20210520 City Council Legal Affairs Committee Minutes City Council Legal Affairs Committee Meeting
Public Minutes
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Remote Meeting
Order# Date to Committee Description Action Taken
Councilor Feldman and Councilor Rotondo-
#097 5/17/2021 Amendment to an Ordinance Chapter 215-12 A 3-0
"Placing or Depositing Snow and Ice"
This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law
G.L. c.30A, §20', signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held over Google Meet. Public access
information for the hearings was provided on the meeting agenda.
Scott Houseman, Legal Affairs Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Houseman made a statement about the meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly. He confirmed that all
members present could hear and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid-19. Houseman took
the attendance by roll call.
Legal Affairs Committee Members Present: Dominic Copeland, Kathleen Feldman, and Scott Houseman
City Council Members Present: Todd Rotondo
Also Present: Jesse Dole, Assistant City Solicitor
Houseman suggested some tweaking of the language, for example, in Section (3)(b)(1) defining "daytime"
"nighttime" and "snow" more clearly.
Rotondo asked if there were changes, if the order would need to go to a public hearing again.
Houseman stated he believed it could be amended on the floor after the hearing so long as it is done in the
course of a public meeting.
Jesse Dole, Assistant Solicitor, stated the only constraint would be the publication. Whatever the Council settles
on would have to be posted in the paper 10 days before the final vote. Dole stated he didn't believe there would
have to be another public hearing.
There was discussion on the six hour limit for those who may have left for work shortly before the snow ends.
Feldman and Rotondo said it doesn't seem to be an issue in other communities and this is really just to educate
and address repeat offenders. Many people think this already exists in Beverly.
Jesse Dole stated the Solicitor's Office has just made sure there is nothing in this that would conflict with an
existing ordinance or state law. Solicitor Williams worked with Councilor Feldman and Councilor Rotondo to make
sure it fits with the general law. When it comes down to a choice of language that is a level of personal drafting
that is left to councilors.
There was discussion on exemptions which would be handled by Constituent Services and the Mayor's Office.
Copeland moved to approve Order#097 and refer back to the Committee of the Whole. Feldman seconded. A roll
call vote was taken and the motion carried (3-0).
Feldman motioned to adjourn. Copeland seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion carried (3-0). The
meeting adjourned at 7:58pm.