20231016 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes cI r�, cc : 7','Z-?LY RECEIW0 " !'.�_1" City of Beverly CITY CL_. XE Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes 1013 DEC I I P 2: 3 3 Monday, October 16, 2023, 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk, Lisa Kent, took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Brendan Sweeney, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Matthew St. Hilaire, Julie Flowers Members Absent: None Feldman led the pledge of allegiance. There was a moment of silence for the innocent people of Israel and Palestine and for Robert King, a custodian at the Ayers Ryal Side Elementary School. Resolution Order#243-Nikolas Hourican A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). A motion for a brief recess was made and seconded. The meeting recessed at 7:12pm. The meeting was called back to order at 7:15pm. Public Hearings Order#241-7:15 PM-National Grid-Petition 3075648 1-Elliot Street to install 1 SO stub pole and stub guy on the Northwest corner of the intersection between County Way and Elliott Street (continued from 10/2/23) The public hearing was opened. Michael Kazadi from National Grid was available for questions. Rotondo asked what a stub pole is. Kazadi stated it is basically an anchor pole. Rand asked if this pole will be in the sidewalk and how ADA requirements are considered, for example, if a wheelchair could get past this pole. Tim O'Leary from National Grid stated that is part of the design work for a project like this. No members of the public wished to speak on the item. The public hearing was closed and the item was referred back to Committee on Public Services. Order 9242-7:20 PM-National Grid-Petition 3 075648 1-County Way to install a new pole and anchor on the intersection of Northern Ave and County Way (continued from 10/2/23) The public hearing was opened. Michael Kazadi from National Grid was available for questions. Bowen and Rotondo followed up on constituent questions from the last meeting, and Rotondo stated those should be resolved. No members of the public wished to speak on the item. The public hearing was closed and the item was referred back to Committee on Public Services. Presentations, Awards and Memorials National Grid update on K115 Project Danielle Aretz from National Grid began the presentation. Construction challenges have included deep ledge (rock) during excavation, unmarked utilities, and limited availability of crews. Aretz spoke about how some of those challenges are being addressed and next steps. Housman asked if the additional crews are coming for a limited amount of time. O'Leary stated those crews will be with National Grid at least throughout the winter and through the spring. This is to get back on schedule. Sweeney asked at this point what the anticipated end date of this project is. O'Leary stated the new cable will be energized by the end of calendar year 2024, and the removal of the old line will be completed by the end of 2025. Aretz stated removal will be in some of the same path, especially along River Street and in Goat Hill but it will be much faster to remove. Some will also be in the MBTA right of way, which will have to be coordinated with the MBTA. Rotondo asked when the roads and sidewalks will be repaved. Aretz stated that would be a question for the city's public works commissioner. It sounds like as sections are done they want to go in and pave before the line is completely energized. There would be temporary paving done if more work is required before the full road restoration. There was some discussion about concerns regarding the quality of the temporary paving. Bowen asked about storage and staging of equipment,particularly heavy equipment not being left for extended periods of time in the public way. O'Leary stated National Grid has tried to minimize impacts around holiday weeks and long weekends by working with the commissioner of public works to determine what pieces of equipment can be left and what would be advantageous to move or not move. At times it's not efficient to continually drag heavy equipment over and over the streets. We look at each location and meet every two weeks to discuss any issues. Bowen asked for more information on the volume of calls and emails,the ability to respond to those, and the results of increased rodent control. O'Leary stated that as of October 1,there are 67 of the smart box type traps. As crews are increased, devices will be increased. It has been effective. National Grid has worked with the department of health. As of October 1,there have been 490 catches. Aretz followed up with information about the hotline and emails. As of the last National Grid citizen advisory committee meeting, most calls were closed out within 24 hours. Calls were mostly about how to get surveys with a few about work hours, traffic management, and signage. Bowen asked about worker safety. O'Leary stated safety for the public, contractors, and employees is number one across the board. There have been two incidents with the project, both on Wellman Street. In one incident, a subcontractor worker injured their foot. The other incident was when a member of the public Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 16,2023 page 2 of 5 entered a work site with their vehicle, and fortunately nobody got hurt. Rand noted a section on Webber Street that has had steel plates and a barricade for quite some time. The barriers around it are caving in a bit. O'Leary stated National Grid would take a look at it. Underground access will still be needed there this winter. Rand asked if there is a timeline and map for the line removal process. Aretz stated right now there is not a schedule built,but as it gets closer we will have a schedule and get that to you. Rand requested Wellman Street be prioritized to finish first since residents there have been through a lot with the rock splitting going on for quite a while. O'Leary stated Commissioner Collins has also requested the same timeline. Flowers asked what residents can expect it to look like on Wellman Street since it sounds like the underground work will be completed in 4-6 weeks. O'Leary stated the majority of rock splitting would be complete,the duct bank will be installed, there will be backfill and cement in holes. There may still be some steel plates. The below ground excavation work would be completed. There could still be some above ground paving and logistical work right after that. Flowers asked if concerns about the impact on pipes and anything under the street will be minimized after that point. O'Leary confirmed. Flowers asked if there is a timeline for heavy equipment to be moved off Wellman or to be staged in a city lot nearby. O'Leary stated right now it is the same timeline of 4-6 weeks. Flowers asked if there are plans to implement additional smart boxes in Goat Hill. O'Leary stated National Grid is willing to work with residents to see what is construction-related if the residents contact National Grid and provide some of that feedback. Flowers asked if there are expectations of finding more ledge in other areas including Lothrop Street which may set the project back. O'Leary agreed and stated that may be the largest challenge the project faces. Houseman asked about the amount of crews expected. O'Leary stated there will be six next week and up to nine maybe by November. Flowers stated it would be helpful to have National Grid back after those nine crews are working. O'Leary thanked those who have helped with the committee and offered feedback. There are things that cannot be answered at the advisory committee meetings.National Grid does not comment on personnel issues,personal information that residents share, some claims information, and city infrastructure. Flowers asked about having a claims specialist at the advisory committee meeting who could possibly schedule appointments during that time with any residents who are having trouble navigating filing a claim online. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 16,2023 page 3 of 5 Aretz stated she could speak to McCourt about that capability because the claims process is through them and not National Grid. Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order#253-Transfer-A budgetary transfer of$100,000 from the reserve for unforeseen account which will allow the city to perform surveying, wetland delineation and conceptual design work in Obear Park Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#254-2023-An Appointment for Wendy Pearl, 21 Morningside Drive to serve as the Historic District Commission representative on the Design Review Board Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Communications from other City Officers and Boards Order 9255-City Clerk-Request for approval for the November 7, 2023, Municipal Election Warrant A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#256-City Clerk-Request for approval of In Person Early voting schedule for November 7, 2023, Municipal Election A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#257-City Clerk-Application for a Hawkers and Peddlers License for George Sampson, 66 Essex Street, Beverly Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#258-Councilor Bowen-Letter to discuss the current status and future direction of major building projects in the city Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#239A-City Solicitor-Regarding Order#239-2023 Review of City Ordinances, City Solicitor Proposed Amendments Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#184A-Planning Board-City Council Order#184-2023-Recommendation from Planning Board relative to proposed zoning ordinance amendments regarding accessory dwelling units, definitions regarding transient lodging, bed and breakfasts, and other minor clarifications. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). The meeting recessed at 8:17pm. The meeting was called back to order at 8:33pm. Reports of Committees Finance and Property Order#253-Transfer-A budgetary transfer of$100,000 from the reserve for unforeseen account Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 16,2023 page 4 of 5 which will allow the city to perform surveying, wetland delineation and conceptual design work in Obear Park A motion to set the public hearing for October 30 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Public Services Order#241-National Grid-Petition 30756481-Elliot Street to install 1 SO stub pole and stub guy on the Northwest corner of the intersection between County Way and Elliott Street A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#242-National Grid-Petition 3 075 648 1-County Way to install a new pole and anchor on the intersection of Northern Ave and County Way A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#245-Appointment-Daniel Wuenschel, 5 Rowell Avenue to serve on the Council on Aging A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Legal Affairs Order#257-City Clerk-Application for a Hawkers and Peddlers License for George Sampson, 66 Essex Street, Beverly A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#246-Reappointment-Mr. Peter A. Davekos, 5 Brookhead Avenue to serve as a constable in the City of Beverly A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#184A-Planning Board-City Council Order#184-2023-Recommendation from Planning Board relative to proposed zoning ordinance amendments regarding accessory dwelling units, definitions regarding transient lodging, bed and breakfasts, and other minor clarifications A motion to set a public hearing for November 20 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting Order#282-2022-A letter regarding Accessory Dwelling units Order#184-Proposed Amendments to the Beverly Zoning Ordinance: Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance; Definitions Regarding Transient Lodging, Bed and Breakfasts; and Other Minor Clarifications Flowers stated these two items would continue to be held. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:42pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—October 16,2023 page 5 of 5 Scott D. Houseman-Chair Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire Finance and Property/City Council Committee of the Whole Minutes Monday, October 16, 2023, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called the meeting to order at 8:19pm. Members present: Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire, Scott Houseman Members absent: None Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #326-2022 4/18/2023 Councilor Bowen-Regarding Beverly Regional Airport Hold #104 4/18/2023 2023 Capital Expenditure Plan pursuant to the City Charter Hold Councilor Houseman-Update and petitions regarding the Central #165 6/5/2023 Cemetery Hold A$1,000,000 earmark from the United States Department of #210 8/21/2023 Housing and Urban Development to support the main Library Hold HVAC system replacement and weatherization A $100,000 earmark from the Massachusetts Marketing Partnership within the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce #211 8/21/2023 Development to support HVAC improvements and weatherization Hold for the Beverly Public Library A $200,000 earmark from the Massachusetts Marketing Partnership within the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce #212 8/21/2023 Development to support HVAC improvements and weatherization Hold for the Beverly Public Library "! Transfer-A budgetary transfer of$100,000 from the reserve for Set public #253 10/16/2023 unforeseen account which will allow the city to perform surveying, hearing for wetland delineation and conceptual design work in Obear Park October 30 at 7:30 m (3-0) Councilor Bowen-Letter to discuss the current status and future #258 10/16/2023 direction of major building projects in the city Hold Houseman stated regarding#258 there will be a discussion once the Council has that proposal. The motion to adjourn Committee on Finance and Property was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:24pm. Estelle M. Rand-Chair Todd C. Rotondo Brendan S. Sweeney Legal Affairs/City Council Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes Monday, October 16, 2023, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers,Yd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Rand called the meeting to order at 8:18pm. Members present: Todd Rotondo, Brendan Sweeney, Estelle Rand Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #239 9/18/2023 President Flowers-A letter regarding Section 8-5 of our Hold City Charter(Review of Ordinances) #183 10/2/2023 A request for temporary"Resident Only Parking" Hold City Clerk-Application for a Hawkers and Peddlers #257 10/16/2023 License for George Sampson, 66 Essex Street, Beverly Approved (3-0) City Solicitor-Regarding Order#239-2023 Review of #239A 10/16/2023 City Ordinances, City Solicitor Proposed Amendments Hold Reappointment-Mr. Peter A. Davekos, 5 Brookhead #246 10/2/2023 Avenue to serve as a constable in the City of Beverly Approved (3-0) Planning Board-City Council Order#184-2023- Recommendation from Planning Board relative to Set public #184A 10/16/2023 proposed zoning ordinance amendments regarding hearing for accessory dwelling units, definitions regarding November 20 transient lodging, bed and breakfasts, and other minor at 7:30pm clarifications An Appointment for Wendy Pearl, 21 Morningside #254 10/16/2023 Drive to serve as the Historic District Commission Hold representative on the Design Review Board The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:26pm. Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley Public Services/City Council Committee of the Whole Minutes Monday, October 16, 2023, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 311 Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Feldman called the meeting to order at 8:19pm. Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee Appointment-Daniel Wuenschel, 5 Rowell Avenue to #245 10/2/2023 serve on the Council on Aging Approved 3-0 National Grid-Petition 3075648 1-Elliot Street to install #241 10/16/2023 1 SO stub pole and stub guy on the Northwest corner of Approved 3-0 the intersection between County Way and Elliott Street National Grid-Petition 30756481-County Way to install #242 10/16/2023 a new pole and anchor on the intersection of Northern Approved 3-0 Ave and County Way A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:27pm.