BHMA Minutes October 19, 2022_amended_final Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of October 19, 2022 Meeting
Board: Harbor Management Authority
Date: October 19, 2022
Location: Beverly Public Library - Barnet Gallery
Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, David Lane, George Simon, David
Suminsby, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Danielle Spang
Members Absent: Vice Chair Emily Flaherty, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman
Others Present: Sean Ciancarelli (marina manager), Peter Dickman
(Harbormaster), Dylan Lukitsch(Economic Development
Recorder: Brett Bauer
Earl calls the meeting to order at 6:50 pm.
New Economic Development Planner
Lukitsch introduces himself as the new economic development planner.
Approval of Minutes
Rand motions to approve the September 21, 2022 minutes. Seconded by Simon. The motion is
approved, 7-0.
Financials Report
Earl reports that all but six of the commercial customers have paid up. They may have problems
with one, but the others are expected to pay up. The capital fund is up to $550k, $74k is
encumbered in the grants fund, and the WIF is up to $56k.
Harbormaster Update
Dickman reports that a dead seal was pulled out to sea but confirmed that it was not Shoebert.
They are starting to shrink-wrap their boats. They did have an emergency with one of their boats
taking on water. It was towed out, but their trailer lost a tire. Dickman notes that a truck is
needed for the department as the staff is currently using their own personal trucks for towing
harbormaster boats. There are no updates on a new pump boat at this time. Dickman mentions an
aquaculture project designed to dissipate wave action to prevent erosion, called Emerald Tutu
Project, initiated by MIT and working with Endicott and the Landmark School. It has created
some hazards and the harbormaster's office has received concerned calls. Dickman notes that
they may need to get permitting from the Dept of Marine and Fisheries, and maybe the Army
Corp of Engineers. Regarding the harbormaster boat fleet, they are looking at grants for a new
patrol boat, ideally by 2024. Dickman adds that there have been issues with the Kernwood
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of October 19, 2022 Meeting
Bridge failing multiple times over the summer, and the MBTA train bridge has not been working
for three days.
Kayak Racks
Suminsby reports that the next seven racks will be two located at Pleasant View Beach, two at
Obear Park, and three at Lynch Park. We need to get approval from ConCom. Earl suggests
checking-in with Doig on the Lynch Park installation.
Pier Interactive Activity Proiect
Spang reports that a grant application has been submitted through the Beverly Cultural Council.
The display will be a knot tying demonstration. Earl expects the HMA's contribution to be
around $1k, max. Spang adds that the decision will be announced in February 2023
CPC Grant for Ferry Way Landing
Spang reports that a CPC grant application for sprucing up Ferry Way Landing is being
submitted to tie together the pier, Glover Wharf, and the new restaurant. A swinging bench could
be included. Earl also suggests that a kiosk about maritime history be added to the proposal.
Simon adds that Historic Beverly might be able to help. Earl notes that any other ideas need to
go to Spang by Friday or Monday at the latest.
Bass River Public Access Improvements - Elliot St
Earl reports that Callaghan provided updates via email.
Promoting Winter Slips
Ciancarelli has checked with winter slip holders from last year and received interest from most in
returning. Last year they had seven boats over the winter. Earl feels this is worth promoting as it
is good revenue. Dickman asks if they have ever used a monthly rate in the winter. Earl responds
that they have a few times, but do not generally market it.
Commercial Hoist - Expanding Use/Training/Contracts
Earl notes that the contracts go out in April, so they will need to decide by then whether changes
will be made regarding certifications for using the hoist. Rand reports that she is working with
Flaherty to coordinate a training. The training is offered several times during the year. But they
have a question about how many people they should offer the course to. Should it be one person
per boat? Earl asks Rand to have a written proposal for the November or January meeting with a
list of questions.
Falco Proiect
Earl reports that the pilot has officially come to an end, but he feels there is a need to continue
collecting data. Marty Bloom has indicated interest in helping support this. Earl has asked for an
additional six months, and has also drafted a grant application to further build out the app. The
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of October 19, 2022 Meeting
cost will be $600/month for six months. Rotondo suggests waiting to restart the six months when
the boating season restarts so they can get more relevant data and save some money. Earl agrees
that this makes sense. Lane feels the data after the restaurant opens will be most helpful.
Bass River - disposal options
Earl will reach out to the mayor about options with the wind farm dredging that Callaghan shared
via email to make sure he is aware of this option.
Birarelli Public Access
Spang has no updates. Earl notes that the fencing and lines showing the public access over the
Beverly Port Marina(BPM)property is deteriorating, and the HMA should bring this to the
city's attention. There is some discussion of the gate being locked, but it is speculated that the
BPM may be waiting until the end of the comment period for the Chapter 91 license. The
Chapter 91 approval for BPM's docks, per the agreement with the city,just posted.
Float Expansion Feasibility and Hoist Grant
Earl has no updates to report from GZA, but he would like to get these done before the next
boating season.
Pier Planks Replacement Grant
Ciancarelli reports that 130 planks will be ordered if we get the DMF grant to replace all the
remaining older planks.
Commercial Float - fee restructuring
Spang reports that the City Solicitor's office would like to know if any other towns set different
commercial based on use. Earl responds that they can check with other Harbormasters and return
to this topic in January.
Suminsby notes that they have kept fees the same for a long time because of inconvenience from
the construction of the new restaurant and related parking concerns. He put forth a proposal for
raising rates and fees that are all fairly proportional, except for the larger increase in the kayak
rack space.
Discussion on Recreational Marina Rates: Rand wants to be clear about why they are
raising rates, and asks if there is justification beyond just that the market allows for it.
Earl responds that expenses have gone up. Suminsby responds that amenities have been
added. Rand and Rotondo are sensitive to the cost-of-living increases that Beverly
residents have incurred. Lane notes that they do not know what the parking situation will
be when the restaurant opens, and that maybe a small increase would be more amenable.
Suminsby asks if they have an obligation to maximize this asset of the city, and notes that
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Harbor Management Authority
Minutes of October 19, 2022 Meeting
the rate has gone down from $160/ft a long time ago. Rand moves to amend the proposed
recreation rates to $160/ft, rather than $170/ft, with the monthly and winter rates kept as
proposed. Seconded by Rotondo. Comparisons to the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club are
discussed, but it is an open to the public facility managed by a private third-party
company. There is also discussion about the differences between private and municipal
marinas, and it is noted that private marinas do not have access to grant funding. Simon
points out that their budget does not precisely represent the expenses and cash-flow of the
marina as compared to a private marina's budget. The question is called, and the motion
is approved, 7-0.
Discussion on Dinghy Storage Fees: Earl notes that they have done maintenance on the
dinghy rack and have added cleats for tying up dinghies to the float. Rotondo moves to
accept the fee increases as proposed. Seconded by Simon. The motion is approved, 7-0.
Discussion on Kayak Rack Fees: Earl argues that expansion costs have gone up
significantly for these. Rotondo motions to amend the proposed kayak rack fees to $125
instead of$150. Seconded by Spang. Rand notes that this is still a significant increase.
Earl responds it would not be every year or couple of years that this fee is increased.
Rand would like to see some sort of programming or reserved kayak spaces to encourage
and open access to such water activities to those in the community that might not
otherwise be able to afford it. Earl will add this to the BHMA's project list to revisit in
the future. The question is called, and the motion is approved, 7-0.
Discussion on Transient Rates: Rotondo moves to accept the transient rates as proposed.
Seconded by Rand. The motion is approved, 7-0.
There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Rotondo makes a motion to adjourn. Rand seconds. Motion to adjourn is approved (7-0).
The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 8:45 pm.
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