BHRC Meeting 2020-12-03 Beverly Human Rights Committee
Minutes - 2020-12-03
20:35 Caja Johnson: Okay. All right good. All right. He's on his way in. All right, so we'll call the
meeting to order. Okay, pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12 2020 order suspending certain
provisions of the open meeting law. In the governor's March 23rd, 2020 order imposing strict
limitation on the number of people that may Gather in one place this meeting of the Beverly
human rights committee will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent
possible. No, in-person attendance of members of the public will be available. But every effort
will be made to ensure that the public can advocately access the proceedings in real time. via
technological means In the event that we are unable to do so despite best efforts. We will post
on the city's website in audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive record of
proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting. Okay remote public access to this meeting
will be provided in the following manner. Access through the Google video voice conferencing
application. This application will allow users to view the meeting and request comment using the
chart function the chat function. Sorry pursuant to open meeting law the chair may elect to
recognize public comments submitted through the chat function at appropriate points in the
meeting. Okay. and so we'll just do our a quick roll call. Abu
22:43 Abu Toppin: Hello here.
22:46 Caja Johnson: I how are you?
22:48 Abu Toppin: Good, how are you?
22:49 Caja Johnson: I'm good. Glad you got in I'm Allison.
22:54 Alison Adler: here
22:56 Caja Johnson:Alicia
22:59 Alysha Monfette: here
23:02 Caja Johnson: Esther
23:03 Esther Ngotho: here
23:05 Caja Johnson: Gabrielle
23:07 Gabrielle Montevecchi: here
23:08 Caja Johnson: Chief John
23:10 John LeLacheur. here
23:13 Caja Johnson: Leah
23:14 Leah Jones: I'm here.
23:16 Caja Johnson: Paul Lindsay goes
23:19 Paul Lanzikos: here
23:21 Caja Johnson: Paul Goodwin
23:23 Beverly Human Rights Committee: here
23:24 Caja Johnson: Okay, did I miss anyone? I don't think so. Um, and so we have Dr. Morgan
here. Welcome Dr. Morgan. Hi Lauren. How are you? Good to see you. Hi, Nancy. Hi, Nikki.
And so I know that so in the agenda we're going to go a little bit. Out of order just because Dr.
Morgan can only join us until 7:30. So if it's okay with folks, is it okay if If Dr. Morgan goes first,
is that okay? Okay. I'm Dr. Morgan. Are you there?
24:11 Andre Morgan: I am
24:13 Caja Johnson: Hi, it's good.
24:14 Andre Morgan: how are you
24:14 Caja Johnson: Or I'm doing well doing well healthy, so I can't complain.
24:21 Andre Morgan: outstanding
24:22 Caja Johnson: um, and as Allison pointed out have a roof over my head and all those
other things right so
24:28 Andre Morgan:yes indeed
24:29 Caja Johnson: Um, so I just wanted to have sort of a meeting outside of our regular
meeting. Um, I know that we had agreed to every other month meeting but this meeting is really
specific to MLK day. We can talk about whatever that's that's fine. I just wanted to get some
planning done because it comes fast. Um, so in terms of MLK Day Dr. Morgan, what were you
thinking? I I know that it will have to be virtual. So I think we we know that.
25:13 Andre Morgan:And so I will be transparent. I didn't come with any particular bullet or
activity or event mine, but I just wanted to come to the table and partner to see what the
community was thinking and then begin to shape what we might potentially do from the district
25:31 Caja Johnson: Okay. um So in the years previous, oh go ahead Go ahead. Leah.
25:39 Leah Jones: On it.
25:39 Caja Johnson: Sorry.
25:40 Leah Jones: No. No you you you've been here for the the past few years. So I was just
gonna mention that it's sort of Started with the human rights committee and then became a sort
of a shared anticipated city-wide event. That was predominantly planned by youth over the last
two with some speakers, but KJ I didn't mean to to I was going back in time, but I there was no
need just go for it and You were at all of these so it doesn't you could get this just a little bit of a
lay of the land. So I didn't mean I didn't mean to
26:17 Caja Johnson: um
26:18 Leah Jones:jump in.
26:19 Caja Johnson: No jump at anyone at any point Jump On In This is not it's not I mean, I
like to look at his like an open conversation. So Jump On In
26:30 Leah Jones:well
26:31 Caja Johnson: um, so last year, um, it typically is a breakfast and in person breakfast.
Um, And you know, it's it's it's very much an interactive event. And so we usually have the
ROTC come from the high school. And we have a few speakers. The ROTC usually does like a
really nice drill last year. There was a performance. I think it was by. Um, was it the theater um
group at the Beverly High School Leah. Do you remember?
27:19 Leah Jones: That I think two years ago. There was Gabrielle worked with the music
department at the high school.
27:24 Caja Johnson: I'll give you.
27:25 Leah Jones: They had like a jazz band and and one of the things we we kind of two years
ago realized I think Reverend Andre spoke at the one three years ago and two years ago Sarah
real and a middle school student or keynote speakers and last year PJ useful and a couple
other spoke and it was really beautiful. I think we got a lot of really positive feedback last year
because it was so youth oriented. So we left we kind of structured it where The adults kind of
said, you know, we'll have a couple speakers to kind of frame it and we the human rights
committee uses our fundraising to kind of put money towards a breakfast Dr. Hershey one-year
contributed a lot and we had a really big to-do. Um, but really we just created a space and said
to the kids do what you want and they both years. They came up with them really cool
interactive stuff for the the audience or the participants that were there including including Social
28:23 Gabrielle Montevecchi:through
28:26 Leah Jones: Media stuff. And then there were younger kids doing some musical things or
some poems a couple speeches. So it was kind of organic but we got really nice feedback
because it was so youth oriented and city city and state. Local representatives and and leaders
Paul and ecos was always really wonderful at making sure we invited everybody that would
really like to participate in it. So it was a city of Beverly event, but pretty much I would say run by
the human rights committee in the multifaith Coalition would do a convocation the word that I
want to use kind of calling everybody together and and that's it. So but there it sort of an open.
29:11 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah.
29:14 Leah Jones: If there's there are so many open possibilities and I know Keisha one of the
things we talked about with Gabrielle was the possibility of a local professor in poet January
O'Neill who's also a Hannah mom at Gabrielle School way back doing a maybe doing a reading.
Yeah. I haven't talked to her and I had promised I would so I'm sorry. I've been a little up to the
eyeballs in work this week and I but that's something that you know, I'm happy to do and but
anything else I know you had it in mind a couple speakers who are local leaders too, but that's I
don't know if that gives folks a good picture but typically throw in some from our our coffers and
we have enough to to possibly pay a couple stipends to speakers which is nice to do if they're
not from the district or you know,
30:05 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Mm-hmm. So if it's okay with with you occasionally if I just a
couple of technical things if I could throw out there and I think this would might help Dr. Morgan
as well. frame some things in the district and just a couple of decisions that I think we need to
make and I know we touched upon this last time and we are certainly have very tight constraints
if we're going to do any streaming from the building and if we're going to use the Middle School,
we're going to need to do a rental for that day to make sure that there's appropriate staff on
hand and A Bev cam has a studio at the middle school if we decided it's going to be a streamed
event. However, listening to my thought about January it'll be fantastic. We get January live on
that day, but there is a lot of opportunity for folks to offer pre-recordings if she isn't available
because I think she comes through her her heart her passion. Everything about her could be
conveyed in a video format as well. Just knowing her and knowing her work, but I think we need
to make some technical decisions on that whether we're really based at the middle school
because we can't offer obviously public in and we have very very strictly limited numbers as to
who can you know, what groups can be in the building and where and you know, we could
move it completely virtual and open ourselves up to A very different kind of event but I think we
need to make some like technical decisions sort of sooner than later to kind of figure out how it's
going to all come together because sometimes that devil in the details around the technical
pieces. You know can can catch you when we're we've had the blessing of being so open-
ended because we weren't living in the covid world at that point. So we could add on to the
agenda freely and kind of go with it. The table conversations have been phenomenal and that
was entirely led by the students where we we really had conversations that were led by student
constructed questions that took place in mixed groupings at tables. And that was another huge
piece of the feedback we've received and something I'd love to be able to hold on to even in a
virtual format that we can still do maybe some breakout conversation. As well as part of this
32:25 Leah Jones: it just
32:26 Caja Johnson: Like Paul, what were you thinking? Did you were you thinking something?
32:29 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah, I was thinking a couple things. Um Oops, I'm losing my hold on one
second. Yeah. we've got three three streaming things going on in my house all once my
daughters on a School school teachers meeting my wife's on the Cabot celebration and this
meeting so I'm up in the bedroom. I I have recently well for I have a couple thoughts. What one
is the cabinet is is literally as we're speaking doing there lie celebration and it's a combination of
some people live at the Cabot then pre-recorded stuff and they're streaming it. Both of their
website on YouTube and Facebook simultaneously. So one thing is we might be able to
Connect with them for some production assistance and say they then they know how to do this
as secondly I would recommend that we do it keep it tight like for an hour my experience so far
in covid-19 video stuff. If you go much over an hour, you start to lose the audience and I I've
been in several. Sessions. We're you've had the using Zoom you had the large groups for
presentations or music or whatever and then you then you can break into smaller breakout
rooms. And that was very successful for like you you have half a dozen people 10, whatever
number pre-assigned for. Say 20 minutes of conversation and then that was quite effective. I
personally when I would I would just saw this out as a real rough outline starting it off with some
music. Whether it's live or pre-recorded and then have a speaker that has some Breakout.
Sessions and then close it up with an inspirational poem or some sort of recitation and then
music and and we've got a and and we've got a show.
34:48 Caja Johnson: Because I'm just taking some notes.
34:53 Leah Jones: One thing keys are just to add that's come up in the past couple years is I
think Gabrielle. I don't know if you found this with some of the planning groups people had
suggested that it would be nice. If it became such a thing that that schools looked forward to it
every year and kind of planned for it. It's hard. We sort of said that this year's a little bit different
obviously, but if it were on their calendars and they could You know that way people could sort
of opt in or there could be a contact at each school and that way we as coordinators don't have
to work with 35 youth who have amazing ideas, but rather they could funnel their ideas through
a one-use way. No one young person at the school and and that could be the liaison so that we
work, you know, we sort of gather what they've pulled together or that someone at the school
can work for teachers to get artwork from kids or you know, whatever it is that they
35:46 Paul Lanzikos: No.
35:49 Leah Jones: There was some unique kids stepping forward to say that they had ideas.
They wanted to do readings and things like that. And that was kind of exciting to make room for
those kids wanted to
35:57 Alison Adler:you
35:57 Leah Jones:Wanted to who inspired to share something.
36:00 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
36:02 Gabrielle Montevecchi: So the BHS to piggyback on that Leah the BHS human raids
group in Abu I was not able to make to the last meeting but you were there and just to update
folks on that. The BHS human rights Club has got their positivity campaign going on right now
that just rolled out at the elementary level. So that and it's already you know, I think many
people who are in here already aware of how it's rolling on social media. And very simply it's just
asking youth to share a positive moment from their year. And I think it will be a nice opportunity
to involve the BHS human rights Club to gather up some of those Reflections to share back to
the community because they're really rolling in the middle of that right now. So this could kind of
be a culminating experience for them. That's just a thought.
36:49 Alysha Monfette: Gabrielle, that's a great thought I was I had been thinking about that and
how they the Olivia has not gotten back to us yet quite yet. She's working with the group on the
next meeting and what how they might be able to be involved but My I you know something
interactive always works well because it's sitting and listening for a long time can be really hard
especially for a
37:11 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
37:12 Alysha Monfette:whole hour. And I wonder if that's the piece that we might be able to ask
that group to sort of what is the interactive thing maybe using this power of positivity project that
they could come up with where there's some sort of interaction with the you know, the group
that's involved that's on Zoom during that time, but just something that I had jotted down and
note that I enjoyed it done.
37:32 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah, I think that's a terrific idea because yeah young young kids on
social high school is going to have a lot of confident experience on social media platforms. So
they would be very good at the facilities both technically as well as in terms of content. The
other thing we should keep in mind if we as we go virtual we have the potential of having a
much larger more diverse participating audience than we do when we have to have people drive
to a location. So what so we have the opportunity really to reach out maybe get more older
people maybe more Families with the younger folks younger kids who wouldn't normally be able
to come out. So I think we have a we can turn this into a real positive opportunity.
38:20 Caja Johnson:All right.
38:21 John LeLacheur: FM takes and they show it live. I was saying Bev cam tapes it because
they do a live broadcast. also
38:32 Caja Johnson: I don't.
38:32 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah that him should be able to do live because they
do they would do all of our school committee meetings if you all city council live. So I don't see
why they couldn't do that for us as well.
38:42 John LeLacheur:Yeah, it'd be nice to have why because a lot of people don't have
access to. You know computer can still watch it live on TV.
38:52 Caja Johnson: Um, thank you Chief Allison.
38:55 Alison Adler: and just wondering and I have don't have a clear thought on this yet, but
we're talking about doing a program like this and I'm wondering how to make it kind of more
three-dimensional, you know other things going on in the schools that are can be displayed or
things that people could put in front of their homes or I don't know. Just trying to think outside
the box that it's not another. so there's anything wrong with doing programs like this, but another
one that's just this on MLK day, which is a day of service and I know it's hard to do that but
Where you know, how can we think outside the box maybe and maybe the schools are already
doing? Maybe some of that's already being talked about. I don't know.
39:39 Caja Johnson: That's a great idea. I was actually thinking the same thing and Dr. Morgan,
I know that you have to hop off so if I could give the last few minutes to you before you have to
go so what I was thinking, um Dr. Morgan is that I would love to have you a part of the event
even you know, however to like as much extent as you would like if you just want it to get up
and introduce yourself and say hi. That would be great if you wanted to be one of the speakers
I'd be honored. Where where do you want to? Be in this.
40:30 Andre Morgan: Sorry about that. I can be wherever I can be helpful to the team.
40:37 Caja Johnson: Okay, um.
40:39 Andre Morgan:And so that's that's that's in any capacity.
40:43 Caja Johnson:Well, that's great.
40:45 Andre Morgan:Yes.
40:46 Caja Johnson: If you if you wouldn't mind being one of the speakers, I would I would
really like that. I think that you're a wonderful speaker. I think you're very bright. And I think that
you are building a connection with the youth in our city along with everyone else. And I think that
if you wouldn't mind I would really really like to have you be one of the speakers.
41:17Andre Morgan: Oh, well, I'm honored many. Thanks.
41:19 Caja Johnson: Okay. All right, so we can talk more about that offline. I appreciate you
coming. What are you thinking about?
41:27Andre Morgan: No problem.
41:28 Caja Johnson: I know you have like a minute. What are you thinking about?
41:31 Andre Morgan:Take your time.
41:32 Caja Johnson: I'm just thinking in terms of looking at so I think having Bev cam would be
a good idea just to Sort of make sure it's accessible to the extent we have right and then as
Gabrielle said maybe we could use the middle school since they have a studio there. So we
could get the ball rolling on that. Play some music say a welcome. And then, you know, have
you speak and then January O'Neill? And then I was thinking Reverend Andre. I don't know.
Have you met Dr. Reverend Andre yet?
42:19 Andre Morgan: I'm not
42:20 Caja Johnson: Okay. Um, I was thinking that he would be someone great. I don't know if
anyone else has any other ideas. I was thinking about having the kiddos sort of. in between that
so that way it's not just like speakers just through and through um, and then, you know as Paul
suggested sort of like, you know a conversation just At you know, the end of that I'm as far as
that just as a Loosely as I could possibly throw that together. Does that sound okay? with you
43:02 Andre Morgan: For me all I'm fine.
43:04 Caja Johnson: Okay. All right. Good. All right. Thank you so much for coming. I
appreciate you taking the time out and we'll we'll have an email thread
43:12 Andre Morgan: anytime
43:14 Caja Johnson: going before on the actual day of the event.
43:20 Andre Morgan: Sounds good. Sounds good.
43:21 Caja Johnson:All right. Thank you so much.
43:23 Andre Morgan:Thanks everyone. I apologize. I have to jump off and I apologize for
jumping one of the latest just been one of those days but certainly look forward to connecting
with you all and hopefully we'll do so before the holidays at the end of the month.
43:36 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Great great great great.
43:39 Caja Johnson: um
43:39 Andre Morgan:Take care.
43:40 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Thank you, too.
43:40 Caja Johnson: Have Andre.
43:42 Paul Lanzikos: and I'd like to throw out a
43:43 Caja Johnson: um so Oh Paul, what were you saying?
43:49 Paul Lanzikos: real quick, um, just um an idea off of what Alison just said about When
one thing that we could possibly think about doing is taking a page out of what they did in New
York City and when at seven o'clock when they went outside and Bing the pots and pans, so
maybe someplace maybe twist the end of the session we could have everyone go out to their
front door and make noise whether it's being apart or playing them, you know making sounds so
we were having sound in all the neighborhoods throughout the the city
44:26 Caja Johnson: I like that idea. That's that's a great idea. I'm just looking at the chat here.
I'm so Lauren likes the small breakout rooms, which I like as well. So I don't I'm not sure what
people think but maybe we could do like 20 minutes at the end. And sort of or in the middle or
44:46 John
44:48 Caja Johnson:wherever people are thinking but I really like the the breakout room idea.
Um and
44:56 Paul Lanzikos:You don't want to do the breaker rooms at the very end that be easy you
do the breaker breakout rooms, and then you you want everyone to come back together for? To
to solidify the group before they you know go off to the regular, you know activities. so
45:13 Caja Johnson: Okay. So, where are you thinking? I was thinking at the end we could do
sort of small breakout rooms and then all come together and then
45:23 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
45:23 Caja Johnson: maybe play some music as people, you know leave but I didn't know if did
you where were you thinking Paul for
45:31 Paul Lanzikos: No, that's exactly that's exactly
45:32 Caja Johnson: this?
45:33 Paul Lanzikos:what I'm thinking. Just what you just said. Yes.
45:35 Caja Johnson: Okay, I'm chief. did
45:41 John LeLacheur.Yeah, what I was saying for on a pause idea if you're gonna do
something like that, you have to have a very set time. Because people can speechism go along
and get off track and you're agendas. If you're gonna do that type of idea. It's gonna be a 10
o'clock. Everyone has to stop what you're doing and at 10 o'clock or 9 o'clock or whatever time
I'm gonna do this. Everybody has to go out and and do that because you know how meetings
get Often and speakers and go short or long. It's going to mess up your timing.
46:12 Caja Johnson: thank you Chief. That's that is um, it's crucial because I love to talk. So let
if we can so. Paul were you saying an hour for like the whole thing do you think an hour is?
Because I think if we just do one
46:31 Leah Jones: you
46:32 Caja Johnson: hour, I feel like that's plenty of time. I don't what are you thinking? Is that
what you were thinking?
46:39 Paul Lanzikos: I that's the I'm thinking I my experience plus everything. I've been I've
been doing a lot of reading on on doing video conferencing means. I've been doing a lot of it
and almost everybody's saying don't play in more than an hour because you start losing your
your audience. So you keep it really tight and moving along. Yeah.
47:01 Leah Jones:And when one quick thing, I I really like what also the chief and you can
either saying about the timing and I think especially when the key adult speakers are asked that
if we give them in a lot of time and just remind them that two things one that this is like a whole
it's I think it's become a whole family event not for Content, but just so that there's room if they
know that they're limited to Six Minutes. They'll know it's because there's a youth speaker
coming up not because we don't want to hear what they have to say, but I think people were
suggesting are all incredible fritters. So they might really feel thankful to be given like there's
gonna be a you know, it's six minutes so that a sixth grader can have their six minutes or
whatever just that. That might be I think that's really good to have the time. I I was gonna ask
one question if there could be a student maybe from the high school who helps us frame it like
visually so that we're not just all like appearing on the screen like maybe there could be some
kind of like You know, the unity is our community comes up or there's a way for us to hit a
button and all like make a heart come on the page or I don't know. I feel like teenagers are good
at this stuff. But if maybe Bev Kim does that but something that looks like an event instead of us
just all logging on to like a giant new meeting and hold on while I share my screen, you know
what I mean? If they're if there's a way to do that. I don't know Paul Goodwin maybe and Asia
are already like deep into the tech side of all this so just
48:39 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Now, I'm actually. I'm actually trying to wrap my head
around that right now. So I think we're talking almost two different Technologies here because if
we're talking about streaming on Bev cam that's one thing where people can just watch and
then we could technically at the middle school. There's multiple cameras in the library. You
could social distance a few speakers or a musician or something and then I know Kim was
always the Bev cam person that would do our meetings and you know, he's very good about
switching back and forth or presentations on the Whiteboard there to live people. But then if
we're talking about breakout sessions, I guess we're talking kind of more of like a meeting like
this on Zoom. So now you're going to exclude all those Bev Kim people who are watching on
TV, and now that you're breaking away from them. So you're I think almost we'd have to maybe
do the breakouts like do the whole program. But say we're going to offer breakout sessions at
the end so that people who are on their computers or whatever, then we could maybe do
breakout sessions for those people who have that technology piece to them do that. I don't
know. This is just all fluid in my head right now. So
49:49 Gabrielle Montevecchi:That's well, that's so true Paul. So glad you said that and think
about the fact that we all go break out and then everybody's watching at home is doing what
right that can
49:56 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Right, right.
49:58 Gabrielle Montevecchi: consideration.
49:59 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Well, so we maybe that cam can just I don't know
stream Martin Luther King's speech for X number of minutes while the breakout sessions are
going on for 10 minutes while so you can have people doing different things I guess as well. So
maybe we could do it. that way so
50:20 Gabrielle Montevecchi: I'm wondering just post the questions on the screen as well. So
wherever you are, wherever you are watching you have the opportunity to be with your family or
to be wherever you are. The questions are there even for your own thoughtful consideration if
you're not able to be part of the breakout room. just posted
50:38 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, that's a good thought as well. Yeah. So I are
they doing I know that
50:45 Caja Johnson: 1
50:45 Beverly Human Rights Committee: school committee is at the middle school doing their
meetings. So there are allowing people to go in there and use the space and be own tape and
they're on Bev cams live streaming. So I guess we should be able to do that ourselves as well.
As long as we meet whatever guidelines they have.
51:06 Caja Johnson: yeah, I I I mean, I'm not sure what other people are thinking. I would really
like it if we could go to the Middle School. I'm just thinking in terms of people who are on the
agenda and also access I feel like Bev Cam and if things are live for some reason I feel like we
get a little more. people who have access rather than if they have to click and go on to like a
Google meet or a zoom or whatever and I don't know what other people are thinking but I would
really like to do it at the middle school at least for the like just the people that are if the speakers
can't come that's great we can always share that but and then do like what Paul was thinking
and Gabriella and then do like maybe the breakout rooms at the end what are what are people
52:08 Leah Jones: Okay, do you think do you think the breakout rooms I'm not trying to be a
naysayer because I love that. I've that's been the most amazing part. But as long as it's Rich
youth content and it's short. I feel like maybe simple is better like maybe we don't
overcomplicate it
52:24 Alysha Monfette:you
52:25 Leah Jones: it. Like maybe we pick one platform do something amazing have amazing
speakers. Let the kids do their thing and not worry about like insisting on an worry about like
insisting on an interactive thing when people are so They might be relieved to just sit have a get
your cup of coffee. Get your some people put Baileys in it. Like, you know what I mean, sit back
and and celebrate Dr. King and his message and remember him and and then move on with the
day or have a call maybe like a call to action that the youth come up with like maybe the teams
or the middle schoolers or the elementary schoolers come up with some calls to action or that
that it does carry forward or maybe it's something like what Paul said we're some noises made
and people connect. with each other but I don't mean to knock that part
53:10 Paul Lanzikos: no no no
53:11 Leah Jones: because it's beautiful maybe for this one. I don't know.
53:14 Paul Lanzikos: The lay I think I think you're the more we're talking about this. I'm agreeing
that we should if we mixing platforms. I think we're going to lose everybody and and I think since
we don't have a lot of experience, you know doing this through multimedia. I like the idea at this
point of. Working with bed cam habit is is rich as possible. And then they interactive thing could
be at the end. When we ask people to go out and make noise from their their front door front
porch or whatever or the hallway and if they're in a building and be the I love the idea of the
breakout sessions, but you know, what we we could do that the different time we don't have to
do it on that that day we could set it up later in the month or February something and just have it
for people who want to go online and and and have and and have it structure that way. So I've
so I'm I'm casting my vote to do it through Bev Cam and keeping it relatively straightforward to
maximize participation.
54:19 Caja Johnson:All right, our folks okay with us just doing Bev can and I really do like the
the breakout idea. Um but Are people okay if we just Okay. So we've agreed that we'll do Bev.
Cam Paul. Do you think that you could connect us with them? for that day
54:41 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, I can call over and talk to them and see. What
what we need to do to frame that and get that organized.
54:49 Caja Johnson:All right. Thank you Paul.
54:51 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Is there a is there a specific time of day that we're
considering usually? It's in the morning, right?
54:58 Caja Johnson:Yeah, so typically we we do a breakfast but We won't we for sure won't be
eating. Without masks on so I guess it really does doesn't matter. I mean I would I would like to
do it in the morning if that's okay. Um
55:15 Gabrielle Montevecchi: If we're going to have some other official speaking, we just want
to be clear on our I think the the was it nine o'clock. We'd be doing the last few years guys nine.
55:23 Leah Jones:Yeah.
55:24 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Because other people can plan to be
55:25 Paul Lanzikos: Okay.
55:26 Gabrielle Montevecchi: all the at all the other events that they're attending as well.
depending on who if we've got elect
55:32 Leah Jones:Yeah.
55:33 Gabrielle Montevecchi: officials who are going to make a brief statement to
55:35 Caja Johnson:All right. What time are we thinking should we just do nine to ten do people
like that?
55:41 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Sure.
55:42 Caja Johnson: Okay.
55:42 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
55:42 Caja Johnson:All right.
55:43 Paul Lanzikos: but
55:44 Caja Johnson: So we'll agree on nine to ten and then let's just get a day so we can get a
day set.
55:51 Leah Jones: I think
55:51 Caja Johnson: Oh, well, it has to be.
55:51 Paul Lanzikos:We're going you're going to do it.
55:53 Caja Johnson: Okay, we don't have to worry about
55:53 Leah Jones: yeah.
55:54 Caja Johnson: that then and then the only other thing that I was I was thinking is that um,
you know as Allison had said in a lot of folks have agreed. I'm looking. I'm just I'm looking at the
chat here and it looks like people are all agreeing that um, We should engage people. Lauren
says fun filters. That's that is really cool. I like that idea. I don't I know not I'm technology. I know
nothing about that, but Paul Maybe Can make filters happen. I'm not sure but I think I think as
far as engaging the community and for sure having having people feel like they can be a part of
it. Maybe we can sort of go with a theme. of doctor Kings, you know, like maybe we can leave
and And sort of like the positive I like the the Beverly High School positivity campaign that
they've been doing. I really like that a lot. You know, why not expand that to the community. I
like that I like
57:06 Alysha Monfette: I will thinking that too. I was thinking that it there's another way to make
it interactive without having to have you know, like we said we need one platform. Do we ask
people, you know to Allison's Point ahead of time to make something like the positivity
campaign and take a picture and send it and include that as part of the program or do we ask,
you know folks to you know, you know do we have that is like a little slideshow of of all the ones
that come that came in. I know that recently, you know something similar to that on one of the
bubbly boards. I saw there was a photographer. I feel like you were involved in this as well. I
feel like I saw your picture Leah where people's houses were being more being and I remember
people being that was such a warm and nice thing and people were really happy to be involved
in that and also maintenance
57:56 Abu Toppin: Oh.
57:58 Alysha Monfette: easy. so I wonder
58:00 Leah Jones: So Elisa, do you mean kind of taking what like what cages suggesting where
you go with the the high schools campaign and Gabrielle you're saying it's extended to the
school. So just showcase what they're already doing.
58:13 Alysha Monfette:You are well. What?
58:14 Leah Jones: There's to promote it more I think.
58:16 Alysha Monfette:Also have people ahead of time like if we wanted to promote the event
and say hey, if you'd like to do this ahead of time send us, you know, here's our human rights
committee email. We'll create a folder send this to us in some of them will be will be displayed
throughout the program or something like that. So that people do feel like that. They've now
been you know, they might they might log in simply because they want to see if they're they're
positivity posts comes up or we find a way to stream though that the
58:41 Abu Toppin:you
58:42 Alysha Monfette: bottom of the screen as the program on or something like that.
58:46 Abu Toppin:Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I thought I was thinking the same
58:49 Leah Jones:Yeah.
58:51 Abu Toppin:thing of pick videos people can send and where they're doing that, you know,
you know exercising that positivity and and you know and expressing that joy for doing that and
sharing that with others you I think that's a great thing to kind of filter through the program and
you know, at least it to your point, you know, you know leading up to it. Like you said, you know
people I guess people involved and they have some you know, kind of ownership if you will of in
the event by you know, supplying something like that. So I think that would be a great motivator
for for folks to get involved with the program.
59:26 Leah Jones:Would you ask them like the circle?
59:28 Abu Toppin:
59:30 Caja Johnson: No, I was just gonna I was gonna respond to a blue. I was just gonna say
that sounds great. Um, and I think maybe we could even have like this slideshow going as the
music is playing sort of at the end. I don't know what are people thinking. I'm just I'm
brainstorming as I'm going so I'm thinking like Um, you know, we're having these slideshow, you
know, the sort of just go across the screen. We're having some music and also within the this
slideshow I'm thinking also including photos of Dr. King quotes of his and and also including
with our community so that way we're connecting Dr. King like with our community. I I was
thinking and the music that is playing could be you know anything I'm you know, anything
related to equality
60:25 Leah Jones: I think what can I think that could be great is any of this that we can ask
students to to lead? Like if if it's that they did social media campaigns leading up to the other
events. So for this just Kind of say, you know what you're saying like whether it's you know, hey,
hey BHS. You know human rights or if it's another group of kids or whatever. Can you build on
that and do something with it?Also, we have this space where we want to slideshow. Here's
what we're thinking can someone pull something together. I feel like for when we just hand it
over as a you know what I mean about but giving your vision or asking them to come up with.
Because I feel like that would be that would be beautiful. They always smoke with something
more techy than anything we brainstorm, you know, they were like, oh we can ticker tape, you
know this along the screen, you know, they had all we were like what what happened that okay,
but it was important for people who didn't know how to use the Apple
61:24 Caja Johnson:Yeah.
61:26 Leah Jones: like older people were using sticky notes to interact with the kids on the app.
So, um, I feel like if them the assignment will come back and not and also it gets it done in a lot
61:41 Caja Johnson:Yeah.
61:45 Abu Toppin:you
61:46 Leah Jones: Cam I don't know how to move the two.
61:47 Caja Johnson: I do. Sorry 1
61:51 Leah Jones: I am
61:52 Caja Johnson: I love that idea Abu what were you thinking? Sorry? I saw your hand.
61:59 Abu Toppin: I wasn't asked a question are are this do we know are the students involved
with anything relating to MLK prior, you know leading up to his birthday and in the school, are
there any programs that they're already doing any activities that they're already working on
projects that they might be able to share as part of this?
62:20 Gabrielle Montevecchi: So just speaking at the the elementary level typically the school
the schools the elementary level various grade levels all have a variety of projects. It's always a
part of the the life and work of Dr. King is always a part of the curriculum. And then how it you
know, for example and our morning meetings at the elementary level very often we'll have
student presentations students will choose song selections and put together tributes and sort of
the last couple of years. We've kind of you know, as as Leo was saying in case you was saying
very organically asked students to share some of those products with the public and some of
the musical selections that students chose to were inspired by the what we left. It open-ended
and said inspired by the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King and let the kids say what that
meant to them. And I think there's also a great opportunity for that for the music whatever music
is presented that our high school students last year. We had elementary middle and high school
students presenting some musical Arrangements. But to your point of it's not like a very formal
sort of construct at the elementary level. Anyway, it might look a little bit different in terms of
assemblies the middle in the high school formally. But I think that what you guys will see I was
trying to put a link in the chat from and I've got to live Olivia's video which I'll share with the
whole group in the email to you can get an idea of very simply where she's going with a
positivity campaign. I think there's an awful lot to share there and and a lot of posts that have
already come up on social media. I mean, that's just one one facet, but there's a you know a lot
A lot of beautiful comments already coming out of that that are all from youth. And that aren't
explicit about the relationship. But certainly I think the BHS Club if we just kick it back to them to
say. Hey, can you draw, you know draw out the connection there? I think they're gonna come
up with more to more to say on that.
64:17 Caja Johnson: Okay, just a just a sort of get a a call to action Abu was that will you raising
your hand? I'm sorry.
64:26 Abu Toppin: No, I'm good.
64:27 Caja Johnson: Okay. All right. um put things in more of a an action step I'm Gabrielle. Is it
possible that you could like Elementary level, maybe you could get a couple of students from
Hannah or maybe one from Hannah and one from another school another Elementary School.
64:56 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah, absolutely. And you know what if it's okay with you Keisha
when I'm thinking is I'm gonna Circle back with Andre and that be it the BHS group and if you
would like And a boo you've been really connected with Olivia's group as well. Maybe we could,
you know sort of encapsulate. That's the youth part that student part and take care of that
Keisha. Does that sound good? because I think
65:19 Caja Johnson:Yeah, if you could I was thinking that if you I know that you're really
involved with the elementary school, and I'm even have have been working
65:26 Gabrielle Montevecchi:yeah.
65:31 Caja Johnson:with and closely affiliate with the middle school as well.
65:34 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yep.
65:35 Caja Johnson: I was hoping if you could get a group of kids together on that level and
then I was hoping because I know a boo and Alicia are working closely with the Beverly High
School. So I was hoping that if you did the middle school elementary level Abu maybe you could
do. um more of more of like the like I guess the content of what of what kiddos are thinking at
the high school whether it's a poem whether it's what kind of music whether it's you know,
whatever it is that they want. I want it to be there. And so if you could just sort of take a look at
you know, what are they thinking?What do they want to do? It can be I mean literally anything,
you know, if they want to get together on the on you know on their own and and do it prior to
that day whatever they want to do is completely fine with me as long as you know, what socially
distance and appropriate in that sense. Um, And then Alicia, is that okay Abu do you think?
66:50 Abu Toppin:Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah, absolutely.
66:51 Caja Johnson: and okay. All right, and then I leave job. Is there any way that you could
Just in terms of positivity campaign and what Olivia I know Gabrielle. You also have a
presentation from her and what she's thinking I'm surrounding it but maybe Alicia. If you could
talk with the living room and and the their whole club just to thank I don't want to so over this. I
want it really to be hers because it's full and so hot as she wants to
67:29 Alysha Monfette: more
67:30 Caja Johnson: be the trickle down throughout the
67:31 Abu Toppin: he
67:32 Caja Johnson: entire community. And and and what can we do to to convey that on that
67:39 Alysha Monfette:yeah, I'll touch these with her this week this week. I knew do know that
she's trying to schedule a meeting with the city again after the holidays. I'm after that the holiday
that just passed so I'll touch base with her and just let her know that this is something we've
discussed. But I also know that she's gonna ask the committee to come up with some ideas as
well that they can report back. So once I have that detail from her, I'll make sure to share that
with everybody.
68:04 Caja Johnson: Okay, because I like what you said about like if it's a text it could be at the
bottom. um, and so whatever she's thinking in terms of that that campaign whatever that is, you
know will make sure that that part is at the end and that it's clear and that people are able to be
in engaged, you know to whatever extent they would like and so I was just thinking I know
Allison you put in the chat that um doctor Andre or Reverend Andre he spoke at the first MLK
program so Were you think what were you thinking about that Alison do you think we should
68:55 Alison Adler: No, no, he can speak again. I just I just don't know if people knew that's all.
68:59 Caja Johnson: Okay, um.
69:00 Alison Adler: It's fine. You know fine with it.
69:03 Caja Johnson: Do you did you have do you have another were you thinking of someone
else that you had in mind to? know
69:12 Alison Adler: No.
69:13 Caja Johnson: Okay, um.
69:16 Leah Jones: Keep that.
69:16 Caja Johnson: I mean Yep.
69:19 Leah Jones: Oh just to add I didn't want to add too many speakers. But nyesha is Young
and she's such a great speaker and she's like a different generation than this represented by
the the other speaker. You know what I mean? She could be from the ass, but it
69:31 Caja Johnson:Yeah.
69:32 Leah Jones: might be too much if there if but I was just thinking if we have Elementary,
you know, she's kind of like that young adult recent grad age and she's just a lovely speaker.
But um just something
69:46 Caja Johnson:Yeah, absolutely.
69:48 Leah Jones: But it doesn't have to be you know, this time it could be. something else so
69:54 Caja Johnson:Yeah, um. Allison how do you feel about in the
70:03 Alison Adler:you
70:04 Caja Johnson: beginning sort of just calling us to come together and you're really good at
getting people on a
70:12 Alison Adler: Okay.
70:13 Caja Johnson: spiritual level so that we're all open-minded and and and leading with our
hearts and and that sort of gig how would you be okay with opening up that way?
70:23 Alison Adler: I'd be honored to yeah. Thank you.
70:25 Caja Johnson: Okay. All right, great. So just sort of up did I sorry?
70:29 Nikki Moore: education It's okay. Can I just say something real quick? I just and I had.
70:34 Caja Johnson: Hi Nikki, of course you can.
70:37 Nikki Moore: Hi, I'm sorry. I'm trying to I'm in here and I end up ACP. So I'm like bopping
back and forth. How many students were you thinking about having speak? or form or
70:47 Caja Johnson: um so I I would love a student from from every school, but I think in terms
70:54 Nikki Moore: yeah, okay. Okay, that's
70:57 Caja Johnson: yeah in terms of time, I just I don't think we're gonna have enough time.
um So maybe if we have however many students from you know each school, maybe a couple
or a few but maybe they come together and do something like collaboratively but in it like a five
or ten minute span, I don't know what are people thinking. I don't want to exclude kiddos that
want to be. Included but I think we should have a time limit on the group as a whole.
71:25 Alison Adler:you
71:28 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Well occasion, I'm just just to pull it back to just to go back to the
positivity campaign because that's going across all the levels. I'm wondering if we we have the
the elementary middle and high Representatives. Connect what they've written what they
shared because that's it's the positivity campaign is students sharing their most positive moment
with a piece of writing.
71:52 Caja Johnson:Yeah. So are you thinking of having all levels?
72:01 Gabrielle Montevecchi:just
72:01 Caja Johnson: sort of
72:02 Gabrielle Montevecchi: one but just one Elementary one middle and one high just you
know, again sake a time of Andre Morgan is speaking. Reverend Adler is speaking potentially
Reverend Andre and then three students speakers. I'm just thinking about the time frame. I don't
know if we want to. All the students and then do a piece of the M with the positivity campaign
separately. I'm just thinking we may
72:26 Caja Johnson: I know.
72:27 Gabrielle Montevecchi: of Simplicity State kind of roll it into one. So I think the agenda
might get long.
72:30 Caja Johnson:Yeah. We can.
72:31 Gabrielle Montevecchi:That's just
72:34 Caja Johnson: I agree Gabrielle. You're right. You're right. Although I would like all the
students to. Be involved we we can't so um. Could we at all in communication with the schools
Gabrielle? Could you at all make it so that? There is one, you know a grade level about if
students if you don't want to contribute that they communicate to that one. I just don't want it to
be that. You know, there's two inside at Hannah and there's three students at North Beverly that
have these great ideas and you you know, the, you know, you can't involve because we already
have to I want at least for whoever wants to be involved to be involved, but let's try to fit it in. in
a and have one speaker and and
73:26 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Mm-hmm.
73:29 Caja Johnson: maybe just give like a five or ten minute lot per grade.
73:33 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah, that sounds good.
73:33 Caja Johnson: think.
73:34 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yep. That sounds good. Yep,
73:36 Leah Jones: I'm
73:36 Nikki Moore: connect
73:37 Gabrielle Montevecchi: grade level. That's a good idea.
73:39 Caja Johnson: Okay.
73:39 Leah Jones: yeah, Gabrielle.
73:39 Nikki Moore: Connect and it's a comment really. Let's not forget the Black History Month
is the following month. So there's all opportunity another
73:49 Alison Adler: right
73:50 Nikki Moore: opportunity for kids who or even adults whoever didn't get the opportunity
participate that perhaps I don't know what the plan is for Black History Month but that there
could be some programming around that that could even be a spin-off or continuation of MLK
day. However, you want to go about it but there's of opportunity and we also don't need to just
Shine the Light on black folks for the shortest month of the year, which is also overstocked by
Valentine's Day, but I'm not gonna go into all that just thought I'd throw it out there.
74:21 Paul Lanzikos: but Facebook but yeah well it
74:23 Alison Adler: now 1
74:24 Paul Lanzikos: February big
74:24 Abu Toppin: It like that love it.
74:26 Leah Jones:Yeah.
74:26 Alison Adler: and I was I'm sorry.
74:29 Caja Johnson: Paul go ahead. Sorry.
74:30 Paul Lanzikos: I'll just say that you have February would be a good time for us to do the
breakout session so to have it structured that way and the could be
74:38 Caja Johnson: great idea
74:39 Paul Lanzikos: much more participatory yeah
74:41 Caja Johnson: Great idea. So Alice and what were you thinking?
74:46 Alison Adler: No, also, I mean I think Nikki you kind of got to this too, which is why does
this all have to fit into one morning? No.
74:57 Caja Johnson: I know no we can we can for sure.
74:59 Alison Adler: I don't think we can
75:00 Caja Johnson: I know no we can we can for sure.
75:00 Alison Adler: I don't think we can and I love the idea of just really focusing on our
75:01 Caja Johnson:Yeah, we
75:02 Alison Adler: kids and I love I love Andre, but he needs a little more space to talk.
Probably than then would be available to him in this kind of program if we're also focusing on
the on the kids. So I don't know. I don't know if we want to create more of a series of things or
75:20 Caja Johnson: yeah, let's
75:20 Leah Jones:Yeah.
75:20 Alison Adler: I know for work and I and I'll help
75:22 Caja Johnson: let's do no Allison.
75:23 Alison Adler: but
75:25 Caja Johnson: Let's do a series. I like that. I like a series I think to fit all this into one hour
is a lot. So right now just to review so that we're all on the same page because I know timing is
important and we're just a few minutes over eight. So I just want to so we're gonna do MLK day.
We're gonna do it 9 am. To 10 AM Paul's going to connect us with Bev cam. We will do it at the
middle school we decided. Gabrielle is going to get the elementary. And the Beverly Middle
School kiddos and see you know what they can come up with and we'll have one. um sort of
speaker for what they can collaborate together per so one for the middle school and one for the
76:23 Leah Jones: he just
76:24 Caja Johnson:Yes.
76:25 Leah Jones: That's the point I wanted to comment on. I liked what you I kind of liked your
structure the where you first
76:30 Alison Adler: and
76:36 Leah Jones: like just give the kids a time slot. And then whether it's one kid or five same
like whatever they come up with. kids, they could all speak at the It's sort of like this throw it to
them and say what because I remember Hannah had like five kids that got so excited to work
together and they were all too. Shy to do it alone. But like there wasn't a problem. It was just like
this is your time whatever they could fit it like just hand it. Oh, I would think just like give them
the flexibility. Maybe it's one kid from the middle school, but five Centerville kids all crowded,
you know, I guess they can't crowd but I feel like you know what I'm saying? Because it might
be harder if you if he designate just the one kid.
77:07 Caja Johnson:Yeah, Allison is doing what about the
77:09 Leah Jones: like
77:12 Caja Johnson: Independent Schools?
77:16 Alison Adler:Too much maybe.
77:17 Leah Jones: I feel like if it focused though what you were saying about it being kid
focused with. With doctor and Morgan and then giving just giving the kids like giving each
School each school has exactly seven minutes and your Mike's cut at seven. That's like what
almost whatever they do is fine if it represents them and what they feel about this day like with
the structure, you know, what
77:38 Caja Johnson: right, so
77:39 Leah Jones: the theme that you're offering. I feel like you can't go wrong.
77:42 Caja Johnson: I know. I know I know Leah and I I'm following you and I'm with you. I'm
also thinking in terms of us being at the middle school and covid and I'm thinking of I mean if we
77:52 Alison Adler: Oh.
77:56 Caja Johnson:five kids from school, we're thinking
77:57 Leah Jones: but
78:00 Caja Johnson:five 15 20
78:00 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
78:03 Leah Jones:Yeah. All right.
78:05 Caja Johnson:
78:05 Gabrielle Montevecchi:that
78:05 Leah Jones:
78:06 Paul Lanzikos: But they you know, what?
78:08 Caja Johnson: I'm
78:09 Alison Adler: pre-record it
78:09 Paul Lanzikos: you know with
78:09 Gabrielle Montevecchi:that
78:10 Paul Lanzikos: you with the kids you could have them pre-recorded you have them
78:15 Alison Adler:Yeah.
78:16 Paul Lanzikos: and and and that way you can control
78:17 Gabrielle Montevecchi: it's the
78:18 Paul Lanzikos: the time. You don't have to worry about having a lot of people in the
space. So I I think we want to have minimum number of people live that day anyway.
78:25 Gabrielle Montevecchi: agreeing
78:25 Leah Jones: Okay, yeah.
78:26 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah, I agree.
78:27 Caja Johnson: so
78:27 Gabrielle Montevecchi:We can be in a really different landscape pretty soon with the use
of public buildings. We have to kind of be thinking that way as well and I think the
78:35 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
78:36 Gabrielle Montevecchi: pre-record would be a great great suggestion.
78:37 Paul Lanzikos:You know it also you if we're going to have a tight timeline you you can't
have people, you know, setting up stage and coming off or what so I think maybe just the
feature speaker live, maybe the host live and then everything else pre-recorded.
78:53 Caja Johnson: Okay, so should we leave it up to? the responsibility of the school to
record them Gabrielle is is
79:03 Gabrielle Montevecchi: I'll don't worry about that stuff. I'll I know all the players there. I'll
get that one.
79:07 Caja Johnson: okay.
79:08 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Don't worry about anything like that. No problem.
79:11 Caja Johnson:All right. Awesome. All right.
79:12 Gabrielle Montevecchi:The building won't pull into things too. No worries.
79:15 Caja Johnson:All right. Thank you so much Gabrielle. Okay, so we'll we'll so then that's
good. So then like we won't have to have this like one student which I I wasn't okay with but I'm
just thinking if we get all these kids in this studio. I'm just thinking like covid and kids are are
doing so much better with mass but they're not not great even mine, you know, they're they're
still and so Let's do that. Let's let's leave it up to you know, we'll ask each school. If you have
any kids that are interested in doing something for MLK Day great, whatever they want to do. I
have no the only thing that I would like is for it to be about Dr. King other than like that I have no
other Anything so whatever it is if they want to do a poem if they want to do a dance if they
want. I don't I want them to do whatever they want to do. So and then we'll have it pre-recorded.
and I think that we should give I don't know maybe. I guess it will talk about it because if we only
have students from um Hannah and you know North Beverly, then we could have lot them, you
know six to eight minutes each. You know what I mean? If we if we have students from every
school we would obviously have to shorten that so let's see what we get for kiddos Gabriella is
at does that sound good?
80:47 Gabrielle Montevecchi:You and seeing John I'm seeing Chief all the shares hand Cajun
80:52 Caja Johnson: up
80:53 Gabrielle Montevecchi: interrupt you, but I think he's got a
80:53 Caja Johnson: she needs
80:54 Gabrielle Montevecchi:thought in the middle of all this.
80:55 Caja Johnson: okay, he's not on my screen for whatever reason but
80:58 Gabrielle Montevecchi: He's raising his hand.
81:00 John LeLacheur. So so just to some of us taking a lot of media courses and taught
leadership schools five minutes of public speaking is a very long time. I think it's way too
ambitious for elementary to try to come up with a five minute program. Like one like you said
one person. We do public speaking courses you give somebody a paperclip and say do five
minutes. They're all done. Five minutes is a long time to do a speech and for little kids. I need to
learn a little ambitious. So I like the idea of letting every school have three minutes of two
minutes instead of trying to stretch out to a five minute program. I think that it's gonna be a little
bit tough for the Indie kids.
81:38 Caja Johnson: I agree. I think that I think that five
81:40 Gabrielle Montevecchi:That's really.
81:40 Caja Johnson: minutes. I think five minutes is good for five kids. I got that's what I was
thinking like the larger the group. I don't want to cut anyone off but I also want everyone like the
kids that want to be a part of this. I want to be able to have a chance to be a part of it. And so I
agree. Let's You know, let's let's try to keep it to. To like maybe a minute a kiddo. I guess. What
are we thinking?
82:09 Leah Jones: I I feel like representing I maybe now like I know that we've been on this call
for a while and it's I feel like I'm it's unraveling in a good way in my head. Like it's getting less
complicated as we talk about it and I think that's positive. So now like we're not picturing
everybody going into the middle school. It's just a couple of people maybe the keynote speaker.
Maybe there's one adult keynote speaker and it's the person who's new in the school district
and is really connected with the kids and can speak so well and maybe that's it. And then
everybody else is like a student speaker or something like that. Um, this is what I'm sort of
hearing but I like I have to just respond to Allison. I feel like that's been a gap in the past couple
years is leaving the Independent Schools out because we have so many friends and their kids
go there some have a kid in each school. And if this really is streaming into homes, I'd almost
rather just like two minutes where you see Hannah's school and in a banner that says, you
know, we celebrate Dr. King and then Hannah you know what? I mean? I'm not saying that's
gonna be what it is. But just at least something to just show that we're thinking about us and
because this is all if it is all about the kids to leave them out might be tough. Sorry I talk so
much. Thank you everybody.
83:23 Caja Johnson: No, that's totally I agree. I agree I think. Sorry Allison, I wasn't I wasn't
understanding you. I thought when you said Independent Schools, you were meaning to have
the kids independently at school.
83:40 Alison Adler:The kids. Yeah the kids from
83:44 Caja Johnson: Pre-record so I apologize.
83:44 Alison Adler:yeah.
83:46 Caja Johnson: Um, yes, let's include let's include. All the Independent Schools, let's do it
Leah. Would you like to reach out to those and dependent schools and
83:57 Alison Adler: I can do that, too.
84:00 Leah Jones: I can do I can work with I'll work
84:02 Alison Adler: I can do that, too.
84:03 Leah Jones:with Allison and Gabrielle to make sure I don't miss one. I'm not thinking of I
know there are a lot of schools in Beverly like there's when actually
84:10 Alison Adler: alright There are lots there's sure and yeah
84:13 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
84:17 Alison Adler: guys and yes a lot of them.
84:18 Leah Jones: Maybe maybe.
84:19 Paul Lanzikos: and wait
84:20 Caja Johnson: They're in what you say Chief. Did you say?
84:22 Paul Lanzikos: if we
84:22 Caja Johnson: Oh, you said six he said six. He said look, that's six.
84:25 Alison Adler: Oh, okay.
84:26 Leah Jones: Okay.
84:26 Caja Johnson: I didn't and can I talk?
84:27 Paul Lanzikos: if we're gonna if if we're gonna if we're gonna go Independent Schools,
make sure we clue the belly School for the Deaf.
84:36 Leah Jones:Yeah, so here's
84:38 Alison Adler:Yeah.
84:38 Caja Johnson:Actually the Beverly school from the the Beverly school that they actually
sent us an email. Today and reached out to us. Okay, Leah and Allison, would you guys mind
including Independent Schools?
84:53 Alison Adler:Then we have recovery High School. I mean there are a lot of them. There's
84:59 Leah Jones: oh, this is a really short time so should maybe we
85:04 Alison Adler: emergency elementary schools, or 1
85:04 Leah Jones: and I'm really
85:06 Alison Adler: don't know 1
85:07 Leah Jones: I was trying to think.
85:09 Paul Lanzikos: But you know what?
85:09 Caja Johnson:Well, I mean if we have if we have an
85:10 Paul Lanzikos: I'm going to 1
85:11 Caja Johnson: hour and we a lot two minutes per School. I still feel like that's okay.
85:21 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah, but you know, you're probably talking about 40 minutes or so, which
I think for an audience a general audience. That might be a lot.
85:27 Alison Adler:You yeah.
85:27 Paul Lanzikos: I mean, I I like the idea that we've got for every black history month that
and we I think I think we should keep keep this the MLK Day relatively tight and focused and
then we have a lot of latitude of how we can get a lot of people participating in February. It could
be doesn't have to be just one time. It could be two or three or four times, but I think if we if we
try to put too much in in In in one hour in January. I think we're going to dilute everything.
85:59 Caja Johnson:All right. So what if we just decide to out of the Independent Schools?
Would that be like? awful
86:09 Alison Adler: So that again.
86:10 Nikki Moore: and what if we throw it out there and whoever bites bites and
86:14 Alison Adler: right so my kid is a
86:15 Leah Jones:Yeah.
86:16 Nikki Moore: if
86:17Alison Adler: example, and they probably would do
86:18 Nikki Moore: right
86:19 Alison Adler: something but
86:19 Nikki Moore: If the if it becomes like there are so many so much participation then have
rather than by great have each school do something collaboratively. However, they choose to
do it whether they have a student representative from each grade leave that
86:34 Alison Adler:Yeah.
86:34 Nikki Moore: Leave that up school leaders to figure out we don't have to figure out
everything for them.
86:40 Alison Adler:Yeah, and maybe you know they also
86:41 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah, yeah.
86:42 Alison Adler: put other things together. We put them on our Facebook book and you know
as like commercials to come
86:46 Paul Lanzikos: That's right.
86:47A/ison Adler:to this thing on MLK day, you know, I don't know.
86:50 Paul Lanzikos: Okay, you know I think I think 1 1
86:51 Caja Johnson:All right. I think we should agree.
86:53 Paul Lanzikos: think upfront, you know give them parameters. So so if we get an hour,
let's say we've got 20 minutes that we're gonna devote to the schools and then as is folks the
same right now left them figured out amongst themselves how they gonna divvy up that amount
of time because I think he's not saying we'll give everybody two minutes. Yeah, then we can be
back to you know, having 40 45 minutes. So I I think set set the parameters up front for MLK
day. Let them figure it out and then we can do more things in February.
87:26 Caja Johnson: Okay, I agree. I agree. Um. two minutes per two minutes per
87:30 Leah Jones: No.
87:31 Caja Johnson: school is 10 schools.
87:34 Leah Jones: oh my God, I'm now feeling I know I'm
87:34 Caja Johnson: So
87:36 Leah Jones: the one who's complicated this but I sort of feel like because this is the first
time we're doing this. Maybe we just say Beverly Public Schools is collaborating with Beverly
human rights committee to do this thing that we're trying out, you know, don't say that but like
that's how we think of it and then if anybody wants to post anything your schools are doing, you
know, we encourage you to share on our Facebook page and then keep it simple. I I feel a little
bad about the schools that we're leaving out, but at least there's some rhyming reason to it and
88:10 Alysha Monfette:What so if I apologize I cannot raise my hand because my camera is not
88:15 Leah Jones: Really?
88:15 Alysha Monfette: I am so sorry if I'm cutting anybody off. 1
88:19 Caja Johnson: I'm getting here messages though Alicia I okay.
88:22 Alysha Monfette: Okay, two two minutes is a really long time. So I I obviously I work in
marketing and I do a lot of video and film two minutes five minutes is a really long time two
minutes is still an extremely long time to talk. 15 to 30 seconds is a typical sort of short video
these days so we may not have to completely throw away the idea that we can include whatever
schools want to be included. But we give them a shorter time. It might be them just standing in
front of their school in 15 seconds saying I have a dream and this is my this is the dream for the
school. It doesn't have to be a two minute dialogue or a poem reading or anything like that. We
could say to them you have 15 to 30 seconds. Here are some ideas that we've come up with
that you can use that time for as like a worksheet and we could send it out to all the schools and
say we would love for you to participate here the parameters. It's 15 to 30 seconds. It's pre-
filmed. You send it to us here are some ideas but feel free to come up with your own. And I that
would be a whole lot less time. I don't think we have to give folks two minutes per I really I think
that's good. They're not going to be able to come up with something that's gonna last two
minutes. I can't get like grown adults to come up with something for two minutes.
89:45 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
89:45 Alysha Monfette: speak on camera, so just just a thought that we we probably can
appease everybody and
89:49 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
89:51 Alysha Monfette: make sure that every school feels involved by doing it just with some
89:55 Caja Johnson: Okay.
89:55 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah.
89:56 Alysha Monfette: and I'm happy to help with that because I do I I've done this I've had a
great scripts and I've done this Millions. I'm happy to send something to you guys this week if
that would be helpful. Just some ideas and you guys can What your notes in or whatever and
then that way we have something to send out to the schools if that would be helpful unless
anybody else would
90:13 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah. Yeah.
90:15Alysha Monfette: Unless anybody else would like to take that project on.
90:18 Paul Lanzikos: yeah, I I think that would be very welcome to both the the teachers and
parents as well as the kids involved that way they don't have to get into a lot of worry about
production right keep it simple and it's almost like a montage effect as opposed to and in in the
fact that they have to they can pre-recorded send it send the video in and and and it's you can
edit it down to the 15 seconds. I think that's a brilliant idea.
90:45 Caja Johnson:All right. So we're agreeing on all schools. Thank you Chief. Um, so Chief
says there are 14 Schools Counting. the city so um, Alicia, thank you so much. That that's such
a great idea. Um, Paul how green are you with a montage? I'm thinking if we can if we can have
sorry Paul. I'm or Tom actually Tom. I'm so sorry. Whoever is more technically advanced than
me. I feel if we can have. Paul go ahead. Sorry.
91:31 Beverly Human Rights Committee: I actually have nothing to add because I can pretty
much learn anything and do anything but I will feel a little pressure to try to pull something
together that ambitious in a little over a month and make it
91:44 Caja Johnson:All right.
91:45 Beverly Human Rights Committee: useful in good for a public
91:47 Paul Lanzikos:Well that but don't you think that's
91:48 Beverly Human Rights Committee: consumption. So
91:48 Paul Lanzikos: something Bev Kim can help with?
91:51 Caja Johnson: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I keep forgetting about
91:52 Beverly Human Rights Committee: yeah.
91:52 Caja Johnson: I keep forgetting about Bev cam. Yes, we have.
91:54 Nikki Moore: and
91:56 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, so yeah one of my items to
91:56 Nikki Moore:wait, let
91:58 Beverly Human Rights Committee: talk to them about is the pre-recorded content and see
if we get them stuff can they, you know work with the students and maybe it's a project for them
to kind of put that together
92:07 Caja Johnson:All right.
92:08 Nikki Moore: I let me let me just something else
92:08 Caja Johnson:
92:11 Nikki Moore: too. Remember no fence to anybody on this brighter and swifter at these
things call guys, but these kids are a lot than we are. I bet we can find a high school student or
someone they come up with these tiktok videos and these things that are amazing and like five
minutes. What we're asking them to do is just what they do for fun. So I would definitely say
encourage a younger person no offense to all of us on here again to To help with the editing or
whatever because they know how to get the attention of the kids that we think we know how to
get their attention, but we don't know we're doing they know what they're doing.
92:48 Caja Johnson: I'm Gabrielle, I agree Nikki. I agree. Well, well for sure have one of the
kiddos um help out Gabrielle. Are you when do we break for? Christmas break
93:02 Gabrielle Montevecchi:The 23rd.
93:04 Caja Johnson: Okay, so could we have? Do you think two weeks is a two short of a span
of time to have? the schools put in their pre-recorded
93:19 Gabrielle Montevecchi: If if a Alicia has a frame. That she could come up with potentially
Alicia because I think that you see these things and pictures. That's that's your jam.
93:32 Alysha Monfette:What I'm having to I'm I already have it in my brain how I think I will
93:35 Gabrielle Montevecchi: beautiful
93:36 Alysha Monfette: share it with you guys for feedback, but I do think and I love the idea of
tiktok because we could have them just film a tiktok that gets that like a great great great idea
93:43 Gabrielle Montevecchi:totally yeah.
93:46 Alysha Monfette: suggest them so we could that could be one of the options is like you
could film a am. Okay tiktok, you could film, you know
93:52 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah.
93:53 Alysha Monfette: like that and those are automatically short. So those are quick and easy
ones. Anyway, that might be the perfect
93:57 Gabrielle Montevecchi:totally
93:58 Alysha Monfette:thing to suggest to them. So I will
94:00 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah.
94:01 Caja Johnson: 1
94:03 Alysha Monfette:with all of you.
94:04 Caja Johnson: I don't want to suggest the use of
94:05 Leah Jones: and
94:06 Caja Johnson: tiktok just because there's so many other and I know I know that people
are I'm probably like such like a helicopter mom right now. I'm so sorry, but I just don't want to
suggest. that the kids I know that they already have them and I know that every parent is
different, but I don't feel like from a City Human Rights committees perspective. We should be
94:30 Alysha Monfette:That's a good point.
94:31 Caja Johnson: So let's
94:31 Alysha Monfette: Maybe next the tech the word tiktok
94:32 Leah Jones: um
94:34 Alysha Monfette:from it completely.
94:35 Caja Johnson:Yeah, but
94:35 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Sure.
94:36 Alysha Monfette:Yeah.
94:37 Caja Johnson: saying and like use like another there's so many other things that
94:40 Gabrielle Montevecchi: a simple
94:40 Caja Johnson: they have. That does the same exact thing.
94:42 Gabrielle Montevecchi:just
94:44 Caja Johnson:Yeah, I I get what you're saying and and and maybe Tom are you still with
94:52 Leah Jones:Yeah.
94:53 Tom Gallo:Yep. I'm right here.
94:54 Caja Johnson: Okay, I'm Tom. How are you with the Montage?
94:59 Tom Gallo:Yes, I can definitely create one.
95:02 Caja Johnson: Okay. Thanks so much.
95:02 Tom Gallo: If I if somebody handed me a bunch of videos, whatever format sizes I can
definitely turn those into into into a and then you just you told me. A and time you want to be two
minutes or whatever three minutes four minutes. I can definitely create that.
95:19 Caja Johnson: thank you so much Tom if you do that,
95:20 Tom Gallo: Mm-hmm. Yeah, no problem.
95:21 Caja Johnson: If you do that, I would really really appreciate it. So then that way we don't
have to use
95:24 Tom Gallo: Mm-hmm.
95:28 Caja Johnson: tiktok, but we can we can sort of do the same idea and then Leah I see
you I see you girl. I'm just trying to
95:36 Tom Gallo: But I agree I agree with
95:37 Leah Jones:Weird, I'm scared.
95:38 Tom Gallo: I agree with Nikki's. Sorry Lee. I agree with Nikki's sentiment that the kids
probably know this better than we do that said if you need someone to drive the video to just
take ownership of it. I'm happy to be that person. So just keep me posted.
95:52 Caja Johnson:Absolutely. Yeah, no, that's exactly what I was thinking. Not that we we
shouldn't have the
95:57 Tom Gallo: cool
95:58 Caja Johnson: kids but that we should have an
96:00 Tom Gallo:Yeah.
96:00 Caja Johnson: sort of just overseeing and so thank you so much for that.
96:05 Tom Gallo:You got it.
96:06 Caja Johnson: Um, Tom and so just and assets of time. I really want to want to end for
96:11 Leah Jones: I just
96:12 Caja Johnson: 8:30. I'm sorry Leah.
96:14 Leah Jones: I'm sorry. I just want to real Clarity before we go because I feel like we I am
the one who introduced it but I am I'll be honest friends if I commit to contacting eight schools,
and I don't know who the school leaders are or how to get to the kids or how to I'm afraid I'm
taking on a project that I can't manage by myself and I won't I'll drop a ball. So I am I either
would love to work with someone on that. I just I I I don't have more work than anyone else but
I'm I'm struggling right now. So I would love to you know, I'll get a project done. But if it's a lot of
like 10 moving pieces, I'm scared about communication and emails that I might miss. So if
there's somebody who's a little more like organized about that, you know, I'll write a letter I will
like go pound the pavement, but I'm just scared about organized it or tell me exactly what to do
and I'll do it, but I'm afraid to just leave the call without a Clarity on how many schools At
schools. Do I look them up? Should I like who's you know?
97:17 Caja Johnson: okay, so I just I was gonna know that's okay.
97:20 Leah Jones: Sorry.
97:22 Caja Johnson: I was just gonna give sort of a So that's what I was doing just right
summary before we before we pop off.
97:25 Leah Jones: Okay.
97:27 Caja Johnson: now just so that we're concrete.
97:29 Leah Jones: Okay, yeah.
97:29 Caja Johnson: now just so that we're concrete um inch And chief says short phone video
and share. I love that idea. Um if we can get um, Abu you're doing content with the high school
if if we can get one point person through the high school who would like to sort of do this video
that we're doing to connect with Tom and on everyone shares their
97:58 Abu Toppin:you
98:00 Caja Johnson: video with that one person in Tom or you know, either or if everyone can
share the video, I mean that's even great. I like that. Thank you so much chief for that and
Allison. I know you were just kidding. It's totally fine. I'm not I'm I'm totally I'm it wasn't it's not a
big deal Okay, so Let's just I'm I just want to look at a summary quickly Abu were you saying
98:32 Abu Toppin: No, I think that's a great idea. So well, yeah, I'll also we can talk to the folks
at the high school about that.
98:38 Caja Johnson: Okay, so Leah, are you comfortable with working with Allison Allison had
volunteered to work with you on it on on including the Independent Schools. Is that okay with
you that?
98:49 Leah Jones: I'm excited about that. I just want to be clear on what they are because I if I
leave this call, I know I could spend three hours researching. It just doesn't sound efficient
sounds scary to me. So if somebody
98:59 Caja Johnson: Okay.
99:00 Alison Adler: Oh.
99:01 Leah Jones: agree on that I'll we can do it and we can divide and figure it out.
99:05 Caja Johnson: Okay, you and Allison work offline on what schools?
99:09 Leah Jones:Yep.
99:10 Caja Johnson:And can you?
99:11 Alison Adler: Can you send us you have the list right notice send it to us?
99:13 Leah Jones:We'll include. Who has not?
99:16 Caja Johnson: Chief chief chief said that there's 14.
99:19 Leah Jones: okay, including the recovery School in the school for the deaf for sure, but
99:24 Caja Johnson: Oh, it's the 14th.
99:26 Leah Jones: So here's my other thing there are schools. What about the schools? Um,
they're like the schools on toys r road. Like there are a lot of schools that are I feel like we have
a lot we have a lot of I just
99:40 Paul Lanzikos:You know the the Consortium.
99:44 Alison Adler:Yeah.
99:45 Leah Jones: right is there I thought there was more than okay.
99:47 Caja Johnson: So there's hopeful Journeys hopeful
99:49 Leah Jones: Okay.
99:49 Caja Johnson: Journeys is isn't a school technically. That's a medical facility with the
99:54 Leah Jones: Okay.
99:55 Caja Johnson: school. It's it's it's a complex thing but and then this hopeful Journeys,
which is a school also but um, It's there's a lot of technicalities to it. Let's just Chief. Can you
send Leah and Allison the list of the 14 Schools?
100:16 Alison Adler: you
100:21 Caya Johnson: and then if you if if you want Alice and Leah if you guys want me to
include more than that. Just let me know.
100:36 Leah Jones: So then will we and we'll have a list of like dates by when it'll just be like by
X date if you want to do a two minute video. That kind of thing.
100:45 Alysha Monfette: I was thinking that we would create that simple template that just says
100:49 Leah Jones: Okay.
100:49 Alysha Monfette: here's the concept here's the parameters and then it whoever the
100:52 Leah Jones: Okay.
100:53 Alysha Monfette: leader is at each of the schools and
100:55 Leah Jones: Okay.
100:55 Alysha Monfette:And then they would then be responsible for getting back. Maybe we
follow up with them one more time, but really schools
101:02 Leah Jones: Okay.
101:03 Alysha Monfette: responsibility to send it back and we give them where they should send
it and all of that and I'm happy to I can whip that flyer up very quickly. So I'll make sure I hear
101:10 Leah Jones:All right, okay.
101:13 Alysha Monfette: I will share share it to make sure
101:15 Caya Johnson: very
101:16 Alysha Monfette: that everybody's comfortable with that is like and then we can move I
think forward from there.
101:21 Leah Jones: Okay.
101:21 Caya Johnson:Alicia I'll wait for you. Thank you so much for volunteering to do that. Um,
should we set a date for before or after the break?
101:29 Alison Adler: you
101:31 Alysha Monfette: I would say after probably easier just because there's so much going
on up until the break and then it doesn't give them a whole lot of time. I mean Tom would maybe
be able to say how long it would take to do the video montage once he has the film and that
would give us a good idea of how Web House quickly we would need it before.
101:54 Caja Johnson: Gabrielle, when do we come back from break?
101:59 Gabrielle Montevecchi: The second. Hold on. Let me open up my January calendar.
102:03 Caja Johnson: okay, and
102:04 Gabrielle Montevecchi:We come back on the fourth.
102:07 Caja Johnson: Okay the fourth.
102:09 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah, we'll come back on the fourth. Here's a Monday.
102:11 Leah Jones: It Gabriel. Is there any potential for school? I know this is like if looking at
102:15 Caja Johnson:the four
102:16 Leah Jones: numbers like I don't think they'll be school closure, but I'm just thinking
about the holidays and Is there any intense pressure on schools when you're back from the?
102:25 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Well, so that's like the number one
102:26 Leah Jones:way
102:28 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Anna. The number one asked and the number one unasked
question on everybody's Minds right now.
102:32 Leah Jones:Yeah.
102:33 Gabrielle Montevecchi: So as far as I'm concerned it is full steam ahead. There are no
formal plans for school closure at all. Although we always have planned BCD, right?
102:41 Leah Jones:Yeah.
102:42 Gabrielle Montevecchi:We that's what we're doing right now. So I promise as soon as
as soon as
102:44 Caja Johnson: Okay.
102:46 Gabrielle Montevecchi: anything formal take shape or shifts. I can be the one to notify
everybody on that. But a lot of people in this room have their ears to the ground on that and but
there is no plan in place to
102:55 Caja Johnson:All right.
102:57 Gabrielle Montevecchi: extend that at this point, but Lee I will let you know if that
changes that
103:01 Leah Jones: It doesn't really paint anything about what we're doing unless the middle
school is not I said, so it's still able to just stick with the
103:05 Gabrielle Montevecchi: right
103:07 Leah Jones: same plan like
103:07 Caya Johnson: yeah, so, yeah, so that's
103:10 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Which is very cool because we don't
103:11 Caya Johnson: right
103:11 Gabrielle Montevecchi:we can kids can be independently submitting. I think it's so
accessible. Yeah.
103:15 Caya Johnson: right, and then the speakers of the
103:16 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Thank you.
103:18 Caya Johnson: only people that are gonna be at the middle school and they can also
pre-record if if this does happen, I think that we should say that the videos and everything
should be in by the seventh of January. Does that sound good with everyone and I'm just I'm
just talking in terms of that's our next human rights committee meeting if we could have sort of
everything. Sort of set by then. I'd like that at least if we have the videos in not that it had at
least if we have everything that we need in it's not that the Montage needs to be done by then.
But just so that we have the videos that we need and all the things that we get that we need for
the seventh of January. Does that work for people?
104:01 Abu Toppin:You sending that into Tom? Well, we turn it into time.
104:04 Caya Johnson:We're gonna send it into prom and Tom's gonna work with if there's
anyone on within the high school committee club that wants to take over the technical piece of it
and put their own spin on it. Great. If not, Tom is more than willing to take it on. So for sure bring
it up, but Okay and Paul.
104:31 Abu Toppin:talk more discuss that with them. Yeah, next time make me will we'll
104:34 Caya Johnson: Okay, and then Paul Collins Eagles, thank you so much for for handling.
The the media releases publicly. What about a flyer Leah? Yes, we need a flyer, Alicia. um
104:53 Alysha Monfette: I am happy to create any flyers or any graphics that are needed. I just
may need access to like I don't have access to the high-res logo and stuff that I know Renee
had so and I'm sure Tom probably is gonna need that for the Montage too if he does end up so I
think any graphics
105:09 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
105:10 Alysha Monfette: So I think any graphics that we have access to they would be great to
send along I can certainly pull them for things but they're a lot easier. So I'm happy to do to do
that too the
105:17 Caya Johnson: get
105:20 Alysha Monfette:flyer, too.
105:20 Caya Johnson: okay. All right. So Paul Paul Goodwin if you could just put your email in
the chat, um just so that Tom and Alicia can communicate with you surrounding those things
and at least sure I know that that you also said you were gonna do the flyer. Sort of a universal
flyer to go. To the students so that the kiddo sort of know they're they're what they are. What
they're doing?
105:49 Alysha Monfette:Yeah, so what I'll goes, I'll create two things. I'll create a flyer that's like
a choir invitation. That's an announcement of the actual event some basic details about the
what the event will entail so that we don't commit to anything, you know,
106:02 Caya Johnson: Okay.
106:03 Alysha Monfette: obviously, you know, that will have a speaker that will it's gonna be
virtual this year. Woohoo, and all of that and then I will affect it. I'll create a second flyer that has
that has the details about what we're asking the schools to participate in so we would love you
to participate
106:21 Caya Johnson:All right.
106:22 Alysha Monfette: in X Y and Z video and I'll get those
106:23 Gabrielle Montevecchi: one
106:25 Alysha Monfette: both to you. So you can just take a look and make sure I didn't miss
anything and then we can get them out, but that won't take me long. As long as I hold the
106:32 Caya Johnson:All right. Thank you so much. So we'll have January 7th as a due date
and just as a recap. MI. It's on MLK date, which I think is the 18th. I'm 9 to 10 am So we're going
to have just the speakers at the middle school.
106:52 Gabrielle Montevecchi: you
106:55 Caya Johnson: Bev cam we will have Gabrielle is gonna be leading the elementary but
Beverly Middle School kiddos Tom gallo and Alicia with Paul are gonna handle sort of the
getting the videos in and graphics and the logo. I can do the welcome Allison. Are you still open
to doing? The prayer is that okay with you or not the prayer I hate to say prayer, but just to
welcome spiritual. You know just getting everyone to open up their hearts and minds and and
come together in a place of love. um and Lear and Allison are gonna work together to include
the Independent Schools, Abu and Alicia are gonna work with the high school. um And yeah,
we'll work on also the positivity. campaign and how they want the ending of it to be and I think
that that's good. I think that maybe we should leave it to just Dr. Morgan and January O'Neill just
because I think that's a lot for an hour. I don't know what people are thinking though. Should we
have more speakers less speakers?What are what are folks thinking? as too good
108:28 Paul Lanzikos: I think that's enough space. Did we talk music? beginning and end or
108:34 Caja Johnson:Yep, so we're gonna have the kids
108:34 Paul Lanzikos:we need some music.
108:38 Caja Johnson: choose the music. so What did you say Paul?
108:41 Paul Lanzikos: I said but we're gonna have some music at the beginning and at the end
108:46 Caja Johnson:Yeah, we're gonna have music at the beginning and at the end and I was
thinking the kids could choose.
108:54 Paul Lanzikos:to choose the selection or just they're gonna perform it.
108:59 Caja Johnson: um I guess whatever they want. It doesn't I mean I like
109:03 Paul Lanzikos: Okay.
109:05 Caja Johnson: I mean I like in the past. I think we just have music playing as long as it's
You know Dr. King related. Um
109:13 Leah Jones: It if it's such a tight program it might be good to kind of see where it goes
and then just frame it with music at the beginning in the end. And because I feel like if the kids
do their things. There might not be a space for music until the beginning or the end just
109:27 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah. yeah, 1
109:30 Leah Jones: Just if I'm thinking of them on taj. I'm unless everybody's things are silent,
but some may not be silent. So I maybe it maybe it'll reveal
109:35 Paul Lanzikos: yeah.
109:37 Leah Jones: itself when Tom starts putting the
109:40 Caja Johnson: Oh, yeah.
109:42 Leah Jones:together.
109:42 Paul Lanzikos:Yeah, I agree.
109:42 Caja Johnson: I guess it.
109:42 Paul Lanzikos: But I think that I think the beginning the beginning and ending music is
something that I think we should sort of structure if the kids are going to use music for them
Montage. That's that's a separate issue. But I think I think that to to a nice introduction a good.
ending is something that I think we need to come up with
110:03 Caja Johnson: Okay. So what it?What do you thinking for music?
110:09 Paul Lanzikos:And you're going to ask me.
110:13 Caja Johnson:All right, we can talk. All right, we've gone a little over so we can talk
about that in our emails and we can come up with. Music sort of between there and between
here and there and that's that's that's minor, but I think we definitely have all the major pieces.
110:27 Leah Jones:you
110:30 Caja Johnson: Um, okay, I'm sorry just to all right, Paul put his okay Tom. We got your
email. They did. Oh, of course Leah think all of you do agree on Dr. Morgan in January. Yes.
Yes, so that's what we're doing. We're gonna do Allison at the beginning Dr. Morgan and then
January. Those are the ones we agreed on if anyone else has any more that they they would
like. I don't think we have enough time, but um And then maybe five minutes for each of them. I
don't know.
111:06 Leah Jones: No or three.
111:07 Caja Johnson: That's like we can we can we get or three it sounds like from the extra
five five is a lot. So thank you Alicia for putting your email in there. I can write up and invite on
Facebook or to yeah, so Leah as soon as I'll Allison, I'm so sorry as soon as Alicia is done with
the Flyer, we can definitely share that via Facebook and wherever else. Oh Alicia Facebook.
And rightly and I will get okay. Okay, okay. High school or from work? Okay. All right. Okay. So,
um I think we've got it all set then. Unless anyone has any questions.
111:48 Leah Jones:The only thing is we don't yet have the information to send out to schools,
but the public schools can start but Alice and and I will need just parameters. Although we could
start to reach out we could just work with Alicia to get that as soon as we can but
112:01 Caja Johnson:Yeah, you can just start reaching out and it's gonna take them a little bit
to get back to and it sounds like Alicia said that she can do that like within a couple days have a
fly already.
112:11 Leah Jones: oh and that would all the schools right we're talking about as
112:14 Gabrielle Montevecchi:for everybody
112:15 Leah Jones: here's what we'd like you to do,
112:15 Caja Johnson:Yeah.
112:17 Leah Jones:which is on the Facebook invite, but
112:17 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah, just a frame.
112:19 Leah Jones: it's probably similar related.
112:22 Caja Johnson:All right. Thank you.
112:23 Gabrielle Montevecchi:Yeah.
112:23 Caja Johnson: Thank you all so much.
112:24 Leah Jones: and
112:26 Caya Johnson: Um Let me just get back to the agenda. I haven't looked at it since we
started the meeting but I'm pretty sure that we covered everything. Um I'm gonna I can't find I'm
gonna assume that we covered everything. um so I think Um Let me just get back to the
agenda. I haven't looked at it since we started the meeting but I'm pretty sure that we covered
everything. Um I'm gonna I can't find I'm gonna assume that we covered everything. um so I
think I'm ready to Adorn me in You can. and the meeting anyone's ready? Everyone ready?
Does someone have to get me or
113:19 Paul Lanzikos: pretty
113:19 Caya Johnson: something?
113:19 Beverly Human Rights Committee:We need to make a motion to adjourn if we do all
make a motion to adjourn.
113:22 Caya Johnson: Okay.
113:22 Paul Lanzikos: second second
113:24 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay.
113:24 Caya Johnson: I thought that's what I had said. I'm sorry.
113:27 Beverly Human Rights Committee: That's okay.
113:31 Caya Johnson: Okay. Everyone have a great night. I'm so sorry that we ran over but I'm
so glad that we have this one stone. Thank you so much for all of your help.
113:38 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, I know. Thank you Katie this good stuff.
113:42 Caya Johnson: bye guys
113:43 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Thank you
113:43 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay.
113:46 Abu Toppin: Not everyone.
113:46 Gabrielle Montevecchi: Thank you, everyone.
113:47 Caya Johnson: Thank you.
113:47 Tom Gallo: Thank you everyone. Thank you Kasia.
113:49 Leah Jones:Thank you. Good night everyone
113:52 Abu Toppin: Bye.
113:52 Caya Johnson: Paul Can you hang on for just a second?
113:58 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Of course. Yeah.
113:58 Caya Johnson: So I just wanted to make sure so is the meeting that we that we just had
was it recorded.
114:07 Beverly Human Rights Committee: It's transcript. So I have all of the tab.
114:09 Caya Johnson: Oh, really?
114:09 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, I just need to make sure I save it. So I think it's
actually going right into a Google doc right now. So, um, it's the first time I'm doing
114:17 Caya Johnson: Great.
114:18 Beverly Human Rights Committee:this, so I'm going to go very I'm going to take my time
and make sure I get this say but I can there's just app that's running in the background and it's
been I can see it recording our captions into the app the whole
114:37 Caya Johnson: Oh, that's awesome.
114:38 Beverly Human Rights Committee:time and there's a little Google Docs
114:40 Caya Johnson: That's great.
114:40 Beverly Human Rights Committee: button here. So I just got a take my time now and
make sure it gets recorded. Once it does I'll get you a link or the actual file.
114:47 Caya Johnson: Okay, that's great because that actually eliminates.
114:49 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay. them
114:52 Caya Johnson: note-taking, and we're within our
114:53 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
114:56 Caya Johnson: parameters as open meeting law. So it actually does both I think.
115:00 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, and I think you would read part of it was we
need to post it somewhere or I was always half listening when you were reading the little Spiel
at the beginning so I don't just have to be available for people not necessarily posted anywhere,
115:16 Caya Johnson: So 48 hours prior to the meeting. I have to turn in the agenda to Lisa
115:24 Beverly Human Rights Committee: right
115:26 Caya Johnson: Kent at least Kent has to post it.
115:27 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Right, right.
115:28 Caya Johnson:which means she prints it and she
115:28 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay, yeah.
115:31 Caya Johnson: like puts it on a bulletin board in City Hall somewhere.
115:32 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, it has to be accessible like 24 hours a day the
115:34 Caya Johnson: exactly
115:34 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, we had the same guidelines for it's any City
meeting I guess is under the same guideline.
115:39 Caya Johnson: yeah, and so
115:40 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay good.
115:42 Caya Johnson: Leah does it through Facebook. I'm not that we have this website. It'll be
on the website. I did follow up with City Hall to figure out if they were ever gonna update their
website or
115:54 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Did you get you get in touch with anyone there?
Because I tried and I never heard
115:56 Caya Johnson: yeah.
115:57 Beverly Human Rights Committee: back. Okay good.
116:01 Caya Johnson: I I spoke to Stephanie who said that. They're working on it. It should be
done within 30 days. They're working on it. It's next month. It's happening.
116:08 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay, great.
116:08 Caya Johnson: So.
116:08 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Great. Okay, perfect.
116:13 Caya Johnson: It's in the works. All right.
116:13 Beverly Human Rights Committee:All right, cool. So yeah, I'll just keep plugging away at
the website and I'll you know get your input and once I get all the Articles copied over from existing site to the dot Org the new one then I'll set up a redirect on So if
people go to that, they'll just automatically go to the new site so there won't be two out there. at
the same time so because I was
116:35 Caya Johnson: Oh great.
116:38 Beverly Human Rights Committee:testing the our meeting with my son and his girlfriend
beforehand to make sure 1
116:43 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
116:44 Beverly Human Rights Committee: could get them connected in and they were going to and like we don't see the link. We don't see the link. I'm like you got to go to the dot org,
so we'll get that my so there's
116:51 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
116:52 Beverly Human Rights Committee:
116:56 Caya Johnson: Is it the same link every time for every meeting?
116:58 Beverly Human Rights Committee: I don't you know, I don't know yet. I'm still trying to
figure it out and
117:03 Caya Johnson: Okay.
117:06 Beverly Human Rights Committee: But the good thing about having the website is is I
can so on the website right now. There's a little Google meets icon if you saw that right to the
right of
117:15 Caya Johnson: I did.
117:16 Beverly Human Rights Committee: our logo.
117:16 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
117:18 Beverly Human Rights Committee: I can change the link behind that
117:21 Caya Johnson: Oh nice.
117:21 Beverly Human Rights Committee: every month. So we I think from going forward we
should just tell everyone go to beverlyhu man
117:29 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
117:29 Beverly Human Rights Committee:And click on the meets link there and that can be our
message out to Facebook everywhere. Just go there click on the link to join and I can
manipulate that if it changes each every couple of months, so it's consistent for everyone else
and I'll just do the background work to make it easy for people.
117:46 Caya Johnson: Okay. Sorry, I was so I was just trying I was trying so hard not to go over
and of course and
117:53 Beverly Human Rights Committee: No, it's worried about it. I think it's good stuff and you
know after being on the school committee, we're a meeting two or three nights a week. This is
you know, it's it's once a month you know it in people.
118:06 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
118:06 Beverly Human Rights Committee:You know it in people are the right reasons. Sorry. I
don't think that's bad at all. So
118:10 Caya Johnson: and I even changed it to every other month because
118:13 Beverly Human Rights Committee:yeah.
118:15 Caya Johnson: you know, I know people have a ton of stuff to do and I know my email
that I sent out was probably a lot. You know, it's a lot of content, but I just figured like if people
want to explore it. There it is when you have your like I I like convenience. I like to be able to tap
into things
118:36 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
118:38 Caya Johnson:when I have a chance to rather than having to tap into things by this day
this time, you know what I mean? So I'm certainly.
118:46 Beverly Human Rights Committee: No, I think was perfect honestly because especially
for me I'm learning every day. And you know, I'm gonna learn so much from all of you who've
been doing
118:56 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
118:56 Beverly Human Rights Committee:this in living this, you know, so I love any content I
can get or anything. I can digest on my own and find the time outside of the meeting is welcome
stuff. So I don't think you can have too much in those emails and people can pick and choose
what they want like you said and you know, ignore it and
119:12 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
119:14 Beverly Human Rights Committee:just find out when the next meeting is or they can go
further and look at all the stuff and So that's good stuff. Thank you.
119:21 Caya Johnson: Okay.
119:21 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Thank you for taking the time to put all that together.
119:24 Caya Johnson:Yeah, absolutely. But I love that. I'm so glad that Tom mentioned the
Montage because I think that's really
119:29 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
119:32 Caya Johnson: important. And so
119:32 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, I was putting it out because I'm sure I could
figure it out. But um someone with those skills already it's going to be really simple for them and
119:40 Caya Johnson: yeah, I'm sure Tom can like whip it up and a few he's yeah, so and the
119:42 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
119:46 Caya Johnson: kiddos will love that and that's more interactive too. Like it's it's it's also,
you know kids like quick and fast, they don't want to sit there for longer than they have to to do
anything. So um let's just have the speakers that at the middle school
120:05 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
120:06 Caya Johnson:with Cam
120:10 Beverly Human Rights Committee:yeah, yeah, and you know, it'd be interesting to see
how the numbers go with covid and everything, you know, and and we might get to a point
where we ask them maybe to pre-record something just in case they you know, what if all of
said in the Middle School saying that I'm no one's allowed in or because I would
120:24 Caya Johnson:Yeah.
120:25 Beverly Human Rights Committee: imagine that they're gonna be in school that day. So
I'll check with Bev cam. and
120:30 Caya Johnson:Well, no Martin Luther King schools are closed, aren't they?
120:34 Beverly Human Rights Committee:you're right. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, so on. Okay.
Yeah. So um, yeah, so that's not a concern then. Okay, perfect.
120:41 Caya Johnson:Well, I think we should know I think it's a good idea because I think we
should have them pre-record. Anyway,just in case.
120:48 Beverly Human Rights Committee:yeah, yeah and
120:53 Caya Johnson: I mean it can why not, you know?
120:55 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Right and you know if we can if they pre-record then
we could have this whole thing put together and it's ready to just play and then we can sit back
and relax instead of being kind of on edge that night being like, okay queue up speaker. Number
one. Okay, queue up the Montage. Okay. Now we're gonna get speaker number two in here
and now here come the kids and that that's gonna be
121:15 Caya Johnson: Okay.
121:15 Beverly Human Rights Committee: little hectic for us. I think to try to
121:20 Caya Johnson: yeah, rather than
121:20 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Keep On Moving
121:22 Caya Johnson:Yeah, rather than if everything's already ready. We email it to Bev cam
they put all
121:25 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
121:26 Caya Johnson:together and do it.
121:29 Beverly Human Rights Committee: right
121:29 Caja Johnson:You know, I mean
121:31 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah, so I'll ask them if we have you know, maybe
five or six segments of things to put together. How soon do they need it before the 18th to put
that together. So I'll
121:41 Caja Johnson: Oh, yeah, that's a good question. Okay. All right.
121:46 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay.
121:46 Caja Johnson: Let me know how it let me let me know how it turns out and I'm actually
121:49 Beverly Human Rights Committee:Yeah.
121:51 Caja Johnson: glad that we have the transcription because people can copy and paste
that and translate it if they need to so.
121:57 Beverly Human Rights Committee: That's right. Yeah.
121:59 Caja Johnson: So that's good to know. Thank you so much Paul.
122:02 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay. Yeah, you're welcome. You're welcome.
122:05 Caja Johnson: and have a good
122:08 Beverly Human Rights Committee: So, all right. Good seeing you. Yeah, okay. All right.
Take care. I'm gonna stay on so you you can get off and go on with the fam.
122:13 Caja Johnson:Yeah, my daughter she's sitting right in directly in front of me waiting to
ask me something.
122:16 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay.
122:21 Caja Johnson: I'm sure.
122:22 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay, no problem. So, all right, I'll figure this out and
I'll get you some info soon. Okay?
122:26 Caja Johnson:All right. Thanks so much Paul. Good night.
122:32 Beverly Human Rights Committee: Okay. All right. Good night. you