HDC Minutes 05-10-21 Historic District Commission
May 10,2021 Meeting Minutes
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disturbance. Goganian states she is willing to move the sign closer to the wall, or back to the
pathway. Finch also recommends hand digging the footings for signs 1 and 2, along with having
someone onsite to observe the digging and, if necessary, identify archeological findings. Pearl
inquires if the main (existing) sign will be replaced as well, and Goganian confirms that the sign
will be replaced in the near future, but in approximately the same location where there are no
archeological concerns.
Finch asks if there is a requirement to notify the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) of
the proposed signs. Hutchings states that the existing preservation restriction does not require
MHC to be notified of changes. Finch asks about the term of the prior restriction held by MHC,
and Goganian confirms the other restriction expired.
There being no further comments.
Motion: Pearl moves to approve the signage project at the Hale Farm, with the following
(1) Sign 1, as shown on the submitted plan, will be moved to the location
recommended the HDC, near the path entryway closer to the street and
away from the historic structure;
(2) The holes for signs 1 and 2, as shown on the submitted plan, will be
hand dug and that the digging of those holes will be monitored; and
(3) If any archaeological findings are made during digging, activity will halt
and findings will be reported to the HDC.
LaMont seconds. The motion passes 3-0.
2. New and Other Business
3. Adiournment
Motion: LaMont moves to adjourn. Pearl seconds. The motion carries 3-0.
Meeting adjourned 7:00 pm.
Next meeting scheduled for 5.27.21 at 7:00 p.m.