OSRC minutes_ 06.01 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: None LOCATION: City Hall Council Chambers DATE: June 1, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: David Alden-St. Pierre (Chair), David Brewster(Vice Chair), Elizabeth Dunne, Gregory Sharp, Marilyn McCrory,Wayne Miller, Charlie Mann,Alison Dudley,James Passanisi BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Todd Callaghan STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Darlene Wynne, Director of Planning &Community Development;Victoria Healey,Associate Planner OTHERS PRESENT: Mario Tricone, public member from Ward 4 RECORDER: Sharlyne Woodbury 1. Call to Order Alden chairs and opens the meeting at 7:09 p.m. This is a hybrid meeting with special meeting format as required to honor Governor Baker's Executive Order declared due to the national crisis of COVID-19. 2. Open Space and Recreation Plan a. Action Plan Review and update(finalize) Discussion begins on reviewing the current document. This is a working session of the Action Plan. Members want to spell out the abbreviations at least once during the document.The public comment section has 31 pages divided among the members. Healey and Alden discuss the best way to organize and incorporate public comments from the survey into the action plan. Healey will present an organized methodology to the members in the final document. Members review Goal A for typos and edits. A.1 &A. A.23 information sharing. Miller expresses concerns regarding information sharing and who is responsible for reviewing other agendas to see if topics cross over. Members assure one another the information sharing is a shared responsibility between city staff and members. Current system works well, no need to specifically appoint an individual(s)for these agenda reviews. Upon reviewing goal,A, members inquire if Councilor Houseman has been contacted. Mann questions A 3&4 allocating for funds. Edits are made to "advocate" for funding. Members discuss track changes in the red line document. Alden notes changes and Healey will provide an updated redline version to the committee. B.1.iii—Wynne inquires after the "Sea Path". Members think this must be something related to the ancient highway. Mann suggests editing to "public shoreline access." B.2. Members agree trail network encompasses biking and hiking trails jointly. Alden remembers the "emerald necklace"was struck from terminology; replaced by trail networks to incorporate all trails identified.The old maps from prior plans will be incorporated into the document. Open Space&Recreation Committee June 1,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 B.4.ii—McCrory, does the city do recycling? Mann notes the city removed all trash cans. Miller believes the content should remain as is. Wynne informs members the senior center started walks.They welcome OSRC members participation. B.S.i Requires typo corrections. B.6 Dudley advocates for ESL speakers. Engage people in their native language. C.1 Requires typo corrections. McCrory inquires if E.1.vi Is redundant with B.4.ii. Alden delineates the difference between public engagement where the other goal can infer OSRC members doing the clean-up. Members discuss where best to add encroachment. Members think A.I. is the best placement for encroachment issues.There should be a distinction between private conservation; private lands and city owned land. Members think A.S.v best area to distinguish those topics. Members focus on language content and wording referring to procedures and time limits; enforcements of encroachment issues; and seek collaborative efforts with the city to enforce encroachment policies. Miller exits the meeting at 8 PM. Healey asks if the priority list per ward was addressed per the last OSRC update. Members agree to review the list. Mann suggests review the working for Ch 5 inventory.The first paragraph is discombobulated. Discusses the city owning large parcels in wards 5 &6, then goes on to discuss large parcels throughout the city. Reword for continuity and consistency. Ward 1 Remove Tanzella from priority property list by ward. Remove 27X, as well,the city took by tax taking. Under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission. Establish CR on open space land. Ward 2 Remove Congress Street since this was part of the Sedna apartments, the park is nice. McCrory inquires about the Bass River Overlay District. Ward 3 CR not finalized on Simon Street; complete the acquisition and attrition of Simon Street parcels. Wynne notes the city has not closed on Simon Street.There is a draft CR from Greenbelt; it centers on safety issue, ensure presence of safe paths to open space and recreational areas. Ward 4 Extended trail system within Sally Milligan. Acquire land near Endicott. Mann informs Wynne this is not the easements this is between Fox Hill and Endicott. Ward 5 Complete the city's acquisition and protection rights at Moraine Farm. And complete the community gardens and public benefits at Moraine Farm. Work with YMCA for CR that connects trails and lands to Hannah Elementary school. Parcel next door between the Y property and the development nearby.The Open Space&Recreation Committee June 1,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 land is not owned by Sterling Y, owned by North Shore Y. NSMT easement connecting Norwood Pond trails to Greenbelt land locked area. Ward 6 Members update bullets points for community garden near Standley Street. Keep as placeholder. Wynne will confer with Pirrotta on the order of conditions for the parcel. Chapter 61 expired for 36 Foster Street, Camp Mitchman. Garden school is privately owned. Healey will continue updating bullets; combining points and wordsmithing the doc. Establish an alternative trail to the Long Hill Reservation trail easement. Sharp requests additional information on Pole Swamp. b. Americans with Disability Act(ADA)Self-Evaluation forms f or Open Space properties update Healey provides the update.They are still waiting for the Parks and Recreation to complete their forms. OSRC members completed their forms prior to tonight's meeting. Alden asks if the ADA coordinator is working with planning staff to ensure these forms are approved &signed in a timely manner. Dudley inquires after the Disabilities Commission. Healey confirms that commission is currently rebuilding their membership. c. Establishing editing procedures moving forward Healey inquires the process that members prefer to review the documents. Suggests adding comments on a word document and sending directly to her. d. Chapter discussion: Inventory of Lands Conservation and Recreation Interest Members agree to keep this separate with information, data,tables, and charts contributed by Greenbelt and other entities recently before the committee. e. Next Steps Healey asks members to please review chapters 3 and 4; discussion on how to integrate the Greenbelt maps;the prioritization maps; and add to the index. Alden: Sebastian Brouillette has not put together a formal proposal for his eagle scout project. Alden will keep the committee updated.The trails and blazing need a letter from the OSCR supporting the project, not granting permission. Does he need a separate letter by Greenbelt for those trails. Mann advocates providing a letter of support to Brouillette to satisfy his Eagle Scout requirement. 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes—to be reviewed at the July meeting. a. February 2,2022 b. March 2,2022 c. April 6,2022 d. May 4,2022 4. Adiourn Motion: Brewster moves to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m. Sharp seconds.The motion carries 7-0. Open Space&Recreation Committee June 1,2022 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Next Meeting:July 6,2022 at 7:00 p.m.