June 2023 Veterans Council MinutesVeterans Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2023
Present:Chuck Clark, Cory Paulette, Susan Moran, David Perinchief, Ron Genest, Paul Lantz, Bob Laws, Bud Rehal, Jan Pierce
Next meeting:John Curry - Excused
July 27, 2023 at 5pm, Beverly City Hall, 3rd Floor
Call to Order – Chuck Clark called the meeting to order at 5pm.
Introduction of Guests – Kevin Gannon, Nicole Dove
Reading and Approval of the Minutes – Bob Laws made a motion to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded and carried.
Financial Report – The balance remains the same at $13, 085.13.
Unfinished Business
Bench at Beverly Farms Library for Jerry Guilebbe – Kevin Gannon is coordinating with Mary McCaffrey from the Farms Improvement Society. Jan Pierce has contacted Abate Monuments for
a price for the bench.
Toys for Tots Christmas in July – Fifty children have signed up. That will be close to one hundred people attending. David Perinchief made a motion use up to $1,000.00 from the veterans
council account to pay for a cookout. Motion was seconded and carried. Jan Pierce will reach out to Todd Rotondo for a price for burgers, dogs, chips, and soda. Cory Paulette will
be a summer Santa. Arrive by 8am to set up tables, chairs, and toys.
New Business
Horses Healing Hearts – They will be coming back for Homecoming. Jan Pierce would like some council members to go up and have their pictures taken. David Perinchief suggested Jan
get in contact with Berniece at Pleasant Street.
Veteran Request for Aid – There is a Beverly female Navy veteran that has an autistic child with PICA. The child needs a special bed due to the PICA. Insurance has denied the
mother’s request for a special bed. The cost of a new bed is approximately $8,000. David Perinchief suggested having the mother reach out to him to get her Chapter 115 and he can help
fight for the bed. A fundraiser is being held at the post to help raise money for the bed. Discussion was tabled until the next meeting.
Beverly Vietnam Veterans still has some canning dates that need to be filled.
Council members have been updated on the city website. Information was obtained from Martha Lewis, the Mayor’s secretary.
Cory Paulette spoke to Brian Williams about the homecoming cookout. He has the day booked and the cost will be $650.00. He will send an itemized bill to Cory.
Adjournment – Jan Pierce made a motion to adjourn. Motion was seconded and carried.