20220627 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes City of Beverly Regular City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. City Clerk, Lisa Kent, took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Matthew St. Hilaire, Brendan Sweeney, Julie Flowers Members Absent:None Crowley led the pledge of allegiance. Comments by Citizens Dean Berg, 45 Neptune Street,representing Green Beverly, summarized two recent reports relative to climate change. One report was from the Office of Management and Budget about the fiscal risk of climate change, and the other was from the Greater Boston Research Advisory Group of UMass Boston on projected changes in temperature,precipitation, sea level and more over the next hundred years. Caja Johnson, Chair of the Human Rights Committee, read a land acknowledgement statement and asked that the Council advocate for the community as a whole. Johnson spoke about the importance of being intentional and using platforms in any way that we can to be sure we are all doing the work and showing up and listening to everyone, especially voices that are not able to be heard. Robert Gates, 61 Trask Street, spoke of his experience last week with the Zoning Board of Appeals. Gates stated his property abuts industrial property. Gates stated the industrial development is getting closer to his residence and he wanted to raise the inequity of that dynamic. Gates mentioned other neighbors who are directly abutting this property and are worried about no one wanting to buy their houses. They are up against high-powered folks. Public Hearings Order#157-7:15 PM-Grant$64,695 from Mass DOT-Aeronautics for the Beverly Airport-This requires a match of$3,405 from the Airport Enterprise Fund Finance Director, Bryant Ayles, stated this particular grant is 95% funded and requires a match for the additional 5%. City Council Budget Analyst, Gerry Perry, gave the balance of the fund and recommended adoption. The public hearing was closed. Acceptance of Minutes Special City Council Meeting-April 19, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting-April 19, 2022 Committee on Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole-May 31, 2022 Committee on Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole-June 1, 2022 Committee on Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole-June 13, 2022 Special City Council Meeting-June 15, 2022 Special City Council Meeting-June 21, 2022 Committee on Finance and Property/Committee of the Whole-June 22, 2022 Bowen moved to amend the location of the two April 19 minutes to have the middle school as the location. The motion was seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). A motion to accept as amended was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order#182-Grant-$200,000 from Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Health Jail Arrest Diversion Program for two clinicians to support Beverly Police Department Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Public Hearings (Continued) Order#158-7:25 PM-End of the FY22 realigning some of the funding within our operating budget to properly account for costs through June 30th Ayles stated that this is a request to realign some cost centers so the budget does not show deficits at the end of the year. This is somewhat of a housekeeping exercise done at the end of every fiscal year. City Council Budget Analyst Gerry Perry strongly recommended approval. The public hearing was closed, and the order was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. Communications from His Honor the Mayor(Continued) Order#183-Proclamation Endorsing the IHRA Working Definition of Anti-Semitism Members of the board of Temple B'nai Abraham have asked that this be held until the fall. Public Hearings (Continued) Order#169-7:35 PM-Transfer of$155,700 from the city's free cash balance to cover various fund balance deficits Ayles stated if these requests are approved the free cash would go down to just under four million dollars. It is expected that it would be replenished by higher revenue than anticipated, turn backs, and elimination of deficits. This is effectively a net-zero accounting adjustment that eliminates these deficits. Perry estimated if these are all approved tonight the City will see around $8-9 million certified for free cash in November. All these requests are consistent with the City's financial policy Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 2 of 12 guidelines. No members of the public were present to speak on the item. The public hearing was closed, and the order was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. Communications from other City Officers and Boards Order#184-President Flowers-Dissolution of Charter Review Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#185-City Clerk-Warrant for the 2022 State Primary Election A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order 9186-City Clerk-Early Voting Schedule A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Public Hearings (Continued) Order#170-7:55 PM-Transfer of$2,000,000 from the city's free cash balance to begin work associated with the renovation of the main library heating and cooling system Sustainability Director Erina Keefe provided a summary table to the Councilors from a feasibility study done in September 2021. Keefe stated the existing rooftop system has reached the end of its life. Keefe presented the pricing on several types of replacement systems. The third option, the geothermal heat pump system would require boring to be done in the library parking lot; construction would be expected in 2023 for 3-4 months. The upfront cost is the highest, but the annual energy cost savings will be greater, and this is the only way to remove the use of fossil fuels. There would also be a utility incentive and the possibility of grant funding. Flowers paused the public hearing to open and recess Order#171. Kent read the order. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#171 until 8:15pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order 9170. Library Director Allison Babin spoke in support of the project. The building is cold in the winter and hot in the summer;the need is definitely there. It is important that the library provide a comfortable space for the public. St. Hilaire asked about life expectancy of the geothermal heat pump system. Flowers paused the public hearing to open and recess Order#172. Kent read the order. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#172 until 8:20pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order#170. Keefe stated the life expectancy for the geothermal heat pump system is 50 years. The expectation is that it would last longer than other options. The useful life is a lot longer, possibly even up to 75 years since the materials are primarily PVC pipe. These costs were generated in 2021; they have increased across the board for equipment and labor. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 3 of 12 Feldman asked about grant opportunities. Keefe stated the Green Communities Program grant could be $500,000 and more options are being explored. Flowers paused the public hearing to open and recess Order#065. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 until 8:35pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order#170. Houseman asked about alternatives for parking when the boring is being done in the library parking lot. Mayor Michael Cahill stated the whole parking lot would be unavailable. We will be doing work to make sure there are alternatives. Flowers paused the public hearing to open and recess Order#171. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#171 until 8:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order#170. There was some discussion on changing costs. Cahill stated it is a moving target. Bowen asked what phase this project was in. Cahill stated the RFP for the project manager is ready to go out on Wednesday. Over the next couple months, there would be a contract for a project manager, design, and construction. The goal is to be in the ground by the beginning of the next construction season. Flowers paused the public hearing to open and recess Order#172. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#172 until 8:40pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order#170. St. Hilaire asked if there are any other geothermal heat pumps in the city. Keefe stated the new police station has it. St. Hilaire asked if there was any data yet on those savings. Keefe stated she would have to check. St. Hilaire asked if City policy is to replace all HVAC with geothermal pumps. Cahill stated there has to be the right soil. It would not work everywhere, but it works here. Keefe stated there has been a lot of buzz around these geothermal retrofits for municipal facilities. Other municipalities are moving in this direction. No members of the public were present to speak on the item. The public hearing was closed, and the order was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. Communications from other City Officers and Boards (Continued) Order#187-City Clerk-Hawkers & Peddlers License for Nicole Birarelli, Joe's on a Roll, 61 Federal Street Beverly City Council hlfeeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 4 of 12 Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#189- LATE FILE-Committee Preservation Committee-Out-of-cycle application for $400,000 for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts A motion to accept the late file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Flowers stated this item will be on unfinished business for tomorrow night's meeting so the public hearing can be set. Communications, Application and Petitions Order#188-Beverly Main Streets-Request to waive City Ordinance Ch.113-2 regarding alcohol on a public way for Community Block Party Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting Order#130-Review of the Class II Motor Vehicle License of Alba Auto, 449 Cabot Street Chief LeLacheur stated there have been no additional complaints registered with the police department. The dealer plates have been issued, and the vehicles for sale on the lot didn't have any plates for resale on them. A motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Public Hearings (Continued) Order#171-8:00 PM(8:30 PM)-Transfer of$1,250,000 from the city's free cash balance to be placed into a capital project fund for the Central Fire Department There was some discussion on the timeframe of the project. Flowers paused the public bearing to open and recess Order#065. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 until 8:55pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The Council returned to the hearing on Order#171. The public hearing was closed, and the order was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting(Continued) Order#075-The Charter Review Committee Final Report Flowers stated this will be reviewed in September. Perry stated the solicitor received a report from the Collins Center and the hope is to get that out in early August. The Collins Center's contract would need to be extended through the end of September. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 5 of 12 Motions and Orders Order#129-Proposed Ordinance change regarding salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. Flowers opened it for discussion from the Council. St. Hilaire said he has stated his opposition previously. Houseman stated he is not comfortable with proposed numbers here. Discussion on this item was paused for the public hearing. Public Hearings (Continued) Order#172-8:05 PM(8:40 PM)-Transfer of$50,000 from the city's free cash balance to perform an array of work seeking to evaluate,plan and document various aspects of our cemeteries Veterans Agent Dave Perinchief spoke in support of this item. Houseman read a letter from Forestry and Grounds Foreman Phil Klimowicz in support of creating a master plan for Central Cemetery. The public hearing was closed, and the order was referred back to the Committee on Finance and Property. A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed at 8:46pm. The meeting was called back to order at 8:51pm. Motions and Orders (Continued) Order#147-City Ordinance section 270-49-Amendment to Include Handicapped Parking Space at 11 Lothrop Street(Final Passage) A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#129-Proposed Ordinance change regarding salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee Houseman stated his opinion is that the mayor and school committee salaries should be higher than proposed. Bowen stated she is encouraged to see the numbers as proposed. The lowest percentage increase is for the city council members. Feldman and Rotondo both expressed their support and stated that this is for the future. Discussion was paused for the next public hearing. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 6 of 12 Public Hearings (Continued) Order# 065-8:10 PM to 8:55 PM-National Grid/New England Power Company Petition for Transmission Line Franchise (continued from 3-1, 4-4, 4-19, 5-16, 5-23 and 6-4, 2022) Miyares stated that at the last meeting it was voted that representatives from his firm would be authorized to have conversations with National Grid about the draft that was presented at that time. Miyares stated his firm did that and produced a new draft with both a clean version and one that was redlined against the last version. This was sent to the Council on Friday and also shared with representatives from National Grid. On Sunday, further comments were received from National Grid suggesting changes, and today a further request from National Grid representatives as well as comments from Councilor Houseman were received. Miyares recommended taking the suggestions one at a time and putting the draft document up on the screen if the goal is to be done tonight. A motion for a brief recess for technology set up was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed at 9:02pm. The meeting was called back to order at 9:08pm. Miyares began to review the redline and the comments received from National Grid. The first change is under Condition 4. In earlier comments,National Grid asked to make clear that the City is not asking them to give up their due process rights. In a number of places the "this condition is not intended" comment was updated to include city officials. Miyares stated it was something that was implied and harmless to add, and he recommended that it be changed in accordance with NEP's suggested language. Miyares stated in Condition 7 there was the requirement that the cable be at least 30 inches below grade and laid in a delta configuration. Delta configuration cannot be maintained when approaching utilities access holes (manholes). Miyares stated his firm had attempted to capture that exception by stating"proximate to connections to manholes" but NEP is proposing further exceptions for areas shown on the plan. Miyares requested hearing more from National Grid. Marissa Pizzi, attorney for National Grid, stated that with respect to Condition 7, there are other areas shown on the plan which are not proximate to the manholes. Tim O'Leary, representative from National Grid, stated the plans show locations by River Street/Pleasant Street and by the bridge location on Congress Street to go under the tracks where it is very delicate construction and would be a short duration of lesser depth and different configuration for those spots. There was some discussion from Councilors Bowen and Houseman about specifying the locations in the conditions so that no unexpected changes could be made. Miyares stated there will be deviations from the plan. That flexibility is necessary because sometimes when the street is opened things are not exactly where expected. It is not appropriate or feasible for this body to oversee those types of changes; that is why there is a process for the commissioner to approve those things in writing. Bowen asked about the late-breaking change in Condition 7 requested by National Grid to change "determines in writing"to "agrees" instead. Miyares recommended it stay"determines in writing" in Condition 7. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 7 of 12 A motion to recess the public hearing until 10:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). A motion to recess the meeting for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting recessed at 9:43pm. The meeting was called back to order at 10:00pm. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 until 10:05pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Motions and Orders (Continued) Order#129-Proposed Ordinance change regarding salaries of the Mayor, City Council and School Committee Flowers stated there is a motion and second on the floor from earlier. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (6-3, opposed: St. Hilaire, Flowers and Rand). Order#181-Proposed amendments to Chapter 270 of the City Ordinances relative to parking regulations at various locations in the City Kent read the order. A motion to move forward to the public hearing was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Public Hearings (Continued) Order# 065-8:10 PM to 8:55 PM-National Grid/New England Power Company Petition for Transmission Line Franchise (continued from 3-1, 4-4, 4-19, 5-16, 5-23 and 6-4, 2022) Miyares stated that NEP suggested adding the phrase "by the Commissioner or a designee" in Condition 9. Miyares recommended the change be accepted. Bowen asked about the changes received on Friday that stripped out specific conditions and replaced it just with"in the public interest" instead. Miyares stated the previous comments were too rigid and the commissioner may want to consider other factors as well. Moving on to Condition 15, Miyares stated he was a little frustrated because he would have expected to hear from National Grid in this hearing where the lay down area is and the route to it, but that information has not been received, so Condition 15 leaves it to the commissioner. O'Leary noted the need for flexibility since some of the subcontractors are not on board yet. Rand and Feldman expressed support for the language provided by Attorney Miyares. Miyares stated that in Condition 17 language was added at the recommendation of the commissioner. NEP expressed the desire to take it out. The Council agreed with leaving it in. Miyares said in Condition 18 "outage"was changed to "interruption" and language was added to allow for emergency interruptions. Beverly City Council Meeting Nfinutes—Ane 27,2022 page 8 of 12 Miyares stated language was added to Condition 19 so the project cannot start until the engineering consultant is on board. City Solicitor Stephanie Williams confirmed that a consultant has been selected and stated it is just a matter of putting together the contract and having it signed. Miyares stated in Condition 29, regarding insurance and the claims procedure, it is a difficult proposition to require much more here. To require insurance is about as much as can be expected. Houseman asked about the claims data for Salem and the process. Pizzi stated claims data about Salem had been provided to the Council. Aretz, representative from National Grid, stated the claims plan was also submitted already to the Council and is on the project website. Miyares suggested the language should say all contractors or subcontractors should have this insurance and asked for five minutes to review. A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). The meeting recessed at 11:1Opm. The meeting was called back to order at 11:15pm. A motion to recess the public hearing on Order#065 until 11:25pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Reports from Committees Committee on Finance and Property Order#157-Grant$64,695 from Mass DOT-Aeronautics for the Beverly Airport-This requires a match of$3,405 from the Airport Enterprise Fund A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#158-End of the FY22 realigning some of the funding within our operating budget to properly account for costs through June 30th A,motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#169-Transfer of$155,700 from the city's free cash balance to cover various fund balance deficits A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#170-Transfer of$2,000,000 from the city's free cash balance to begin work associated with the renovation of the main library heating and cooling system A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#171-Transfer of$1,250,000 from the city's free cash balance to be placed into a capital project fund for the Central Fire Department A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#172-Transfer of$50,000 from the city's free cash balance to perform an array of work seeking to evaluate, plan and document various aspects of our cemeteries Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 9 of 12 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#182-Grant-$200,000 from Massachusetts Dept. of Mental Health Jail Arrest Diversion Program for two clinicians to support Beverly Police Department A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Legal Affairs Order#161-Mayor-Reappointment for Mr. Robert Buchsbaum and Mr. William Squibb to serve on the Conservation Commission A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#163-Mayor-Appointment for D. Scott Dulleay,Esq. to serve on the Beverly Licensing Board A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#167-Mayor-Appointment to Ms. Victoria Healy as Associate Planner to serve as the Planning Representative on the Design Review Board A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#180-A Request for an Extension and Minor Modification of Briscoe Village Center for Living and the Arts Special Permit A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#187-City Clerk-Hawkers &Peddlers License for Nicole Birarelli, Joe's on a Roll, 61 Federal Street A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#188-Beverly Main Streets-Request to waive City Ordinance Ch.113-2 regarding alcohol on a public way for Community Block Party A motion to approve with the condition that the Licensing Board be satisfied with the process as well was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Public Services Order#162-Mayor-Reappointment-Ms. Cynthia Montalbano and Ms. Susan Feeney to serve on the Council on Aging A motion to approve,was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(9-0). Order#164-Mayor-Appointment-David Lang to the Board of Registrars of Voters A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). Order#165-Mayor-Reappointment-Nancy Marino to serve as the Parks and Recreation Representative on the Community Preservation Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The public hearing on Order#065 was reopened at 11:25pm. Miyares proposed incorporating language that clarifies the general contractor and all subcontractors should carry insurance. Houseman suggested adding a mechanism for having an advocate to help navigate the system for Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 10 of 12 someone who might make a claim and asked if that would be an out of bounds condition. Miyares stated NEP has to provide a weekly list of claims to the Council and to the advisory committee. If it turns out by doing that, it appears there is someone submitting a claim who is struggling, it would be appropriate for the advisory committee to offer assistance. Miyares expressed reluctance at having the City get too involved in the claims process since it is a private matter between private parties and could possibly open the City up to liabilities. Feldman asked about the current process for helping to navigate the claims process. Aretz stated she does not get involved beyond explaining the process of filing the claim. Houseman suggested NEP provide a private insurance adjuster or reimburse for a private insurance adjuster. Pizzi stated that while she could understand where this was coming from,National Grid cannot agree to rewrite the claims process. Pizzi stated that requesting this goes beyond the purview of the grant of location. Sean, a member of the National Grid project management team, stated that it sounds like it would lead to a conflict of interest if it was any more than having someone help navigate the website or explain the way to submit a claim. Miyares stated that as far as issuing a grant of location, the standard is to make sure the public is not incommoded in the use of public ways. Requiring a claims process is not outside the scope. Miyares expressed hesitance at the idea of requiring expenditures of money for someone to facilitate claims and recommended caution at getting too close to the line. Flowers moved the discussion forward to Councilor Houseman's proposed amendments and any other proposed amendments from councilors. Houseman stated that in Condition 6 he recommended adding wording regarding an arborist. That has now been added as a separate provision [Condition 31]. In Condition 10, Houseman suggested modifying how often the citizens advisory committee meets and adding that the number is not a maximum number of meetings. Houseman requested adding, in Conditions 11 and 12,what the scope and character of the video sweep will be. Miyares recommended adding "as approved by the commissioner" as the best way to be able to move along without knowing exactly what that scope is tonight. Houseman stated that at the last meeting he had proposed that National Grid live up to its stated commitment for carbon-neutral construction and make a donation to the City of Beverly or its equivalent so trees could be planted in heat islands. Aretz stated that was outside of mitigation for the project because a different part of National Grid is responsible for that work. Aretz stated she was working on finding the appropriate group and contact within National Grid. It may be a grant process for the City. Bowen requested adding something about that when school is in session,NEP will notify the school department transportation office and work to minimize impact on school buses. This could be in Condition 26 or 27 or added as a separate item. Miyares stated a sentence to that effect could be added. Miyares suggested that the sentence says NEP is required to meet with the superintendent of schools or a designee to develop a protocol Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page]]of 12 for managing impacts to school bus transportation. That way any existing system of communication would not be disrupted. Feldman requested adding student pedestrians. Flowers asked about the process for residents if they are experiencing disruption outside the bounds of what should be happening. Aretz stated there is a phone hotline that is monitored 7 days a week, not overnight. The police will have a direct contact for the project so if there is an issue, they can call. Williams asked for clarification on the expectations about the insurance claims issue. Houseman stated he does not feel it is that big of an ask to require National Grid to hire someone to help someone walk through the process of filing a claim. Miyares stated that it seems National Grid would not agree to it, so it may not be worth pushing it. Houseman suggested adding this to Wednesday night's special meeting so everyone has time to review the redline and a clean copy before voting. Williams stated if it is not already on the agenda for Wednesday night then it would have to be a different meeting with 48 hour notice. Miyares agreed that it should not be put on Wednesday's meeting agenda but another meeting in the not too far future that would be compliant with open meeting law. The public hearing was closed. Flowers stated she realized she should have recused herself on the vote for Order#180 due to a potential appearance of conflict. A motion to reconsider Order#180 was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). A motion to approve Order#180 was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0, Flowers recused herself). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (9-0). The meeting adjourned at 1:13am. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes—June 27,2022 page 12 of 12 Scott D. Houseman-Chair Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire FINANCE AND PROPERTY/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 311 Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called to order the Finance and Property meeting at 9:45pm. Members present: Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire, Scott Houseman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #024 1/18/2022 Councilor Houseman-Letter regarding the Financial Hold Forecast Committee #024A 4/4/2022 Councilor Houseman-Financial Forecast Committee Hold #058 2/22/2022 Councilor Bowen and Councilor Houseman-Rodent Hold infestation in downtown and other neighborhoods Councilor Houseman-A letter to meet with Finance& #060 2/22/2022 property for discussion on the budget Hold #062 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-National Grid Cable Transmission Hold Project #064 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-Rodent Control Hold #157 6/6/2022 Mayor-A Grant from the Mass DOT Aeronautics for Approve (3-0) Beverly Airport Mayor-the end of the year FY22 realigning some funding #158 6/6/2022 within our operating budget to properly account for costs Approve (3-0) through June 30' #169 6/6/2022 Mayor-A transfer of$155,700 from the City's free cash Approve (3-0) balance to cover various fund balance deficits Mayor-A transfer of$2,000,000 from the City's free cash #170 6/6/2022 balance to begin work associated with the renovation of Approve (3-0) the main library heating and cooling system Mayor-A transfer of$1,250,000 from the City's free cash #171 6/6/2022 balance to be placed into a capital project fund for the Approve (3-0) Central Fire Station Mayor-A transfer of$50,000 from the City's free cash #172 6/6/2022 balance to perform an array of work seeking to evaluate, Approve (3-0) plan, document various aspects of our cemeteries Grant-$200,000 from Massachusetts Dept. of Mental #182 6/27/2022 Health Jail Arrest Diversion Program for two clinicians Approve (3-0) to support Beverly Police Department The motion to adjourn the Finance and Property meeting was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and;the motion carried(3-0). The meeting adjourned at 9:55pm. Estelle M. Rand-Chair Todd C. Rotondo Brendan S. Sweeney LEGAL AFFAIRS/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Rand called to order the Legal Affairs meeting at 9:45pm. Members present: Todd Rotondo, Brendan Sweeney, Estelle Rand Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee Mayor-Reappointment for Mr. Robert Buchsbaum and #161 6/6/2022 Mr. William Squibb to serve on the Conservation Approve (3-0) Commission #163 6/6/2022 Mayor-Appointment for D. Scott Dulleay, Esq. to serve Approve (3-0) on the Beverly Licensing Board Mayor-Appointment to Ms. Victoria Healy as #167 6/6/2022 Associate Planner to serve as the Planning Approve (3-0) Representative on the Design Review Board #168 6/6/2022 Mayor-Appointment for Mr. Ahmed Fred Kenay to Hold serve as a Constable in the City of Beverly A Request for an Extension and Minor Modification of #180 6/6/2022 Briscoe Village Center for Living and the Arts Special Approve (3-0) Permit #187 6/27/2022 City Clerk-Hawkers &Peddlers License for Nicole Approve (3-0) Birarelli, Joe's on a Roll, 61 Federal Street Beverly Main Streets-Request to waive City Ordinance Approve with the #188 6/27/2022 Ch.113-2 regarding alcohol on a public way for condition that the Community Block Party Licensing Board also approves 3-0 The motion to adjourn the Legal Affairs meeting was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(3-0). The meeting adjourned at 9:59pm. Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley PUBLIC SERVICES/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, June 27, 2022, 7:OOPM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 31d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Feldman called the meeting to order at 9:47pm. Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #065 2/22/2022 National Grid,New England Power Company Petition Public hearing for Transmission Line Franchise 6/27/2022 Councilor Rotondo-Consideration of naming the #104 4/4/2022 Harbor Master Building in honor of Harbormaster Hold Daniel McPherson #162 6/6/2022 Mayor-Reappointment-Ms. Cynthia Montalbano and Approve(3-0) Ms. Susan Feeney to serve on the Council on Aging #164 6/6/2022 Mayor-Appointment-David Lang to the Board of Approve (3-0) Registrars of Voters Mayor-Reappointment-Nancy Marino to serve as the #165 6/6/2022 Parks and Recreation Representative on the Approve (3-0) Community Preservation Committee The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (3-0). The meeting adjourned 9:49pm.