CPC Meeting 2023-8-17 minutes CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Community Preservation Committee LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, 3rd Floor Council Chambers DATE: August 17, 2023 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Heather Richter, Vice Chair Derek Beckwith, Suzanne LaMont, Danielle Spang,Nancy Marino, Robert Buchsbaum BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Christy Edwards OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Director of Planning Ken Clawson, Finance Director Bryant Ayles, Marilyn McCrory RECORDER: Naomi Moca 1. Call to order Chair Richter opens the meeting at 7:00 p.m. 2. Welcome and remarks Richter welcomes Finance Director Bryant Ayles to the meeting. 3. Election of Officers: Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson The Board discusses that McCrory's term has expired, so she is not eligible to vote in tonight's elections. Richter states that she is not seeking re-election and will stay on the Committee as an at-large member. a. Election of Chairperson Spang: Motion to elect Beckwith as Chair for the 2023-2024 funding round. Seconded by Marino. The motion carries (6-0). The Committee expresses gratitude to Richter for her service to the Committee. b. Election of Vice Chairperson Richter: Motion to elect Buchsbaum as Vice Chair for the 2023-2024 funding round. Seconded by Marino. The motion carries (6-0). 4. Consultation and Q&A with the CPC There was no one present. 5. CPC Proposed Draft Budget Ayles summarizes the Fiscal Year 2024 draft budget and explains how the numbers were calculated. Ayles notes that closed projects are marked as such. Materials added to the record: Beverly Community Preservation Committee August 17,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Community Preservation Financial Snapshot as of 8-15-2023 Community Preservation FY24 Budget Proposal Ayles explains the process of voting on the Draft Fiscal Year 2024 budget, based on anticipated funds coming in for the Fiscal Year 2024,which is July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The Committee's vote on the budget will make the funds available to disburse. The budget is then added to the existing fund balance that has accumulated over the previous years. Ayles states that the estimated surcharge is calculated by increasing the amount collected in the previous year by 2.5%. The estimated state match is determined by state officials. Those numbers bring the total budget to $1.218 million for this round, in addition to what is already in the fund balance. Of the total, 10% is set aside for funding each historic preservation, community housing, and open space projects. The remainder goes into the budgeted reserve, 3% of which is set aside for administrative expenses. While the Committee's administrative costs have historically been well under budget, without that budget item there would be zero funds available for administrative costs such as legal ads. Ayles states that if approved at today's meeting, the draft budget will go before the City Council at their meeting on September 5, 2023, at which time the public hearing will be set for September 18, 2023. The budget needs to be approved prior to the City setting the tax rate. The Committee discusses that it is appropriate to vote on the budget tonight, that there is little flexibility in the budget, that the Committee has the freedom to vote for a smaller budget, that once the City Council passes the budget there will be $2.3 million in funding due to the low number of 2023 projects, and that the maximum administrative budget is 5%. The Committee discusses that the administrative budget could potentially be spent on a dedicated staff person to help with administrative matters such as MOU oversight and that the most the Committee has historically spent on administrative costs is $12,000. Ayles states that the Committee has never paid out the full available funds in previous years and that any unspent funds are returned to the "General Unreserved"portion of the budget. The Committee discusses that a few items marked as closed are still open, and vice versa. The Committee discusses increasing the administrative budget to 5%. Spang: Motion to accept the Draft Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 on the condition that the Administrative Budget is increased to 5%, totaling $60,918.75, and that the General Fund is adjusted accordingly. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries (6-0). Ayles observes that the Committee has distributed funds totaling $9 million and expresses gratitude. 6. CPA Funding Round 11 a. Finalize application process and changes / updates to application materials 2 Beverly Community Preservation Committee August 17,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 The Committee members review and offer edits to the Application Guidance and Instructions. Materials added to the record: CPA_Application Guidance and Instructions 2023-2024 DRAFT The Committee discusses the pre-application and application process, the paper flow, and the timeline of the process. The Committee members review and offer edits to the Full Application. Materials added to the record: Final—CPA Full-Application 2023-2024 DRAFT The Committee discusses the checklist, the suggested supporting documentation, and the various criteria for an application to qualify for CPA funding. b. Prepare for CPC Public Hearing on September 14, 2023, including review legal advertisement The Committee discusses that there will be a Public Hearing on Thursday, September 14, 2023, and a regular meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2023. The Committee discusses that the Legal Ad will be published by August 30, 2023. The Committee members review and offer edits to the Legal Ad for the Public Hearing. Materials added to the record: DRAFT CPC Legal Ad for Public Hearing The Committee members review and offer edits to the press release for 2023-2024 funding round launch. Materials added to the record: CPC DRAFT press release for 23-24 funding round launch The Committee discusses steps to avoid a situation where the Mayor's Office could inadvertently affect a pre-application by retaining it, unsigned, until past the deadline. The Committee agrees that it is appropriate to leave the property owner's signature off the pre-application. c. Discuss press and outreach schedule Beckwith states that he will follow up with Director Wynne. 7. Community Preservation Plan Status and Updates The Committee members review the Community Preservation Plan. Materials added to the record: 3 Beverly Community Preservation Committee August 17,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Final Draft Beverly-CPA-Plan-9.132022 The Committee members agree that they will submit updated membership information, Round 10 funding information, edits, and comments to Assistant Director Clawson. 8. Administrative Matters a. CPC staffing discussion continued from prior meeting—discussion of anticipated responsibilities Clawson relays Director Wynne's request for a list of the anticipated duties and responsibilities of the administrative support staff role. The Committee discusses that historically, when there was a dedicated staff member available, the application process was enhanced and streamlined. The members discuss that tracking projects, assisting applicants, and following up on the steps should be among the duties of the staff person. The Committee members agree that it is appropriate for Wynne to be present for this item. 9. CPC Policy Updates a. Update grant funding criteria to address sustainability and climate resiliency The Committee agrees not to take any formal action on these items at this time. The Committee discusses who will handle which parts of the presentation on Thursday, September 14, 2023. Marino will introduce the Committee, Richter will present the history of the Community Preservation Act, Spang will present the Community Preservation Act Funding to Date and the proposed budget, Beckwith will moderate the public input portion, Spang will write public input and ideas on the easel, Edwards will present the application process, and Marino will present success stories and completed projects. The Committee discusses which projects to invite such as Hale Farm, Anchor Point, Wentworth Tot Lot, Dane Street playground, Livingstone Park, the Larcom, and Briscoe School. The Committee agrees to invite the Wentworth Tot Lot. Buchsbaum agrees to follow up on this item. Lamont will present the map, Buchsbaum will present eligibility, and Edwards will present important dates and deadlines. The Committee agrees that the meeting in 2022 was productive and enjoyable. The Committee discusses that the meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers and possibly will be streamed live on BevCam. 10.Approval of minutes a. June 15,2023 Members review and offer edits to the June 15, 2023 draft meeting minutes. LaMont: Motion to accept the June 15, 2023 draft meeting minutes as amended. Spang seconds. The motion carries (6-0). 11.Adjourn Lamont Motion to adjourn. Marino seconds. The motion carries (6-0). 4 Beverly Community Preservation Committee August 17,2023 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Meeting adjourns at 9:23 p.m. Next Meeting(s): Public Hearing September 14,2023,regular CPC meeting September 21, 2023 5