on private property. Mann states that the Committee's options are to write a cease-and-desist letter to the parties building the unauthorized trails to let them know it is becoming a liability issue. The property owners may opt to fence the area off if the trail is brought to their attention. Miller states that he spoke to the young people building the unauthorized trails on two occasions, asking them to clean it up, but they did not follow through despite agreeing to clean it up. There are holes full of water on the trail. Dunne observes that a lock on the gate at Route 128 may be beneficial. Clawson comments that he is unsure whether it is State highway or City property. Mann proposes that the Committee reach out to the young people building the unauthorized trails and request they stop. The Committee discusses that this is a good approach. i. Update and discussion with the Committee about a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a trail easement at Endicott College Alden-St. Pierre states that he submitted a draft of the MOU to Endicott College and has not heard back from anyone since the meeting. e. Ward 5 i. Update to the Committee on discussion with Iron Tree for tree removal at Norwood Pond Clawson states that he contacted Iron Tree and learned that the tree removal is on the schedule to be done. The Committee discusses that the next step is to repair the bridge when the water level is conducive to doing the work. The Committee discusses that it is a$50,000 job and will benefit from paid help. Mann states that the bridge is 72 feet long and that he submitted a materials list to Alden-St. Pierre. Alden-St. Pierre states that there are five to six other bridges needing attention in the area and it would be optimal for them to be all upgraded at the same time. f. Ward 6 i. Moraine The Trustees of Reservations are managing it and there will be a local council of farmers in the Spring to discuss the matter. Miller states that New Entry has been discontented with the situation thus far as nothing is resolved and the program is going to re-open in the Spring of 2024. Miller explains that New Entry is a Tufts University program to train farmers, who upon completion may use an acre of land to farm for up to three years. While New Entry has a parking agreement with Trustees, it has not been given parking in an optimal location. The Committee discusses that New Entry rents from the Trustees and it has been a valuable program since 1980. Dunne summarizes the origin of the program. Mann points out that 3 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 community gardeners using conventional methods may inadvertently interfere with the crop's organic certification. The Committee discusses that the Birch Plains pickleball equipment is landing in California this week and will be installed soon. The plan is to open the courts for half a day this weekend to do a sound test without the mitigation equipment. ii. Update and discussion with the Committee about Sally Milligan Trail improvements and map changes for new kiosks Clawson presents the revised Sally Milligan trail map with the new kiosk locations. The design will be sent to Metro Sign. Clawson learned from Doig that the parking lot is open during the summer. The Cross Lane soccer field is not accurate, which Clawson will address with Doig. There is ample parking for trail walking. It has been locked due to vehicles doing donuts there and Birch Plains is also locked all the time for the same reason. The Committee discusses that the revised map is on the kiosks. Clawson agrees to carve the maps out of that and use a screen grab to update the post. iii. Update and discussion with the Committee about funding for the survey for a potential easement allowing for access to the Pole Swamp Lane conservation restriction area Mann states that he spoke to David Rimmer of Essex County Green Belt. Mann states that if property owner Brian Deeley does not grant access, options could be a right of way, or an easement could be purchased. 5. Staff Updates a. Clawson states that there is $15,000 available to the Committee, minus what Wynne used for signs 7:56 p.m.: Sharp arrives. The Committee discusses that the funds were not available before now and that there is no restriction on it. Miller suggests using the funds in conjunction with Beverly Conservation Land Trust to build a path on White Hill. Alden-St. Pierre states that he will follow up with Ward 4 City Councilor Scott Houseman. The Committee discusses that the Mass Trails grant funding just became available and could be used to match funds. The Committee discusses that there is no requirement for retailers to pay to have the area improved. Ward 1 City Councilor Todd Rotondo and Callaghan met with one business owner previously. Additionally,the owner of the hair salon is interested in improving the area behind the property to minimize safety issues. The Committee discusses that speaking with Rotondo is a good place to start in addition to creating a map of the property divisions, the property owners, and the improvements needed. The Committee discusses that Mann spoke to Mark Carlson of Beverly School for the Deaf, who was amenable to making improvements, and that the Mass Trails grant submission deadline is 4 City of Beverly Open Space and Recreation Committee November 1,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 February 1, 2024. Alden-St. Pierre agrees to reach out to Rotondo to discuss whether the idea is worth revisiting, and if there is interest,whether to pursue eligibility. Dunne suggests that the Committee brainstorm another plan for the funding in case the project is ineligible. The Committee discusses additional kayak/paddleboard/racks,but the public areas are already saturated. The Committee discusses work in the Brackenbury Lane area and determines it is not an option. The Committee discusses the portion of the trail on Endicott College's property,replacing the kiosk in the J.C. Phillips reservation, the need for more signs at the J.C. Phillips reservation, the need for more footbridges in general, and signs at Sally Milligan. The Committee agrees to brainstorm ideas in the interim to discuss at the next meeting. b. Bundled NOI for trail work There is no update. b. Annual report to City Council The Committee's presentation for the City Council was rescheduled to the November 20, 2023 meeting. 6. Discussion with the Committee about filling the vacant OSRC seat on the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) The Committee discusses that the CPC position must be filled by a member of the OSRC. If there is no nomination or vote, then Clawson will reach out to the City Solicitor. Miller: Motion to nominate Mann for the vacant OSRC seat on the CPC. There is no second. Miller observes that there are many vacancies across the City's committees and boards and this issue would benefit from improved communication. 7. Approval of minutes a. September 6,2023 The item is continued. 8. Adjourn Callaghan: Motion to adjourn. Alden-St. Pierre seconds. Motion carries (9-0). Meeting adjourns 8:32 p.m. Next meeting: Wednesday,December 6, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. 5