CPC Meeting 2023-10-19 minutes Beverly Community Preservation Committee
October 19,2023 Meeting Minutes
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BOARD: Community Preservation Committee
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor Council
DATE: October 19, 2023
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Derek Beckwith, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum,
Suzanne LaMont,Nancy Marino, Christy Edwards,
Heather Richter, Danielle Spang (late)
OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning and Development
Kenneth Clawson
RECORDER: Naomi Moca
1. Call to order
Chair Beckwith opens the meeting at 7:02 p.m. and conducts a roll call.
2. Consultation and Q&A with the CPC
There is no one present.
7:04 p.m.: Spang arrives.
3. CPA Funding Round 11 —Review of CPC FY24 Pre-Applications
a. Ayers Elementary Playground—Ayers Elementary PTO
Chair Beckwith states that the application was withdrawn.
b. Beverly Affordable Housing Trust allocation—Mayor's Office (deferred to
November 16,2023 meeting)
Beckwith states that Mayor Michael Cahill expressed a desire to speak to the Committee
regarding Beverly affordable housing allocation eligibility. The item is deferred to the November
16, 2023 meeting.
c. Holcroft Park renovations—Beverly Recreation Department
Director of Parks and Recreation Bruce Doig is present and states that Holcroft Park in the
Gloucester Crossing neighborhood was last renovated in 2003. Doig states that there has been
vandalism over the years and the basketball court needs renovation, among other upgrades. Doig
expresses his enthusiasm for the project and states that the funding may come from multiple
sources. The project's goal is to replace as much of the equipment as possible.
The Committee discusses that the category of"Rehabilitation and Restoration" is more
appropriate than "Creation" and that the location of Holcroft Park is at the intersection of Mill
Street and Gage Street. Doig states that he met with former Ward 3 Councilor Stacy Ames when
she was in office, current Ward 3 Councilor Steven Crowley, and the neighborhood residents,
who all expressed support for the project. The proposed project includes an embankment slide,
benches,picnic tables, a basketball court, handicapped walkways, and Americans with
Beverly Community Preservation Committee
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Disabilities Act(ADA) equipment. The Committee discusses that the neighborhood meets the
criteria for an Environmental Justice (EJ) area and thus may be eligible for a State Parkland
Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) grant. The Committee discusses that
there are no restroom facilities at the park.
Vice Chair Buchsbaum: Motion to find the Holcroft Park renovations project eligible under
Rehabilitation and Restoration for Recreational Land. Marino
seconds. The motion carries (7-0).
d. Critical home repair program—Essex County Habitat for Humanity
Assistant Director Clawson states that the applicant requested to defer to the November 16, 2023
meeting. The Committee discusses that the category of"Rehabilitation and Restoration"may be
a more appropriate category than "Support" or"Preservation" for Community Housing. Marino
asks if it is acceptable for a project to have multiple location addresses, and if so,if it is
customary to require each specific address. The Committee discusses comparing this project to
the COVID rental assistance measures.
The Committee discusses that the funding is disbursed as a reimbursement after the work is
completed, so that the funds do not sit in an account waiting to be spent by the applicant.
Potentially, an administrative staff person could screen the reimbursement requests. Richter
points out that Habitat for Humanity has likely done this project in other cities, and suggests
requesting that the applicant provide examples for comparison. Former Executive Director at
Habitat for Humanity North Shore Don Preston stated at the September 14, 2023 public hearing
that there has been a precedent of these projects being done in other cities. The Committee
discusses questions for the applicant and agrees that Director of Planning and Development
Wynne will assemble the list of questions.
e. Girdler House generator—Old Ladies Home Society,Inc d/b/a Girdler House
LaMont states that in her research, she learned that CPA funds have been used for generators in
other cities and towns. The Committee members agree that the application is eligible.
Edwards: Motion to find the preapplication for the Girdler House whole house
generator be found eligible under Preservation for Community Housing.
LaMont seconds. The motion carries (7-0).
L Girdler House window &kitchen upgrades—Old Ladies Home Society, Inc. d/b/a
Girdler House
LaMont comments that Girdler House may be designated historically significant at the Historic
Districts Commission meeting next week. Buchsbaum comments that the kitchen renovation
does not seem historic in nature. Beckwith observes that the windows may qualify as
Preservation for Community Housing and the kitchen may qualify as Preservation for Historic
Resources. Spang states that a Health Department code violation could make the kitchen eligible
under the Preservation for Community Housing category as described in Livable and Sustainable
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LaMont states that she toured Girdler House on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 and learned that
the refrigerator, stove, and sinks are being replaced imminently due to not being up to code with
the Health Department. The application for CPA funds will apply to the items that are not
already being renovated. LaMont observes that the windows in place currently are antique, and
need to be repaired because they are drafty.
Edwards comments that the kitchen and pantry storage updates may not qualify for preservation.
Spang and Beckwith state that if the kitchen and/or pantry are found to be out of health code, it
may impact whether the project fits into a CPA category. The Committee discusses that rodent
control, food storage, energy efficiency, and other matters would be appropriate to discuss with
the applicant at a future meeting.
The Committee discusses that if the applicant receives CPA funds, the project is obligated to
comply with the terms of the funding and remain within that category. The Committee discusses
the best way to guide the applicant through this process, that it is possible for CPA monies to
fund a portion of the project in lieu of the entire project, that it is appropriate to discuss further
details of the work needed with the applicant, and that the applicant will be guided to educate
themselves more on the different categories that are applicable to the project.
4. Project close outs
a. Beverly Golf& Tennis architectural & systems analysis—final report and budget
shared for CPC review and approval (deferred to November 16,2023 meeting)
Beckwith states that Director of Finance Bryant Ayles is unable to attend this meeting and thus
the item is deferred to the November 16, 2023 meeting.
b. Beverly Planning Department—Lynch Park National Register Nomination—
The Committee discusses that the Rose Garden is one of the most vulnerable parts of Lynch
Park. The work to prepare the nomination has been done. The Committee discusses that not all
the members have yet read the report and there is no vote required for project close outs.
c. Beverly Housing Authority—Garden City Towers elevator project—complete
Spang: Motion to approve the closing of the project. LaMont seconds. The motion
carries (7-0).
d. Historic Beverly—Cabot House HVAC Project—MOU deadline is Nov 30, 2023
The item is continued to the November 16, 2023 meeting as the final report is forthcoming.
5. Administrative Matters
a. CPC staffing discussion continued from prior meeting—discussion of anticipated
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The item is continued to the November 16, 2023 meeting.
b. Proposed CPC 2024 meeting calendar
Richter: Motion to accept the Proposed Community Preservation Committee 2024
meeting calendar as submitted. Marino seconds. The motion carries (7-0).
c. Other Business:
Beckwith states that the out-of-cycle Anchor Point II application was submitted today around 3
p.m., which did not allow sufficient time to include the item on this meeting's agenda. Beckwith
states that if the matter becomes time-sensitive, a remote meeting may be an option. The
applicant has until mid-December to complete the work.
The Committee discusses the two open positions to be filled by members from the Parks and
Recreation Commission and the Open Space and Recreation Committee. Richter points out the
guideline that if boards and committees do not appoint members, the City Council is required to
do so. Edwards states that as an at-large appointee, she would have to join an additional
Committee, which she cannot fit into her schedule, to be eligible. The Committee discusses the
ordinances. Clawson agrees to research the matter.
6. Approval of Minutes
September 21,2023 Public Hearing
Members review and offer edits to the September 21, 2023 draft meeting minutes.
Buchsbaum: Motion to accept the September 21, 2023 draft meeting minutes as amended.
Richter seconds. The motion carries (7-0).
7. Adjourn
Marino: Motion to adjourn. Spang seconds. The motion carries unopposed.
Meeting adjourns at 8:11 p.m.
Next regular CPC meeting: Thursday,November 16,2023, 7 p.m.