BAC Minutes February 08 2021, Final BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 8,2021 LOCATION. Virtual Remote Meeting PRESENT: Commissioners Paul Brean, Scott Dullea,Peter Gentile, Aaron Henry, Jeffry Schlichte,Paul Trefry and Matthew Mozur OTHERS PRESENT: Gloria Bouillon, Mina Makarious -Anderson and Kreiger ABSENT: None PUBLIC: Mark Zuberek, Bill Kossowan, David Dineen,Nick Burlington and John Messenger(NAA), Craig Schuster(ASG), Ace and Charlene Chase (Cat Aviation), Tony Bettencourt RECORDER: Christine Martin Barraford A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dullea called the virtual meeting to order at 6:01PM, which is being audio and video recorded, and read the following disclaimer: Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, §18,and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may gather in one place, this meeting of the Beverly Airport Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public and/or parties with a right and/or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the City of Beverly's website, at http://www.beverlyma.gov/events/category/city-meetings/4. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted,but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means: For this meeting, members of the public who wish to watch and listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner; Google Meet Information:https://meet.google.com/bqs-ydfa-jcp or via phone at 1-601-869-6064,PIN 943 932 3354. 1. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Dullea led those in attendance in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Public Comment Mr.Zuberek addressed the Commission with regard to his opposition to several aspects of the Airport Master Plan particularly the noise issues. He commented that the followup information on the recent public community meetings was not on the website. (Bouillon later in the meeting directed him to the information available on the Airport website under Airport Master Plan, as well as the three different community websites, Beverly, Danvers and Wenham.) He also expressed frustration with not being able to contact Chairman Dullea. Chair Dullea stated he had not received messages from him, and noted that his contact email and phone information is listed on the website.He offered his personal cellphone number at that time with the assurance that Mr. Zuberek could contact him at that number. 3. Acceptance of Minutes—January 4 and January 20,2021 Upon motion duly made by Trefry and seconded by Brean,it was unanimously voted to accept the above sets of minutes. Brean-Y, Dullea-Y, Gentile-Y, Henry-Y, Schlichte-Y, Mozur-Y and Trefry-Y. Motion passed 7-0. 1 4. Readine of the Financial Reports Bouillon read the Financial Reports. Expenses total $502K with $243K remaining in the budget. 5. Airport Solution Group,LLC—Craie Schuster Mr. Schuster updated the Commission on the following items: a. Wildlife Hazard Assessment/Wildlife Hazard Assessment Plan Final invoice and FAA and MassDOT closeout documentation has been submitted to the FAA and MassDOT on January 12, 2021. b. Airport Master Plan Public outreach virtual meetings were conducted with the City of Beverly(January 21, 2021), Town of Danvers (January 26, 2021), and Town of Wenham (January 27, 021)by the consultant team and BVY. The consultant team continues to work on finalizing the alternative analysis recommendations. c. Permitting for Perimeter Fence Proj ect has been completed except for closing out previous open permits with the Beverly Conservation Commission.ASG submitted an additional cost($3,400)to perform this work to BVY and coordinated with MassDOT requesting if this cost could be covered under the current MassDOT contract for this project. MassDOT said it could be covered. At this time, ASG is waiting for MassDOT to send BVY an amendment to the MassDOT contract. ASG will follow up with an amendment to ASG's current Task Order for this project. d. Runway 9 Obstruction Removal—Eminent Domain The project is completed so the next steps would be to prepare ASG's final invoice and submit the FAA and MassDOT closeout documentation. e. Noise Modeling.ASG recently submitted Task Order 912 for limited noise modelling work by its sub CMT.ASG also prepared a state grant application for funding participation by the MassDOT Aeronautics Division. f. Update BVY Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCCP) EPA issued a draft 2020 MSGP in March 2020 and has been finalized in January 2021. Within 90 days of the permit effective date, all facilities desiring coverage must have a revised Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to meet the new requirements in place and must file an electronic Notice of Intent(NOI) online with EPA to continue coverage under the MSGP. The Airport's SPCC Plan was last updated in 2013 and by regulation is out of date (since 4/2018),needing a Professional Engineer to review the Site and the SPCC Plan and provide a new certification if there have been changes. The SPCC needs to be updated,with the updates prepared and certified by a Professional Engineer(P.E.)in accordance with the requirements of USEPA's Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (40 CFR 112). MassDOT reached out to the Airport and other airports asking for open projects to be done by end of June, 2021.Projects that may be eligible are the perimeter fence,PFAS cleanout and temporary building storage. Bids are going out to develop a plan for these projects to be completed by the required date of end of June. 2 B. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT Traffic Count Airport Operation Info,November-December 2020 November 2020 7,683 November 2019 5,470 Increase 2,213 December 2020 5,440 December 2019 4,811 Increase 629 Landing Fee Revenue—November-December 2020 Nov 2020 69LF $ 5,464.22 Nov 2019 110LF $ 9,636.15 Decrease ($4,171.93) Dec 2020 80LF $6,624.66 Dec 2019 78LF $7,721.65 Decrease ($1,096.99) 1 Fuel Flowage Fee Revenue—November-December 2020 Nov 2020 $5,489.80 Nov 2019 $6,457.50 Decrease ($967.70) Dec 2020 $5,817.70 Dec 2019 $5,764.10 Increase $53.60 Sage Environmental has submitted the draft review for Phase I CSA and Tier Classification to DEP and has asked for comments. An initial subcommittee has been formed to work with Sage and/or other firms to proceed forward with the continuing work on this project. Bouillon introduced Mina Makarious of Anderson and Kreiger. Bouillon reported as follows: An avgas fuel spill was reported and cleaned up in 2004,but not properly closed out. Two RTN's were submitted to the DEP. Bouillon has met with Henry and Schlichte to form a subcommittee to be approved by the Mayor. The classification report had been submitted to DEP. Makarious reported a 2009 training event resulted in foam spray being released. A PFAS report has met regular deadlines. Since there are many sources of PFAS,it is harder than other contaminants to identify sources.One clearly identified source was the training event.Bouillon has worked with Beverly and Danvers Fire Departments obtaining all historical data for any known incidences, and all have confirmed foam had not been sprayed at the Airport.There is no reason to believe drinking water wells have been impacted. A conceptual site plan will be reviewed by DEP and audited. The consultant will work with the Airport to delineate next steps in phases.Bouillon noted this was a public process discussed in open community meetings and summaries will be made available to the public. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Airport Master Plan— Gloria Bouillon Bouillon reported the chapters presented to the Commission are on the Airport's website. Extensive work has been completed with this project. The Airport successfully held three Airport Master Plan's "all virtual public meetings." Including the PAC meeting, the Commission meeting and the three community meetings, there were a total of five deliverables. The Community presentations to Beverly, Danvers and Wenham were held respectively on January 21st, 25th and 26th at 6:00pm. The presentations included the Master Planning Process,the Inventory and Forecast,Facility Requirements and Alternatives and Next Steps. All documents are provided on the Airport's website for review. The Community presentations were conducted live-stream with local access television service providers. Comments will be taken until February 28th for the last chapters of the Master Plan. Our consultant will compile all feedback and comments. 3 A noise group will be created as a result of the Master Plan Community presentations. Stakeholders will be involved in the discussions, as we continue to work with our noise modeling project. Mozur and Henry will form a subcommittee to head the noise modeling project. A Mass grant of$18,000 has been awarded to fund this project. Chair Dullea suggested that further information on the results of the survey will be shared at the next meeting. 2. RFP Non-Aeronautical Development—Gloria Bouillon Bouillon updated the committee on the RFP process for the development of the twelve acres of non- aeronautical land.The extensive RFP was discussed with the Mayor and agreed on to move the process forward. The RFP approved by FAA was submitted for City review two years ago, and has been resubmitted for review and approval in November 2020. Bouillon reported issues understanding Mass General Laws and city authority in consideration of this project. Discussion ensued on the complex history of the city's agreement with the Airport on buildings 43 and 45 dating back to 2015(see minutes of meetings attached of March 12, March 20 and May 14, 2018 detailing the Commission's deliberations on the project, as well as the various stages of renovation, current state of disrepair and resultant unleasable condition of space.) Next Steps Bouillon pointed out that the revenue use policy (and reassurance of grant) of the FAA dictated that the non-aeronautical use of land must be at fair market value. An appraisal needs to be done to assess the fair market value.Anderson and Kreiger will draft a letter summarizing the process and steps going foward. Chair Dullea will reach out to the Mayor and discuss resolution and remedial plan for current occupation if RFP goes forward.What is the city's exit plan for building 43 and 45 if a tenant is secured. In the meantime Chair Dullea formed a subcommittee of Brean and Gentile to draft a list of expectations and demands to the city.The subcommittee will report back to the commission at the next meeting for a commission vote. D. COMMISSION COMMENTS Due to significant changes in stormwater management over the next 90 days, Bouillon commented that the contract with ASG on any work done by subcontractors is under the ASG contract. The Commissioners congratulated Bouillon on an improved user friendly website. E. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion duly made by Brean and seconded by Trefry,it was unanimously voted to adjourn. Brean-Y, Dullea- Y, Gentile-Y, Henry-Y, Mozur-Y, Schlichte-Y and Trefry-Y Motioned passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:49PM. 4