20230221 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes City of Beverly '
Regular City Council Meeting
Public Meeting Minutes
Tuesday,February 21,2023, 7:OOpm o
City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St.
Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm. City Clerk, Lisa
Kent,took attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Todd Rotondo, Matthew
St. Hilaire,Estelle Rand,Julie Flowers
Members Absent: Scott Houseman,Brendan Sweeney
Feldman led the pledge of allegiance.
A moment of silence was held for Margaret Hegarty,mother of Captain Tim Hegarty of the
Beverly Police Department and grandmother of Officer Ryan Hegarty, and for Edward C.
Hathon Jr., father of Sergeant Edward Hathon of the Beverly Police Department.
Order#036-MaryAnn Holak, Executive Director of the Beverly Council on Aging and Senior
Community Center
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0).The meeting was recessed at 7:15pm.
The meeting was called back to order at 7:20pm.
Comments by Citizens
Julia Long, 17 Pine Road, Director of Community Engagement at Green Beverly, spoke about
the success of heat pumps in the recent cold snap. Not being able to keep a house warm in a cold
burst is more about how well the house is insulated and whether the heat source is properly sized
for the home and for the lowest possible temperatures in the area. Long asked for continued
support for heat pump opportunities.
Dominic Copeland, 38 Hathaway Avenue, shared a brief word on black history. Copeland spoke
of the hope of change fading away a little as the DEI position continues to go unfilled. Copeland
asked what we want that message to be that we leave behind for the rest of the city. What do we
want those that come after us to be able to say that we did in these crucial days? Years later,will
someone else be standing here saying the same thing, or will we have the opportunity to spark a
great change and create a new vision of black history that encapsulates all of us?
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting,February 6, 2023
Public Services Committee Meeting, February 6, 2023
Legal Affairs Committee Meeting, February 13, 2023
Special City Council Meeting, February 13, 2023
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order#037-Inter-departmental transfer request of$315,000 to be used to support ongoing
overtime needs within the Fire Department,purchase two new vehicles for the Department of
Municipal Inspections and cover some cost overages in janitorial services as well as the City's
insurance premiums
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#038-Grant-A $1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council (BCC)to be used by the
Harbor Management Authority to create an interactive, educational nautical knot-tying exhibit
for Ferry Way Landing
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order 4039-Grant-A $1,300 grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts MED-Project
Drug Stewardship Program to be utilized for costs surrounding the management and disposal of
unwanted household generated opioids in the medication collection receptacle of the Beverly
Police Station lobby
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order #040-Grant-A $1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council to support a Beverly
Public Library partnership with Copper Dog Books to bring local, diverse, and multicultural
authors for a new program
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#041-Grant-A $560,000 grant from the Seaport Economic Council for project work at the
4 Cabot Street parcel. This grant requires a 20% match of funding. A request for the $140,000
match requirement to be shared between the City funds and Harbor Management Authority. A
request of$119,270 to be transferred from City's Free Cash balance and that $20,730 be
transferred from the HMA fund balance
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#042-A transfer request of$850,000 from the city's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's road and sidewalk fund to support design work for the Phase II Brimbal
Avenue overpass project
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#043-A transfer request of$250,000 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's reserve for unforeseen within the FY23 operating budget
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#044-A transfer request of$993,156 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's stabilization fund and a second transfer request to transfer $198,631 from
the Free Cash balance to be placed into the City's OPEB trust. A total transfer request of
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 21,2023 page 2 of 6
Order#045-Appointment-Mr. Michael P. Collins, Commissioner of Public Services &
Engineering to serve on the Permanent Building Commission
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order#046-A reappointment for Mr. Timothy R. Creamer, 36 Appleton Avenue, to serve as
Constable in the City of Beverly
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
Order#047-Councilor Houseman-Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on Finance and
The motion to split the order into two pieces, "Order#047-Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee
on Finance and Property: Presentation by Finance Director Ayles on the new electronic and
interactive digital budget format" and "Order#047A-Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on
Finance and Property: Discussion on Councilor priorities for the FY 2024 budget"was made and
seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Referred to Committee on Finance and Property.
Order#048-City Clerk-An application for The Pickled Onion located at 355 Rantoul Street to
renew their Amusement License for 2023
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order#049-City Clerk- An application for Herman A. Spear Post American Legion located at 3
Judson Street to renew their Amusement License for 2023
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Communications,Applications and Petitions
Order#024A-Glovsky-Withdrawal of Request for Short-Term On-Street Parking at 480 Rantoul
Street. (regarding Order#024 referred to Parking and Traffic on January 17, 2023)
Flowers stated there is another letter coming that will go with this, so it will be unfinished
business from a previous meeting that will be taken up on March 6.
Order#050-Beverly Contributory Retirement Board-Notice of a meeting of the Beverly
Retirement Board on February 23, 2023, at 6:00 PM to consider and vote on a Cost of Living
Adjustment. (COLA).
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
Motions and Orders
Order#018-Councilor Rotondo-A proposed Amendment to Ordinance 270-33D prohibiting
entrance to Kernwood Heights from Bridge Street, September 1 through June 30, 7:30am to
8:30am Monday through Friday (final passage)
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 21,2023 page 3 of 6
A motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion carried(7-0). The meeting was recessed at 7:49pm.
The meeting was called back to order at 8:07pm.
Reports of Committees
Finance and Property
Order#037-Inter-departmental transfer request of$315,000 to be used to support ongoing
overtime needs within the Fire Department,purchase two new vehicles for the Department of
Municipal Inspections and cover some cost overages in janitorial services as well as the City's
insurance premiums
A motion to set a public hearing for March 6 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#038-Grant-A $1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council (BCC)to be used by the
Harbor Management Authority to create an interactive, educational nautical knot-tying exhibit
for Ferry Way Landing
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#039-Grant-A $1,300 grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts MED-Project
Drug Stewardship Program to be utilized for costs surrounding the management and disposal of
unwanted household generated opioids in the medication collection receptacle of the Beverly
Police Station lobby
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order 4040-Grant-A $1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council to support a Beverly
Public Library partnership with Copper Dog Books to bring local, diverse, and multicultural
authors for a new program
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#041-Grant-A $560,000 grant from the Seaport Economic Council for project work at the
4 Cabot Street parcel. This grant requires a 20% match of funding. A request for the $140,000
match requirement to be shared between the City funds and Harbor Management Authority. A
request of$119,270 to be transferred from City's Free Cash balance and that $20,730 be
transferred from the HMA fund balance
A motion to set a public hearing for March 6 at 7:45pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#042-A transfer request of$850,000 from the city's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's road and sidewalk fund to support design work for the Phase II Brimbal
Avenue overpass project
A motion to set a public hearing for March 6 at 8:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#043-A transfer request of$250,000 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's reserve for unforeseen within the FY23 operating budget
A motion to set a public hearing for March 20 at 8:15pm was made and seconded. A vote was
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—Februmy 21,2023 page 4 of 6
taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#044-A transfer request of$993,156 from the City's Certified Free Cash balance to be
placed into the City's stabilization fund and a second transfer request to transfer $198,631 from
the Free Cash balance to be placed into the City's OPEB trust. A total transfer request of
A motion to set a public hearing for March 20 at 8:25pm was made and seconded. A vote was
taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#031-Grant-$11,918.28 in supplemental grant funding from the MassDOT Aeronautics
Division. This grant funding will be used to support security system camera improvements at the
Beverly Airport
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#047-Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on Finance and Property: Presentation by
Finance Director Ayles on the new electronic and interactive digital budget format
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0).
Order#047A-Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on Finance and Property: Discussion on
Councilor priorities for the FY 2024 budget
A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried (7-0).
Legal Affairs
Order#006-City Clerk-Renewal Application for a lodging license for Garden City Residences,
490 Rantoul Street
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#007-City Clerk-Renewal Application for a lodging license for Grigor Qirjazi, 32
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order#016-City Clerk-Application for a New Lodging license for 278 Rantoul Street LLC,
located at 278 Rantoul Street(new ownership)
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Order 9017-Application for a renewal of a lodging license for Turner Properties, Cabot Lodge
91-93 Cabot Street
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#025-Christine Bertoni, Chair Conservation Commission-25-27 Beaver Pond Road
proposed Conservation Restriction(Essex County Greenbelt Association)
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#048-City Clerk-An application for The Pickled Onion located at 355 Rantoul Street to
renew their Amusement License for 2023
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 21,2023 page 5 of 6
Order#049-City Clerk- An application for Herman A. Spear Post American Legion located at 3
Judson Street to renew their Amusement License for 2023
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Public Services
Order#033-Reappointments for Chad Crandell, Kevin Ascolillo, Arthur Athanas and Andy
Cooper to serve on the Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
Order#034-Appointment for Ms. Jessie Zuberek to serve on the Beverly Airport Commission
A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0).
Flowers stated the Council would need to enter executive session in order to approve executive
session minutes. The Council will adjourn from executive session and not return to open session.
Motion to enter Executive Session pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30A,
Section 21(a)(3) (to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an
open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the
public body and the chair so declares), specifically:
a. Approval of meeting minutes of the Executive Session held on November 14, 2022,
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(3) (to discuss
strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a
detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair
so declares), regarding a proposed taking by eminent domain of 2-4 Cabot Street,
Beverly, MA, aka 2 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA aka 4 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA.
b. Approval of meeting minutes of the Executive Session held on November 21, 2022
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 30A, Section 21(a)(3) (to discuss
strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a
detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair
so declares), regarding the Fiscal Year 2022 through 2024 collective bargaining
negotiations and Joint Labor Management Committee mediation with the Beverly Police
Benevolent Association and the Beverly Police Superior Officers Association bargaining
Motion was seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0).
The motion to adjourn open session was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
carried(7-0). Open session adjourned at 8:22pm, and the Councilors moved to the committee
room for executive session.
Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—February 21,2023 page 6 of 6
Scott D. Houseman-Chair
Julie R. Flowers
Matthew J. St. Hilaire
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 3,d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
St. Hilaire called the meeting to order at 7:50pm.
Members present: Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire
Members absent: Scott Houseman
Also present: Director of Grants Catherine Barrett and Member of Harbor Management Authority Danielle
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
Earmark from the Economic Development Legislation signed by
#315 12/20/2022 Governor Baker$200,000 for the installation of solar panels at Hold
Beverly High School
Grant-$11,918.28 in supplemental grant funding from the MassDOT
#031 2/6/2023 Aeronautics Division. This grant funding will be used to support Approve (2-0)
security system camera improvements at the Beverly Airport
Inter-departmental transfer request of$315,000 to be used to support
ongoing overtime needs within the Fire Department,purchase two Set public
#037 2/21/2023 new vehicles for the Department of Municipal Inspections and cover hearing for
some cost overages in janitorial services as well as the City's 3/6 at 7:30pm
insurance premiums
Grant-A $1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council (BCC)to be
#038 2/21/2023 used by the Harbor Management Authority to create an interactive, Approve (2-0)
educational nautical knot-tying exhibit for Ferry Way Landing
Grant-A$1,300 grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
MED-Project Drug Stewardship Program to be utilized for costs
#039 2/21/2023 surrounding the management and disposal of unwanted household Approve (2-0)
generated opioids in the medication collection receptacle of the
Beverly Police Station lobby
Grant-A$1,000 grant from the Beverly Cultural Council to support a
#040 2/21/2023 Beverly Public Library partnership with Copper Dog Books to bring Approve (2-0)
local, diverse, and multicultural authors for a new program
Grant-A $560,000 grant from the Seaport Economic Council for
project work at the 4 Cabot Street parcel. This grant requires a 20%
match of funding. A request for the $140,000 match requirement to Set public
#041 2/21/2023 be shared between the City funds and Harbor Management Authority. hearing for
A request of$119,270 to be transferred from City's Free Cash 3/6 at 7:45pm
balance and that $20,730 be transferred from the HMA fund balance
A transfer request of$850,000 from the city's Certified Free Cash Set public
#042 2/21/2023 balance to be placed into the City's road and sidewalk fund to support hearing for
design work for the Phase II Brimbal Avenue overpass project 3/6 at 8:30pm
A transfer request of$250,000 from the City's Certified Free Cash Set public
#043 2/21/2023 balance to be placed into the City's reserve for unforeseen within the hearing for
FY23 operating budget 3/20 at
8:15 m
A transfer request of$993,156 from the City's Certified Free Cash
balance to be placed into the City's stabilization fund and a second Set public
#044 2/21/2023 transfer request to transfer$198,631 from the Free Cash balance to be hearing for
placed into the City's OPEB trust. A total transfer request of 3/20 at
$1,191,787 8:25pm
Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on Finance and Property: Receive and
#047 2/21/2023 Presentation by Finance Director Ayles on the new electronic and place on file
interactive digital budget format (2-0)
Scheduled Meetings of Subcommittee on Finance and Property: Receive and
#047A 2/21/2023 Discussion on Councilor priorities for the FY 2024 budget place on file
The motion to adjourn Committee on Finance and Property was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the
motion passed (2-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.
Beverly City Council Committee on Finance and Property Meeting Minutes—February 21,2023 page 2 of 2
Estelle M. Rand-Chair
Todd C. Rotondo
Brendan S. Sweeney
Tuesday, February 21, 2023, 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, 311 Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Rand called the meeting to order at 7:50pm.
Members present: Todd Rotondo, Estelle Rand
Members absent: Brendan Sweeney
Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken
Councilor Bowen-A letter regarding Accessory
#282 11/14/2022 Dwelling Units Hold
City Clerk-Renewal Application for a lodging license
#006 1/3/2023 for Garden City Residences, 490 Rantoul Street Approve (2-0)
City Clerk-Renewal Application for a lodging license
#007 1/3/2023 for Grigor Qirjazi, 32 Broadway Approve (2-0)
City Clerk-Application for a New Lodging license for
#016 1/17/2023 278 Rantoul Street LLC, located at 278 Rantoul Street Approve (2-0)
(new ownership)
Application for a renewal of a lodging license for
#017 1/17/2023 Turner Properties, Cabot Lodge 91-93 Cabot Street Approve (2-0)
City Clerk-An application for The Pickled Onion
#048 2/21/2023 located at 355 Rantoul Street to renew their Approve (2-0)
Amusement License for 2023
City Clerk-An application for Herman A. Spear Post
#049 2/21/2023 American Legion located at 3 Judson Street to renew Approve (2-0)
their Amusement License for 2023
A reappointment for Mr. Timothy R. Creamer, 36
#046 2/21/2023 Appleton Avenue, to serve as Constable in the City of Hold
The motion to adjourn Committee on Legal Affairs was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion
passed(2-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.
Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair
Hannah L. Bowen
Steven M. Crowley
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 7:OOPM
Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting
City Council Chambers, Yd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Feldman called the meeting to order at 7:5lpm.
Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman
Order Date to Description Action Taken
Number Committee
#326 12/20/2022 Councilor Bowen-Regarding Beverly Regional Airport Hold
Reappointments for Chad Crandell, Kevin Ascolillo,
#033 2/6/2023 Arthur Athanas and Andy Cooper to serve on the Approve (3-0)
Beverly Golf and Tennis Commission
Appointment for Ms. Jessie Zuberek to serve on the
#034 2/6/2023 Beverly Airport Commission Approve (3-0)
Appointment-Mr. Michael P. Collins, Commissioner of
#045 2/21/2023 Public Services & Engineering to serve on the Hold
Permanent Building Commission
A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion passed(3-0).
The meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.