20220815 Special City Council Meeting Minutes City of Beverly Special City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Monday,August 15,2022, 6:30pm City Council Chambers, 191 Cabot St. Julie Flowers, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Assistant City Clerk, Christine Dixon,took attendance by roll call. Members Present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley (arrived at 6:39pm), Kathleen Feldman, Scott Houseman(arrived at 6:40pm), Estelle Rand, Matthew St. Hilaire, Todd Rotondo, Julie Flowers Members Absent: Brendan Sweeney St. Hilaire led the pledge of allegiance. Resolutions Order# 190-2022 "Senior of the Year"-Roland"Rollie" and Ruth Ann Brewer A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(6-0). Order#207-Police Officer-Joseph DiAngelo A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. Public Hearin 6:45 PM-Order#189-Community Preservation Committee-Out-of-cycle application for $400,000 for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts Flowers opened the public hearing. A motion to recess the public hearing to 6:50pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. A motion for a five minute recess was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. Flowers called the meeting back to order at 6:50pm. 6:45 PM(6:50 PM)-Order#189-Community Preservation Committee-Out-of-cycle application for$400,000 for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts Flowers recused herself and Rotondo chaired the discussion. Andrew DeFranza, Harborlight Community Partners, and Heather Richter, Chair of the Community Preservation Committee spoke in favor of the project. St. Hilaire asked about the remaining balance of the fund. Finance Director Bryan Ayles stated there would be $656,000 amongst the categories. That does not include the FY23 CPC budget, which would be around $1.2 million. Rand expressed support for the project and asked about any gaps in funding. DeFranza stated there were about five or six sources of funding to close the gap including renegotiating with an investor, state funding,tax credits, and this additional CPC funding. Bowen asked about the cost escalation. DeFranza stated there is contingency built in for ongoing escalation, so there is no expectation of coming back for more funding. Part of the reason for that, beyond supply chain and labor,which have been difficult lately, is actually interest rates. There was a loss of capital on the construction loan interest side. Ayles clarified on the balance of the fund that the $656,000 would be before this vote. It would come down to $256,000 before the FY2023 budget. St. Hilaire asked why the request was funded at $400,000 versus the ask of$500,000. Richter stated the committee felt that $400,000 would leave enough in the balance to do something in case another emergency out-of-cycle item came up. It has never been drawn down this low at the end of the year. Houseman asked Mr. DeFranza if Harborlight will have all the necessary funding if the Council votes in favor of this tonight and asked about the timeline of construction. DeFranza stated no more additional funds would be needed. This would then close probably later this fall and start construction at the end of the year. It would probably be a couple years' worth of construction,which means probably not occupying the building until the fourth quarter of 2024 or something to that effect. The public hearing was closed and Order#189 was referred back to the Committee on Legal Affairs. Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings Finance &Property/Public Services Meeting April 25, 2022 Special City Council Meeting June 6, 2022 Finance &Property Meeting June 15, 2022 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Comments by Citizens Stacy Ames, 3 Prospect St., read a land acknowledgement. Ames stated that Salem has an organizational chart in their budget. At the top of that chart are the residents. This is exactly how it should be. It reminds the elected officials that they work for the residents, not for the city. It is not different on this side of the bridge. Monetary decisions cannot be enacted without Council approval. Tonight,the administration submitted Order#191. This work needs to be done. On the surface, it's a good thing. Ames asked how this relates to the Jordan Street neighbors and if now is the time to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Ames asked that the Council either vote "no"to the request for funds or add a stipulation that this work include Jordan Street. Ames recommended the Council widen the scope of the project and change the trajectory. Beverly City Council Special hlleeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 2 of 7 Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order 4191- Loan Authorization-$1,000,000-for maintenance work that needs to be performed to portions of the North Beverly Brook Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#192-An order to grant permanent easement to One Anchor Point, LLC at the Anchor Point family housing community under construction at 108 Sohier Road Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#192A- An order to authorize the City to convey the easement to One Anchor Point, LLC Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#193-Reappointment-Mr. Wayne Miller to serve as the Planning Board Representative on the Open Space and Recreation Committee Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#194-Grant-$498,200 Bottleneck Reduction Program from MassDOT to be used for signalization improvements and installations of modern controllers to address significant traffic congestion bottlenecks Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#195-Appointment-Captain Jake Kreyling to serve as the Fire Department's representative on the Parking and Traffic Commission Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#196-Grant-$200,000 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant from the Mass Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to complete resiliency study of the Bass River area Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#197-Appointment-Ms. Nancy Marino to serve on the Permanent Building Commission. Houseman held this item. Order#198-Appointment-Mr. Joshua Doxsee to serve on the Beverly Airport Commission Houseman held this item. Order#199-Appointment-Mr. George Gomes to serve on the Beverly Planning Board Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order 9208-An order to appropriate $470,775 to be placed in a fund to pay for engineering and police detail costs associated with the National Grid 115kv electric transmission cable project (set a public hearing) Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Communications, from other Citv Officers and Boards Order#200-City Clerk-Request for Police details at the September 6, 2022 Primary Election A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Beverly City Council Special Meeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 3 of 7 Order 4201-Councilor Rotondo-Reappointment-Mr. David Brewster, 9 Carver Street to represent Ward 1 on the Open Space and Recreation Committee Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#206-City Clerk-Application for a New Petroleum storage License for 61 Cabot Street Real Estate LLC Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#209-City Clerk-Application for a Fortune Teller license for Lillian Perry-8 Appleton Ave, Beverly Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#210-City Clerk-Application for a Fortune Teller license for Darleen Witham-113 Burrill Street, Swampscott Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#211-Finance Director, Bryant Ayles-Approval to use FY2023 appropriated funds for eleven(11)prior year invoices totaling $63,660 Referred to Committee on Finance and Property. Order#212-Councilor Houseman-Reappointment-Mr. James Passanisi to serve as the Ward four representative to the Open Space and Recreation Committee Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#213-President Flowers-Appointments-N-192 Citizens Advisory Committee. Blyth Hazen, 19 Abbott Street; Tim Averill, 165 Lothrop Street; Tiffany Collins, 35 Broadway; Karen Fogarty 169 Lothrop Street; Michele Green, 5 Tall Tree Drive; David Mahood 191 Lothrop Street; Matt DeCicco 178 Lothrop Street; Jane Knight, 7 Wellman Street Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order#075A-Solicitor Williams-Draft City Charter Amendments Flowers noted this is additional documentation for Order#075 and will be discussed at a Special City Council meeting on September 27. Communications,Application and Petitions Order#202-National Grid-Petition-Plan# 29756006-Pond Street for a grant of location to erect and maintain poles and wires Referred to Committee on Public Services to set a public hearing. Order#203-National Grid-Petition-Plan# 29756006-Pond Street to excavate the public highways and to run and maintain underground electric conduits Referred to Committee on Public Services to set a public hearing. Order#204-National Grid-Petition-Plan#29756012-Chapman Street a grant of location to erect and maintain poles and wires Referred to Committee on Public Services to set a public hearing. Order #205-National Grid-Petition-Plan 430586010-Webber Street-to install underground electric conduits Beverly City Council Special Nteeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 4 of 7 Referred to Committee on Public Services to set a public hearing. At 7:38pm,the motion to break for committee work was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Flowers called the meeting back to order at 8:1 1pm. Unfinished Business from a Previous Meeting Order 9075-The Charter Review Committee Final Report This item will be discussed at a Special City Council meeting on September 27. Motions and Orders Order#181-Proposed amendments to Chapter 270 of the City Ordinances relative to parking regulations at various locations in the City Assistant City Solicitor Jesse Dole noted some proposed amendments that had been submitted in writing. The motion to approve Order 4181 was made and seconded. The motion to amend Order#181 by §270-63 Violations and Penalties, increasing the proposed fine for"Non-electric vehicle parking in an electric vehicle charging station space" from $20 to $50 was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). The motion to amend Order 4181 by, in §270-63 Violations and Penalties, inserting"Electric vehicle parking in an electric vehicle charging station space if not actively charging- $50" was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). The motion to amend Order#181 by, in §270-66 Downtown Beverly Parking District, section B(2)(f), inserting "Electric vehicles shall not park in spaces designated as electric vehicle charging stations if not actively charging." was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The motion to amend Order#181 by, in §270-66 Downtown Beverly Parking District, section B(3)(a), deleting "Milton Street—From Cabot Street to Broadway" was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). The motion to amend Order#181 by, in §270-66 Downtown Beverly Parking District, section B(3)(c), edit as follows: "Residents who live within the following areas shall have access to a residential parking permit that allows them to park in time-limited on-street parking for longer than two hours. Up to two resident parking permits will be available per household."was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). The motion to amend Order 4181 by, in §270-67 Downtown Beverly Parking District: Prohibitions, inserting"Milton Street—Both—Entire length"was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). A vote on the original motion to approve Order#180 as now amended was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Beverly City Council Special Meeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 5 of 7 Reports from Committees Finance and Property Order#191- Loan Authorization-$1,000,000-for maintenance work that needs to be performed to portions of the North Beverly Brook A motion to set the public hearing for September 19 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#192-An order to grant permanent easement to One Anchor Point, LLC at the Anchor Point family housing community under construction at 108 Sohier Road Flowers recused herself. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0, Flowers abstained). Order#192A-An order to authorize the City to convey the easement to One Anchor Point, LLC Flowers recused herself. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (7-0, Flowers abstained). Order#194-Grant-$498,200 Bottleneck Reduction Program from MassDOT to be used for signalization improvements and installations of modern controllers to address significant traffic congestion bottlenecks A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#196-Grant-$200,000 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant from the Mass Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to complete resiliency study of the Bass River area A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#208-An order to appropriate $470,775 to be placed in a fund to pay for engineering and police detail costs associated with the National Grid 115kv electric transmission cable project A motion to set the public hearing for September 19 at 8:00pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#211-Finance Director, Bryant Ayles-Approval to use FY2023 appropriated funds for eleven(11)prior year invoices totaling $63,660 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Legal Affairs Order#189-Community Preservation Committee-Out-of-cycle application for$400,000 for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts Flowers recused herself. A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(7-0, Flowers abstained). Order#201-Councilor Rotondo-Reappointment-Mr. David Brewster, 9 Carver Street to represent Ward 1 on the Open Space and Recreation Committee Beverly City Council Special Nfeeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 6 of 7 A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Order#212-Councilor Houseman-Reappointment-Mr. James Passanisi to serve as the Ward four representative to the Open Space and Recreation Committee A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#213-President Flowers-Appointments-N-192 Citizens Advisory Committee. Blyth Hazen, 19 Abbott Street; Tim Averill, 165 Lothrop Street; Tiffany Collins, 35 Broadway; Karen Fogarty 169 Lothrop Street; Michele Green, 5 Tall Tree Drive; David Mahood 191 Lothrop Street; Matt DeCicco 178 Lothrop Street; Jane Knight, 7 Wellman Street A motion to approve was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). Public Services Order#202-National Grid-Petition-Plan# 29756006-Pond Street for a grant of location to erect and maintain poles and wires A motion to set the public hearing for September 12 at 7:30pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#203-National Grid-Petition-Plan#29756006-Pond Street to excavate the public highways and to run and maintain underground electric conduits A motion to set the public hearing for September 12 at 7:40pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#204-National Grid-Petition-Plan#29756012-Chapman Street a grant of location to erect and maintain poles and wires A motion to set the public hearing for September 12 at 7:45pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). Order#205-National Grid-Petition-Plan#30586010-Webber Street-to install underground electric conduits A motion to set the public hearing for September 12 at 7:50pm was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(8-0). A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:57pm. Beverly City Council Special Meeting Minutes—August 15,2022 page 7 of 7 Scott D. Houseman-Chair Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire FINANCE AND PROPERTY/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, August 15, 2022 6:30PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called to order the Finance and Property meeting at 7:42pm. Members present: Julie Flowers, Matthew St. Hilaire, Scott Houseman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee #024 1/18/2022 Councilor Houseman-Letter regarding the Financial Forecast Hold Committee #024A 4/4/2022 Councilor Houseman-Financial Forecast Committee Hold #058 2/22/2022 Councilor Bowen and Councilor Houseman-Rodent Hold infestation in downtown and other neighborhoods #060 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-A letter to meet with Finance & Hold Property for discussion on the budget #062 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-National Grid Cable Transmission Hold Project #064 2/22/2022 Councilor Houseman-Rodent Control Hold #191 8/15/2022 Loan Authorization-$1,000,000-for maintenance work that Set public hearing for needs to be performed to portions of the North Beverly Brook 9/19 7:30pm (3-0) An order to grant permanent easement to One Anchor Point, Approve (2-0, Flowers #192 8/15/2022 LLC at the Anchor Point family housing community under recused herself) construction at 108 Sohier Road #192A 8/15/2022 An order to authorize the City to convey the easement to One Approve (2-0,Flowers Anchor Point, LLC recused herself) Grant-$498,200 Bottleneck Reduction Program from MassDOT to be used for signalization improvements and #194 8/15/2022 installations of modern controllers to address significant Approve (3-0) traffic congestion bottlenecks Grant-$200,000 Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant #196 8/15/2022 from the Mass Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Approve (3-0) Affairs to complete resiliency study of the Bass River area An order to appropriate $470,775 to be placed in a fund to #208 8/15/2022 pay for engineering and police detail costs associated with the Approve (3-0) National Grid 115kv electric transmission cable project Finance Director, Bryant Ayles-Approval to use FY2023 #211 8/15/2022 appropriated funds for eleven(11) prior year invoices totaling Approve (3-0) $63,660 The motion to adjourn the Finance and Property meeting was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (3-0). The meeting adjourned at 8:06pm. Estelle M. Rand-Chair Todd C. Rotondo Brendan S. Sweeney LEGAL AFFAIRS /CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:30PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 311 Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Rand called to order the Legal Affairs meeting at 7:42pm. Members present: Todd Rotondo, Estelle Rand Members absent: Brendan Sweeney Order Date to Number Committee Description Action Taken #168 6/6/2022 Mayor-Appointment for Mr. Ahmed Fred Kenawy to serve as a Hold Constable in the City of Beverly #189 8/15/2022 Community Preservation Committee-Out-of-cycle application for Approve (2-0) $400,000 for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts #193 8/15/2022 Reappointment-Mr. Wayne Miller to serve as the Planning Board Hold Representative on the Open Space and Recreation Committee Appointment-Captain Jake Kreyling to serve as the Fire #195 8/15/2022 Department's representative on the Parking and Traffic Hold Commission #199 ' 8/15/2022 Appointment-Mr. George Gomes to serve on the Beverly Planning Hold Board Councilor Rotondo-Reappointment-Mr. David Brewster, 9 Carver #201 8/15/2022 Street to represent Ward 1 on the Open Space and Recreation Approve (2-0) Committee #206 8/15/2022 City Clerk-Application for a New Petroleum storage License for Hold 61 Cabot Street Real Estate LLC #209 8/15/2022 Application for a Fortune Teller license for Lillian Perry-8 Hold Appleton Ave, Beverly #210 8/15/2022 Application for a Fortune Teller license for Darleen Witham-113 Hold Burrill Street, Swampscott Councilor Houseman-Reappointment-Mr. James Passanisi to serve #212 8/15/2022 as the Ward four representative to the Open Space and Recreation Approve (2-0) Committee President Flowers-Appointments-N-192 Citizens Advisory Committee. Blyth Hazen, 19 Abbott Street; Tim Averill, 165 #213 8/15/2022 Lothrop Street; Tiffany Collins, 35 Broadway; Karen Fogarty 169 Approve (2-0) Lothrop Street; Michele Green, 5 Tall Tree Drive; David Mahood 191 Lothrop Street; Matt DeCicco 178 Lothrop Street; Jane Knight, 7 Wellman Street The motion to adjourn the Legal Affairs meeting was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(2-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:55pm. Kathleen M. Feldman-Chair Hannah L. Bowen Steven M. Crowley PUBLIC SERVICES /CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Monday, August 15, 2022, 6:30PM Within the Confines of the City Council Meeting City Council Chambers, 3ra Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Feldman called to order the Public Services meeting at 7:42pm. Members present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Kathleen Feldman Order Date to Description Action Taken Number Committee Councilor Rotondo-Consideration of naming the #104 4/4/2022 Harbor Master Building in honor of Harbormaster Hold Daniel McPherson National Grid-Petition-Plan# 29756006-Pond Street Set public hearing #202 8/15/2022 for a grant of location to erect and maintain poles and for 9/12 at hearing wires National Grid-Petition-Plan# 29756006-Pond Street Set public hearing #203 8/15/2022 to excavate the public highways and to run and for 9/12 at 7:40pm maintain underground electric conduits National Grid-Petition-Plan#29756012-Chapman Set public hearing #204 8/15/2022 Street a grant of location to erect and maintain poles for 9/12 at 7:45pm and wires #205 8/15/2022 National Grid-Petition-Plan#30586010-Webber Set public hearing Street-to install underground electric conduits for 9/12 at 7:50pm The motion to adjourn was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (3-0). The meeting adjourned 7:50pm.