CPC Meeting 12-15-2022 Minutes Community Preservation Committee
December 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Community Preservation Committee
DATE: December 15, 2022
LOCATION: Beverly City Hall, 3rd floor Chambers
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Heather Richter, Derek Beckwith,
Robert Buchsbaum, Thomas Bussone, Marilyn McCrory,
Danielle Spang, and Nancy Marino (arrived 7:25 p.m.),
MEMBERS ABSENT: Christy Edwards, Suzanne LaMont
OTHERS PRESENT: Victoria Healey (City of Beverly Planning Department),
Lisa Crowell (representing Larcom Theater), Dan Richards
(representing Gilles Park application), Mary McCaffrey
(representing Beverly Farms Improvement Society)
RECORDER: Brandon Kubik
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Richter calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and welcomes committee members
and attendees to the meeting. Members Richter, Beckwith, Buchsbaum, Bussone, McCrory and
Spang were present. Marino arrived at 7:25 p.m.
2. Welcome and Remarks
Chairperson Richter opened the meeting by welcoming the members of the public in attendance
and noting that in addition to the committee's regular business, the meeting would include a
workshop for all applicants invited to submit full CPA FY2023 applications.
3. Consultation and O&A with the CPC
The CPC encourages the public, current or potential applicants, and other interested parties to
bring their questions/comments to the meeting during this 15-minute session.
Chairperson Richter asked attendees if there were any questions or comments that would not be
covered in the upcoming workshop. No questions or comments were raised.
4. Workshop for CPA Applicants who have been invited to submit at full application
Chairperson Richter opened the workshop session for applicants invited to submit full
applications for CPA Funding. The committee and funding applicants reviewed and discussed the
Community Preservation Committee
December 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes
CPA funding categories, how to complete each section of the application, the documentation
needed to support the application, typical steps and requirements leading up to and after the
submission of the application and documentation, and the general process that is followed by the
committee and the city council.
The workshop also included an extensive Q&A session for applicants.
Healey also reminded attendees that they could review applications for CPA funding from prior
years as examples to learn from.
5. Scoring Conversation for Final Applications
The committee then discussed the current approach to reviewing applications. McCrory reviewed
the matrix that has been used in the past.
Chairperson Richter stated that while the matrix has an abundance of information and is heavily
detailed, there is currently no single point-scoring system in place that individual committee
members follow, and asked if members thought that would simplify the final review process.
Bussone voiced his concern of a points system being subjective, and that individual opinions on
projects may cause a point system to sway in one direction or another. He also stated that the
merit of the applications should be based on what is presented to the committee for review, and
how it meets the required criteria set forth in the law. McCrory voiced her agreement with
Bussone on this matter. Richter noted that the current matrix was created initially to help with the
review of applications when they were coming in large numbers, and now that the committee has
been through the process for many years, and that the number of applications being submitted
each year is more manageable, the matrix is utilized as a reference guide during the review
process. Spang brought up the use of a specific and specialized checklist that is used by the CPC
in the City of Somerville, and that it could be reviewed for use as a potential tool to assist in the
future. After a period of discussion, the group came to the consensus that for the upcoming
review of the FY2023 applications the existing matrix system would suffice, and the committee
could revisit the topic in future years as it deems appropriate.
6. Other Items not known in advance of the posting of the Agenda
Healey brought to the committee's attention the status of the Gruppe mural project, and that the
preservation vendor has made an inquiry as to whether the mural could be separated into pieces
for ease of transport and preservation. She also explained that if this was allowed, the restored
mural would no longer be one piece, but rather three separate panels. Both Chairperson Richter
and Marino voiced their concerns that this action would change the scope of the project originally
presented and funded. Healey asked whether the Historic District Commission should discuss this
during an upcoming meeting so they could provide feedback and direction, since they were part
of the initial review of the project scope. McCrory stated her belief that the HDC should
definitely be involved. Healey added that the current MOU for the Gruppe mural project is set to
expire on January 27Ih. Beckwith observed that the committee could review the matter in detail at
the next CPC meeting, which would be prior to the MOU expiration date. Chairperson Richter
Community Preservation Committee
December 15, 2022 Meeting Minutes
asked Healey to send correspondence to the HDC and request an opinion on the matter to assist
the committee in making an informed decision at the January meeting.
7. Approval of Minutes
After a brief discussion, the Approval of Minutes from the September 30'', October 6 h and
October 20'h meetings were postponed until the next meeting.
There being no new business, Bussone made a motion to recess the meeting from its current
location at City Hall to Soma Restaurant on Cabot Street for the committee's Holiday Get-
Together. Beckwith seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. The meeting was recessed at
8:35 pm. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m. at Soma Restaurant. Members refrained from
discussing any committee business and engaged in personal conversations for the remainder of
the meeting. Shortly after 10:00 p.m. Beckwith made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marino.
The motion passed unanimously.
The next regular meeting of the Community Preservation Committee will be held on Thursday
January 19, 2023 at City Hall.