PR060922 0City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: June 9, 2022— 7:OOPM Place: Lynch Park Carriage House (55 Ober Street - In-person only) Board Members Present: Mark Casey, Jan Jefgood, Kevin Hobin, Robin DiDonato, Henry Pizzo, Nancy Marino, Caroline La rso n Board Members Absent: Bill Lowd, Justin Repp Others Present: Bruce Doig - Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director; Jon Paddol —Assistant Recreation Director, Valentino Eramo — Recreation Facilities Coordinator, David Alden St. Pierre— Open Space Committee Ca//to Order—7;02PM Minutes: The minutes for the 5/12/22 meeting were approved as written, 7-0, after a motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Henry Pizzo. Bike Track Presentation — David Alden-St. Pierre from the Open Space Committee gave a presentation to the P&R Commission regarding possible locations for a Pump Track in Beverly. David gave the commission a handout with information, pictures and maps. There was some discussion about the possible locations and limitations and the need for some varies recreational activities in Beverly. After the discussions, Nancy Marino made a motion, which was seconded by Kevin Hobin to accept David's report and continue to look for spaces in Beverly for this type of project. Motion was passed 7-0. Open Space Committee Appointment— Robin DiDonato agreed to serve as the Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission representative on the Open Space Committee. By ordinance, one member of the P&R Commission should sit on this committee. Kevin Hobin made a motion to approve Robin as the P&R representative on the Open Space Committee. The motion was approved by Nancy Marino and passed 7-0. Assistant Director's Report: Jon Paddol, Assistant Recreation Director Still working with Engineering to be able to accept credit cards at the gate. We are still hiring a few staff for the summer positions. We continue to strive to hire a diverse workforce that best represents our city. Our Park and Camp directors are prepping summer activities for the children in these programs. Special Events will return this summer for the first time since 2019 due to COVID. Season 2 of the adult Mens and Womens basketball leagues began on May 31". We will begin to offer the Unified Division of our Adult Basketball League by partnering with Special Olympics Massachusetts. Jon continues to add information to BevRec.com with dozens of events already listed through the upcoming months with many more to come soon. Upcoming classes and events this month include: • Free Fitness in the Park • Summer Movie/Concerts • Junior Ocean Explorers Classes • In Focus (filmmaking partnership with The Cabot) Director's Report: Bruce reviewed the following in his Director's Report— RECENT EVENTS: Touch a Truck— Returned to BHS on May 151" after two years off due to COVID —A beautiful day and a great crowd! Memorial Day Ceremony& Parade— May 22°d Ceremony @ Odell Park. Another beautiful day and nice crowd. City Council Budget Hearings — May 31 &June 1 — Meetings went well with few questions and many compliments. Question regarding CIT program fees ($95 for 8 weeks —scholarships available) UPCOMING EVENTS: Summer Camp Registration —All camp sessions are full. Employment Applications— Still looking for good candidates. CORRESPONDENCE: Continuing to work with the Planning Department and the OSRC to complete an ADA survey of all of the open spaces in Beverly. Ilia ve been assigned about 30 sites and I am working to finalize reports for these sites to be included in the new Open Space Plan for Beverly that needs to be filed with the state by July, Cahill Park— In the process of splitting Cahill Park off of Centerville School property. Plan from LeBlanc Survey, Inc. PICKLEBALL UPDATES: NO CHANGE Courts @ Birch Plains — Internal meeting with Mayor Cahill and meeting with Pickleball group representatives: - Conservation Commission process — Still waiting to hear from Planning Department and Engineering regarding approvals and plans for court layouts. - Build process (DPS): Fence height, parking, build up from cap - Design of courts: Location away from 100' buffer zone without impacting soccer/lacrosse fields - Attempting to repaint courts at Obear Park with N/S orientation ($18,000— State earmark) —Trying to get two additional quotes to move forward. Homecoming Tournament— Scheduled for Friday, August 4th Shootout Tournament—This Shootout began on Saturday, May 71" and will continue on Saturdays from 10:00-12:30 until the end of September or October. Working with Jean Decesare to finalize the permit. Conflict for this Saturday for a Teen Mental Health Day sponsored by Be Healthy Beverly, YMCA and the City of Beverly. Lessons - Jon working with Sue C. to schedule classes FY2022 State Earmarks— We have been awarded two earmarks from the Commonwealth of MA ARPA funding. One earmark is for $200,000 for improvements and renovations to the McPherson Youth Center. One earmark is for $200,000 "For construction and improvements to the many parks & recreational spaces in Beverly." Still looking at how to spend the earmark for park improvements (court replacements, playgrounds, benches, etc.) $250,000 Private Donation —The viewers have been installed with a 8'x 10' pad. Getting a lot of use. Full $250,000 donation has been received for use at Lynch Park. FY2022 BUDGETS: Enterprise Fund — Planning to receive some of the ARPA funds allocated to the city to replenish this fund for revenues lost in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID. ARPA funds will be used to replace the main parking lot at Lynch Park. Work to be done in the fall ($300,000). ARPA funds will also be used to rebuild the McPherson Teen Center by 2024. City Budget— Service level funded for FY2023. City Council budget hearings on May 31 &June 1. Park Signage: The $100,000 earmark from the state was intended to pay for the new park signage in every park, estimated at approximately $114K. We are working to get updated quotes and move forward with the work. FIELDS: NO CHANGE: Cooney lights need to be replaced. Estimate from MUSCO Lighting for $400,000-$425,000 just for the lighting equipment. Installation could cost an additional $150,000 or more. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN PROJECT PIPELINE: Recreation Department- - Lynch Park Carriage House: NO CHANGE o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! ■ Use private donation funds? o Upgrade Concession Stand — Complete renovation needed to make the concession stand area a more professional facility. There are a lot of deficiencies right now. Making these renovations will open the door for more bids and higher revenue from the concession stand. We will start designing and planning for this work this summer. ■ Use private donation funds? - Pete's Park— NO CHANGE o Still working on a few areas to complete project: ■ NEED TO MEET W/ PROJECT TEAM TO DISCUSS FINAL PLANS ■ Add bike racks for the large number of kids that are coming to the park daily. ■ Railings for ADA walkways - Still need to be bid out unless paid w/private funds. • Still waiting for 5 signs for LWCF educational criteria to be installed. - Basketball/Tennis Court Repairs: (Court Inventory updated w/recent data for all courts) We did not receive the FY22 LWCF Grant. Looking @ other funding sources to complete this work. We will be applying for another PARC grant from the state for$400,000. o SporTek conducted survey of four courts & provided estimates for repairs (Between $80K&$100K each) o Currently estimating up to $1.5M to fix all courts including six that just need new paint and backboards. o Met w/Mayor Cahill to discuss priorities and new PARCgrant funding. The proposed list of courts to be repaired as part of the 2022 PARCgrant project include; ■ Bartlett Gardens Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ Holcroft Park Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ Carratu Park Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) ■ He//ard--Hub/s Basketba//(Pulverize and repave,paint, new backboards&rims) o This PARC project will cost about $750K including the renovation of the two Simon Street lots (14 &34) that the city will be acquiring from the BHA. The goal is to receive a $400,000 LWCF grant, $50,000 CPC grant for Simon Street lots, David S. Lynch Trustee funding ($80,000) and possibly some private donations. This project will need to be designed, estimated and then bid out to determine the actual cost and scope of the total project. If the 2022 PARC grant is awarded, the announcement will probably be at the end of 2022 and work will be completed in 2023. o Hope to patch and paint 6 other basketball courts and rep/ace backboards and rims ASAP (Bessie Baker, Fem/no, V/ttor/, Obear,Ahearn& Gillis). Will need to use genera/budget, Enterprise Fund or state earmarks, to pay for these upgrades. Est/mates for these courts vary from$9,000 to$20,000 each, 2019-2020 CPA Pro'ect: Round 7 Park Pro'ect CPA Re uest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9,900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? Will work with Historic Districts RDA approved by Con Comm. Commission. HDC wants to review project for proper materials and restoration tans. 2020-2021 CPA Pro'ect: Round 8 Park Pro'ect CPA Re uest Comments Wentworth Tot Renovating play area on Wentworth APPROVED Over $18K raised in private fundraising. Lot Drive. $20K Funding from CPC, Lynch Trustees & POY Delivery of equipment- 6/10/22 budget line. Should be completed by Vendor to start 6/9/22. 6/20/22 pending weather. 2021-2022 CPA Pro'ect: Round 9 Park Pro'ect CPA Re uest Comments Replace / Replace tennis courts @ Cahill and $250K The CPC request was just for 3 tennis Rehabilitate 3 Cove Parks. courts to be replaced. Looking for Tennis &4 additional funding to move ahead. CC Basketball approved CPC budget. Courts Need to put this work out to bid. Purchase 2 $200,000 CPC approved the $200,000 request. City Simon Street Council voted to accept the CPC budget. Parcels (14&34) Closing on the BHS lots scheduled for 6/10/22. We will be working with DPS and Planning to make improvements to the sites after the purchase. 2022-2023 CPA Proiect???: (Round 10) Park Project CPA Re nest Comments Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Working w/ Councilor Crowley to Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, funding create a wish list. Looking for grants, Street benches, tables, picnic areas, court round? business sponsorships, private donations, Playground???? improvements, etc. etc. Additional funding from PARC/LWCF grant?, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory of Ralph and others The next P&R Commission meeting will be held on Thursday, 7/14/22 due to the July 4t' holiday next month. Meeting adjourned at 8;13PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services