BHMA Minutes April 20, 2022 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 20, 2022 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: April 20, 2022 Location: Beverly Public Library - Barnet Gallery And via Google Meet Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman, David Lane, Don Neuman, George Simon, Danielle Spang, David Suminsby, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: Vice Chair Emily Flaherty Others Present: Sean Ciancarelli (marina manager), Bryant Ayles Recorder: Brett Bauer Earl calls the meeting to order at 6:45 pm and roll call is taken. New Members Earl welcomes two new members, Daniel Spang and David Lane, and calls for a round of introductions. Approval of Minutes Neuman motions to approve the March 16, 2022 minutes. Seconded by Rotondo. The motion is approved by roll call, 8-0, with Lane abstaining. Financials Report with Budget Report from Bryant Ayles Ayles reports that the last two years have been a challenge, but he thinks the city is currently in a strong position. He notes that their bond rating is stable at AA+, and is comparable to other communities of our size. He also notes that the AAA rating is hard to obtain because of the long- term liabilities that the City holds. The FY2023 budget will include $150 million from the general fund for operations, and the total budget submitted will be for $170 million. Earl reports that the current fiscal year-to-date numbers for the HMA include $143k in revenues and $29k in expenses. He expects they could have an additional $40-50k in revenue before the close of the fiscal year but their expenses will also be increased with the start of the recreational marina season. Earl reports an amount of$542.8k in the capital fund but that it might be down to about $500k at the end of the fiscal year. Earl notes that the expense overages this winter were from utilities at the Harbormaster building, and this should be corrected in next year's budget resulting in about$10k less for utility expenses. The cleaning expenses have also been corrected. There is some discussion money owed by commercial customers. Ayles notes that if they are having trouble with the collection of receivables that the city may be able to assist through the intercept of payments due, assuming the delinquent payers are Beverly residents. Earl notes that 1 I Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 20, 2022 Meeting kayak rack spaces might go up in fee charged in 2023 as the cost of purchasing the racks has increased. Earl has included project budgets for additional signs and they could also look at adding a viewing machine at Hospital Point. Earl has also considered looking at improving the lighting along the Bass River public access path. Ayles notes that the city is looking at plans for McPherson Park and cautions the HMA not to make too many investments in this area before the city has a design team together. Rand asked if Ayles could request the HMA to be included in the conversations about McPherson Park. Earl adds that they could also look at a feasibility study for boat ramps. Neuman notes that he would like the HMA to pay more attention to Chapter 91 required public access and feels that they need to maintain a relationship with Mass DEP to do this. Spang volunteers to look at the relationships of state agencies involved and the process for public access. Ayles summarizes that the HMA submits their budget, and if no action from the City Council, then it is approved. He offers to review the HMA budget before a vote is taken at the next meeting to approve. Si2nne -Phase 2 Callaghan reports that seven signs are to be installed and the locations have been shared with Wynne, the City Planner. He notes that the most contentious location will likely be Hospital Point. Neuman asks if the signage can help clarify that there is public access through Bass Haven Yacht Club, and he also believes this includes access to their bathrooms. Callaghan responds that he is looking to move this sign from the fence to its own post to clarify the public access. Bass River CAD Cell Seaport Grant Neuman reports that he had a conversation with Skuncik of Foth Associates but no updates beyond a potential joint effort with Gloucester and Salem. Public Pier Planks Replacement Earl notes that they missed the window for the $15k grant for plank replacement. Earl and Ciancarelli have identified 85 planks due for replacement. Ciancarelli adds that the quote from the last lumber supplier was for $18,500 with a 12 - 14-week lead time. He is also waiting on a quote from a different supplier. Falco Proiect Earl notes that he may invite a Falco representative to the June meeting, as she will be here from France to look at the pilot project in-person. Earl is hoping the pilot will get extended as a beta, and notes that this is the first time Falco has incorporated a transient float. 21 Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of April 20, 2022 Meeting Transient Moorings/Dockwa Earl is holding-off on this topic until a new harbormaster is in place. Birarelli Public Access Rotondo reports that he met with Tommy Birarelli, who is operating the wharf property, and they discussed a few options including negotiating with Beverly Port Marina. The Birarellis would like to make some progress this season, even if they cannot achieve ADA compliance this year. But they are concerned about space to store traps and connections through the jersey barriers owned by Tucks Point if the path crosses their property. Kayak Racks Suminsby received an updated time frame from the manufacturer and they are hoping to have racks available in about two weeks. The quote for the racks was also updated and the costs have gone up. Suminsby adds that the locations need to be reconsidered as Pleasant View Beach was not included in the Conservation Commission approvals. There was also some discussion about other locations including Foster's Point, Obear Park, Sandy Point, near McPherson Drive (Innocenti Park), and Lynch Park. Float Expansion Feasibility Grant Ciancarelli reports that the paperwork has been approved by legal but are still waiting for signature by the mayor. Commercial Hoist Construction Grant Ciancarelli reports that we are waiting for approval by the Army Corp of Engineers in order for the project to commence. Historic Beverly and Storytelling Rand has no updates to report. Facilities Committee: Customer Update Ciancarelli reports that two boats on the recreational side of the marina that have paid for the past winter want to stay a couple of weeks longer. He does not think this will be a space problem with incoming boats for the start of the season, and he will charge the transient rate for the two weeks. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Neuman makes a motion to adjourn. Callaghan seconds. Motion to adjourn is approved by roll call (9-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 8:45 pm. 3 1 Page