20211129 City Council Public Services Committee Minutes City of Beverly Special Meeting of the City Council Public Services/Committee of the Whole arY OE e- Public Meeting Minutes v ,, ;, 0 fi P f r f R-CEI .ED R 4': ;1'- Monday,November 29, 2021, 6:30pm GlT�' 2621 Nov3 0 P 1: 51 At 6:32pm, Julie Flowers, Chair of the Public Services Committee called the committee to order and called the Committee of the Whole to order. Committee Members Present: Stacy Ames, Todd Rotondo,Julie Flowers Councilors Members Present: Matthew St.Hilaire,Estelle Rand Council Members Absent: Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty, Paul Guanci, Scott Houseman Flowers gave an overview of the agenda and public speaking process. Order#191-Councilor Ames -Request for a Pickleball Court Discussion Ames read the letter. She stated change is the only constant in life. Change really demands that we all be kind,we listen hard to each other, and we work together to forge practical solutions. Flowers noted that there will not be a vote tonight to decide what will be done as a community about having dedicated pickleball space. This is an opportunity for a conversation. Flowers read an update from Mayor Cahill, who could not attend the meeting. He stated he has already committed to meet with leaders in the pickleball group before the end of this calendar year. He and members of his team have looked at several spots for pickleball with the objective of having a dedicated area. Joe Lyman from West Peabody stated he is involved with pickleball all over Massachusetts as the district ambassador. Many cities and towns have found spaces for pickleball,whether they are dedicated spaces or dual spaces with tennis courts. Whatever is done should be done to specification, and lighting and canopy should be considered. Don Moca,236 Lothrop St., stated that when his wife goes to play pickleball she is smiling, and when she comes back she is smiling. It is a great thing to do for mental health and especially in this time of Covid; it is a nice distraction. Susan Carnevale, 208 Dodge St., stated she has spoken a lot about pickleball before but wanted to express her support and noted that like Joe she is a volunteer for USA pickleball. Tammy Marciano, 6 V2 Mechanic St., stated she started playing pickleball a little over a year ago and became a part of the community in Beverly that plays. She would be happy to help in any way to have dedicated courts. Bob Buttersworth,4 Parramatta Rd., stated he was a certified tennis pro for over 40 years and similar to tennis,now there are pickleball players looking for space to use. It is the perfect transition from tennis, and is perfect for the person who is not highly skilled or those with limited mobility as they get older. Buttersworth encouraged the City not to sit back but to work with people to get the job done. David Carnevale, 208 Dodge St., stated he has been a lifelong resident in Beverly, and he and his wife have been playing for about 11 years now. It is a great and very social sport and a great community. Carnevale stated he wants to spread that feeling of community across Beverly. Jacqueline Seda, Red Jacket Ln., Salem, gave her full support for dedicated places to play in Beverly. Gail Guittarr, 8 Hidden Rd., stated she is a business owner in Beverly and often deals with people who are asking where the pickleball courts are. It is a very friendly game; we need more of that in this community. Sam Gentile, born on Chase St. moved to the Danvers/Beverly line, stated he and his wife used to go to Obear Park and sit on a bench there. His wife passed away two years ago, and now when he goes alone, all these people invite him to try pickleball. One thing he noticed is that no one yells and screams about missing the ball; everyone seems like they are enjoying the game. Since his wife passed away it is really difficult and this seems like a good thing to try to do. Susan Carnevale noted the importance of the courts being wheelchair accessible. Bruce Doig, Director of Parks and Recreation, stated they are looking at spots while also considering noise and parking for neighbors. We are looking for funding for it as well. We are very committed to finding space for it. Rotondo thanked everyone for being here tonight. Obear Park is in his ward. Rotondo clarified that no one ever said they wanted to take pickleball away from Obear Park, but they also don't want to lose the tennis court either. Rotondo said he had spoken with Tim Flaherty as the director of the YMCA, and he is looking into something on the YMCA property at the Sterling Center; there would not be a fee for it. It is also on their horizon. The YMCA would have bathrooms and parking already. Those are some of the things that are being discussed. Ames stated from a governmental point of view, there are a bunch of councilors in the room. Mr. Doig was talking about funds, and the Council approves the funding for projects, so it is important to reach out to different people within the government to garnish support. Ames stated she hopes we can move and find the funding as quickly as possible. St.Hilaire stated there has been a spike in recreational activities during Covid. It is something we should definitely be committed to supporting. It is a great use of CPA funds, and maybe a couple of the 12 courts around the City could be converted. Rand stated she has seen the camaraderie and kindness and is curious if there are permanent pickleball courts or if people will still be using their mobile nets and going to other courts. Rand asked about lights on the courts and if people play it at night. Rand thanked those that play at Gillis Park for inviting her son to play and being tolerant of those skateboarding around and working together with others who are using the park. It is very cooperative and intergenerational. Lyman stated that people may still use the mobile nets. There are panels for fencing for noise reduction, and as far as lights go, there are places with lighting; there are many options. St.Hilaire asked who can decide to make pickleball courts. Doig stated it really is a community decision. It is an effort with the administration, neighbors and community. We involve the entire community. Beverly City Council Public Services Meeting Minutes—November 29, 2021 page 2 of 3 Ames stated noise reduction panels can make a big difference. Ames suggested an area at Holcroft Park. Doig stated that looking at the park, not a lot of the green space is level, and we wouldn't want to take away the one part that is. Parking is very limited there as well. What the community wants to do is what we will do. There was discussion of the high school courts being under the schools and of Birch Plains Park and the conservation restrictions there. Doig stated there is a list of locations being considered. Ideally, somewhere we can build maybe eight courts with parking. Flowers noted this can be something to follow up on with Mayor Cahill. Butterworth stated, from a historical perspective, the City of Beverly is at the bottom 10% of monies allocated for the purposes of recreation. When projects are done at various playgrounds, the community has to come up with funds for upgrades. The City Council needs to take a hard look at fairness and whether or not it is in the best interest of the public to operate in an archaic system. Flowers stated it is important to continue the community conversation. Flowers said she had the opportunity to play pickleball this year and was pleased to be able to meet many of the people in the room and to see the real kindness and social nature of this game. There is real acceptance and camaraderie. Flowers stated she can see how it can be so inviting and there aren't a lot of activities that lend themselves to that real inclusion; there is space for everybody. Flowers stated she has really been struck by that aspect as well as the mental health aspect. It could be a great way for the senior center to plug in. To have a way where people can feel tied together is only a good thing. The motion to send#191 back to the full Council was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. Flowers noted that#193, #194, and#200 will be held in committee. The motion to adjourn Committee of the Whole was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried(5-0). The motion to adjourn Public Services was made and seconded. A vote was taken, and the motion carried (3-0). The meeting adjourned at 7:35pm. Beverly City Council Public Services Meeting Minutes—November 29, 2021 page 3 of 3