HDC minutes_ 07.13.22 Special mtg CITY OF BEVERLY
COMMISSION: Historic District Commission
DATE: July 13, 2022
LOCATION: Google Meet(Virtual)
MEMBERS PRESENT: William Finch (Chair), Suzanne LaMont (Vice Chair),Wendy
Pearl, Caroline Baird Mason,John Leahy
MEMBERS ABSENT: Gregory Howard
STAFF PRESENT: Victoria Healey,Associate Planner
RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury
Call to Order
Vice-Chair LaMont calls the meeting to order at 7:18 pm.
1. Draft Review of the NDC Ordinance
Leahy confirms with Healey the two different versions of the draft. Members discuss the two versions of
the draft to resolve confusion on which one to vote and submit to the Planning Board for next steps.
Leahy iterates he did not think it appropriate to make changes on behalf of the HDC in one version of
the drafts presented. Pearl clarifies the difference between documents while Healey reviews next steps
to move the draft forward. Pearl confirms this version reflects discussion from last meeting.
Members review comments from the Planning Director. Pearl notes it is important the neighborhoods
feel empowered to start the process themselves. Pearl does not want the administrative process
supplanted by authorities from other entities. Members agree there will be levels of authorities and
roles. Mason is in favor of voting on the current document as it knowing it will pass onto other groups
such as the Planning Department and Legal for their comments. Mason notes the commission was
charged with creating a draft. Mason advocates to vote on the draft and continue moving forward. Finch
suggests sending the draft to the Planning Department first and let them send to Legal as they are the
appropriate body to forward onto Legal.
2. Draft Vote and Next Steps
Motion: Pearl moves to finalize the document as the final draft of the NDC Ordinance and to
send the draft to the Planning Department. Mason seconds.The motion carries 5-0.
Pearl asks Healey who has the final say in the Ordinance and also inquires if there is an Ordinance
Committee. Healey discusses the procedure before it goes to City Council for final approval. Members
ask there to be a public hearing before the Ordinance is final.
Leahy suggests since there are two drafts including one from the Planning director,the subcommittee
can now get together and incorporate those comments. Healey advises not to meet, it would not be a
Historic District Commission
July 13,2022 Meeting Minutes
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productive use of time.The comments from Planning department can be answered by Legal. Leahy
withdraws his suggestion.
New Business:
Finch observes through a Globe article the Boston City Council approved the architectural conservation
district of Roxbury's Highland Park district.
hops:/Cwww.bostonlaa .com 2022 07 05 metro cit -a roves-architectural-conservation-district-
rcxars highland-perk/
Healey confirms RFQs for the Rantoul survey and the National Register for Lynch Park went out. Finch
asks Healey to contact the Building Inspector's Office to review the application for the demolition
request 62 Ober Street. Finch would like to see if this is a partial or full demolition as part of the
remodeling plans. Members would like to update the form to be specific for what exactly will be
demolished on the property. Pearl provides some history to the architectural style of the home,
suspecting that it might be a Royal Barry Wills (1895-1962) house in the traditional Cape Cod style. Wills
was an American author and architect who mastered the Cape Cod type house (1930-1950), a Colonial
Revival incarnation. Healey will email Historic Beverly for any additional information pertaining to 62
Ober Street.
LaMont asks if the 218 Cabot Street and 478 Rantoul will have demo hearings for the next regular
meeting July 28, 2022.
Healey asks members if they would like to continue remote meetings and members affirm.
1. Adiournment
Motion: Pearl moves to adjourn. LaMont seconds.The motion carries 5-0.
Meeting adjourned 8:59 pm. Regular meeting scheduled 7/28/22.