01.11.2022 BPB Minutes Beverly Planning Board
January 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes
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BOARD OR COMMISSION: Beverly Planning Board
DATE: January 11, 2022
LOCATION: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ellen Hutchinson, Vice-Chair Alexander
Craft, Sarah Bartley, Derek Beckwith, Ellen Flannery,
Wayne Miller, Rodney Sinclair, Andrea Toulouse
OTHERS PRESENT: Assistant Planning Director Emily Hutchings
RECORDER: Stacia Chamberlain
Call to Order
Chairperson Hutchinson calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and reads a prepared statement
introducing the meeting and noting the authority to hold a remote meeting. When taking roll,
Wayne Miller is noted as absent.
Subdivision Approval Not Required Plans
a. 10 Peabody Avenue—Joseph and Kerri Grenier
There being no one present to represent the applicant, Hutchinson seeks input from the Board
members as to whether or not to make a determination without hearing from the applicants.
Beckwith states he prefers to have the applicant or their representative present to state their
request. He suggests they could present at the next meeting. Flannery asks Hutchings whether
the applicants declined attendance today; Hutchings clarifies that they knew about the meeting
and said that they would attend. Hutchings states she can reach out to them via email with a
reminder about the meeting. Hutchinson says they can move on to provide the applicant with
some time to enter the meeting, and the Board can come back to this agenda item later.
Public Hearing: Waiver of Frontage and Definitive Subdivision Plan — 14 Jordan Street—
John Iltis and Patricia Coen-Iltis
Beckwith: Moves to open the public hearing. Craft seconds. Hutchinson takes a roll-call
vote. The motion carries 7-0.
Hutchings reads the public notice. Attorney Tom Alexander is present representing the
applicant. Atty. Alexander discusses the details for the proposal, including the context for the
subdivision, and provides a schematic on-screen. He notes that the Zoning Board of Appeals
voted unanimously to approve the variances required for the plan, and that the neighbors are in
support of the plan. Atty. Alexander states that he has reviewed the comments and
recommended conditions by the Board of Health, Engineering Department, and others with
regard to the Planning Board's review, and has no concerns. Additionally, Atty. Alexander
states that the property is within Conservation Commission jurisdiction, and the applicant fully
expects to seek approval from them. In reference to the Staff Report stating that the building is
in a flood zone, Atty. Alexander refers to the State building code, and notes that several homes
have been built in Beverly in the past few years that have been located within a flood zone. He
states that this development would be considered infill housing and would support housing
needs. Hutchinson invites Board members to ask questions.