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HDC Minutes 04-22-21 (2) Historic District Commission April 22,2021 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 meeting. The Commission reviews other needs to protect and enhance the downtown area, including updating downtown design guidelines. Hutchings asks the Commission if they would like to invite the Mayor to the next HDC meeting, and they confirm yes. There being no further comments. No action required at this time. 4. Proiect Updates: a. Historic Preservation Plan i. Hutchings provides updates, stating she is still working on the spreadsheet to organize all the actions. Hutchings has reached out the Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Officer about Beverly's interest in becoming a Certified Local Government, and anticipates further communications and assistance in continuing the process of certification. She notes that she believes the City already meets most of the requirements. b. Dodge's Row Cemetery i. Hutching states she is working to acquire the final easement to determine access. Hutchings states she is coordinating with the Southern Essex Registry of Deeds to find the documentation. There being no further comments. No action required at this time. 5. Approval of minutes a. January 28,2021 Motion: Mason moves to approve the minutes as presented. Finch seconds. The motion carries 4-0. 6. New/Other Business a. Other items Hutchings provides a reminder there is a Joint City Council meeting with the CPC, as well as the HDC and other boards, on Monday, April 26, 2021. 7. Adiournment Motion: LaMont moves to adjourn. Mason seconds. The motion carries 4-0. Meeting adjourned 7:45 pm. Next meeting scheduled for 5.27.21 at 7 p.m.