PR011322 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Beverly Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: January 13, 2022- 7:OOPM Place: Via Google Meet only Board Members Present: Mark Casey, Bill Lowd, Jan Jefgood, Justin Repp, Kevin Hobin, Nancy Marino, Henry Pizzo Board Members Absent: Mike Ralbovsky Others Present: Bruce Doig - Parks, Recreation &Community Services Director; Valentino Eramo - Recreation Facilities Coordinator, Darrah Jordan -Citizen; Nancy Geisinger, Robert Ashmore, Jean Dicesare,Tammy Marciano Ca//to Order-7;OOPM, Minutes: The minutes for the 12/2/21 meeting were approved as written 7-0 after a motion by Kevin Hobin and a second by Nancy Marino. Assistant Director's Report: Jon Paddol, Assistant Recreation Director- 1/13/22 We are getting back into the swing of things after the holiday period. We, purposefully, only planned for one class in January as we both wanted to allow people time to recover from the holidays as well as we had anticipated a surge. This situates us to hit the ground running this winter setting up classes and prepping for the summer months. Our Directors Roster for the Parks and Camps are filling out nicely. I am using January to send out contracts to returning staff and working closely with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director for the City in an effort to greater diversify both our staffing practices as well as our camper base. I am currently working on bringing back many of the popular classes that have been running throughout COVID (Babysitting Safety and Lifeguard Classes) as well as many new classes including Chess Nights, Fungi Walks, Mediation, Weight Loss, Understanding Sciatica and many, many more. We will also be partnering with The Cabot on some Youth Filmmaking classes. A major focus right now is Polar Park. This is a new program that we are offering at Camp Paradise during Beverly Schools February vacation, 2/22 through 2/25. It will be run by a handful of our summer staff. We have received good feedback for this event so far but have limited availability (25 children). This weeklong program for kids in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades, will run in a similar fashion to a day at our Park Program. Obviously, most of the activities will take place indoors though outdoor activities and walks will be implemented depending on the weather. Upcoming classes and events this month include: • Summer employment applications will become available in early February • Polar Park: February Vacation Program begins next month. • Season 2 of Cornhole League begins in February • Tai Chi and Introduction to Fly Tying registrations are open. Director's Report: Bruce reviewed the following in his Director's Report- RECENT EVENTS: CPC Full Apps Due - 1/11/22 - Full application for Courts project submitted by noon. North Pole Calling - 12/20 & 12/21 - Santa's elves did a great job reaching approximately 75 children this year. COVID-19 Home Test Kits Pickup- 12/21 & 12/23 @ Lynch Park-Over 6000 test kits distributed w/ Bev Rec staff assistance. UPCOMING EVENTS: COVID-19 Home Test Kits Pickup- 1/13/22 @ Lynch Park- More test kits distributed w/ Bev Rec staff assistance. LWCF Grant Application Due- 1/24/22 - Application for Courts project - $650,000 request CORRESPONDENCE: Private Donation - $250,000 donation - Met w/Abu Toppin, ADA Coordinator, to discuss best location and accessibility for the donated viewers. Still working with donors to receive donation. Pickleball Meeting w/ City Council Public Services Committee- Meeting was held on 11/29/21 at City Hall with 5 City Councilors. Several speakers in favor of more courts. Most discussion centered around Birch Plains. Mayor Cahill was not at this meeting but did commit to meeting with these folks again by the end of the year. A follow up meeting w/ Mayor Cahill was held internally on 1/7/22 to discuss the possibility of using Birch Plains for 8 pickleball courts. No additional information at this time. FY2022 BUDGETS: Enterprise Fund —We had a good year in the parking lot (approximately $80,000 in Lynch revenues) and with camps despite the weather. Hoping to receive some of the ARPA funds allocated to the city to replenish this fund for revenues lost in 2020 due to COVID. City Budget— Service level funded for FY2022. Park Signage: NO CHANGE - It turns out that the $100,000 earmark from the state was intended to pay for the new park signage in every park, estimated at approximately $114K. Work still needs to be bid out. FIELDS: No updates at this point. Hoping to hold a Field Summit meeting by early February. Cooney lights need to be replaced. Estimate from MUSCO Lighting for $400,000-$425,000 just for the lighting equipment. Installation could cost an additional $150,000 or more. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NN PROJECT PIPELINE: Recreation Department- - Lynch Park Carriage House: NO CHANGE o Garage Wall Replacement / Installation of windows ■ NEED TO GET AN ESTIMATE TO MOVE FORWARD! ■ Use private donation funds? o Upgrade Concession Stand — Complete renovation needed to make the concession stand area a more professional facility. There are a lot of deficiencies right now. Making these renovations will open the door for more bids and higher revenue from the concession stand. We will start designing and planning for this work this summer. ■ Use private donation funds? - Pete's Park— NO CHANGE o Still working on a few areas to complete project: ■ NEED TO MEET W/ PROJECT TEAM TO DISCUSS FINAL PLANS ■ Add bike racks for the large number of kids that are coming to the park daily. ■ Railings for ADA walkways — Still need to be bid out unless paid w/private funds. • Still waiting for 5 signs for LWCF educational criteria to be installed. - Basketball/Tennis Court Repairs: (Still need to inspect ALL courts) o Contacted Vermont Surfacing &SporTek to conduct survey of all courts and estimates for repairs. o Currently estimating up to $1.5 to fix all courts o Met w/ Mayor Cahill to discuss priorities and LWCF grant funding. The proposed list of courts to be repaired include: • Cove Tennis (2 courts w/fencing) • Cahill Park Tennis (1 court w/fencing) ■ Bartlett Gardens Basketball ■ Holcroft Park Basketball ■ Park Street Basketball ■ Hellard-Hubis Basketball o This project will cost about $1M. The goal is to receive a $500,000 LWCF grant, CPC grants, Lynch Trustee funding ($80,000 approved) and possibly some private donations. This project will need to be designed, estimated and then bid out to determine the actual cost and scope of the total project. If the LWCF grant is awarded, the announcement will probably be in the spring or early summer of 2022. 2019-2020 CPA Pro'ect: Round 7 Park Pro'ect CPA Re uest Comments Gillis Park Restoration of stone stairway leading $22,635 Quote from Murray Masonry for $17,450. from playground area to Pleasant Quote from Roger Tremblay for $9,900 View Beach. Concerns about ADA accessibility to beach? RDA approved by Con Comm. MOU extension approved by CPC. Hope to com feteproject in the spring of 2022 2020-2021 CPA Project: Round 8 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Wentworth Tot Renovating play area on Wentworth APPROVED Over $15K raised in private fundraising. Lot Drive. Possible community gardens? $20K Funding from CPC, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Equipment ordered. Hope to install by June 2022 pending shipping date. 2021-2022 CPA Project: (Round 9) Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Replace / Replace tennis courts @ Cahill and $250K CPC approved this $250,000 request at Rehabilitate 3 Cove Parks. their 1/20/22 meeting. This project will Tennis &4 also include basketball court repairs and Basketball funding from the LWCF grant if approved. Courts 2022-2023 CPA Project?: Round 10 Park Project CPA Re uest Comments Holcroft Renovate Holcroft Park on Gage TBD in next Worked w/ Councilor Ames. Working w/ Park/Gage Street with some new equipment, funding Councilor Crowley. Street benches, tables, piucnic areas, court round? Looking for grants, business sponsorships, Playground improvements, etc. private donations, etc. Additional funding from PARC grant, Lynch Trustees & POY budget line. Parisella family- $5000+ donation in memory of Ralph and others NOTE: Near the end of the meeting, several citizens supporting "Pickleball" spoke about the need for more courts in Beverly. The Commission's response was, "Mayor Cahill, the Beverly Recreation Department and the Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission support building more pickleball courts 100% and we are actively looking for a location that has adequate space for multiple courts and parking and that does not disrupt the neighborhoods." Some areas identified are being investigated: Birch Plains - Needs approval from the Conservation Commission Beverly Golf&Tennis Club -The tennis courts at the BG&T Club have clay surfaces. Meeting adjourned at 8;13PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig, Director of Parks, Recreation &Community Services