Board of Assessors Minutes - Aug 24, 2023 ,F ,z CITY ®f BEY:ERLY BOARD OF ASSESSORS 191 cC bot Silt et .-. ReveHv. Masscichuselts 01915 Phone (.97b) .921-6001 Fax (978) 9 21-6196 C'huirrncna I'ranci,s,.I. Golden, ,l1 A Richard.I, Scanlon, IL4A Assessor A`athaniel 5". Cramer MINUTES DATE: August 24, 2023 TIME: 5:00 PM Francis J. Golden, Chairman Present: X Absent: Richard J. Scanlon, Assessor Present: X Absent: Nathaniel S. Cramer, Assessor Present: X Absent: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING FOR: July 13, 2023—Accepted CORRESPONDENCE: ACTIONS TAKEN: Signed Motor Vehicle warrant to Collector for the following commitment: 2023-04 in the amount of$272,102.77 Reviewed pending abatement applications. NEW BUSINESS: ADJOURNED: 6:50 PM Respectfully Submitted and Approved: '2ga5*�z 1