20211018 City Council Minutes City of Beverly
Regular City Council Meeting
Public Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 18, 2021, 7:OOpm
This meeting was conducted pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021. This remote meeting
was held over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam.
Paul Guanci, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:OOpm. City Clerk, Lisa
Kent, took the attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Stacy Ames, Dominic Copeland, Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty
(arrived at 7:43pm), Julie Flowers, Todd Rotondo, Estelle Rand, Paul Guanci
Members Absent: Scott Houseman
Rand led the pledge of allegiance.
Guanci made a statement about the virtual meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly and
streamed by BevCam on channel 99 and BevCam's YouTube channel. He confirmed that all
members present could hear and noted the remote meeting format and process. Guanci read Rule
22 of the Beverly City Council. He introduced a vote to allow items to be taken out of committee
and voted on the floor. Kent took a roll call vote and the motion carried(7-0). Guanci read the
procedure for remote public hearings.
Presentations, Awards and Memorials
Chief of Staff,Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker & Councilor Flowers- Redistricting Map from the
2020 Census.
Flowers gave an introduction to the process, stating it is based on population and is not
something the City can opt out of.
Ruelle-Kersker shared a presentation on the process and slides with the changes to the map.
Guanci asked about changes at Lakeshore Ave. and Cross Ln.
James Harrington, Staff Engineer and GIS Coordinator, confirmed that one side of Cross Ln.
would shift to 6-1.
Feldman and Harrington discussed the changes to Beaver Pond Rd., Radcliffe Rd., New Balch
St. and the blocks in those areas.
Flowers noted that the state started by sending a map and gave the City the opportunity to look at
things that the state may not be aware of. For example, the polling place of McKeown would
have been moved to Ward 1, but the committee felt it would be important to keep polling places
the same for voters if possible. Ultimately, the process goes back to the state for approval.
Flowers stated she wouldn't want anyone on November 2 to think this will be changed.
Ruelle-Kersker confirmed this would not be finalized until December 3lst.
Copeland asked for clarification on some changes to Ward 6.
Harrington confirmed that the geographic area of 6-1 is growing.
Guanci paused the presentation for the 7:30pm public hearing.
Public Hearing
Order #165-7:30 PM-Transfer of$71,900 from the Harbor Management Fund along with a
transfer of$71,900 from the reserve for unforeseen. The combined transfer value of$143,800
will represent a required 20%match of two grants received by the city.
Bryant Ayles, Finance Director, gave an overview of the transfers as the matches to two grants
Gerry Perry, City Council Budget Analyst, stated he recommended approval.
Don Neuman, representative of the Harbor Management Authority, described the projects that
the grants will support, including work on the pier and a study on floats in the harbor.
No members of the public wished to speak on the item. Guanci closed the public hearing.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Presentations.Awards and Memorials (Continued)
Chief of Staff,Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker & Councilor Flowers- Redistricting Map from the
2020 Census.
Ames asked when looking at this if there were considerations for socio-economic distribution or
school population or if it was just purely about population and trying to even it out.
Flowers stated the state's priority was to balance the precincts. There was some conversation on
the local committee about trying to keep ward interests and advocacy similar. The schools are
districted separately from this and is a process that comes up periodically.
Ames asked for a run through the changes to the New Balch and the McKeown area, as well as
by Elliott St. and McPherson. Ames stated the changes will help with projects that happen in that
area that are tied together. In the West Dane, Federal St. and library area it looks like Ward 3 will
gain a few blocks. Ames said overall it was well done.
Rand and Harrington reviewed the Ward 2 changes.
Flaherty joined the meeting at 7:43pm.
Flowers stated you can really see where the population density is. In a geographically large area
there is the same number of people as in Wards 2 or 3 just spread across a greater space.
Rotondo asked about Amherst Rd. which looks split on the map.
Harrington confirmed the northern half of Amherst Rd. will be Ward 5 and the southern half will
be Ward 1.
Guanci, Rueller-Kersker and Kent thanked those who worked on this.
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Sustainability Director,Erina Keefe-1 year update
Michael Cahill, Mayor, stated the anonymous donor has been very happy with the work the City
has been able to accomplish this past year, in significant part due to Miss Keefe's work.
Keefe presented on some of the focuses of the past year like energy, electric vehicles, waste
reduction, resilience and adaptation, and other collaborations, events,projects.
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting
September 28,2021 Regular City Council Meeting
June 7,2021 Regular City Council Meeting
June 14,2021 Public Service/Committee of the Whole Meeting
The motion to approve all three sets of minutes was made and seconded. A roll call vote was
taken, and the motion carried(8-0).
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order #181-Donation-$4,000 to the Council on Aging. The donation is intended for the purpose
of installing two bottle filling systems at the senior center.
The motion to accept the donation was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried (8-0).
Order #182-Appointment-Ms. Meghan Jones to serve on the Conservation Commission.
Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order #183-Appointment-Mr. Barrence Whitfield to serve on the Council on Aging.
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order #184-Appointment-Mr. Aaron Swiniuch and David Gannon to serve on the Commission
for Disabilities.
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Order #185-Grant-$6,963 from SeniorCare to support the Council on Aging's Outreach
Catherine Barrett, Grant Director, thanked MaryAnn Holak and Assistant Director, Samantha
Kossow, for securing this grant. This grant is received each year, but it is not guaranteed and has
to be applied for each year.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Order #186-Appointment-Mr. Kevin Hobin to serve on the Beverly Parks and Recreation
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
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Order #187-Reappointment-Mr. Kevin Gallant to serve on the Commission for Disabilities.
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Communications from other City Officers and Boards
Order #188-City Clerk-Approval of the Re-Precincting plan for the City of Beverly.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Order #189-Alan Taubert Jr., Salem and Beverly Water Supply Board- FY 2023 Assessment
The motion to receive and place on file was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and
the motion carried(8-0).
Order #190-Community Preservation Committee-CPC Fiscal Year 2022 Budget.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Order #191-LATE FILE-Councilor Ames-Request for a Pickleball court discussion.
The motion to accept the late file was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(8-0).
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Motions and Orders
Order #178-Sergeant Henebury-A request to amend the current city ordinance 270-49 by adding
"Handicapped Parking Sign" at 37 Pond Street and 3 Fossa Terrace.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion
Reports of Committees
Legal Affairs
Order #167-Appointment-Mr. Richard Vincent-Greater Beverly Chamber of Commerce
Representative on the Parking and Traffic Commission.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried (8-0).
Order #174-Reappointment-Mr. Kevin Andrews to serve as an alternate member of the
Board of Appeals.
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(8-0).
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Order #180-Appointment-Mr. Gregory Howard to the Beverly Historical District
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(8-0).
Public Services
Order #166-Reappointinent-Mr. Mark Casey-Trustee of the David S. Lynch Public Parks
The motion to approve was made and seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the
motion carried(8-0).
Guanci noted this is the last City Council meeting before the next election.
Ames stated this Saturday from 1-4pm the Gloucester Crossing neighborhood is having a
cookout and pumpkin decorating at Holcroft Park for the neighborhood.
Guanci stated the municipal election will be on November 2nd. He wished luck to his fellow
councilors and all those running.
Kent reminded everyone that there is early voting at City Hall on Saturday from 9am - 1pm, and
reminded people of the option of mail-in ballots as well.
Executive Session
The motion was made to move into executive session pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws
chapter 30A, section 21(a)(7), to comply with, or act under the authority of any general or
special law, specifically:
Approval of minutes of the executive session held on June 1, 2021,pursuant to Massachusetts
General Laws chapter30A, section 21(a)(3), regarding the matters of Burnham Associates v. City
of Beverly, USDC MA 1:20-cv-11114-GAO, and City of Beverly Federal Tort Claims Act, 28
U.S.C. § 2674, against the United States Army Corps of Engineers ("USACE"); and
Approval of minutes of the executive sessions held on September 28, 2021, and October 4, 2021,
pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws chapter30A, section 21(a)(3), regarding a complaint
against public officials, specifically an Open Meeting Law Complaint by Joseph Kane dated
September 19, 2021, pertaining to the City Council's September 13, 2021, meeting
The motion was seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (8-0). The meeting
went into executive session at 8:30pm.
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