HDC minutes_ 12.14 CITY OF BEVERLY
COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
DATE: December 14, 2022
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, City Council Chambers
MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch (Chair), Suzanne LaMont (Vice Chair), Caroline
Baird Mason,John Leahy
MEMBERS ABSENT: Gregory Howard,Wendy Pearl
STAFF PRESENT: Victoria Healey,Associate Planner
RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury
Call to Order
Chair Finch calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
1. Staff Updates
a. CLG Application
Healey provides the updates.The application's second submission is confirmed as received.
b. Lynch Park Nomination
Healey provides the updates.The nomination is currently in progress.
c. Cabot/Rantoul Survey(Central Business[RHD])
The RFP was released twice with no responses either time. Healey suggests researching other funding
mechanisms that have a more flexible timeline for the same scope of work. All MHC planning survey and
grant timelines are the same for all communities.The issue is the MHC planning and timeline is not ideal
for those who complete that type of work due to the workload requested by all cities and municipalities
simultaneously. Healey is in conversation with the State for a potential third submission in addition to
having the applicant determine the timeline. Members discuss strategies to divide the district into
palatable sections to get the inventory list started, reviewed, and completed.
2. 3 Essex Street—Letter of Support MHRTC
Finch reviews the last letter of support submitted for the property at 3 Essex Street. Members discuss
window replacement and pressures washing/sandblasting on the original brick fagade.
Motion: Leahy moves to approve Healey draft a renewed letter of support. Mason seconds.
Motion carries 4-0.
3. 7 Sohier Road—Letter of Support MHRTC
Motion: Leahy moves to approve Healey draft a renewed letter of support. LaMont seconds.
Motion carries 4-0.
4. Approval of Minutes
a. May 26, 2022
Historic District Commission
December 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
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Motion: Leahy moves to accept minutes as amended. LaMont seconds. Motion carries 3-0-1. Mason
b. June 23, 2022
Motion: Leahy moves to accept minutes as amended. LaMont seconds. Motion carries 4-0.
c. July 13, 2022 Special Meeting
Motion: LaMont moves to accept minutes as amended. Leahy seconds. Motion carries 4-0.
d. July 28, 2022
Motion: Leahy moves to accept minutes as amended. Mason seconds. Motion carries 4-0.
e. October 7, 2022
Motion: Leahy moves to accept minutes as amended. LaMont seconds. Motion carries 4-0.
5. Neighborhood Conservation District Conservation
The establishment of the NCD is on hold due to misunderstanding of the intent and purpose of the
legislation. Members discuss the city solicitor's comments. Leahy prepared a one page summary
document regarding the NCD legislation for the commission to review. Members make editorial
suggestions and provide feedback to the summary. Members discuss key differences between the
ordinance and the conservation district vis a vis public perception. Healey suggest Ward 2 Councilor
Rand review the summary as well as send a copy to the Planning Board.
6. New/Other Business—N/A
Members discuss preferred agenda items for the next meeting. Healey will provide a list of projects
along Cabot Street received to date. Members briefly discuss design standards (the potential CC2
7. Adiournment
Motion: LaMont moves to adjourn. Leahy seconds.The motion carries 4-0.
Meeting adjourned 9:45 p.m. Next meeting scheduled 01/26/23.