BHMA Minutes January 19, 2022 Harbor Management Authority Minutes of January 19, 2022 Meeting CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: January 19, 2022 Location: Beverly Public Library - Barnet Gallery And via Google Meet Members Present: Chair Paul Earl, Vice Chair Emily Flaherty, Todd Callaghan, Larry Herman, Don Neuman, George Simon, David Suminsby, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: Estelle Rand Others Present: Sean Ciancarelli (marina manager), Denise Deschamps, Danielle Spang Recorder: Brett Bauer Earl calls the meeting to order at 7:00 pm and roll call is taken. Approval of Minutes Neuman motions to approve the November 17, 2021 minutes. Seconded by Simon. The motion is approved, 7-0. Financials Report Earl reports that the capital fund has grown to $426k. Ciancarelli reports that two people have paid in full and one partial payment on the recreational side. Earl adds that the winter rentals have brought in more income than budgeted. He clarifies that the overage for the bathroom and dock cleaning is partly a coding issue and partly from the invoices over-charging for the winter per the contract. Earl will follow up to have the coding corrected and will discuss the invoices with Fernando. The utility expenses came in a lot less than in past years. This may be related to the McDonald's building getting demolished. Earl notes that Ayles has approved the draw from the WIF fund for some grant matches. He also will have corrected the required matches for 2 and have GZA payments moved from HMA expenses to grant expenses. These items could increase the capital fund by $55-60k. Si2nne -Phase 2 Callaghan and Earl met with Wynne, the City Planner, about this project. The sign for Hospital Point needs to have the exact location determined to be respectful of the neighbors. Some other signs might have their location moved slightly. They also had some discussion about the color of signs and consistency. Earl pushed to keep the signs blue. They also discussed a sign on Rt 127 to direct down Corning Street. The next steps are getting in touch with the sign contractor. Earl confirmed that this project does not need to go out to bid. I I Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of January 19, 2022 Meeting Bass River CAD cell Seaport Grant Neuman reports that there are no updates from Foth, and he may need to reach out to them again. There may be some movement on other options. Commercial Customer Parking and Agreement Changes Rotondo will follow up with the City Solicitor's office. Callaghan shares that Ross Kessler from the Mass Division of Marine Fisheries is waiting to hear back from the mayor on equal access to parking for the public who fish since the state contributed money to the city for improvements to the Pier for fishermen. Falco Proiect Earl reports that real-time data is coming in but it is not completely accurate as there are bugs in the software that Falco is working to resolve. Earl feels that in addition to this data informing marina expansions, the APP also has potential for business promotions through the virtual marketplace. New Restaurant Rotondo notes that construction delays may be caused by material shortages, and added that the developer may need to request an extension from the city. Dockwa Earl will meet with the Interim Harbormaster about using this service for the transient moorings. Rotondo notes that discussions are currently happening about the harbormaster role and how it might change as part of the police reform act passed last year. Expand Use of Commercial Hoist Simon reports that Rand will be checking with Manchester about what uses they allow for their commercial hoist. Simon questions whether any expanded uses would infringe on the current use by commercial fishing. Should they restrict the hours for any expanded use? He is also concerned about the qualifications to operate the hoist and any potential liability. Earl asks if they can put together a list of pros and cons for expanding the use of the hoist. Birarelli Public Access Rotondo has no updates to report, but he will reach out to the family and ask if they can provide a timeline. Kayak Racks Suminsby reached out to the rack manufacturer, but they have no racks in stock. He did have their quote updated to maintain their place in line once racks are available again. Earl notes that they plan to add one rack at Lynch Park and one at Pleasant Beach. Any additional spots can be discussed at the February or March meeting. 2 1 Page Harbor Management Authority Minutes of January 19, 2022 Meeting Commercial Hoist Construction Grant Ciancarelli is hoping to have the construction start this year and he will reach out to GZA for a schedule. Float Expansion Feasibility Grant Earl notes that they are waiting on final legal review and for the mayor's signature on the GZA proposal for this project. Facilities Committee No damage has been reported to the marina equipment and infrastructure from the latest storm. The commercial contracts are scheduled to go out in April. The question of increasing the administration fee is raised. Earl decides they will delay this vote until the February meeting. A question is raised about the marina waiting list and whether names will be moved to the bottom after being contacted about an available slip but not taking it. Ciancarelli responds that he has not taken this approach this time around when contacting names on the list about open slips but suggests that names be moved to the bottom of the list after two or three declines for taking an open slip. CPC Grant for railings and benches alone Lothrop Street Earl reports that they have pulled their application for this project. Deschamps notes that the question about railing and benches could be posed to Doig in the Parks Department. Future Meeting Guests Flaherty suggests they could invite the new Beverly Main Streets Director, Rachel Borgatti. Herman suggests the Mayor's Chief of Staff. It is noted that Rand has discussed a Waterfront and Bass Riverfront storytelling project with Historic Beverly. Other Announcements Herman notes that he was approached about options for recycling shrink wrap from the winter storage of boats. Deschamps suggests reaching out to the Sustainability Director, Erina Keefe. Earl suggests a new meeting start time of 6:45pm and asks if there are any objections. The library staff are trying to have meetings conclude at 8:45 to allow sufficient time for staff to shut down the building. Adiournment There being no further business before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Neuman makes a motion to adjourn. Herman seconds. Motion to adjourn is approved (8-0). The HMA Meeting is adjourned at 8:15 pm. 3 1 Page