2022 02 09 School Committee Minutes BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Regular School Committee Meeting
Hybrid In-Person Beverly Middle School & Remote Access (Zoom)
Members &Administrators: 502 Cabot Street, Library
Community Access: Broadcast BevCam Channel 99 &
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
7:30 p.m.
A Hybrid In-Person and remote access meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held
on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 following the guidance from Governor Baker's Office. Ms.
Abell announced that BevCam would be streaming the meeting live on YouTube and
broadcasting on Channel 99.
Members Participating: Rachael Abell, Dr. Jeffrey Silva, Kaarin Robinson, Lorinda
Visnick, Mayor Michael Cahill
Remote: Dr. Kenann McKenzie
Not in Attendance: Kimberley Coelho
Also Participating: In Person: Dr. Suzanne Charochak, Superintendent; Jean
Sherburne, Director of Finance and Operations; Dr.Andre Morgan,
Director of Opportunity,Access and Equity; Erin Brown, Director of
Information and Human Resources; Donna Bergeron,
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and School
Committee; Hollace Colby, Student Representative; Betty Taylor,
Beverly High School Principal
Remote: Dr. Dorothy Flaherty,Assistant Superintendent; Bethany
Splansky,Administrator of Special Education and Student Services;
Dana Cruikshank, Director of Transportation;Amy Blanchard, North
Beverly School Principal
Call to Order: Ms.Abell called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.
Ms.Abell stated that this was a hybrid meeting with remote participation, noting that the Governor
signed legislation for remote meetings to continue. Beverly adopted remote participation on May
16, 2016 and thus will also be able continue.A quorum of School Committee members and
Administrators were in-person and the remote platform was offered for leadership and some
members. BevCam was broadcasting on Channel 99 for Community access and they were also
testing a captioning tool.
Pledge of Allegiance: Ms. Robinson led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognitions: (BevCam 1:01:44)
• Dr. Charochak and Ms.Abell recognized Beverly Middle School student, Sadie Brennan,
who was chosen to serve as Beverly's Ambassador for the Governor's Project 351.
Student Representative Report -Hollace Colby (BevCam 1:03:21)
Hollace Colby reported the following activities at BHS: Semester grades closed on 1/28,
new semester opened on 1/31; report cards were posted on Aspen on February 4th. BHS
is offering a dual enrollment course with NSCC for English Language Learners, which
began January 31st. Staff are offering virtual parent/teacher conferences for report cards.
The staff is also offering parents six(6) minute appointment slots to confer with teachers.
BHS and Endicott are offering a dual enrollment course, HMS-A Hundred Introduction to
Human Services, which is open to students in Grades 10-12 beginning on Wednesday
evening February 9th. BHS was closed due to weather on February 4th and February
vacation begins on the 21st.
Superintendent Report (BevCam 1:06:40)
At this point in the meeting Ms.Abell stated we would move to Agenda Item 8 a. Covid
Updates from Dr. Charochak.
Dr. Charochak stated we were moving to this item due to the press conferences held earlier by the
Governor and Commissioner with regards to the mask mandate. Dr. Charochak began with a
Covid vaccination rate update as of February 3rd for Beverly. She pointed to the District
Dashboard, updated only once this week due to the ice storm, which showed a big shift as well as
the seven (7)-Day Data showing daily incident rates, pointing out in the beginning of January we
were up around 144 and the dip down to 28.5 for the week ending 2/7/22.
Dr. Charochak continued with a breakdown of the vaccination rates by grade level of those fully
vaccinated and at least one dose. She reported that the elementary level is in the mid 50%, middle
school low 60 and the high school in the low 70.
As a reminder, Dr. Charochak stated they continue to do symptomatic testing. The At-Home
Antigen Testing program began this week, kits went home with students today for testing
tomorrow. Ms. Visnick asked how many families were participating. Dr. Charochak stated 1,300
tests were sent home to families and 480 to staff members, adding only positive results are to be
reported. Because of this testing contact tracing has been discontinued. Two (2) vaccination clinics
were held during the school day, one on February 3rd at the high school and another February 7th
at the middle school.
Mask Mandate (BevCam 1:11:20)
Dr. Charochak stated that the Commissioner announced today he will not renew the mask
mandate as of Monday, February 28th, recommending schools operate at mask optional. Staff and
students would not be required to wear masks during the school day. Dr. Charchak stated that
mask requirements for public transportation, which includes school buses, will remain in effect as
that is a federal order and it is not optional. Dr. Charochak stated we have worked hard to follow
the DESE guidelines throughout this pandemic and she recommended, upon returning to school
on February 28th, we go to "mask optional." She stated she was not sure it required a vote and
opened it for discussion. Mayor Cahill stated that he understands there is no vote needed, that it's
a state order. Ms. Visnick expressed her concern, stating sometimes children can be mean and felt
the need to talk about what we do in schools to raise the empathy level, possibly adding it to next
week's agenda. Dr. Charochak remarked that the administration dedicates a large portion of their
time to mitigating that behavior. She stated she feels confident they will rise to the occasion and
the message needs to be after February 28th it is "mask optional." Dr. Charochak emphasized that
masks will still be required up until February 28th.
Approval of Meeting Records (BevCam 1:18:29)
2022 01 12 School Committee Minutes
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve the January 12, 2022 School Committee
minutes. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Input into Agenda-Related Items (BevCam 1:19:27)
The President will consider requests to address the School Committee on items included or
not included as part of the agenda at this time.Any person wishing to make such a request
should email CitizenConcernsO-beverlvschools.ora before 7:30 p.m. to indicate their interest
to speak or share items for the Chair to read into the record.
Allison L'Italien DiPietro - 193 E Lothrop St - Mask mandate
Elise Sinagra - 8 Lincoln Street- Mask Mandate & Bullying
Jennifer Cordy- 466 Cabot St- Mask Mandate and concerns for her children who are not
Larissa Mills - 749 Hale Street- Mask Mandate
Susan Meaney- 3 Pasture Road - Mask Mandates
Items by Consensus (BevCam 1:36:11)
a. Warrant#22025 in the amount of$86,299.26
b. Warrant#22026 in the amount of$183,613.50
c. Warrant#22027 in the amount of$333,841.70
d. Warrant#22028 in the amount of$391,924.05
e. Warrant#22029 in the amount of$241,797.46
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to approve Warrants 22025 through 22029. The motion
was seconded by Dr. Silva and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
School Committee Chair Update
A. MASC Resources &Opportunities Overview (BevCam 1:36:39)
Ms.Abell provided the committee members with a copy of her slide that outlined the
resources that are included in the MASC membership. She stated there are a
number of great services, along with "Charting the Course" for new members,
publications offerings and "lunch and learn" events. She stated she had signed up to
receive their DailyEd email, which offers insight into other school committees across
the Commonwealth.
B. Upcoming Meetings & Dates (BevCam 1:38:57)
a. February Dates to Remember-
Ms.Abell reported due to the vacation week the F&F and COTW will take
place next Wednesday, February 16th beginning at 6:30 p.m. Ms.Abell reminded
committee members of the upcoming Joint Council meeting on March 23rd in place
of the COTW. The meeting will take place in the auditorium at the BMS beginning at
7:30 p.m. Ms. Visnick asked if they would be stacking the meetings, F&F and COTW.
Ms.Abell said they would be stacking them, but that the F&F may be an abbreviated
Ms.Abell stated that the City Solicitor reached out to President Flower
and herself to advise them of an upcoming, citywide remote Open Meeting Law
training on March 31st from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Ms.Abell said they are looking at
options, for those who cannot join, if there is a recording available.
Superintendent Report
A. Chapter 70 Funding (BevCam 1:40:38)
Dr. Charochak stated she was going to share some information with regards to the budget
process and priorities, Chapter 70 funding; how it is determined, how we got an increase and
what the Student Opportunity Act (SOA) is. She reported the proposed budget released by
Governor Baker is $48.5 billion, which is a 1.7% increase from FY22. It will fully implement
the second year of the SOA, stating that SOA and Chapter 70 are the same money. Dr.
Charochak stated that not every community receives the same amount of Chapter 70 funds.
It specifically quantifies annual targets for educating students and while we have not reached
all targets the House 2 proposal brings us closer to them. In sharing the list of factors which
impact the increase Dr. Charochak pointed out two (2) of the largest factors are enrollment
and inflation, adding the biggest shift for Beverly in enrollments is the number of students
identified as low income.
Dr. Charochak reported that the Student Opportunity Act (SOA) is in its second year of a six
(6) year phase-in. In FY22 every district received $30/per pupil minimal increase, this year
only 135 districts will receive a minimal increase. Beverly will receive $559/per pupil in
incremental increase. Dr. Charochak explained that the SOA is the major factor pushing up
the foundation rates and some of the reasons Beverly's rate has increased include low
income, Special Education, and Guidance and Psychological Services.
The major factor for the increase in Chapter 70 funding in FY23 is the number of students
identified as low income, which, for Beverly, rose by 250 students and we did not have new
students. Dr. Charochak explained how the increase impacts the formula in three (3) ways
and some of the ways DESE identifies the students through the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program, Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children, MassHealth, etc.
Dr. Charochak stated she felt it was important to her to realize this information and to share it
as we go forward through the budget process.
A. Student Opportunity Act- FY22 Plan
Dr. Charochak stated that FY22 was the first year the SOA was funded with Beverly receiving
$141,000.A requirement is the submission of an amendment to the plan reflecting our uses
and also goals for the next year, which is due April 1, 2022. Dr. Charochak provided a slide
showing what the funds were originally going to be spent on, then what they actually were
spent on.
Dr. Charochak stated one of the requirements of both ESSER and the SOA is to be sure to
collect information from the community, stakeholders, underrepresented groups, school
committees, etc. The questions were gauged on how we would use the extra funding and Dr.
Charochak provided the results of the information collected in the survey and provided a
report of the responses from the community of allowable expenses. Dr. Charochak stated she
wanted to share this information and asked for any questions.
Ms. Visnick asked if Dr. Charochak could speak to City Connects; whether any of the SOA or
ESSER Funds will be used for that and what her plan is working with them. Dr. Charochak
stated that the follow up meeting is scheduled for next week, the plan is to partner with them,
but she does not have a distinct plan yet. Ms. Visnick asked why she chose City Connects as
there is a similar plan through Harvard. Dr. Charochak stated they chose City Connects
because of the partnership with Essex County Learning Community (ECLC). Ms. Visnick
remarked on a prior MASC session that City Connects spoke at and they stated ESSER
funds could be used for their services. Dr. Charochak added that City Connects comes in and
partners with communities looking at how effective our services are and our areas of strength.
Dr. McKenzie asked if Dr. Charochak had any concrete ways of explaining what those
additional amounts offset, in terms of costs, for example in assisting lower income. Dr.
Charochak referred to Julie Ferrara's position at the high school having moved from Assistant
Principal to the Director of College and Career Readiness, her salary is supported by ESSER
funds and can be supported by some of the additional funds we have available.Another way
was to look at curriculum materials and make sure they are high quality research based and
that we have resources available to reach all students.
Ms. Visnick asked about past money/funds that were specifically targeted to help low income
children and the ways in which we spent it. Dr. Charochak stated she believes she is referring
to entitlement grants, that all grants come with allowable categories but noted that the
entitlement grants come with a strong list of allowable expenses. Dr. Charochak added that in
the past we had schools designated as targeted schools but now four of our five (5)
elementary schools are school-wide but that Hannah is still a targeted assisted school. Ms.
Visnick stated it's easier to think of it as targeted funds going to specific students and we
should have to account for that fact. Dr. Charochak stated that the SOA isn't a pool of
specifically targeted money, it is based upon the demographic and makeup of the school
district and it's expected cost of educating students is going to increase.Adding that is why
Chapter 70 increased. Dr. Charochak went over the differences between the allowable
expenses; Chapter 70, there are not allowable expenses, Title I is supplemental funding, and
the ESSER funds come with a broader interpretation of how we can use that money. Dr.
Charochak noted that with the extra funding there was the worry of how we were going to
sustain this going forward.
Ms.Abell stated she was interested to hear more about City Connects, to see the report and
how that process works out for us. She reflected on the role of the schools, coming out of the
pandemic, that it certainly increased where our nurses have been on the front line of this and
she added that a lot of care for our students have gone unmet. She also looks forward to the
conversations regarding the budget to see that our priorities are placed where our students
need them most. Dr. Charochak stated she will be coming forward next week with the "asks"
from our department heads, principals, and administrators, and how we plan on utilizing the
ESSER funding.
Committee Reports
Standina Committee on Finance & Facilities - Lorinda Visnick. Chairperson (BevCam 2:12:53)
Ms. Visnick reported that the Finance & Facilities Committee last met on January 26th. The
committee received a review of the FY22 staffing pattern, a report on the electric buses, noting we
currently have two (2) and a bid for an additional three (3). Ms. Visnick reported the USDA has
increased the reimbursement rate for breakfast and lunch and our Food Service Director, Ms Leal,
reported there continues to be supply chain issues. Ms. Visnick stated we have universal free
lunch right now that includes after school snacks and added that four(4) of our elementary schools
are participating in a school snack program. The committee also received the usual reviews of the
financial reports.
Ms. Visnick stated she was bringing forward the December 2021 Gifts to Schools, totalling
$250.00 for approval:
District Wide 12/30/21 Global Child - Foreign Language Studies $250.00
A motion was made by Ms.Abell to approve the attached December 2021 Gifts to
Schools totaling $250.00. The motion was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a
roll call vote:
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
The motion passed 6:0.
Ms. Visnick stated the next Finance & Facilities Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for February 16,
2022 at 6:30 p.m.
Curriculum. Instruction & Student Life- Kaarin Robinson. Chairperson (BevCam 2:16:14)
Ms. Robinson reported at the CISL meeting Principal Taylor shared information about the vision of
the graduate at BHS and the NEASC Report findings. The Committee members approved the new
Program of Studies, which included three new AP course offerings. They received information on
Pathways offerings and Julie Ferrara, Director of College and Career Readiness, shared information
on Essex North Shore -After Dark Program and college readiness. Ms. Robinson reported they also
discussed Early College and dual enrollment at NSCC and were introduced to the new curriculum
directors who provided information on curriculum work, assessment, and data analysis. Due to time
constraints,items were put on hold until the next meeting on March 9th.
Neaotiations Subcommittee - Rachael Abell. Chair (BevCam 2:19:06)
Ms.Abell reported that the Negotiating Subcommittee has not met since her last report. She
reported that she provided signed copies of the Unit C contract to committee members.
Policy Subcommittee- Dr. Kenann McKenziel. Chair(BevCam 2:19:19)
Ms.Abell reported she still owes Dr. McKenzie a handover of the policies.
Communications (BevCam 2:19:31)
Ms. Visnick reported numerous emails with regards to the mask mandate. She reported having a
serious conversation, one being considered by the City Council, with regards to adopting the land
acknowledgment and has been in communication with Dr. Morgan. She reported conversations
concerning general behavior of children at the different levels. Ms. Visnick reported being invited
to a class at BHS where there is some interest in starting composting and she has introduced
them to various organizations.
Ms. Robinson reported that Ms. Mareschalchi had sent an email out about the "DECA Closet", which
is a way for students to acquire gently used business attire for when they go on interviews. Ms.
Robinson said people could contact Ms. Mareschalchi at BHS for more information.
Dr. Silva reported emails all focused on the mask mandate and that it was nice to hear from the
community with their concerns.
Ms.Abell reported many of the same emails with the majority of them pleased with Governor Baker's
announcement and some asking to extend the mask mandate. She reported an interesting
outreach from a parent asking how to get to know about upcoming positions in our future budget
and referred her to our Director of HR and School Spring.
Ms. Visnick added that people had asked, prior to the meeting, if there would be a vote tonight
regarding the mask mandate. She wanted to reemphasize that it was discussed but it did not
require a vote. Dr. Charochak stated that she will be sending out a connect-ed message
tomorrow with regards to the mask mandate being lifted and that as of February 28th it will be
"mask optional." Ms. Visnick asked, to reaffirm, that because we are not at 80% we could not do
anything any earlier. Dr. Charochak stated DESE would not accept waivers since the
announcement today.
Motion to Adjourn (BevCam 2:27:35)
A motion was made by Ms. Visnick to adjourn the School Committee meeting. The motion
was seconded by Ms. Robinson and approved by a roll call vote.
The following roll call votes were recorded:
Mayor Michael Cahill -Yes
Dr. Jeffrey Silva-Yes
Dr. Kenann McKenzie-Yes
Ms. Robinson -Yes
Ms. Visnick-Yes
Ms.Abell -Yes
Motion passed 6:0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kaarin Robinson, Secretary
Beverly School Committee
Documents Reviewed at the meeting: School Committee Minutes 01-12-2022