20220428 Finance and Property Minutes Scott D. Houseman, Chair C' Julie R. Flowers Matthew J. St. Hilaire FINANCE AND PROPERTY/CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES Minutes for Monday, April 28, 2022 City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St. Houseman called to order the Finance and Property meeting at 6:30 PM. Committee Members present: Scott D. Houseman, Chair and Matthew J. St. Hilaire; Committee Member absent: Julie R. Flowers Committee of the Whole was called to order at 6:30 PM. Other Councilors present: Hannah Bowen, Steven Crowley, Estelle Rand, Brendan Sweeney Council Members absent: Kathleen Feldman, Todd Rotondo Also present: Finance Director Bryant Ayles and Mayor Michael Cahill (mayor arrived at 7 PM) No action was taken on Orders 024; 024A;058; 062;064; 112; The meeting was a discussion on Orders 060 and 120. Finance Director Ayles provided an update on ARPA generally and the status in particular of the small business grant program portion of ARPA funding. He reported about 120 applications were received and the committee reviewing them will likely make public its decisions within about two weeks. Councilor Houseman asked for a breakdown of the prospective $12.6 ARPA funding. Mr. Ayles described the several large categories into which funds will be distributed and preliminary ideas being discussed for how, within each category, funds might be allocated. Councilor Rand asked about the reasoning of applying ARPA funding for the repaving of the Lynch Park parking lot. Mr. Ayles described the loss of funding during the Covid-19 pandemic as a result of not being able to run summer camp programs which would have, in ordinary circumstances, provided much of the funding for this work. Councilor Rand advocated for applying ARPA funds to eliminate CIT, Councilor in Training, fees usually charged for youth participating in youth leadership at summer camp. Mayor Cahill arrived and the ARPA discussion continued. Councilors Bowen and Sweeney advocated for various needs that ARPA funding could be applied to, including social services and Central Fire Station improvements. Both discussed the need to avoid allocating city ARPA funding in a way that would duplicate state covid relief funding. Councilor St. Hilaire began a general discussion amongst Councilors and the Mayor and Finance Director about the coming budget for fy 2023, including asking about funding for road and sidewalk improvements. All Councilors expressed interest in increasing the amount of money going for roads and sidewalks. The was discussion about adding a position for a communications coordinator, improving the city website, and the tax rate and property tax relief and representation for the Council on the expenditure and design planning for city hall renovations. Mayor Cahill continued the budget discussion including concerning the additional city staff that will be funded in the proposed budget, including for the Health Department and the Finance j Department. 's Councilor St. Hilaire made a motion to adjourn the Finance and Property Subcommittee at 8:10 PM, which was seconded and passed in the affirmative 2-0. Thereafter Councilor St. Hilaire left the meeting. i Councilor Houseman discussed the need to address conditions at, and planning for, Central Cemetery and advocated for a capital expenditure fund to be created to do this. Councilor Houseman brought the discussion to a close around a discussion of the scheduling for the Council to receive and hold meetings and a public hearing on the coming proposed fy 2023 budget. A motion was made at 8:30 PM to adjourn the Committee of the Whole which was seconded and a vote in the affirmative passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. I F l I',