20220411 Finance and Property Committee Minutes Scott D. Houseman, Chair i�' n
Julie R. FlowersFV;:
Matthew J. St. Hilaire 1Q11 APR
Finance and Property/City Council Committee of the Whole
Monday,April 11, 2022,7:OOPM
Conference Room A, 3 d Floor, Beverly City Hall, 191 Cabot St.
Houseman call to order the Finance and Property meeting at 7:00 pm.
Members present: Scott D. Houseman, Chair;Julie R. Flowers; Matthew J. St. Hilaire
Committee of the Whole was called to order at 7:01 pm
Other Councilors present: Hannah Bowen,Steven Crowley, Brendan Sweeney
No action was taken on Orders 024; 058;062;064; 076.
Order#060-Councilor Houseman-A letter to meet with Finance & Property for discussion on the budget
Houseman reintroduced the purpose of Order#060 as an opportunity for the Council to discuss what
they priorities they may have regarding the FY2023 budget and how they see their role in the budget
All Councilors expressed interest in increasing the amount of money going for roads and sidewalks.
There was general discussion about how the amount of free cash that remains after the Council
approved the Mayor's recent free cash transfers in the amount of$3,802,908.
St. Hilaire expressed interest in knowing the status of the ARPA fund administration, and there was
general discussion about what Councilors knew or did not know about that.All Councilors expressed
interest in hearing more from the administration more frequently about that.
Houseman asked Councilors what other budgetary priorities they had for the coming budget, and there
was general conversation about the items Councilors mentioned.
All Councilors said they would like to meet soon with the Mayor and the Finance Director to discuss
APRA and share budget priority ideas.Agreement was expressed to request both of them to join the
next subcommittee meeting for that purpose. Houseman agreed to formally invite them.
A motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole was made (Bowen) and seconded (Crowley).A vote was
taken and the motion carried unanimously. A motion to adjourn the Finance and Property meeting was
made (St. Hilaire) and seconded (Flowers), and the motion carried unanimously.The meeting adjourned
at 8:38 pm.